
Wasteland Era

In the year 2060, a global catastrophe swept across the world, pushing human society to the brink. Species rapidly evolved, while humans were forced to retreat behind protective walls, struggling for survival. Three years prior, our protagonist Duke's father mysteriously disappeared, accused of being a traitor to humanity. Meanwhile, Duke's sister Monica had been transformed into a vampire-like creature due to a mysterious infection, becoming a despised "infected" among the populace. These two young souls found themselves trapped in the violent and criminal underworld of the slums, fighting relentlessly to stay alive. In an lockdown unintended turn of events, Monica's secret risked exposure, forcing Duke to resort to extreme measures to protect her.Duke killed the cousin of the influential business magnate Greg, who had left crucial classified documents at Duke's home. Unaware of the document's significance, Duke was hunted down by Greg's associates, compelling him to embark on a perilous journey that slowly unveiled a shocking conspiracy, leading to the dawn of a new chapter in their destiny. By day, Duke was a respected "Awakener" with extraordinary abilities, but by night, he transformed into a guardian of the shadows, silently safeguarding his sister's life. To survive, they had to become extraordinarily resilient, facing the challenges of this ruthless world head-on. This is a tale teeming with danger, mysteries, and unwavering determination, showcasing the resilience and resolve of humanity in the face of despair.

k_mr · Sci-fi
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40 Chs

Gaining Fame at School

Naturally, Vivian didn't hold such sentiments. As a journalist from the J City Times, she was well aware that the number of people entering the War Academy each year was limited, and becoming an Awakened individual was even rarer. However, these "positive" reports garnered favor from the authorities, so there was no need for her to omit such content.


"Alright, today's interview was very pleasant. Here's a reward from the government for you, five thousand Dollar!" Vivian  handed over a card, prompting Duke to put on a smile that represented sunshine and happiness. He posed with the bank card and the banner, had his photo taken, and then Vivian hurriedly left.


Meeting interview subjects like Duke was one of Vivian 's most enjoyable experiences. She didn't need to listen to the grievances of the slum residents, nor did she need to expose issues. The answers she received were all pleasing and delightful, making the experience almost perfect.


Of course, even though the interview was pleasant, Vivian  had no intention of further involvement with Duke. Slum residents and city dwellers lived in two entirely different worlds, and this was something that couldn't be ignored.


After Vivian  left, Duke held the card with a slightly furrowed brow. Hadn't Martha already given him this reward before? According to Vivian 's implications, the five thousand yuan was an official reward, so what had Martha left on the table earlier?


Duke walked over to the table and opened the package. Inside, there was a new bank card with the balance and password marked on it. Additionally, there was a weighty little package. Upon opening it, he found twenty high-quality raw stones, each looking as pristine as new.


This should be worth at least forty thousand dollars! Along with the fifty thousand dollars in the bank card, the gifts Martha and the law enforcement team had given him were now worth over a hundred thousand dollars.


He continued to examine the contents and finally saw a small note. In graceful handwriting, it read: "The captain was worried you'd refuse, so there was no advance notice. This is what you deserve, don't decline, okay?"


Duke was taken aback. Ever since his father's inexplicable disappearance three years ago, followed by their house being raided, this was the greatest kindness he and his sister had received from strangers.


Although Alexander appeared laid-back and amiable, Duke could sense that on that day, he didn't fully trust him as much as he appeared to on the surface. He hadn't expected to escape investigation afterward and receive so much money as a reward.


"I'm truly sorry." Despite saying that, this secret might never be revealed. "Wealth should be kept hidden." Duke understood this principle well. But today, receiving this substantial amount of money, even though buying a house in the city was still out of reach, he took Monica to a restaurant in the city and treated her to a lavish meal.


After dinner, Monica wore the flashlight the restaurant gave her, her face beaming with happiness. While a grand meal might be a common occurrence for city residents, it was a rare treat for them.


Duke played with his phone and noticed many people in the class group were discussing him.


"So impressive, our classmate Duke made it to the newspaper!"


"He actually took down an Infected? Isn't that a joke?"


Message after message rapidly flowed in, and the classmates were both astonished and excited. Duke also noticed the link and had to admit that Vivian was incredibly fast. The interview had just concluded in the morning, and by evening, the report was already out. Thanks to Duke's "positive" statement, most of the content was directly quoted.


