
859、Kneel down

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Yang Yi waved his men away as he looked at Wen He through the piles of documents on his desk. 

"Yes, Miss Wen He, how may I-"

"Either you permit me to go to the boundary straightaway or you cut the military crap of classification and tell me about Huo Chen… Else…"

She backed off and looked around while grinding her teeth, "I'm staying here." 

They exchanged looks for a moment before Yang Yi sighed helplessly and pointed at the chair in front of his desk, "First, have a seat." 

Wen He sat down, trying to act calm even though she was warring on the inside, anticipating his answer.

The man placed down his ink pen and initiated, "Miss Wen He, I cannot allow you to go to the warfield now. If you want to know about Huo Chen, we are still fighting now. Both armies are equally strong, even though we are slightly disadvantaged due to geographical layout."