
Chapter 4: [The Sekizo]

'Where is he...where is he...' Madara kept asking himself as he worked his Rinnegan to the bone, but even with his unmatched ocular prowess he could not keep track of Guy, he would either catch glimpses of him or a fading shadow.

Madara thought himself lucky to be able to have such a final fight and then again he felt he was cursed because even with all his confidence in himself he estimated that he had only forty percent chance of winning.

The odds left Madara with a bit of a bitter taste in his mouth. 'Just where did this Monster crawl out from, if he was alive during the warring states' times he would have been unmatched even without opening the eighth gate.

Madara was not so arrogant as to not understand that the being he was currently facing was well above his and even Hashirama's ability's when they were in their prime back then, even with just the seventh gate open, Guy would have been able to trample both him and Hashirama even if they worked together.

'There', Madara thought as Guy suddenly appeared to his left.

[Sekizo] "First Step"

'Not this time, though Madara as he had already started erecting a shield molded from his [Truth-Seeking Orbs]. The shield took shape just in time as a force comprised of compressed air hit it.

'Damn that was close, have to focus', Madara thought, but soon a voice came from behind him causing the hairs on Madara to stand on end.

[Sekizo] "Second Step"

'When did...'

Madara could not even complete his thought process when he was forcefully slammed into his [Truth-Seeking Orb] shield, while also feeling his body being ripped apart by the sheer force of the pressure hitting him, but that wasn't the end.

[Sekizo] "Third step"

[Sekizo] "Fourth Step"

Guy didn't relent and shot the [Sekizo] at Madara completely pinning him in please as the pressure held him from all four directions, North, South, East, and West.

"What is Might Guy doing", Gaara couldn't help but ask Kakashi as he stared at Madara being held by bursts of compressed air from four different directions, it defied logic, worst all this was done physically with not an ounce of chakra being used.

"Guy once told me of this technique, the [Sekizo]...", Kakashi said, he was also a user of the [Eight Gates] kinjutsu technique, although only a superficial user as he could not open more than the first gate. Mastering the [Eight Gates] was something only a hand full of people have ever done and by doing this Guy had segmented himself as not only the strongest Taijutsu user to have ever lived but also the greatest Talent Taijutsu had ever seen.

"...Using a barrage of five punches of compressed air each punch faster and stronger than the previous the user overwhelms and destroyed his opponent, this art in itself is not only one of the most powerful S type jutsu's to exist it is also classified as a forbidden jutsu since using it requires the user to have unleashed all eight gates.

"Incredible, I wonder who could have created it" Gaara commented.

Kakashi looked up at Guy who had just Appeared high above the trapped Madara and spoke with pride. "He did"

"Wait Kakashi you said five punches", Gaara asked.

"Yes, the final one is coming", Kakashi said as he watched at rapped attention at the technique that would most probably only ever appear once in this world, [Sekizo].

Appearing above Madara, Guy looked down at his trapped foe. 'Let's end this', He thought as Guy placed his palm forward in front of his face and tapped it with the other hand that was formed into a fist creating an incomprehensible amount of air pressure, he then used the palm to draw a circle around the air in front of him effectively centering Madara inside the circle, before moving his palm to the center and clenching his fist.


The air pressure surrounded Guy and started warping as he pulled back his fist, both fist and arm started burning and turning black as deep crimson cracks formed upon them.

When his fist was fully pulled back the pressure around him finally took on a shape, it looked like a massive elephant with the image of a sun and a big dipper moon overlaid upon each other on its forehead.

"That is..." Kakashi's eyes widened as he looked at the massive elephant comprising of air pressure blotting out the sky.

"We have to run!", Minato was the first to come out of his shock before making a beeline away from the impending apocalypse still hanging in the sky.

"Where are we running to?" Gaara asked as he nervously glanced back at the [Sekizo].

"Anywhere not here!" Came the reply as Kakashi quickly overtook the somewhat slower Kazekage.

Madara felt as if his very being was being compressed yet at the same time torn apart, he was not even able to make the most basic of movements as he was forcefully suspended in the air.

Madara's struggle did not last long since he saw the Guy high above him doing a few unique gestures, but what came from those gestures left Madaras dumbfounded.

'Is this the end, Madara thought as he looked at the [Sekizo], in the sky, the size almost matching one of the meteors he had dropped upon the shinobi alliance.

'No I will not die here', Madara clenched his teeth in determination as he brought out every once of the power left in him.

"[Perfect Susanoo]"

Invoking his Uchiha bloodline Madara called out his dark blue guardian in its complete form as the armored colossal emerged from him, with flaming wings dining its back, to fend him from the pressure vice of the [Sekizo].


'What', Madara could believe it not even a moment after he had brought his [Perfect Susanoo], out it was already littered with cracks thanks to the pressured vice of the [Sekizo], with quick thinking Madara made a few quick hand signs as his [Truth-Seeking Orbs] surrounded his [Susanoo] and gave it an extra layer of armor to protect it from the ensuing pressure. The orbs also formed a shield on its one hand and a sword on the other.