"Confident in Awakening? This... seems a bit exaggerated."


"Perhaps Duke hasn't used raw stones before. But, being optimistic is always a good thing."


Although many classmates noticed Duke's final statement amidst their astonishment, and though they didn't openly refute him, they subtly conveyed the sense that Duke was being overly naive in their words.


Nevertheless, from a student at J City First High School cooperating with the law enforcement team to eliminate an Infected, and moreover, a mid-level Infected, this was good news worthy of campus publicity. And so, Duke's name began to gather attention at J City First High School.


Although admission to the War Academy was determined by grades rather than spots available, competition was everywhere. Many people privately searched for Duke's background, wanting to know who he really was and if he was hiding some powerful abilities.


However, once they dug up information, one by one, they relaxed. Duke's last test had shown an original force value of 72. Forget Awakening, he was far from even meeting the minimal threshold for applying to the War Academy. 


In an instant, Duke's position became clear. He was just a lucky person selected to cooperate with the propaganda efforts, setting a model example for the public and boosting their confidence. As for the notion that he had taken some high-quality raw stones to try and make a breakthrough? Such speculation could only come from those who lacked raw stones and lacked insight.


Duke wasn't surprised by this; he had achieved his goal. He would have a reasonable explanation for his increased original force in the subsequent tests.


With the unsealing of Zone C and less than twenty days remaining until the Awakening Ceremony, Duke could finally return to campus. Compared to a dozen days ago, he appeared more handsome and spirited. On one hand, it was due to the continuous use of life crystals that enhanced his original force. On the other hand, he no longer needed to bleed, improving his appearance from the desolate and malnourished thinness.


In the morning, as Duke reached the school gate, he was stopped by someone.


"Duke, come over here. Danny wants to talk to you."


The speaker was an above-average-looking girl with shoulder-length black hair, light makeup, and a pair of eyes shimmering with intelligence. This was Viola, a student from the neighboring Class 3, somewhat of a social butterfly in the school who specialized in befriending promising students.


Three years ago, when Duke entered school with an original force value of 42, he performed decently among his peers. He had a good relationship with Viola. However, with consecutive tests and a declining rank, Viola's attitude gradually turned indifferent, distancing herself from him.


"What's the matter?"


Viola smiled faintly and softly said, "It's a good thing for you."


Viola scrutinized Duke, noticing the change in his demeanor, but she didn't pay too much attention. Over the past three years, she had practically grasped the potential of everyone in the school, and Duke had long been placed at the bottom of her list.


Of course, Viola wouldn't hold a grudge against Duke; it was just unnecessary to waste time on building a closer relationship. Leading Duke to the side, Viola continued, "I heard you got some high-quality raw stones from the Law Enforcement Bureau. Congratulations. But dealing with the Infected, that's something you should do, and you're quite daring! If it were me, I'm afraid I wouldn't dare."


Viola spoke with a gentle tone, her words carrying a hint of flattery for Duke. For someone else, facing such a enthusiastic girl, they might have already begun engaging in lively conversation. However, Duke simply walked calmly, responding casually.


"But, Duke, it seems your test scores are still a bit far from getting into the War Academy. I've also heard that you're not particularly well-off, and coincidentally, Danny here has some purchasing needs."


Viola led Duke to a place where a fair-skinned boy wearing a light-colored handmade leather jacket stood. He looked utterly bored, engrossed in playing a mobile game. A few people were standing around sporadically beside him, seemingly engaged in idle chat.


"Why is it taking so long? Is this the Duke guy? Give a price, Danny wants to buy your raw stones." The fair-skinned boy remained focused on his game, not bothering to look up at Duke. His underling was the one speaking. Both of them were exhaling smoke, projecting an impatient attitude.

Hello everyone, I'm the author of this work. Writing is no easy task, so if you enjoy this novel, please consider adding it to your bookshelf. I'd love to hear your thoughts, so feel free to leave comments in the discussion section. I hope you'll enjoy this book, and I appreciate your support. I'll be updating my work daily, so stay tuned for more. Your feedback and positive reviews mean a lot. Thank you!

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