
Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

The era of the decline and fall of the galaxy has arrived, and the power to destroy the world has gathered unprecedentedly. The minions of the four evil gods are wreaking havoc in the real universe. The terrifying monsters and demon legions in the night of old have brought destruction and despair to countless human worlds. In the darkness, a ray of light emerged. Carrying countless human technologies, the soul from another world returned to life with the help of the body of the thirteenth parent and child of the imperial emperor. The battle between humans and evil gods is rekindled. In the name of the Emperor, countless human heroes gather again. Blood and corpses will pave the way for the glory of mankind. “As soon as I opened my eyes, you told me that human beings are about to die??”

Almighty_flex · Book&Literature
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297 Chs

Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 68: way of balance

   Hearing the question from his subordinates, Magnus raised the scepter in his hand, the etheric light burst out, and the endless power belonging to the scarlet king manifested in front of the world.

  As the master of the power of ether, the seeker of the mysterious truth.

   Magnus' power is unimaginable to ordinary people.

  He is the most proficient at using psionic powers among the many Primarchs.

   Once a psychic communication broke the Emperor's webway barrier under the underground palace.

   Following Magnus' will, a runic light ball appeared.

  Countless light whisker tentacles danced on the light sphere, and then gradually became flat, like a mirror, showing scenes countless light years away.

  A fat man with shaking fat on his face appeared in the rune light ball. His voice could not be heard, but his lip language could be read from his lips bumping up and down.

  The man is talking to people, trying to continue to prolong his life.

  "My brother thought that each of the guards he selected was extremely loyal, but he didn't know that under the distortion of desire, any loyalty would deteriorate."

"This man has made a deal with the warp in order to live forever. A blood sacrifice will help us open the portal to Pharos. The void shield that Guilliman placed there is so exquisite and powerful that even I can hardly find faults. But he Unexpectedly, I will break through from the inside."

   "The Corpse Emperor's army is very strong, but in the face of a sudden attack, they will inevitably be caught off guard. They can only watch us achieve our goal and leave safely."

"When the alien lighthouse is destroyed and turned into wreckage everywhere, Guilliman will be hysterical and roaring wildly. Think about how exciting it will be. At that time, I will appear in front of him and humiliate him pride and pride."

   Magnus's one-eyed mocking gaze, holding a scepter, and a proud smile on his face.

  What a perfect plan.

  Guilliman will definitely be mad.

   Wait until he sees the wreckage of Pharos Lighthouse, that disgusting face, what pain and sorrow it will be.

   Magnus has planned countless conspiracies, but this time's plan is definitely the most exciting one.

  Guilliman's incompetent roar will be the most wonderful harvest of this conspiracy.

   "Master, your plan is indeed a perfect plan."

   Sharo said flatteringly.

   "Haha, let us wait and see, get ready, and wait for the other party's call. I will let my brother know that his recovery will not change anything, and the era of the empire is over."

   After saying this, Magnus looked towards the hive capital in the distance, and the huge city was still operating.

  Some silvery light spots quickly flew towards their position. Obviously, the guards of the hive capital discovered the fluctuation of the demon and tried to stop their terrible behavior.

   "A group of ants, what can you do with these toys?"

   Magnus slammed the scepter in his hand to the ground, and a huge crack appeared above the hive capital.

  His will stirred in the etheric ocean, endless power spewed out from the cracks, and a large number of demons came following his orders, killing in that hive city.

  All those aircraft were also destroyed, falling to the ground and burning blazingly.

  Listening to the wailing of the dead, Magnus showed a ferocious smile, and then quickly disappeared.

  Guilliman, here I come.

  After leaving the secret room, Guilliman returned to his strategy room.

   Officially signed the order of war.

  The expeditionary fleet was ordered to launch a war against the orcs, and was prepared to clean up the unstable factor of the Charadon sector first.

  The huge fleet departs from the steel ball galaxy and heads to different galaxies.

  They are led by different battle groups to complete Guilliman's strategic arrangement.

  These battle groups are all upgraded by original casting, and their combat power is strong enough to take on one side.

  Foundry General Keren also set off with the fleet to provide technical services to Guilliman.

   Along with the casting general, there are also many war units such as the omnic legion, the Mechanic cathar, the mechanical ark, etc.

  As an old antique that has lived for centuries, the founding general-Kelen's family background is quite rich.

