
Warrior Of Eight Gates In DXD

Might Guy of an Alternate Naruto-verse is transported to the DXD universe after opening the Eighth Gate. ..... Sorry for the simple Synopsis but that's all I got, it's literally what will happen. Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters portrayed in this Fan Fiction nor do I own the cover pic. Peace.

Bethrezhen · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 5: The Climax Of Youth

Kakashi helped Minato tend to Gaara, the young Kazekage had spent almost all of his chakra in creating a multilayered sand shield to protect them from the shockwaves generated by [The Sekizo].

Although the shield was almost instantly destroyed it was enough to secure their lives, cushioning them from the full effects of the shockwaves.

"Hahaha, I'm alive."

The voice pierced through the surroundings and entered their ears. 'No', a single word went through all of their minds.

Kakashi quickly made his way towards the edge of the crater as he looked at its center where he could see Madara slowly starting to regenerate his limbs and Guy kneeling. 'Guy'.

"In all my years of fighting there has never been an opponent that surpasses you in taijutsu, there has never been anybody more powerful than you, you are by far the strongest of them all! Tell me your name mighty [Warrior Of The Eight Gates]."

Madara's voice rang out, but Kakashi kept his gaze on Guy. 'Get up Guy, please, just one last time, please Guy, fight!', Kakashi screamed in his mind.

He knew he was asking everything from Guy, but for the sake of this Ninja world, he had to because there was no one else that could beat Madara. If he had the power Kakashi wouldn't have minded giving his own life, but unfortunately, he didn't and he knew that his powerlessness at this moment would haunt him for the rest of his life.

As if hearing Kakashi, Guy clenched his fist and stood up, standing as straight as a pillar.

"My Name Is Might Guy!"

With his words still hanging in the air Guy crouched down like a tiger and shouted out in a voice that could not be considered human.



With a mighty explosion, Kakashi was blinded by a red apocalypse, as red flame-like vapor covered most of the crater, but he did not have long to watch as a humungous force slammed into him sending him back, he could hear his ribs crack as he was forcefully through into the air, his vision blackening but even then he could see the red pillar shooting up at the sky and burning away the oppressive clouds that had once again tried to cover the sky.

With a heavy thud he landed on the ground, his body without strength, but he could still hear it, a mighty roar from Guy, it held within it all that Guy was his determination, his anger, his joy his sorrow, and most of all his youth.

Listening to the roar and looking at the red pillar reminded Kakashi of what Guy had said. "It is the climax of youth when it burns most crimson!", 'Truly a the deepest of crimson I have ever seen, though Kakashi before thinking back at the words his father once told him so, so long ago.

"Don't slack off now you hear, at the rate that boy is training he will become stronger than you", 'Father you were right, yet even you underestimated Guy, not stronger than me...stronger than everyone...' with those final thoughts Kakashi lost consciousness, luckily Minato was there to help.


Seeing Guy steadily stand up, to say Madara was surprised would be an understatement. With his ability to see chakra and their pathways he could easily tell Guy had no more strength in him, his final flame of life still burning in his heart was nothing more than a small ember, yet after hearing his words, the 'dying' mand clenched his fist with might that defied reason and slowly stood up, with and as he rose so did the flame in his heart, it quickly went from an ember to a flame and then to a raging inferno.

"My Name Is Might Guy"

Madara couldn't help hold on to his breath when he heard Guy and then it happened, going into a crouching position almost like a tiger, hands digging deep into the earth as if to draw from its strength.



Madara's vision was engulfed by a deep crimson, but before he could even react a massive force slammed into him instantly breaking his chakra armor and sending him flying as he hopped like a flat stone across the river that is the earth creating permanent ripples upon its peaceful surface before slamming into the edge of the crater.

'What is that...'

Madara thought as he could finally witness what it was that caused him such distress only to come face to face with a dragon. It was so large that it engulfed his entire vision, its eyes stared at him with the most malevolent expression he had ever seen and within its center roaring out like a beast was the incarnation of death itself.

With his body entirely charred black by the burning heat of his youth was Guy, hundreds of red cracks ran across his charred skin glowing with power.


The dragon head roared at Madara after it had fully taken shape. Madara felt the air around him tighten locking him in place.

Slowly rising Madara stood tall as he stared the dragon dead in the eye in defiance. "Then come, Might Guy, give me my final dance!", Madara said with conviction, he knew this was his end, the [Ten-Tails] was almost completely drained of all its chakra most of it going to deflecting [The Sekizo] and healing his battered body over and over again.

He barely had enough chakra to keep his [Six-paths Sagemode] from deactivating but to fight Might Guy in this shape was folly especially now as he would be facing Guy's final attack.

'An even greater attack than the last one', Madara shivered at the thought, not from fear but from excitement as he shouted out with exploration.

"Come, show me the pinnacle of Taijutsu, show me your resolve!"

With a roar Guy answered.


Putting strength into his leg Guy shot forward his foot burst the ground beneath it as he shot forward with more power than he had ever in his life, then he just disappeared into ripples of reality before exiting right in front of Madara as he forcefully compressed space between them.

His leg outstretched into a kick, the jaws of the dragon surrounding him open as to accept Madara into its maw, all this was witnessed by Madara.

Madara could already feel his body breaking down, yet the blow had not landed yet. 'So this is the pinnacle of Taijutsu, Beutifull...' with these thoughts Madara once again embraced death as his body turned to dust just as Guy's foot touched his body. The last thing he heard before his inevitable demise was Guy's voice ringing in his head.


Guy did not stop there as he drilled a massive hole into the crater that extended for kilometers before finally coming to an end where it lead into a cavern. within this cavern on an elevated platform that looked like it was carved by hand, laid Guy, his power gone, his body broken and his skin nothing more than cole.

A massive rune suddenly lit up underneath Guy, the strange energy powering the rune causing wind to kick up and blowing the dust off the platform where Guy lay, there one could see many different lives carved into the stone surface as well as five gems laid within it at the points of the pentagram that formed the centre of the rune.

With a flash of light Guy disappeared off the face of the shinobi world and the cavern collapsed in on itself has served its purpose, whatever it may have been at the time.

Within another world, a flash of light randomly appeared within, leaving a shared body on a neat white tiled floor inside a room that was strangely covered by fog.


A scream was heard from within the room, but it watered little to Guy, his surroundings were of no consequence, his eyes were blurry, he could feel nothing, his hearing was gone and he could smell nothing, his only cancellation was that the intense heat of his body had burned away his pain receptors so he felt none of it.

'So this is it huh, my final moments. I feel strangely at peace... who's that', Guy thought as he saw a silhouette hovering over him, he could not see anything other than the being's outlines. 'A woman?', Guy presumed as he studied the outlines of the silhouette.

'Maybe a medical Ninja, haah... doesn't she know it's too late for me, instead of wasting time on a dying man she should go and save those that need it. Even if that is the case, thank you for your care...'

Guy's vision slowly started darkening, 'Lee, Tenten, Neji, Papa, I'm coming'


Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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P.s, Please if there is anybody willing to support me on ******* please do so, I will always be willing to accept your mon... cought*...I would appreciate it.

*******: https://www.*******.com/Bethrezhen

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