
Way of the weak

This the story of a talentless boy who want to be the strongest in the world. An impossible dream, that he can never achieve. But he made promise to his dead mother and made a promise to himself of avenging her. Aiden a lonely soul that wonder around the world. Will he make his dream into a reality or his will his fate be no different then other ordinary talentless people. But one thing is for sure that he will never give in. "Two swords style dimension slash!!!!!!!!!!!! "

DaoistjcOD70 · Fantasy
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Aiden's Bio


(Chapter - 1)

Year - 2123, it was the mid of july.

A boy was siting on bench and eating an apple that he stole from the street shop. The young boy looked like he was in his teen. The boy was 16 years old.

The name of the boy was Aiden...just Aiden. He had no sir name.

"Ah!..its cold today. But the winter is still far away."

The boy had a dream. A dream that was hard... Impossible to fulfil.

Aiden was an orphan.His mother died when he was only 8 years old.He did not know his father nor did his mother. He was a child of a single mother. He was born as the lowest kind of humanity.

But his dream totally the opposite.

He did not have any talents yet he wanted to stand at the very top of humanity.

The only thing he was good as was stealing. But stealing wasn't a good thing though. In this age of day power was everything.

Those who were weak did not fit in the society.

Aiden was one of those.He was born weak, without proper food, potion, training he remained a weakling.

But his mother was always with him in his childhood. She never left him untile the day she died. He made a promise to his dead mother that he will become stronger one day, will pay them back tenfold no hundredfold for what they have done.

Aiden still did not have any intention of giving up.Infact today he will receive a skill that can change his life forever.

Children who turn 16 become awakened in this world. In the process they receive their first skill. And today Aiden will turn 16 therefore he will receive a special skill and attended a course of 4 year in an 'Academy'.

His wanted to attend the best 'Academy' in human domain ' The Crimson Spire'.

Only the best of best can enrol here.But Aiden was extremely weak.His body was skinny and his hight was 5 feet 7 inch witch was only average in this day of age.

But Aiden had a good head on his shoulder. That's the only reason Aiden had survived in this hellish world for so long. They say suffering only makes a man stronger and that was not a lie. Aiden had firm resolve and he will do anything to achieve his goal no matter what.

Aiden was still thinking and eating his apple that he stole today.

"Mom just wait and see...today i will change my life. I will keep my promise so that you can live your life happily in haven...."

While he was thinking this the clock already hit 12 pm and Aiden officially turned 16..

In that exact moment an interface showed in front of Aiden...




Rank : F-

Strength: F-

Speed : F

Durability : F-

Stamina : F-

Hax : F-

Agility : F-

Aura :(not awakened)

Mental strength :E+

Class : Swordsman

True name : (no name yet)

Skill : True eye.

Skill definition -

True eye : Eye's that can see clearly through everything. User can see his opponents movement and predict them but the user needs to have a lot of mental strength.

Eyes will evolve as user grow stronger.

Swordsman ship : level :1


After seeing the interface Aiden let out a long sigh...

" 'F-' rank huh...."

"F-' rank was the lowest off all rank.Olny people with no talent gets 'F-'. Basically he is the weakest awakened out there.

Aiden kept thinking and letting out sigh one after another.

' what to do...what to do..'

After letting out a small sing Aiden stood up and whispered slowly.

"Let's get started.. "