
Warrior godfather

In 2006, the Flash was crowned king in Miami, the run-and-gun storm set off by Son of the Wind swept the league, the Black Mamba showed his sharpest fangs, the Wolf King sank into the extreme cold of Minnesota, and the little emperor was eagerly waiting for the opportunity to ascend the throne. This year, the old era is slowly coming to an end, and the new era is slowly rising. This year, the Warriors are still the butt of people's mouths. This year, Curry experienced the darkest summer of his life. Zhang Yu vowed that he would show the world a golden dynasty!

AKG_1436 · Sports
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167 Chs

Chapter 44 Gambling

The basket was chaotic in an instant, but Drew was no match for four hands, and the backcourt rebound was protected by Noah.


Donovan, who had been waiting by the referee for a long time, immediately gestured.


The referee blew the whistle, and Buddha University used the last timeout!

On the bench of the University of Florida, Donovan picked up the tactical board, drew tactics on it, and said hurriedly:

"Cory, later you come to play a pick-and-roll with Al. Al, you have to roll outside, and the others keep moving to attract the opponent's defensive attention... Corey, after the pick-and-roll, try to hit the basket as much as possible. If the opponent shrinks the basket Down, give the ball to Al... Jokin, you set a screen for Tao Lin, and Tao Lin cuts to the basket, trying to disrupt the opponent's formation... Al, you decide how to play the last attack, pass the ball as much as possible, and pass the ball as much as possible. Take the opportunity to attack yourself, understand?"

Horford nodded solemnly, and everyone else said they understood. Donovan took a deep breath:

"Guys, go for the last fight, remember, trust your teammates!"

The timeout ended quickly, and the two sides returned to the field.

On the other side of the technical table, Stevens asked in a deep voice:

"Ronan, do you really want them to be so defensive?"

Zhang Yu took a deep breath:

"We can only gamble."

The two watched as all the players swarmed into the Bulldogs' half, and Horford came to the sideline and took the ball from the referee.

The University of Florida players started to run, and Brewer came out under the cover of Noah and received a pass from Horford.

After Horford served the ball, he immediately went to cover for Brewer. The University of Florida was still 2 points behind and had to find a way to score first.

With the help of Horford's cover, Brewer got a gap, and he broke through to the inside, but both McGreen and Drew blocked his breakthrough route first.

Brewer had no room to break through and quickly passed the ball back to Horford at Donovan's request.

Horford held the ball high above his head at the top of the arc, observing his teammates' running positions, but the Bulldogs' defense was very tight under Zhang Yu's arrangement, and did not give the University of Florida players an open shot.

Seeing that his teammates had no chance, Horford sank his weight and dribbled the ball to the inside to break through.

Julian Beko tried his best to defend, but he still couldn't stop Horford and was run over by him.

But just when Horford carried Julian Beko into the penalty area, AJ Graves suddenly let go of Humphrey to help defend, and pressed from his side.

Horford hurriedly protected the ball, and out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Humphrey who was waiting with his hands outstretched outside the three-point line.

Humphrey was silent for the entire game.

He paused for a moment, and Donovan's words came to mind—"Trust your teammates!"

Horford no longer hesitated, flicked his hands, and passed the ball to Humphrey.

In an instant, all eyes in the St. Louis Arena turned to him.

Humphrey received a pass from Horford, without any hesitation, he directly shot a three-pointer!

His expression was very relaxed, as if he was doing daily three-point training, rather than shooting a fatal shot at the last moment of the NCAA round of sixteen, ignoring the invisible pressure of tens of thousands of people.

The basketball draws a smooth arc, just like Humphrey's position as a role player in the team, unpretentious.


But after the basketball glided, like all the gorgeous goals in history, it fell into the net!

At 75:76, Buddha University overtook the score in the last 6 seconds!


After the goal was scored, there was a huge sky blue wave in the audience, and the cheers of all the Buddha fans swept the St. Louis Arena like a tsunami.

Teammates rushed up, hugged Humphrey, and pushed him to the side, but Humphrey seemed to have done a trivial thing, just grinning.

Zhang Yu quickly called the last timeout.

He clenched his fist with his right hand, hammered heavily on his left hand, and smiled wryly:

"Brad, unfortunately, we bet wrong."

In the previous timeout, he asked the players to boldly empty Talling Green and Humphrey, and double-team Brewer and Horford, betting that the two would not be able to respond.

But he didn't expect that Humphrey is a player with a big heart, and he actually withstood such a lot of pressure and hit this priceless three-pointer.

"Ronan, we still have a chance!" Stevens said.

"That's right, there's the final attack!" Zhang Yu nodded heavily.

He went up to meet them, and patted the shoulders of the retreating players one by one as a sign of encouragement.

After everyone returned to the bench, Zhang Yu picked up the tactical board:

"Don't be discouraged, we still have a chance, Stephen, can you still persist?"

Curry sat on a chair panting heavily, sipped an energy drink, rubbed the sweat on his head with a towel, and nodded firmly.

Zhang Yu's eyes paused, he could see that Curry was almost at his limit, but now he had no choice but to rely on Curry:

"Very well, you will hold the ball later, Drew, you will screen for Stephen, and then Stephen will decide whether to break through or shoot, but there is one thing, we only have 6 seconds, the action must be fast, understand? "

Amidst the shouts of the fans of the Buddha University, Zhang Yu shouted hoarsely, and his voice was barely drowned by the sound waves coming from all directions.

"Boss, I understand!" Curry responded loudly.

The timeout ended quickly, and the two sides returned to the court for the final decisive battle.

Stevens said:

"Ronan, do you really want to play the pick-and-roll? This will give the opponent a chance to pinch Stephen."

"Have you noticed that Stephen has no energy?" Zhang Yu looked serious, "If it is one-on-one, he may not be able to get rid of Brewer's defense, and the moment the cover is formed, there will definitely be a gap, that is us The last chance."

While the two were talking, McGreen had already sent the ball.

Curry received the ball in midfield and quickly rushed to the frontcourt.

But an accident happened, and Drew got entangled with Horford in the interior, unable to mention the line to cover for Curry!

"Julian!" Zhang Yu shouted when he saw this.

When Julian Beko heard it, he hurried to the top of the arc to cover Curry.

Curry understood and dribbled this way, Brewer was blocked by Julian Beko.

But Humphrey, who was facing Julian Beko, rushed up with his hands high, and did not give Curry a chance to shoot directly. Fortunately, he was a little far away after all, and Curry retreated a bit, creating a little space.

He was about to shoot a three-pointer when he received the ball, but Julian Beko's body was far less generous than Drew. Brewer quickly squeezed through the screen and rushed towards Curry.

Buddha University gave up single defense at the last moment and chose to double-team!

Donovan was finally swayed after enjoying Curry's entire shooting performance.

He woke up, this baby face can really be accurate for the whole game.

At the most critical moment, Donovan made the same choice as Zhang Yu.

I'd rather let your role players beat me than give your star players a chance.

Basketball, after all, is a sport of individual heroism.

Even though Donovan witnessed Humphrey hit a key three-pointer with his own eyes, he still chose to bet, the same bet as Zhang Yu.

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