
Warrior godfather

In 2006, the Flash was crowned king in Miami, the run-and-gun storm set off by Son of the Wind swept the league, the Black Mamba showed his sharpest fangs, the Wolf King sank into the extreme cold of Minnesota, and the little emperor was eagerly waiting for the opportunity to ascend the throne. This year, the old era is slowly coming to an end, and the new era is slowly rising. This year, the Warriors are still the butt of people's mouths. This year, Curry experienced the darkest summer of his life. Zhang Yu vowed that he would show the world a golden dynasty!

AKG_1436 · Sports
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167 Chs

Chapter 123: I can't stay in the Warriors anymore, right?

San Francisco, Oakland.

Monta Ellis looked at the "USA Today" in his hand, and said with a blue face:

"...Monta Ellis is very likely to be traded by the Warriors. His existence hinders Curry's development. It is reported that the Warriors' outside star sprained his ankle while riding an electric car last season, but later lied about the Injured in training, suspended by the Warriors for 30 games, the management has long been dissatisfied with it..."


He angrily slammed the newspaper on the table, shaking the piles of newspapers scattered on the table.

"Fox Sports", "Sports Illustrated", "Bleacher Report"... The sports front pages of these newspapers, without exception, all have reports that Monta Ellis may be traded by the Warriors.

He looked at his manager, Darius Nelson, and said word by word:

"is this real?"

Darius Nelson said in a soothing tone:

"Monta, don't worry. There is no definite news from the Warriors. I have inquired about it. This should be an exaggeration of Silas's answer in an interview. In fact, there is no such thing."

"Silas? What question did he answer that the reporter could misinterpret?" Monta Ellis asked.

"It's nothing, it's just that the reporter wants too much attention..." Darius Nelson said falteringly.

"Tell me what he said!" Monta Ellis growled.

"He said...that Curry will be the core point guard of the Warriors in the new season." Darius Nelson said it out, heartbroken.

Monta Ellis' already livid face became even uglier. After Baron Davis left, he regarded himself as the new core of the Warriors. Even if the team changed hands, he didn't take it seriously.

The NBA is a league where stars come first. No matter how the management and owners change, as long as the stars are strong, they will never move.

But that doesn't seem to be the case for the Warriors.

Monta Ellis was very dissatisfied when the team traded to Curry.

The partner he needs is a defensive backcourt. As a result, the team selected a rookie who needs to hold the ball. Isn't this dividing his possession of the ball?

But before he had time to express his dissatisfaction, Zhang Yu announced that he was the real owner of the Warriors and also served as the team's head coach. Monta Ellis began to feel that something was wrong.

The relationship between Zhang Yu and Curry is well known. He spent so much effort to get Curry to Golden State. He definitely did not let Curry play as a substitute. At that time, he and Curry are two core guards. How can one ball be enough? ?

As soon as the message came out, Monta Ellis believed it in his heart.

Before, he originally wanted to put pressure on the management to guarantee his ball possession and data, but now he has completely given up this idea.

I was about to be traded, but I was kept in the dark, what data do I need.

"Darius, it's impossible for me to stay in the Warriors anymore, right?" Monta Ellis said in a low voice.

He was single-handedly trained by the Warriors. He started as a second-round pick and won a contract worth tens of millions.

Although he was suspended last season, he is very happy in Oakland. He is not a very ambitious player himself, and he is very satisfied with his current life.

He doesn't want to leave the Warriors if possible.

Darius Nelson sighed:

"Monta, to be honest, I don't know either. These media analysis makes sense. If you and Curry want to coexist, it will be very difficult. Coach Z may indeed trade you..."

"However, Larry Riley hasn't had any communication with me about this matter. I didn't want to tear my face. I didn't ask him directly. Now that the rumors are intensifying, I will contact him. If this matter is not true, we will Hold a press conference on the United team to clarify."

Monta Ellis nodded mechanically, agreeing to Darius Nelson's suggestion.

He heard the implication of the agent's words, if the Warriors really want to trade him, they have to make plans early.


Huaxia, Qilu Province, Qidu.

In August, the sun is scorching in North China, and even the wind that hits the face is hot. The continuous chirping of cicadas stirs up the fire in people's hearts, adding a bit of dry and hot atmosphere.

Zhang Yu lay leisurely on the bamboo chair, which was Zhang Haijun's "throne". He went out to play chess with his old friend, and Zhang Yu seized it at the right time.

He switched TV stations at will, looked at the familiar and unfamiliar star faces on the screen, and thought of the entertainment circle of later generations, and truly felt the changes of the times.

A week ago, he returned to China from the United States to enjoy a rare vacation.


Zhang Yu's cell phone rang, and he leaned lazily on the bamboo chair, his body still, his eyes not tilted, his right hand stretched out on the table and groped for a while before answering the phone:

"Hello? Who is it?"

"Boss, it's me." Larry Riley's respectful voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Larry...what's the matter?" Zhang Yu switched to English.

He looked at the wall clock on the wall - 10 am, it was the night in Oakland, if there was no urgent matter, Larry Riley would not have called him.

"It's like this, Monta Ellis' agent contacted me to ask about the transaction rumors..." Larry Riley said hesitantly.

When the media first started reporting on this matter, he informed Zhang Yu, and suggested that he and Monta Ellis issue a joint statement, or hold a press conference to clarify, but Zhang Yu's instruction was to let Larry Riley Some are confused.

Today Darius Nils asked him for a clear answer. He didn't know what Zhang Yu was thinking, and he didn't dare to make a claim, so he contacted Zhang Yu immediately.

"What did you say?" Zhang Yu asked.

"I told him that what I say doesn't matter, only you can make the decision..." Larry Riley said with a wry smile.

Well, now, others didn't know that he was just a puppet general manager, but now he has confirmed it himself.

But he didn't dare to talk nonsense. If it went against Zhang Yu's decision, he might not even be able to do this puppet general manager.

Zhang Yu smiled slightly:

"Larry, you know the answer, or you wouldn't ask me."

Larry Riley was startled, and tentatively said:

"Are we really going to trade Monta Ellis?"

"Isn't the answer obvious? When I didn't agree with you to clarify the rumors, you should have known it in your heart, right?" Zhang Yu said lightly.

Larry Riley paused, then murmured:

"But he's the Warriors' No. [-] star..."

"Larry, you remember, when Stephen came to the Warriors, he was the number one star of the Warriors, put Monta Ellis on the shelf, our goal is the draft pick, can be properly eaten into the garbage Contract, please tell me after summarizing the sincere quotations." Zhang Yu said slowly.

"Okay, I'll do it right away." Larry Riley quickly agreed.