My first tarot skill, which I had no clue how to use, so what other way is better than just testing it out right here and now?
I immediately activated the skill, but for some reason, nothing happened, so I deactivated it and reactivated it.
"You're shitting me… you're not even gonna tell me what it does?" I muttered, attempting to punch a hole through my status.
But then, all of a sudden, an unfamiliar face banged on the metal bars enclosing me within this prison.
"What is it?" I asked, looking up towards the man who looked to be some kind of noble judging by how his purple robes seemed to be made from silk.
His flawless and silky white hair drooped to his waist, and the large wizard hat that sat on the very top of his head was almost comical.
"Where do you originally reign from?" The man asked in a raspy and deep voice, resonating with the firm walls of this prison.