"Come then, let's dance!"

Madara yelled from within the middle of his [Susanoo]

Hight above him Guy looked down at Madara with squinted eyes as steam started escaping from his mouth with each breath due to the intense heat his body was creating.

'Please Kakashi, I hope you guys made it away from here, I can't hold it back anymore.'

With that thought, Guy kicked the air while upside down as he shot towards Madara, the kick was so powerful that it parted the clouds that hung in the sky above them opening up showing the clear sky in all its glory.

Guy's descent was so quick giving Madara barely enough time to act, as he pushed his black sword made from the [Truth Seeking Orbs towards Guy and sending as much chakra as he could towards his Rinnegan.

[Shinra Tensei]

Using the sword as a fulcrum Madara focussed the full force of the [Shinra Tensei] on Guy. A massive wave of repulsive force pushed away as it headed towards Guy, but it had only moved about twenty meters before it was met with a fist.

Guy's fist shot forth and slammed into the [Shinra Tensei], there was a slight pause.


With a thundering sound, the [Shinra Tensei] was immediately dispersed and Guy shot forward his fist outstretched his [Sekizo] barely affected by Madara's [Shinra Tensei].

Madara's [Susanoo] raised its shield but it too crumbled under the might of Guy's fist, just before Guy reached the body of the [Susanoo], right in front of where Madara was protected, his fist had reached the crescendo of his punch.

"[The Sekizo: Final Step!]"


With his shout, the massive [Sekizo] let out a roar of its own as it stomped forward in a bull-like charge. Madara's [Perfect Susanoo] barely held a fraction of a second before its outer layer of armor made from the [Truth-Seeking Orbs] was annihilated soon followed by the [Susanoo] itself.

When Madara finally stood face to face with [The Sekizo], a giant that could even make the Kyubi feel small, he did not feel despair nor did he feel horror, no he felt determined more than he had ever been.


He thought as he moved both his arms forward as more and more [Truth-Seeking Orbs] formed around him to a total of nine, compressing them into one massive Orb he unleashed it all at the [Sekizo] just as his [Susanoo] crumbled away. With a thought, he unleashed all nine's power on the [Sekizo].


The explosion was so massive that the shockwave could be felt from all over the battlefield, like two celestial bodies crashing into each other.


After the explosion another even greater one was heard as the shockwave ended the earth and caused mass earthquakes all over the battlefield, causing the shinobi to instead of fighting try and preserve their lives as the earth gave way or was suddenly thrown into the air with them as collateral.

'What happened', Kakashi thought as he slowly opened his eyes, he was lying in a large expanse covered in sand, looking to his right he saw Gaara on his knees as blood-soaked out of his eyes and mouth with Minato trying to keep the young Kasekage awake.

'That is right we were running and...', Kakashi's mind went black as he stared at the area they came from, a mere ten meters away from him was the edge of a steep fall, created by a crater so large he could barely see the other end of it even the giant Ancestor tree was gone, turned to nothing more than splintered wood. Looking up he saw a tiny spec of red falling to the center of the creator, using what was left of his chakra he send it into his Sharingan, as he followed the red spec which he could now see was Guy slowly falling to the depths of the crater.

"Kakashi, come help with Gaara his condition is not good.", Minato called Kakashi forcing Kakashi to tear his gaze from Guy.

Guy slammed into the ground in a horse stance as the ground under his feet shattered shooting debris in all directions. But soon he was forced to kneel as a wave of exhaustion hit him.

'So tired', he thought as his vision became blurry and weakness started to set into his limbs, slowly raising his charred black arm in front of his face as he looked at his quivering limb, his vision became weaker as darkness started setting in, but then he heard a laugh.

"Hahahaha, I'm alive"

With a burst, a being climbed out of the ground two hundred meters away from Guy, or crawled out as the barely alive Madara was left with nothing more than a head torso, and his left arm. Having lost his entire lower body Madara was not in the best of state but the joy on his face was genuine.

Madara turned his head to Guy, "In all my years of fighting there has never been an opponent that surpasses you in taijutsu, there has never been anybody more powerful than you, you are by far the strongest of them all! Tell me your name mighty [Warrior Of The Eight Gates]."

Just seeing Madara clear all exhaustion from Guy, with a thundering thump he closed his broken and charged hand the flames of youth exploded once more from his body.

'The cockroach still lives', thought Guy, his mind turning darker and darker from the extended agony the opening of the [Eight Gates Formation] gave him with the loss of all three of his beloved students, Guy's mind was already on verge of snapping and now finally seeing Madara still alive he snapped.

With power once again surging through his veins Guy stood, his face contorted with rage as he stared at Madara.

"My name is Might Guy!"

He yelled as he slammed his hands into the ground his fingers digging deeper as the earth gave way under his unstoppable might as he crouches like a tiger ready to pounce.



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