
860、Little Quarrel

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The door was soon open and there revealed Gu Jinzhi whose outfit was no longer the usual suit and tie but a white shirt with a pair of leather boots under the dark tight pants—simple yet charming. 

"I knew it," he muttered as he looked at Wen He's surprised expression.

"I know you won't listen to my advice no matter how many times I've told you."

Wen He spat her tongue, "Why did you come? Are you here to see me off?" 

Gu Jinzhi then moved away from the open door, "Please get in." 

"What do you mean by that?" Wen He rolled her eyes.

"I'm going with you." 


"Here's also a kind reminder to you, you are *weak*," stated Wen He with extra emphasis on the word "weak", as she continued disregarding the displeased look of Gu Jinzhi, "I ain't got any time to escort a princess at the warfield." 



So that's what you think about me the whole time?