
Waves to our hearts

Four strangers who are poles apart in every aspects met in a peculiar circumstances and how their lives affected one and another. Love,hatred ,vengeance and ego will be playing the most important role in our story and how our main leads copes with it and successfully manage to wins their loved ones feelings. This story will explain us the importance of love and family in our life.we will learn how ego and jealousy will ruin our life and our loved ones. How women play an essential role in everyone's life and their importance to a developing country will be emphasized in our story . This story will depicts about four strangers Thamizhchelvan , Preethi Subramaniam , Charu Priya and Prasad kumaran respectively who met in a unpleasant situation and how it will be affects their lives onwards. This story also show us their ups and downs towards reaching their goals. this story not just an ordinary love story but it is a romantic thriller .We also includes family drama, friendship and murders to give more excitements to the readers. i'm sure that readers will amazed with the storyline.

kannanstella1926 · Teen
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16 Chs

Chapter 14 : Prasad's love


"Charu, who is Rani? and why u so tense after heard that name? Do you know her?" Thamizh asked her repeatedly.

"Thamizh my mum full name is Rani Nisha. People often call her Nisha. Only some people know her name is Rani Nisha. I don't know why she sends goons to spy on me." Preethi said 

Later she sends Thamizh at his office and went home angrily. Once she reaches home, she confronts Rani.

"Mom! Mom! Where are you?" Charu kept calling her mother.

"Charu dear im here. Why are u kept calling me? Any problem dear?" Rani asked.

"Why u send me goons to spy on my ma. He got caught today and I don't expect you will be doing like this to your own mother. Just tell me why you send him to spy me?" Charu asked.

"Are u involved in that murder ma. ?" Charu adds on.

Charu's dad Ram interrupt their conversation.

"What are u saying Charu. Your mom sends someone to spy on you. Why would she do that? Maybe you just misunderstand. After all, she is your mother Charu." He interrupted.

"Dad, you don't understand. I have proof of her. The guy revealed the truth. If you don't trust me, just ask her dad." Charu tells him.

Rani's face turns pale and she didn't know what to say.

"Rani is Charu telling the truth, do you send someone to spy on our daughter," answer me, Rani. Don't just standstill. Answer us now." He forced her to speak.

"Yaa I'm the one send the guy to spy on charu.I'm just doing it for her safety. She gets kidnapped and get warned. I'm so worried about her, that's why I appoint a guy to spy on her.I'm just worried as a normal mom do. I don't want my daughter in danger." Rani answered them.

"U know what, that day she told us that she is not handling the murder case anymore but the truth is she still handling the case. She lied to us, Ram. I just want to ensure my daughter safety." she adds on.

"Charu is your mom saying true, Did u lied to us? I asked you to withdraw the case but u never listen to me. After this don't talk to me Charu.I'm so ashamed of you." Ram scream at her angrily.

"Dad I'm sorry for hiding this but I get closer to that killer. That day I went to the cafe beside the murder spot and I get to see him and his black van. Please, mom and dad, allow me to finish this case. Just give me 1 month. If I don't finish the case. I promised I will withdraw the case and my job. Just trust me this time. I need your blessings."She replied

"I don't care about you Charu. You do whatever you want. I'm so fed up of you. Don't talk to me" he answers back.

"Charu. I'm so sorry to spy on you but I'm doing this for your safety dear. I'm doing what every parent will do for their child.I'm just fed up with u charu.U lied to us. Why you so determined to handle the case?" Rani questions her.

"Mom. Yesterday my team went to the abandoned house and we shocked to see the killer kills many victims. U never raised me to run from the problem. U taught me to solve the problem. I'm doing that right now ma. One of the guys is my colleague. Sorry, mom, I can't withdraw this case. U can scold me how much you want but I will handle this case, mom. I'm sorry" she replied before heading to her room.

Rani and Ram just looked at each other.

"Rani next time don't do anything stupid, please. If u know that she is still handling that case, why wouldn't you tell me earlier dear? I asked you twice. I asked you you have a problem or not because you looked pale. But u just simply say nothing, Is this you mean nothing Rani. Next time don't hide from me anything."Ram confront her

Tell me honestly Why you send someone to spy on her.? I can see your face, Rani. You still bothered about something. For god sake, please tell me what disturbs you, Rani." He adds on.

