
Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

The era of the decline and fall of the galaxy has arrived, and the power to destroy the world has gathered unprecedentedly. The minions of the four evil gods are wreaking havoc in the real universe. The terrifying monsters and demon legions in the night of old have brought destruction and despair to countless human worlds. In the darkness, a ray of light emerged. Carrying countless human technologies, the soul from another world returned to life with the help of the body of the thirteenth parent and child of the imperial emperor. The battle between humans and evil gods is rekindled. In the name of the Emperor, countless human heroes gather again. Blood and corpses will pave the way for the glory of mankind. “As soon as I opened my eyes, you told me that human beings are about to die??”

Almighty_flex · Book&Literature
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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 59: Primaris Space Marine

   Primaris Space Marines are the key to the second step of the expedition plan.

  Guilliman needs these fighters to help him quickly defeat the orc warlords and the space necromancer dynasty, reorganize the empire, and enhance human combat power.

   Benefited from the Heart of Guilliman integrated with Dark Bio-Engine technology.

  The danger of upgrading from an old-style space fighter to a Primaris space fighter is not as terrible as the original plot line, and the risk is much reduced.

  In the original plot line, if the old-style space fighters upgrade the primordial-forged space fighters, problems will easily occur, causing casualties, or getting lost.

   Now, there is no such problem.

  Guilliman's heart, a brand new organ, possesses a powerful repair ability at the nanometer level, and it also tightly controls the entire process of upgrading to ensure that there will be no inhuman mutations.

  With the help of this special organ, the process of upgrading a Primaris Space Marine is greatly simplified.

  The success rate has been greatly improved, and the upgrade time has been compressed several times.

  It takes half a year for the Star Warriors of the original plot line to upgrade to the original Star Warriors.

  Nowadays, it only takes half a month to complete the upgrade.

   Going from recruit to Primaris Space Marine is easier, the original plot line takes at least six months to go from mortal to Primaris Space Marine.

   Now it only takes one and a half months.

  Four times faster.

   More importantly, the time is shortened, and the stability is not only not a problem, but even better.

  The only reason to prevent Guilliman from exploding troops on a large scale is that the recruits need to be mentally reviewed and honed to avoid leaving hidden dangers of corruption.

   In order to reduce the possibility of corruption, Caul has tried to strip the Primarch's qualities.

   Increases Primaris Space Marine's resistance to Chaos.

   We are also preparing to launch a brand new armor, which is used to suppress the emotions of fighters when necessary, making them more indifferent, cruel, and efficient.

  Under multiple measures, the possibility of being tempted to betray humans will be infinitely close to zero.

   Also, under the authorization of Guilliman, Kaul has prepared a secret research team.

  Preparing to use human pure genes to shape Primaris Space Marines,

  Humans have used genetic technology for tens of thousands of years.

   Before the Emperor unified Terra, powerful genetically modified bodies abounded.

  In order to ensure their own strength, all the warlords frantically use genetic medicine to strengthen themselves, smashing tanks with one punch is a routine operation.

   But these modified bodies are unstable, and there is no way to quantify their production. A little carelessness will cause flesh and blood to mutate.

  The Emperor created the Primarch, quantified and built space fighters for the Great Crusade.

  The existence of the Primarch is like an anchor, so that the mutation of the space fighters is controlled within a certain range, and it will not get out of control.

   Of course, the role of this anchor is also very limited.

  The blood thirst of the Blood Angels Legion and the flesh and blood mutation of the Thousand Sons Legion are all uncontrollable manifestations of genetic modification.

   With the advent of new technologies, genetic modification has another, more powerful anchor.

   That is the Heart of Guilliman.

  Through the combination of dark matter and flesh cells, the human gene sequence can be edited like a program.

  As long as all the original data is input into the heart of Guilliman, the genetic modification is controlled, and it is stabilized from the genetic level of the cell, it will not go out of control.

  With this anchor, it became a reality for the Empire to abandon the Primarch and use the pure genes of humans to create Primaris Space Marines.

  Of course, only Guilliman and Kaur knew about this matter, and it was not made public.

   Now is not the time.

