
Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

The era of the decline and fall of the galaxy has arrived, and the power to destroy the world has gathered unprecedentedly. The minions of the four evil gods are wreaking havoc in the real universe. The terrifying monsters and demon legions in the night of old have brought destruction and despair to countless human worlds. In the darkness, a ray of light emerged. Carrying countless human technologies, the soul from another world returned to life with the help of the body of the thirteenth parent and child of the imperial emperor. The battle between humans and evil gods is rekindled. In the name of the Emperor, countless human heroes gather again. Blood and corpses will pave the way for the glory of mankind. “As soon as I opened my eyes, you told me that human beings are about to die??”

Almighty_flex · Book&Literature
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297 Chs

Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 72: deep in the tunnel

 The sudden change stunned everyone.

  The clan boss was killed like this? ?

   Still killed by his own people!

   Both sides stopped their hands strangely, as if they were suspended.

   It wasn't until Uver's shout broke the weird scene.

   It's like hitting play on a paused TV show.

  The next second, the orcs and the original cast space fighters fought again.

  Opal kicked one of the orcs who rushed forward, and the chainsaw sword in his hand pierced the abdomen of the other orc, splitting it in two.

   Then he rushed to the guy who shouted that he was the boss of the orc, trying to decapitate him.

  Ufer didn't show any weakness either. He raised his big gun and tried to aim at the big shrimp rushing towards him.

  Opal lifted the bolt gun in his hand one step faster than the opponent.

  The helmet's aiming aid module automatically helps him calculate the trajectory and target weakness.

  Accompanied by a roaring sound, the bomb was fired from the barrel, and flames erupted from the muzzle.

   There was a loud noise, and the huge fire in the hands of the orcs exploded into pieces.

   Opal froze for a moment, he aimed at the opponent's head.

   Unexpectedly, the opponent moved a bit, which accidentally hit the opponent's gun, causing it to explode.

  The battlefield is changing rapidly, and when blades are at war, the difference between milliseconds can determine life and death.

   Only fighters who seize every opportunity can live to the end

   Failed to kill the opponent, and Opal did not hesitate at all.

  He stepped forward.

  Servo humming inside the armor, providing assistance to its users.

  The single-molecule blade of the chainsaw sword rotates at high speed, eager to bite the flesh and blood of the enemy.

  After reaching a certain distance, Opal leaped up, and with the help of his body weight and impact force, he slashed at the opponent with a powerful sword.

   Fighting to the death, without any fancy skills.

  The simplest is the deadliest.

  Uffer subconsciously raised the huge fire system in his hand.

  Sparks burst out, and terrifying scratches appeared on the metal barrel of the fire system.

  The monomolecular blade continuously cuts the barrel, causing it to shoot out a series of sparks.

   "WAAAGH." Uvor roared as he saw the barrel being cut open.

  In the name of Mao Ershen, he wants to kill this **** prawn.

  His big gun is so precious, this big shrimp dared to break it, and even dared to chop on it.

   Definitely, must kill this big shrimp.

  Opal originally wanted to use the chainsaw sword in his hand to cut off the opponent's fire line, and then dismember the opponent.

   While suppressing the opponent, the orc kid next to him chopped at his head with a machete.

   "Go to hell, big shrimp."

   Realizing the crisis, Opal had no choice but to kick the orc who was holding a musket and killed the clan boss.

   Bending to avoid another orc's machete, dodging a fatal blow to the head.

  The orc's machete missed his head, leaving a terrible scar on his power armor.

  The other party let out an angry roar, angry that he failed to harvest the head of the big shrimp.

  Opal swung the chainsaw sword in his hand away from the opponent's machete again, seized the opportunity, and slashed on the opponent's head with one blow.

  The huge orc's head was sliced ​​open by the high-speed rotating monomolecular blade of the chainsaw sword, and the orc's brain was smashed to pieces.

   "Captain, according to the information obtained from the radar detection, more orcs are approaching us."

  Another soldier's voice sounded on the communication channel.

  Opal knocked down a two-meter-high orc warrior with a backhand elbow, put the bolt gun on the opponent's head, and sent the opponent to meet the God Mao Ershen with a bang.

   "Help me open the communication, I want to talk to Captain Iser."

   Opal also realized that the number of orcs was increasing, and they were about to be overwhelmed.

   They only had fifteen fighters.

   What they faced was the entire orc clan, and even all the orcs in the entire nearby area.

