
Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

The era of the decline and fall of the galaxy has arrived, and the power to destroy the world has gathered unprecedentedly. The minions of the four evil gods are wreaking havoc in the real universe. The terrifying monsters and demon legions in the night of old have brought destruction and despair to countless human worlds. In the darkness, a ray of light emerged. Carrying countless human technologies, the soul from another world returned to life with the help of the body of the thirteenth parent and child of the imperial emperor. The battle between humans and evil gods is rekindled. In the name of the Emperor, countless human heroes gather again. Blood and corpses will pave the way for the glory of mankind. “As soon as I opened my eyes, you told me that human beings are about to die??”

Almighty_flex · Book&Literature
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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 66: one move

The orc's WAAAAGH has two meanings, one is the WAAAAGH force field, and the other is the Interstellar Crusade.

  Due to the warlike nature of the orcs, often fighting among themselves, or launching pirate raids on nearby enemies, such conflicts tend to be small-scale or endemic skirmishes that never really develop.

   But once the number of orcs reaches a critical mass, a strongest, greenest, and largest orc warlord will be born.

  With orc warlords, orcs will transform quickly, possessing stronger intelligence, technology, and combat capabilities, and will build warships, sweeping across the stars, and the galaxies they pass along the way will be destroyed by orcs.

  The so-called WAAAGH can also be understood as the great expedition launched by the orcs for their gods, Mao Ershen.

   "I believe that under your leadership, we will be able to stop those abominable aliens. You are invincible." Sicarius said.

  He has full confidence in Guilliman.

  New technology, new changes.

  After the recovery of the original body, the strength of human beings is increasing day by day.

   "I'm not a god, don't deify me." Guilliman tried to stop Sicarius' dangerous thoughts.

   If this development continues, Guilliman feels that those things during the Great Crusade will definitely happen, and he will become the second deified existence after the emperor.

  Sicarius smiled and did not refute his original body.

   But judging from his appearance, Guilliman knew that his words were not listened to at all.

   "The Great Rift has weakened the human empire, but it has made these aliens even more terrifying." Guilliman reached out and clicked on the projection screen. The data displayed on it became more shocking the more he looked at it.

   Once the orcs launch an expedition, they are very likely to have an orc emperor again.

   That's the scariest thing.

  The orc warlord already has the power of the original body, how terrible will the orc emperor be? ?

   "Aren't you here for this, my lord? We will deal with them." Sicarius said,

"Don't be overconfident. The situation in this star area is a little worse than we thought. We have to take action as soon as possible to prepare the fleets. We need to solve the orc matter. Sicarius, you go and give the fleets Let's issue orders, proceed according to the original strategic plan, crush the orcs' offensive, and take the orcs' warlords directly."

  Guilliman looked at Sicarius.

   After the latter saluted again, he walked out.

  Before the expedition, Guilliman had already made the tactical and strategic arrangements for the Charadon sector.

  Each fleet and battle group has its own goals that need to be captured.

  The Glory of Macragge he was on was in charge of roaming.

   Like a delicate scalpel, it accurately cuts the orc's vitals, ensuring a fatal blow.

   On this galactic battlefield, a war at the inter-galaxy level will test the tactical and strategic arrangements even more.

  Among the many Primarchs, Lion King Lion and Horus, the leader of rebellion, are undoubtedly the most powerful.

   "It's a pity, if I were the original original body, I would have to pull Lion King Ryan up anyway. I am in charge of operations, and he is in charge of A. The combination of two powers, invincible in the world, kicking chaos, punching aliens, and dominating the stars, is just around the corner."

   "The only pity is that I am not purely original."

   Guilliman muttered for a moment, and then saw the communication equipment on the side flickering.

  Guidos sent a message.

  He is in charge of guarding the avatar of the mechanical sage Caul. It seems that there is new news.

  Guilliman stood up and walked out of the reception and office room.

"grown ups."

  Seeing Guilliman stepping out, Phikris saluted him.

   "Let's go to Guidos." Guilliman walked towards the secret elevator, followed by Phikris and the others.

  Guilliman entered the room alone and took the secret elevator.

   Watching his master disappear behind the door, Phikris turned his head to look at both sides of the corridor, not guessing what was under the elevator.

  The same goes for the other Ultramarines, they keep their minds firm and don't wonder about those things.

   In this malevolent universe, the truth isn't necessarily a good thing.

   Chaos God prefers to use the truth to tempt those self-righteous people.

  Guilliman took the elevator down and felt the terrible spiritual pressure as always.

   Guidos has been waiting for a long time.

   "My lord." Guidos' tone was weak.

   Staying in this place for a long time is not a good thing.

   Guidos would die trying to maintain communication between him and Cawl.

   Another life that is about to burn for mankind.

  Guilliman couldn't bear to guess how long the opponent could last.

   "Take me there, thank you for your efforts, Guidos." Guilliman said sincerely.

  The survival of the empire is based on the sacrifices of these people.

   "Don't say that, serving the empire and serving the Primarch is a matter of duty."

  The two went through multiple security systems to the secret room where Kaur's avatar was located.

   After using the secret order to activate as always, Guidos left.

   After getting the activation password, the machine heard a booming sound.

  The decapitated heads were in agony in their containers, dense electrical circuits activated and lights flickering.

  The terrifying psychic coercion appeared and disappeared, and the machines under the floor also made noise.

   "My lord." Kaul's avatar said: "It's a pleasure to see you"

   "I doubt whether you are really designed by Kaul's avatar consciousness. You give me a bad feeling, Kaul's avatar, you look more like you hate intelligence."

"I was stripped off by Kaul, and it's just one of his multiple personalities. You know, Belisarius Kaur, the Great Sage of the Ruler, is a sage who abides by the commandments of the God of Myriad Chances. He will not do anything against it. prescribed things."

   "Your words are like someone telling me that Chaos God is kind." Guilliman said.

   "Have you lost your sense of humor? My lord, you have become more and more boring after sleeping for ten thousand years."

   "Tell me the news, what message did Kaul send." Guilliman asked about the business, and he couldn't waste time here with this degraded Kaul.

"The scientific research team has sent back detailed data. The repair work of the special-shaped lighthouse has been put on the schedule, and it will be effective soon. The great sage expressed his confusion to you. There is no need for us to repair the special-shaped lighthouse. We can completely rebuild a lighthouse."

Guilliman smiled, "That would have no expected effect, my brothers are waiting, they are eager to make me pay the price. A lighthouse that can solve the problem of navigating the dark side of the empire will definitely make them feel that I value it , I have to give them a chance to hit me hard."

   "They may not necessarily be fooled." Kaul's clone said.

"You have said that it is not necessarily true, so it means there is a chance. Arrogance is their original sin. They rely on the subspace, and they feel that they have mastered the truth and the supreme power." Guilliman said in a deep voice, "This is just It's a very random move, it's best if they can take the bait, if not, there is no big loss."