"Last time I told you indirectly but u didn't even listen to me. U always busy with your phone. Please spend some time with family also Ram. I'm repeating once again. I just worry about her."Rani argues before heading to the kitchen.

Ram got angry and vent his anger on things. He later gets called from someone.

"Sir, we need you here now. It's urgent. Please come quickly. We found something, sir. It's related to you." the guy on the phone said.

"I'm on my way. I know what is the problem," he replied.

Decklin on the other side asked her men to keep their mouth shut and asked them to not tell anything about this incident to Anbrasan.

"If u guys tell anbrasan about this incident, It will be your last day."She tells them.

"Mam, if we tell him about this, he will deal with Charu mam."One of her louts replied.

"Het idiot dog.If I order you. U must follow. I don't give the rights to question me. Don't forget you are my dog, not my boss. Be in limits. I know what I'm doing. I will deal with her myself.

She felt ashamed of how Charu humiliated her in front of people. The way people laugh at her anger her more.

"I will kill her no matter what it takes. How dare she humiliated me. I will kill her and her entire family. I want her to beg me for their life."She mumbled herself.

"I gave you guys 1 day. Please gather everything related to Charu. I want it tomorrow or else I will kill you guys instead. Do you understand my leeches."She yells at them furiously.

While preethi family rejoices happily because her engagement went successful.

      "I'm really happy today Preethi. Prasad is a nice guy. I know Mr.Dhana since kids. He is my schoolmate. I'm sure he will take good care of you and I trust his upbringing. Prasad is far better than Thamizh Preethi.U have to understand this."Krishna said to her.

"Yaa everything went as we planned but the physio Declin suddenly come to our function, thank god Charu saves us and the event today. Preethi, later call Charu and thanked her for helping us today. Without her, I don't know what gonna happen. She saves our respect Preethi."Stella informs her.

"Ok, mom. I will" she replied sadly.

Later her family invite Prasad's to join them dinner today.

"Dhana I would be elated if u join dinner today with us," Krisna asked him.

"Yeah, we loved too," Dhana replied.

Later they all went to Preethi's house for dinner. Their family asked Preethi and Prasad to spend some quality time to understand each other likes and dislikes.

"Prasad and Preethi, I think you both need to spend time alone so you guys can comprehend each other well," Dhana asked them.

"Ok uncle. As u said" Prasad replied.

Preethi and Prasad went to take a walk together around their neighbourhood.

"Hey Prasad, tomorrow please come to my office. I called my boss and tell him. Fortunately, there is a vacancy in my office, So he called you for the interview tomorrow."She tells him.

"Thank you, Preethi. I will be staying here just for a while until my siblings finish their intern." he thanked her.

They have a nice conversation with each other and they begin to be friends.

"Preethi. I don't want to hide this from you, My father was killed by someone and my mom suicide as she cants bear my dad's betrayal. That day Charu came to my village and asked about my dad. That's how I know her."He tells everything how he met Charu.

"Its ok Prasad.Thank you for being honest with me. While I loved a guy and he cheated me for being middle class." Preethi replied and share her sorrow story without revealing Thamizh's name.

"Its ok Preethi, we both went a lot recently. I think before we marry each other, better we be friends first and learn each other more," he answered.

Later they went home happily. Her parents elated to see them together.

After having dinner, Prasad brings his family to his apartment. His aunt asked him to take care of her siblings and look after each other while they weren't there.

"Prasad, I leave them because I trust you. Please take care of them and look after each other. I love you, Prasad. If any problems just call me. Your sister is really hard to handle and u know it." she informs him.

"Swetha please take care of your brothers. Please behave like a girl. Don't trouble Prasad." She said to Prasad.

Before she went, she hugged all of them and asked them to take care and calls her daily.

Thamizh on the other side sad and blame himself for letting Preethi engaged to another person.

"How can I let this happen. Preethi is the only mine." He murmured himself.

In the morning, Prasad gets ready for the interview.