  If a planet is occupied by orcs for twenty years, then the surface must be full of orcs.

   Orcs reproduce extremely fast, and they can also build their own ecological system. Even in the harshest environment, they can adapt to transformation.

  As time goes by, the orcs in other areas will inevitably reinforce the battle here.

  The longer it is delayed, the worse it will be for them.

   Opal is going to ask for some help.

   "Communication has been linked, Commander." The communication soldier carrying the communication equipment shouted.

  The environment of each planet is different, and some are full of disordered electromagnetic storms and stellar radiation. There are always sandstorms, thunderstorm clouds and many other bad weather.

   To maintain communication with the fleet in orbit, special communication equipment is often required.

  These devices are powerful, even if they are underground, they can send messages to the fleet and other friendly forces, seeking support and help.

  The only disadvantage is that it is too bulky and cannot be integrated into the warrior's power armor.

  Even heavy power armors such as Centurion and Terminator have no way to integrate such communication devices.

   Only people can be arranged to carry relevant communication equipment.

  Opal kicked an orc away, allowing the machine soul to connect to the fleet communication channel rune that turned green.

   "Captain Iser, this is the first action team. I am Chapter Master Opal. I need a round of light spear support. Clean up those damned orc reinforcements for me, otherwise we will be dragged here."

   "Understood, Chapter Commander, please send the coordinates. I will let the technical priest analyze it, and the first round of support is expected to start in thirty seconds."

  Yeser's voice distorted by the communicator came from his ear, calm and indifferent.

  There is no worry about Opal and others being in danger, nor is there a hasty tone.

   As if he didn't care about the lives of all the members of this team.

  Opal is used to this, and knows that Esther doesn't care about the lives of Primaris space warriors.

  In order to serve the Emperor, admirals generally undergo brain strengthening to weaken emotional responses.

  This can prevent emotions from affecting rational judgment and affecting the outcome of the war.

   For the dangerous space battlefield that requires a huge amount of calculations, any emotional fluctuations are unnecessary.

   Only reason is everything.

  Opal swung the chainsaw sword and killed an orc boy, clicked a few runes on the armored arm, and sent the team's coordinate information to the fleet.

  [The coordinates have been confirmed, and the target attack has been launched. ]

   Feedback with mechanical cues.

   Opal looked up at the sky, and the thick clouds were lit by the power of the coming stars.

  A tower-like beam of light descends from the sky, extremely bright, and the helmet automatically adjusts the brightness to prevent Opal from being burned by the strong light.

  In an instant, a light spear linked the sky and the ground.

   Within the coverage of the beam of light, the orcs' vehicles and artillery made rumbling explosions.

  Where it passed was a sea of ​​flames, and everything that could be ignited was ignited.

   Those orcs who swarmed were vaporized in the huge spear, and there was not even a bone residue left.

  When the smoke dissipated, the light spear fell within 500 meters, not even a single brick or piece of scrap iron was left.

   Several light spears fell in a row, and many orcs who wanted to support the fortress were directly emptied.

  The orcs in the fortress were finally killed and collapsed, fleeing in all directions.

   "Don't chase them." Opal restrained the team members' urge to continue hunting orcs.

   Their mission is not this.

  After rectifying, Opal led the team to the depths of the fortress.

  Dark, tunnel with lumen lamps hanging, mottled and old, full of rusty metal structures everywhere.

  The lumen lamp hanging on the roof of the tunnel will flicker from time to time.

  Those thick cables hang like black pythons.

  The lights embedded in the wall flickered.

  The vision aid system within the Opal helmet automatically adjusts the light patterns to ensure these mighty warriors remain visible.

   Some of the fleeing orcs are hidden in the tunnel.

   From time to time, they would rush out from various parts of the tunnel, brandishing weapons, and be dealt with by Opal and others.

  The team went deep all the way, leaving behind orc corpses all over the place.

  After going seven or eight hundred meters deep, they bypassed the messy tunnel again.

  The sound of clanging knocking, mixed with the hum of machinery came from the depths of the dark tunnel.

   "Act in secret." Opal whispered to the other members of the team.

   I don't know if the deep underground is the orc's armory or something else, it's always right to be careful.

   Just as they lowered their feet and walked stealthily in the dark.

  A footstep sounded in the darkness.

  Accompanied by the sound of footsteps, there is also a beam of light.