   If it is publicized, some people will definitely feel that Guilliman is trying to conspire.

  Each chapter has a strong sense of identity with its own origin and culture, and rashly launching a purely human version of Primaris Space Marines will inevitably attract resentment.

  This matter must be done slowly.

   Slowly roll out all-human Chapters to replace the old ones, reducing the influence of those Primarchs.

   "Everything has to be taken slowly."

  Thinking of this, Guilliman wanted to complain.

   There is no way, too radical approach will cause the empire to collapse.

  The war in Ultramar is over.

  The five hundred worlds have regained their stability and are steadily implementing Guilliman's reforms.

  State religion, court of justice, politics, economy, culture, all have a brand new look.

  The new army was shaped, and they were engraved with ideological stamps, requiring absolute hatred of chaos and loyalty to humans.

  A large number of warbands and armies that went to Macragge also underwent a comprehensive upgrade with the help of the mechanical sage Caul.

   More war engines and powerful fighters are built.

  The huge expedition fleet waited for a month in the Konor galaxy.

  Guilliman took advantage of his spare time to reorganize the reform of Ultramar and the future plan.

   Also searched for a group of scholars, gave them extremely high authority, formed a team for historical research, and compiled a complete history for the empire.

  During this period, forces from all parts of the empire also continued to pass through the warp space storm, and joined Guilliman's team.

   These include the Order of Titans, members of the Radical Mechanicus, Sisters of Silence, Sisters of Battle, Knight Clan and more.

  Guilliman will find time to meet with representatives of these people every day, and encourage these people to join his cause and not to resist reform excessively.

   This busyness lasted until the fleet from Macragge sent the original cast space fighters, related original cast knowledge and technology priests he needed.

   After obtaining Kaul's achievements for a year, Guilliman turned his attention to war again.

   Prepare to go to the Charadon star area to destroy the orcs and space undead.

  After a year of collation and application, the mechanical sage Kaul has completed the integration of related technologies.

  Each battle group can upgrade Primaris Space Marines by themselves.

   After injecting the new organ of Guilliman's Heart, there is basically no possibility of failure in the upgrade.

   It only takes half a month to upgrade, which is nothing more than a few voyages.

  Guilliman let the major regiments upgrade themselves, striving to form combat power before conquering the Charadon sector.

   Subsequently, he convened a full-scale military council on the Macragge's Glory.

  All Chapter Masters, Warlords, and Fleet Senior Commanders must participate in this meeting.

  Guilliman chose the venue of the meeting in the Triumph Hall of the Glory of Macragge.

  The Triumph Hall is a place used to receive other legions during the Great Expedition. It is very spacious enough to accommodate thousands of people.

  The generals of the Starfield Army and the Imperial Navy gathered together and communicated in low voices.

  The Battle Sisters were praying silently, waiting for the meeting to start.

   The mechanical priests and sages of the Mechanic Order did not pay attention to people from other departments.

   They have basically undergone a lot of transformation, and the machinery and complicated gears are wrapped in the remaining flesh and blood.

  The mechanical priests and sages used binary codes to discuss the technology of the regent and Caul.

   Those who can be recognized by Guilliman and board the Glory of Macragge are all radical Mechanicum members.

  They don't care whether there is STC behind the technology.

  If there are Primarchs to endorse them, then it is not heretical technology.

  The silent nun stands a little farther away.

  As soulless, they exude a disturbing aura all the time, making those closest to them tremble and uneasy.

  The Anglicans surrounded Celistine, whispering softly, discussing how the miracle of the simultaneous appearance of saints and Primarchs was a sign from the Emperor,

  The Titan Order and the Knight Clan stood side by side, discussing the latest tactics and the battles that broke out in various galaxies in Ultramar not long ago.

  Each department under Guilliman's command, including those responsible for supply, guidance, and support, was represented.

   Some departments come from real people, and some are holographic projections from those servo-skulls that swarm over the people.

  There were a lot of people participating in the meeting, bustling and bustling, filling the entire hall.

   Very noisy.

   Until the arrival of Guilliman.

  All talents put respectful eyes on him, waiting for the Primarch to speak.