"Kumar and Swetha, please be faster. It's already too late. It's your first day on work." he called their names.

"Yeah brother, we are on our way. Just wait for a moment, I'm searching for my file."Swetha replied.

Later he drops then to their company.

"Please take care of each other, If anything just gives a call. I will be there in a moment and all the best for your first day. I'm so proud of you guys."He tells them.

"Ok, bro. I love you and I will miss u a lot."They replied while hugging him.

Prasad moved from there and went straight to Preethi's office for the interview...

Charu reached her office and saw Swetha and Kumar in front of her building. She went there and greets them.

"Hey, you guys. What a big surprise. What are you doing here? Charu asked them curiously

"Hey, sister. What are you doing in my company" Kumar replied?

"Yeah, his company. He is the CEO. haha," Swetcha mocks him.

"Hey sister, we are doing our intern here while Prasad is going to the interview in Preethi's office," she adds on.

"Wow, the building in front is my office. So we can get to meet each other more often." charu replied happily.

"Come we go for lunch together. I know a place here. The food is awesome." charu invited them for lunch.

"Ok sister, we will love too," they replied.

"Ok guys, Later at lunch break come to my office, we will go together. Now I'm getting late to the work. Bye," she replied before heading to her office.

Thamizh buy roses to Preeti before heading to her office.

"I have to convince her that my love for her is really true. I know how to do it. Giving her flower will melt her heart." he mumbled himself.

Contrarily, Prasad reaches Preethi's office and they greet him happily. He passed the interview with flying colours. Later she introduced him to everyone.

"Guys, this is my fiance Prasad. He will be working here onwards."Preethi said to her colleague.

"Awww preethi, u bring your fiance to work here so u both can spend time together right? Hahaha," one of her friends mocks her.

 While they having a conversation, Thamizh comes there and get angry seeing Prasad holding Preethi hand.

He decided to went from there but Prasad sees him and invites him to join them.

"Hey bro, what are u doing here.?" Prasad asked.

"Hey, mike. my office is just around here. So I come to stops by here to meet my friends." he replied.

"Ohw okok bro. Come join us. We are having so much fun here. Yesterday we couldn't chat properly with you as I'm so freaking busy with my gorgeous fiance." Prasad said.

"Awwww, you both so sweet since morning." the colleague replied.

Thamizh gets sad. Preethi excuses herself to went to her desk.

"Prasad, I'm sorry but I have lots of work to do. I will join you guys later. I have to send the report to our officer before 12.00 pm." Preethi said to Prasad.

"Ok Preethi. Let me help you then. Moreover, I dnt have any work right now." Prasad said to him before heading to her table.

Thamizh sees them together and get jealous and walk away from her office.

"Preethi is mine. Only mine. It's all because of me. I have hurt her a lot and now she is engaged to someone else. What I'm  going to do to convince my love is true."He murmured himself.

While declin asked one of his men to spy on Charu and keep update to her.

"Hey malar, You are one of the women I trust among our gang. I want you to spy on charu and keep updating me her movements. I want to strike her down today. I want her to regret messing with me." Declin asks her goon to spy on charu.

"Ok, mam. I will do it," she replied.

Anbrasan calls rudhra and blackmailed him to sign the contract faster.

"Hey Rudhra, I told you to sign the papers but you didn't even bother my warns. I think today will be the last day you gonna meet your daughter. I'm not gonna warn you anymore. U have to face the consequences yourself." Anbrasan warns rudhra.

"Now my men are on the way to your office ." He adds on.

"Sir, sir. We need help. Some guy comes here and destroys our things." Rudhra employees shouted to him.

"See before I end my call, my men already there. Now you gonna pay for what you did." Anbrasan adds on.

Later anbrasan men destroy all the things and hurt the employees. After they destroy the place they went away.

"I'm just giving you one more day. If u don't sign the contract. Your daughter will be the next victim. I will kill her as I do to the victims I threw in front of your house.

In the meantime, Charu, Swetha and Kumar went for the restaurant to enjoy their lunch.

"Hey, guys, hows your 1st day of an intern. Anything you wanna share?" Charu asked them.

"It went well but kinda boring. hahaha," Swetha replied.

