
Warlock of Beasts: My Chimera System

In the works....

equuip · Fantasy
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11 Chs


"One last attack… Just one more," I muttered as I stared up at the boss's health bar with foggy eyes.


[Colossal of Mountains - Boss]

[Health Remaining: 124711/1000000]


I was on the brink of death, completely exhausted, and most of my monsters had been practically eradicated.

The only ones left beside me were my trusty griffin and two dragons which I had tamed through the system after reviving them through black magic.

"How did it come to this…." I muttered as the massive four hundred meters tall stone colossal threw a punch straight at my team and me.

It happened all of a sudden; no warning was given.

When I was a working demon who lived happily with a family, five hundred years ago, stone pillars dropped from the blue sky and destroyed sections of the main continent.

But, after noticing that the pillars weren't doing anything after a few years, people began to investigate.

We eventually discovered that the system we all had resonated with these pillars, and the closer we got, the more a familiar feeling spread throughout our body… but we were fools to think this was our destiny.

Well, you could say it was part of our destiny… the destiny of our downfall.

These pillars were later named dungeons as you could enter inside them, and monsters, which were very rare before, spawned like grass.

Leveling up became much easier, and business boomed, causing the main continent to attract the attention of other continents.

The more attraction that came, the more talents were produced that climbed higher and higher up these pillars.

There were a few suspicious things, such as people not aging, and impregnating others was an impossible task.

But we just continued.

And after one hundred years, the first person to clear one of these pillars had succeeded, and he was deemed a hero of the demon race.

Why was he deemed a hero? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?

I don't know… because his appearance was our downfall.

On the day after the hero's inauguration, the pillars all sunk into the main continent, and massive colossal golems made from stone, water, fire, light, darkness, every element you could think of, came crashing down.

[Hero, please save humanity]

[The people are begging for your benevolence]

There was one colossal for every continent, and only a day after their appearance… the world had ended.

A few of my coworkers and I were lucky enough to survive because we were working deep in the mines, where the colossal footsteps couldn't reach.

But when we resurfaced, we saw the shifted landscape.

Cities had been turned into planes of fire, and volcanos spewed lava with each rumble of the ground.

Monsters had flooded into each and every part of the continent, immediately adapting to the new environment.

The world had ended.

Everybody but me committed suicide as I was completely broken and desperate to find my family.

I found a few other survivors who were all miners, but in the end, they committed suicide or were eaten by rabid and destructive monsters.

But then, as if to rub it in my face, the world system said,


[You are the last survivor of Sebbetis]


Rage filled my entire being as this was the only response I received after seeing everything get taken away from me.

I went on a suicide mission to try and kill the first colossal that I saw… The Colossal of Fire.

When I saw its health bar, I only grew angrier and angrier, but after a few unsuccessful attempts and vicious burns across my body, I knew what I had to do.

Grow stronger… and stronger… and stronger.

After realizing that I couldn't fight these things due to my weak stats and demonic evolution, I began to tame monsters.

If I can't fight the colossals, I'll just get the other monsters to do it.

After climbing up the ranks, starting from taming a vicious fire bunny, I eventually reached the fire dragon level after three hundred years.

I was able to just barely scrape by after sacrificing four of ten tamed fire dragons who dealt most of the damage with their draconic breath.

I then moved to the next continent and did the same process.

Then again, and again, and again.

Each time, my rage began to dwindle, and upon reaching the last colossal five-thousand years later, I was no longer angry.

I was just sad.

But, after seeing the Colossal of Mountains in front of me on its last legs, a flame was reignited from within me, and it burned brighter than any fire a dragon could create.

"One last attack… Just one more,"

The colossal threw an insanely fast punch for its size, and just as it was about to collide with me, the Colossal of Fire and Colossal of Ice both blocked the attack, sacrificing both of their hands.

Each time I killed one of these damned things, they would drop a core that I was able to combine with a hundred thousand monster souls, eventually resurrecting them under my control.

"FINISH IT OFF!" I shouted, and the black chimera, which was just a massive mass of flesh with hundreds of thousands of eyeballs, teeth, and tentacles, jumped up.

It let out a loud cry before latching onto the colossal's head, and it began to slip into the cracks, which only widened with its strong pressure.


The colossal let out one last cry before disintegrating into dust.


"It's a bit disappointing," I muttered as a large core dropped straight in front of me… but this one was a bit different.

My eyes widened upon seeing the almost beautiful smooth orb, which was like a shining sun when compared to the dry, mountainous, and expansive landscape.

It had continents made of lush green vegetation and beautiful, deep-blue oceans that weren't stained with murky blood.


My collection of monsters all circled around me, and all of a sudden, they began to disintegrate into dust.


[Congratulations on completing Sebbetis]


[1. Last Survivor]

[2. Slayer of Colossals]

[3. Abuser of the System]

[4. Abuser of Outside the System]


"I don't want these shitty achievements," I muttered through gritted teeth.

The motivation and adrenaline muddled together to reignite my anger, and as I looked up at the dark and gray sky, I shouted,


But there was only silence.

My eyes were filled with tears, and as soon as they flowed down my face, my eyes landed on the massive core in front of me.


[Item - Earth]

[Grade: God+++]

[Description: ???]


"No description…"

It was an instinct that filled my mind.

As I stood up, I opened my status and glanced at a singular skill which I soon muttered after touching Earth.

"[Synthesis]... My power will create changes within you, but do not worry. I will protect you from suffering the same fate as this planet,"

Seven of the most powerful orbs gathered around me and began to mold into light that fixated itself on my body.

My body then turned to light as well and was soon sucked into the item in front of me…


[Your rewards for clearing Sebbetis have been fused]

[You have been reborn]

[You have been granted a modified version of your previous system]

[Please Enjoy]



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