   This time, he took these family assets and Guilliman to the battle to avoid the other party from liquidating him in the future.

   There is no sign of the Necrons uniting for the time being.

  Guilliman will focus on orcs first, these guys are about to become popular.

  Once the WAAAGH Great Crusade is launched and several other orc warlords are united, it will really be over.

   Once the orc emperor appears, it will be a terrible catastrophe enough to shake the galaxy.

   On the other hand, the orcs did not panic at all because of human war behavior.

  The death of an orc boss doesn't make the orcs feel intimidated, it just makes them more excited, more WAAAGH.

  Led by the orc warlord-arsonist, the orcs assembled a large number of warships, and even a huge war moon, preparing to fight head-to-head with the empire.

  The flames of war spread quickly, Guilliman attacked in an all-round way, and the orcs also came out in full force.

   Soon, dozens of galaxies were caught in a **** battle like a meat grinder.

  Many warbands joined the war under the command of Guilliman, striving to crush the great crusade set off by the orc warlord.

  The Argent Skulls is one of them.

  As a sub-chapter of the Ultramarines, they operate in a very different style from other chapters.

  They will take away the enemy's skull after victory, and the professional technical sergeant of the battle group will remove the flesh and plate it with a silver shell and display it in the fortress monastery.

  In addition to this habit, they also rely heavily on divination.

  The Chapter's think tanks and psionic advisors, priests form a team of professional prophets.

  These fighters help the warband gain an advantage in the upcoming battle by reading the imperial tarot or divination of runes.

  The Silver Skulls have been active on the battlefields of the Empire many times and have made countless achievements.

  Guilliman admonished them, trying to get them to get rid of the custom of divination, but the effect was not obvious, and he let it go.

   This time, they were also entrusted with the task of cutting off the wings of an orc.

  The Charadon sector has been in the midst of multi-party confrontations for many years.

   There is a galaxy named Jelia that fell to the orcs twenty years ago.

  The empire has never sent troops to recover.

  After massacres, desperate local humans could only be forced to obey and become miners in order to survive in the hands of orcs.

   The Silver Skull is on a mission to take back this galaxy.

  Accompanied by the distortion of the real universe, distorted light gushes out, turning into streaks of light and trying to catch these ships that want to escape from the subspace.

   Until the physical laws of the real universe smoothed out the cracks in the subspace, those lights gradually disappeared in the dark universe.

  Aboard the battle barge Argent Hammer.

  The leader of the Silver Skull, Opal, is standing in the strategy room, checking the mission assigned by the Primarch and the main information of the Yelia galaxy.

"We didn't find any orc warships, only some transport barges. The fleet can easily handle them. They don't seem to care much about this galaxy." The think tank chief stood in front of Opal, looking at the important figures floating in front of several battle groups. Galaxy projection, Shen Sheng said.

  The shimmering light emitted by the holographic projection enveloped the faces of everyone, making their faces look a little pale.

   "Those orcs are only interested in violence, they don't like construction." The chapter priest said.

   "This planet has been corrupted, and human beings are forced to submit to them. This means that we can only come to the ground to fight. If orbital bombing is used, it is likely to cause the death of a large number of innocent humans."

  The think tank of the battle group clicked on the projection and zoomed in, and could see the flying light spots in the galaxy, which were the orc transport barges.

   "No need, they have already surrendered to the orcs and are not eligible for salvation." The chaplain of the warband shook his head, refuting the words of the think tank.

"Letting them fall into the hands of the orcs is the fault of our protectors. How can we turn our backs on them again because of such a thing? Don't forget why we fight. This is the admonition of the Primarch." The think tank looked at the pastor, angry said.

"You are taking the lives of the brothers of the warband to save some useless people." The priest also pointedly said, "Necessary sacrifices are okay, we need to achieve the mission goals faster, only in this way can we defeat the orcs and let more People are saved."

   "Okay, don't make a lot of noise." Opal Korwu stopped the two from continuing their conflict. His voice was deep and low, full of power, and shocked the two of them like a thunderbolt.

"I have made a decision that we cannot give up those who suffer innocently, nor can we waste our time too much and affect the strategy of the Primarch. This is a delicate balance. We only need to find a way to keep most of the people and let them Just survive."

   "Chapter Leader, what are you going to do?" The think tank looked at the Chapter Leader and said.