

Kai was a cripple who couldn’t cultivate energy, but a tragic event which took his parent life and also create an opportunity for him to take another path to cultivate happened. The path he took was to cultivate the body and mind. His body will break all cultivation logic, and with his thought he will control all form of energy within heaven earth. With a thought he will become a devil, with a thought he will become a god with a thought he will become a mortal and with a thought he will become a universe. WITH MY BODY I WILL REIGN SUPREME. WITH MY THOUGHT I WILL BECOME THE KING OF ALL THE UNIVERSE PUREST ENERGY.

Ghostvillain · Fantasy
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159 Chs

Chapter 29: Avalanche Blade Crush.

Jinhai frowned, and he couldn't keep his calm anymore, as Kai was suppressing him, and with each passing moment, he could feel Kai's attack was becoming stronger.

Suddenly Jinhai roared, and immediately a golden battle armor appeared and covered his whole body; he ignored Kai's saber attack, leaving his defense and going for an attack. He channeled a massive amount of his spirit and essence energy into the spear he was holding, and the golden spear vibrated vigorously.

Three-click sound rang out from the spear; something was awakened in it. Jinhai thrust forward heavily, and his attack was accompanied by a massive amount of lightning force, making the whole region crackle with a loud thunderous sound.

Upon seeing the powerful attack coming from Jinhai, Kai did not stop his attack, "Avalanche Blade Crush," he roared and exerted his body to its limit, controlling a huge amount of abyssal energy into his saber.

He slashed forward; this attack made the space tremble. A loud explosion rang out, leaving the whole region shaking, and its shockwave eradicated more lurking creatures.

Jinhai was thrown away like a shooting star, smashing through space and multiple mountains, leaving a massive amount of blood in the air.

Kai stood bravely in the air with large demonic wings formed by the abyssal energy behind him. Kai closed his blood-red eyes, comprehending the saber strike image that appeared in his mind as fast as he could.

The air is heavy with the lingering remnants of thunder and chaotic abyssal energy. The multiple mountains in the purgatory lands now lie in ruins, bearing witness to the fierce clash and the destructive force that was harnessed in the explosive collision.

Suddenly the ground started trembling, and a loud rumbling sound of thunder echoed throughout the region. Jinhai flew out from the last mountain debris he was smashed into and arrived a few meters away from Kai.

Jinhai looked disheveled, and many cracks were now on his golden armor; he was covered in golden blood, and his aura was significantly weakened.

Kai opened his blood-red eyes slowly, and it shone more brightly; a devilish smile appeared on his face, " Is that it?" He said.

"I was thinking of granting you a painless death, but with this humiliation, I will make sure I torture your soul and body till eternity," Jinhai barked.

"hehe, and do you think you have the power to do so?" Kai said mockingly.

"Humph, you overestimate yourself; my Jin Clan is not something a mortal like you can withstand its wrath."

"Ohhh, now your clan is involved too? How comical it is for you to think you can use your clan to suppress me." Kai scoffed angrily.

However, deep in Kai's mind, he had no idea what the Jin Clan meant or where it was located because he hadn't heard of them before, so he wasn't bothered about it, and he decided to kill Jinhai. However, if Kai truly knows how terrifying the Jin Clan is, he will have to think twice before deciding to kill Jinhai.

"Time to end this," Kai said, then he slowly held his saber with both hands and raised it above his head.

"Humph, you think you can kill me?" Jinhai laughed.

"If it was before, I have no confidence in doing such; however, things are different now; what I used earlier was not the true saber strike; I will be using the true Avalanche Blade Crush to take your life, so be prepared."

"Humph, it doesn't matter what technique you want to use because taking my life is not something a mortal like you can achieve," Jinhai said arrogantly. Immediately the golden energy circulating around became a hundredfold denser and power. His aura started climbing up, and within a minute, he was covered in golden thunder completely, which made him look like a thunder god.

"Burning your essence and spirit? It seems I really made you lose face. However, your attempt is useless in front of my attack; however, if you truly have awakened your essence and spirit, that might have been a problem to me, but then you now is nothing to the current me." Kai said arrogantly.

"Die, you scum mortal," Jinhai roared, releasing all the humiliation in his heart; with his roar, the space trembled, and a loud thunderous sound rumbled throughout the whole region; he channeled his essence and spirits into the spear, directing a massive amount of thunder into the spear, Heaven and Earth resonated with him, and a mysterious energy from the Heavenly Dao supported his attack making it more powerful.

Kai also closed his eyes, and his whole body quivered lightly; the huge black saber above him trembled and made a click sound that echoed throughout the entire second layer. Stars started appearing in a specific pattern on the blade, and a click sound would ring out when a star appeared.

Nine stars appeared on the saber, and nine clicks rang out through the entire region. Kai started channeling a massive amount of abyssal energy into the saber, making them pass through stars one after the other, following the pattern. He treated the saber as a body and the stars as the meridian for channeling the energies.

Every time the abyssal energy passed through a star, the aura and power of the saber increased, Kai could make the abyssal energy pass through four stars, and he couldn't raise it further.

Kai opened his eyes, and he noticed that Jinhai was also building up his attack, and now that they both had reached their limits, they were willing to end this battle with this attack.

Kai couldn't channel energy through his body, as his body was only there for a supporting role. However, this supportive role is the most important because the stronger his body becomes, the more amount of energy he can withstand, and his mind is like the powerhouse of his body.

As for the saber, Kai treated it as his inner body, making the stars on it the meridian, so he could use his mind to channel energy into the saber to perform a technique.