
Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

The era of the decline and fall of the galaxy has arrived, and the power to destroy the world has gathered unprecedentedly. The minions of the four evil gods are wreaking havoc in the real universe. The terrifying monsters and demon legions in the night of old have brought destruction and despair to countless human worlds. In the darkness, a ray of light emerged. Carrying countless human technologies, the soul from another world returned to life with the help of the body of the thirteenth parent and child of the imperial emperor. The battle between humans and evil gods is rekindled. In the name of the Emperor, countless human heroes gather again. Blood and corpses will pave the way for the glory of mankind. “As soon as I opened my eyes, you told me that human beings are about to die??”

Almighty_flex · Book&Literature
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297 Chs

Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 56: Connor's Confluence

Sicarius walked into his master's reception room with the unique steps of a master swordsman.

  He is the captain of the second company of the Ultramarines Chapter, the Lord of Watch, the champion knight of Macragge, the high-ranking lord of Ultramar, and one of the few people with the highest swordsmanship in the human empire.

  Sicarius' hand was always subconsciously placed on the hilt of the sword.

   This is his subtle combat awareness, he is always ready to deal with the battle, even in the safest place, he is always tense.

   "My lord," Sicarius said.

   "Is there any latest news?" Guilliman sat back in his chair.

   "Saint Celestine, the first to arrive at the Connor Galaxy, and clashed with the enemies there."

   "How is the battle going?? And how is the situation in the Konor Galaxy?" Guilliman asked.

"The situation on the battlefield is stalemate. The enemies there are very complicated. There are Word Bearers, Iron Warriors, and some traitors from the Black Legion, as well as those traitor forces driven by the major expedition fleets. One of the most powerful forces. The main star of the Connor galaxy has not yet fallen, and the Emperor's Scythe and a part of the Sky Blue Knights are still working hard to fight against chaos."

  The Black Legion is the legion established by the Warmaster Abaddon, chosen by the four gods.

  After the death of Horus, the Sons of Horus fell apart and became countless small war groups.

  They couldn't even protect Horus' body and Horus' flagship, and were snatched away by other battle groups.

   It was not until the appearance of Abaddon later that the turning point came.

  He gathered the former sons of Horus and some traitors who were eager to avenge the empire, established the notorious Black Legion, and continued to launch expeditions against the empire.

  With the help of the Eye of Terror, the Black Legion is invincible. They have always attacked the Empire, and the Empire can only defend passively.

"It seems that they still don't give up. They want to leave a nail in Ultramar and make us continue to bleed." Guilliman said in a calm voice, "But they underestimated my determination and ordered the fleet to move forward at full speed. We will support Saints and Connor Galaxy, after cleaning up these traitors, the expedition can enter a new stage."

   "As you wish, my lord, the fleet will move forward at full speed."

   Over time, and loyalists keep driving out traitors and forces of Chaos.

  The boiling subspace storm gradually showed signs of stopping, allowing loyalists to sail faster.

  After three weeks of voyage, Guilliman's fleet jumped out of the warp from a safe point far enough away from the star's gravitational field outside the Konor galaxy.

  Accompanied by the distortion of space, rays of light burst out from nothingness.

  A huge number of warships appeared with ether light.

  Those distorted rays of light are like tentacles, clinging to the reinforced hull, until the battleship is far enough away, it doesn't fade away.

  A robed servant hurried along a lumen-lit corridor.

  His legs have been transformed into machines, which can cling tightly to the steel corridor, ignoring the fluctuating gravity and the vibration of the Glory of Macragge.

  A servo skull is floating behind it, the red electronic eyes are buzzing, and red rays of light are scanning everywhere, alerting some subspace demons to sneak in while the guardian is not paying attention.

  One of the servant's hands was as thin as an eagle's claw, clutching the parchment with newly recorded data, intending to send it to the most important person on board.

  He walks past the other crew and servants, no one pays him any attention, everyone has their own mission.

  Some are loading artillery, some are arranging equipment for space fighters, and some are lifting people injured by the shock down for intensive treatment.

   The instability of the subspace will cause some damage to the navigation.

  The servant arrived at the bridge control room of the Glory of Macragge.

   Members of the Glory Guard wearing Terminator armor stood outside, and they examined everyone who planned to enter.

  Heavy-caliber bolters fastened to their armored chests.

  These huge warriors are demigods in the eyes of the servants.

  Whether it is the fully enclosed blue power armor suit emitting faint light, the noble helmet integrated with various Mechanicum technologies, or the humming power pack installed on the back, the servant's eyes are filled with almost religious devotion.

   "This is the latest subspace observation data, and I submit it to Lord Primarch." The servant showed the parchment in his hand respectfully, indicating his intention.

   "Go in." The communication loudspeaker on the helmet of a member of the Glory Guard made a low voice.

  Accompanied by the sound of mechanical rotation, the heavy door slid open, and the servant walked in.

  The bridge has a high ceiling and is decorated with marble sculptures on all sides.

  The huge console is surrounded by power directors, intelligence directors, and energy directors. They use nerve cables to connect to the console and share the data of the bridge. Behind each of them there are thinkers mechanically assisting them to complete their work.

   Strategic divination shrines line the walls, waiting to be activated by battlefield analysts.

  Captain Breher sat in his place, surrounded by several holographic projections.

  Each holographic projection displays a large amount of battlefield data.

  The battle in the Konor galaxy is still going on.

  The fighting between the two sides became more and more intense.

  Guilliman's fleet is approaching the battlefield, Brehe must find the best strategic entry point.

  The servant ignored them, walking straight up to the Primarch sitting on a huge seat covered in inscriptions.

   "My lord." The servant said respectfully.

  Guilliman took the data record from the servant. It was very thick, with a thickness of three centimeters.

   But the Primarch's speed was very fast. After more than ten seconds, Guilliman finished reading it and handed it back to the servant, signaling him to seal it up.

   After reading the data, Guilliman looked at Breher.

   "How is it? Captain."

"The enemy still has sixteen battleships and a large number of cruisers. Lord Celestine is gaining an advantage. Her victory is no longer in suspense. Our fleet will be responsible for intercepting and fighting to destroy all the enemies. The ships are all left in this space, my lord."

  Guilliman didn't speak, he was acquiescing to Breher's deployment.

   Victory in space battles is preordained.

  The traitor fleet, which was already on the verge of struggling, directly ushered in a rout after the Guilliman fleet entered the battlefield.

  Swarms of battleships join the space battle with the Glory of Macragge.

   Fiery rays of light hit the tail and flanks of the traitor fleet.

   Countless torpedoes draw deadly tracks through space.

  Intense flames lit up in the rebel fleet.

  Delayed nuclear bombs burned one by one traitor ships to ashes.

   Dazzling beams tear traitor ships like butter,

  The traitor fleets fighting on their own were simply unable to resist the huge and uniform offensive of the loyalists, and one after another was wiped out in the explosion.

  The remaining traitor ships tried to escape, and the loyal ships that had already completed the encirclement swarmed up like a pack of wolves, tearing them apart.

  After Guilliman arrived on the battlefield, less than an hour later, the traitor fleet was reduced to a huge number of fragments floating in the icy universe, left behind in the vacuum and gradually cooled, and their bodies were quickly frozen into ice sculptures in space.

  The battle is over, and a voice-over communication rang through the bridge control room of the Glory of Macragge.

   "My lord, Celestine requests to board the ship."

   The chapters that are owed will be made up after they are put on the shelves.

   There will still be three to four shifts a day.

   Mixed recommendation, otherwise the book will be cold.