They share their stories with each other. Later Kumar invited her to their apartment.

"if you free today, you can have a look at our apartment," Kumar said.

"Today? I think I'm free. just send me the location. I will be there" She replied.

Later they all enjoy their lunch while chatting happily. After lunch, Charu drops them to their office before heading to hers.

While Prasad invited Preethi to their apartment.

"Preethi, if u free today, may you come to my apartment ?" Prasad asked her.

"Prasad I would love too but today I have to send reports and hand in tomorrow to my boss. So I'm sorry Prasad but tomorrow I promise you, I will visit your apartment." She replied.

Later after work, preethi went to the park and reminisces her moments with thamizh there and the way he cheats her.

"Prasad is a nice guy, moreover he so sweet. But why can't I love him."She mumbled herself.

Later she looks around and gets sad thinking her moments with thamizh. Someone hold her from the back and turn back and stunned to see thamizh in the park.

"How dare you touch me?" she argues with him.

"Preethi listen to me once. I love you.that's the truth. I will definitely prove my love for you preethi." he replied.

"Just stop it Thamizh. I think you already forget that I'm already engaged with another person. Please leave me alone. Don't disturb my life thamizh. I beg you." She screams to him while pointing her ring.

"Preethi who asked you to let him work at your place? I got angry when I see both of you together." He adds on.

"Thamizh!" she shouted.

"That's enough. He is my fiance and my future husband. I trust him more than I trust you." She yells at him before walk away from that park.

On the other hand, charu went to prasad's apartment as she promised them.

"Hey, anyone inside?" she knocked on the door.

Later Prasad opens the door and shocked to see Charu.

"Hey what are you doing here at this hour," he asked.

"I come to visit your apartment. Cant I visit?" she asked.

"It's not I mean, it's already late. that's why I'm asking you. You can visit here anytime." he replied.

"Hey, Charu. Please come in." Kumar welcomed her.

Later she went inside and asked them to get ready as she will show the city to them and will eat dinner.

"Guys, We are going to roam around the city tonight and we gonna ate at the restaurant nearby," Charu asked them to be ready.

"Whaat1 no way charu. Its already late.No need. We can go tomorrow." Prasad quickly replied to her.

"Bro what are you talking? let's have some fun. She gonna navigate us the city.its really useful so next time we can know the places." Swetha interrupted him and insisted him to join.

"No way. If you don't listen to me. I will aunt right away. She entrusted you guys to me so I will protect you guys."He adds on.

"Bro, if you don't join us, we will stay at Charu's house today. Is that for you?" Kumar replied him

"I will join but let make it quick. We should reach home before 11 pm. we have 2 hours only. Is that ok?" Prasad asked them.

"Ok bro, deal" they replied happily.

First, they went to have dinner near their apartment.

"Let's go eat first. I'm starving" Charu said.

"Yeah same here. We don't know how to cook. So for the rest of my intern days, we have going to eat outside.hahah" Kumar replied.

Declin,s spy followed the to the restaurant and inform that to Charu.

"Mam, charu is with her friends in the ss.cafe.If you come here now. You can avenge your revenge." she said.

"Ok ok. I'm on my way. Just let make sure, they don't leave before we reach there." declin replied 

"Declin, where are you going now at this hour?" anbrasan asked.

"Hey anbrasan, I was going to my friend house. You wanna join?" she lied to him.

"No no. It's ok. You go enjoy yourself. I will miss u, baby. Love you. Please take care." anbrasan hug her.

"I love you too and I will miss you more babe," she replied.

Later she asks her men to come with her to the restaurant.

Inside the restaurant, they are enjoying their dinner while laughing.

"Hey prasad, how was your first day," Charu asked.

"It's awesome. Preethi's colleague welcomed me happily. Even your boyfriend stops by my office today." he replied.

"U mean thamizh? Why he stops by there?" she questions him curiously.

"He said, he wanna meet his friends there. And since when you and him being in a relationship. U never told me about him." he questions her.

"Oh.Its already two months. I don't think it's important. That why I haven't told you about him. But I know preethi very well. She is simple and kind." She replied and tells about Preethi to him. 

