
Warrior godfather

In 2006, the Flash was crowned king in Miami, the run-and-gun storm set off by Son of the Wind swept the league, the Black Mamba showed his sharpest fangs, the Wolf King sank into the extreme cold of Minnesota, and the little emperor was eagerly waiting for the opportunity to ascend the throne. This year, the old era is slowly coming to an end, and the new era is slowly rising. This year, the Warriors are still the butt of people's mouths. This year, Curry experienced the darkest summer of his life. Zhang Yu vowed that he would show the world a golden dynasty!

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167 Chs

Chapter 109: The heart of playing the draft is heartbroken

Even if Curry does not come to participate in the trial training, he will take a very big risk, Presti is determined to use this No. [-] pick on Curry.

It also fits his character.

In Zhang Yu's previous life, the Thunder entered a rebuilding period after trading Westbrook.

Presti keeps eating junk contracts, hoarding draft picks, buying out high-salary veterans, and then hoarding draft picks... Even after renewing Alexander with a maximum salary, he is still hoarding draft picks.

At the craziest time, he once held 18 first-round picks and 18 second-round picks!

Presti is such a person. He believes in his own eyesight. As long as you give him the pick, he will dare to choose an MVP for you.

What's more, with Durant and Westbrook guaranteeing the bottom line, it's just a No. [-] pick, and Presti decided to bet him on Curry.

While he was discussing with Brooks, Larry Riley left after the interview. When the reporter saw the two, his eyes lit up and he immediately greeted them:

"Mr. Presti, the Thunder already have Durant and Westbrook, two outside stars. Will you use the No. 3 pick to select an inside player?"

Presti smiled and said:

"Thabeet is a Brutalist insider. His talent is mouth-watering. I am very optimistic about his future development, but we have the No. 3 pick in our hand. We can only choose after the Clippers and Grizzlies. Not in Thunder's hands."

Brooks next to him curled his lips. Presti has said more than once that Thabeet will definitely be a parallel importer in the future. This kind of big man with only body is destined to be eliminated by the league. The future is dominated by outside stars, but he turned his head Come to Thabeet full of praise.

The heart of the draft is dirty, I still want to be my head coach and not get involved in it.

Brooks figured it out, let Presti pick whoever he wanted, since he already had Durant and Westbrook.

With the combination of these two and some role players for him, even if Presti chooses Curry, and Curry is really seriously injured and does not play a game in the new season, he is confident to lead the Thunder to score Playoffs!

Brooks waited for a while, Presti finished the interview, and the first day of the rookie physical examination was also completed. The two left the United Center and returned to the hotel where they were staying.

Presti said goodbye to Brooks and went to his room.

He stood in front of the window, pondered for a while, took out his mobile phone, and called Jeff Austin.

For NBA general managers, it is easy to get an agent's contact information.

Presti waited a moment before the phone was answered:

"Hi, I'm Jeff Austin."

He said lightly:

"Mr. Austin, this is Sam Presti."

There was a sound on the other end of the phone, which seemed to be the sound of closing the door, and then came Jeff Austin's slightly respectful voice:

"Mr. Presti, do you need anything from me?"

For agents, there is no need to add prefixes and suffixes at all. The names of every general manager and head coach are firmly in their hearts.

"I'd like to invite Steph to come to Oklahoma for a workout," Presti said.

"Sorry, Stephen will not participate in any trial training due to personal reasons." Jeff Austin said without hesitation.

"I promise you, as long as the results of the trial training are satisfactory to me, I will choose Stephen with the No. 3 pick." Presti increased his chips.

"Mr. Presti, I believe in your promise, but Stephen will not participate in any trial training, this will not change." Jeff Austin said politely but firmly.

"What if I insist on choosing Stephen?" Presti asked tentatively.

Jeff Austin responded quickly:

"If the Thunder drafted Steph, he would love to play for the Thunder."

"Ok, I see."

Presti hung up the phone, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

It seems that Curry has really suffered an injury...

He knows his own family affairs. Although he has the No. 3 pick in his hand, the Thunder has a Westbrook who overlaps with Curry. The market is also small, and his record has been poor in recent years. It doesn't matter to Curry. attraction.

But Jeff Austin did not reject his temptation, but gave positive feedback, which made Presti sure that Curry should be injured, otherwise Jeff Austin would not refuse all comers .

In the draft, the higher the pick, the better. In the past, Francis refused to play for the Grizzlies. Later, Rubio would rather spend two years in Europe before going to Minnesota. They were all selected at high picks. But they don't want to play for the team that drafted them.

The small teams in the league are actually very pitiful. Not only the stars are reluctant to go, but even the fledgling rookies are very disgusted with them.

Many small teams have been sinking for more than ten years, and finally selected a super talent, thinking that they can turn around this time, but they are simply unable to configure a championship lineup for the talent. leave.

The most notable examples of this are James and Durant.

Jeff Austin's promise made Presti think that he was infinitely close to the truth of the matter, and he began to let out the wind that the Thunder were very interested in James Harden.

A reporter asked him what he thought of Curry, and he replied that he had no contact with Curry and didn't know anything about him. Moreover, the Thunder did not try out Curry and would not use the No. 3 pick on him.

Donnie Walsh's progress is not slow. He negotiated a deal with the Timberwolves and traded the No. 8 pick and Wilson Chandler for the No. 5 pick.

He originally wanted to continue to trade upwards, but there are not many players in the Knicks that can be looked at.

And Curry did not participate in any team's trial training, and Donnie Walsh estimated that the No. 5 pick should be enough.

Judging from the news released now, the Clippers have booked Griffin.

The Grizzlies seemed interested in Curry, but after Curry refused to participate in the workout, they turned their attention to Thabeet.

No one knows what the management of the Grizzlies grew up on. There is already a rookie season in which Gasol averaged 11+9 and showed great potential. It will be black and hard, and it can only be said that stupid people do stupid things.

The Thunder are very interested in Harden, and the media is full of Presti's praise for Harden, and according to insiders, Harden performed perfectly in Oklahoma's trial training. Very satisfied.

Then there's the Kings, who have a soft spot for Tyreke Evans and aren't a threat.