Later they all chat happily.

"Ok guys, After dinner where are we going? Swetha asked curiously.

"I think we better go shopping because I don't bring many clothes here."She adds on.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. There is a shopping mall nearby here. Its so gigantic and awesome paradise to buy clothes." charu replied happily.

After having dinner there went towards charge's car and shocked to see Declin there.

"Hey princess, where have you been? I missed you a lot. Today I come for you. Only for you. Yesterday you humiliated me in front of others and now I will make sure you regret what you have done."Declins furiously tells her.

"Hey, just get out from my sight now. If you create any troubles, I will make sure you will end up in prison today. So just get lost from here." Charu argues.

"Hey miss, we don't want any trouble here. Yesterday you almost ruin my function and humiliated her. That's why she chased you out. So it's fair already. Don't create any scene here miss. We don't disturb you so do you. Just mind your work."Prasad replied politely.

"Hey, you stupid. Just shut up. This is not between you and me. Done make it personal or otherwise you will also be in my list." Declin warns him not to interfere.

"Yesterday you engaged with someone else and now you are with her. You both are so shameless and it disgusts me to talk with you guys." She adds on.

"Hey mind your word. Charu is my friend. Don't talk vulgarly like that or else I will show the real badass. Just get lost" Prasad replied her angrily.

"Charu let's go from here. We don't have to talk to the characterless girl who doesn't respect others," he said to charu.

Later declin ask her men to destroy Charu's car into pieces.

"Guys start now. Crash her car until cannot be repaired." She tells her men.

Later her men destroy her car into pieces. Prasad and Kumar tried to stop them but they hit him with a metal rod. While Declin takes her knife and hurts charu.Charu blocked her and throw the knife away. Swetha called the cops and tell them everything.

"This is just beginning charu.U will regret and plead me to spare your life. I will destroy your whole family. U just started my game but I will finish it in my way." Declin blackmailed her.

Declin tried to stab Charu but Swetha manages to stop her. She kicks swetha away and this anger Prasad and he went to Declin and slaps her hard.

"How dare you touch my sister. Your trash. Go away before I kill you. Don't you dare to mess with us again." He warns her.

Later they heard police sirens and run from that place. Chary tells everything to the cops and asked him to file a case against her. Prasad booked a grab and ask Charu to stay in their apartment today as she already hurt and declin will surely looking for her.

"Hey charu, I think you better stay at my apartment today. U are injured moreover If your parents saw you like this, they will be worried and I'm sure declin will ask her men to spy on us. So better stay with us today. I can't let that happen to you once again." He said.

"Yeah, sis. I think its a better idea." Swetha and Kumar supported Prasad decision.

"Ok. As u said but let me inform my family that I'm staying outside today or they will be worried about me," she replied before call her mom.

"Mom, today I'm staying at my friend's house. I will see you tomorrow. Love you, mom." She said to rani.

Later, they reached their apartment. Prasad and cahru looked at each other before she went to sleep in Swetha's room. They think about each other.

While Thamizh is planning to make preethi trust him.

"How to make her trust me after what I have done. Let me think of a way to make me forgive her and make her love me again" he murmured himself.

Its morning, Prasad drops charu at her home and she invited him to come inside.

"Hey prasad, please come inside. I'm sure my parents will happy to meet you.ypu saved me more than once," she said.

"I'm sorry charu. It's getting late to my office," he replied.

Later she takes the car key and insisted him to come inside her house. He agrees.

"Charu what are you doing. Why you are doing like kids. Give me the keys. It's already late." he said.

"No way. Please come to my house then I will give the key" she replied while running towards her house.

"Oh god. She such a trouble maker," he mumbled himself before going to her house.

Later Charu introduced him to his parents. They stunned to see him.

"Mom dad. I bring a guest today. Guess who?" Charu shouted and kept calling her parents.

"Hey charu.who is this guy." rani asked curiously.

"Mom he is Prasad Krishnamoorthy, the guy I told him that saved me from goons and yesterday he saved me once again from Anbrssan goons," she replied.

"Whaaaat!!" they both shockingly asked.

Their faces turn pale.