
Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

The era of the decline and fall of the galaxy has arrived, and the power to destroy the world has gathered unprecedentedly. The minions of the four evil gods are wreaking havoc in the real universe. The terrifying monsters and demon legions in the night of old have brought destruction and despair to countless human worlds. In the darkness, a ray of light emerged. Carrying countless human technologies, the soul from another world returned to life with the help of the body of the thirteenth parent and child of the imperial emperor. The battle between humans and evil gods is rekindled. In the name of the Emperor, countless human heroes gather again. Blood and corpses will pave the way for the glory of mankind. “As soon as I opened my eyes, you told me that human beings are about to die??”

Almighty_flex · Book&Literature
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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 284: The superhero who is going to you

  Abaddon's heart was filled with hatred.

  But he didn't show the slightest bit on his face, but pressed it in the depths of his heart that even gods couldn't peep into.

   On the road against Yogg-Sothoth, the Marauder is doomed to be alone.

   Abaddon knew very well what the loyalty of those around him looked like.

   They will swear their most loyal oaths in your presence, only to turn around and sweep them into the trash.

  Like carrion vultures, don't beg them for any humanity.

   Abaddon withdrew his gaze, turned around from the porthole, and walked back to the ring-shaped high platform of the strategy room.

  The dim strategy room was barely lit by a few braziers flickering with green flames.

  Shadows lurk everywhere, whispering whispers echoing in everyone's ears.

   Strange creatures that are hard to discern are hiding in the dark.

   Abaddon was used to this.

   They've been down for too long.

  It's been so long that I have forgotten what the normal world is like.

   Without those weird shadows and whispers, it makes people uncomfortable.

  Huron, Hong Suo and the others stood aside, the dancing flames reflected their shadows in the wriggling bulkhead of flesh and blood.

  As before, they left the throne on the dais to Abaddon, tacitly making him the leader of the Legion.

   Abaddon remained calm, but he was very clear in his heart.

   Nothing will ever be the same again.

  The ambitions of these guys changed with the appearance of Horus, the avatar of Yogo-Sothoth.

  They saw another object of allegiance.

   Horus is stronger than Abaddon, and has a terrifying army that the Black Legion did not have at its peak.

   Even the name overwhelmed Abaddon.

   You must know that Abaddon was another Horus company commander before.

   Regarding these changes, Abaddon did not have much sorrow, nor did he have the idea of ​​condemning these people.

   When they rebelled against the Empire, loyalty and honor ceased to exist.

   No one takes those anymore.

  Their twisted minds desire nothing but pure malice for destruction and destruction.

   What matters is strength.

   Whoever is stronger will be their master.

  During the time of the Black Legion, Abaddon controlled the strongest force, and they were loyal to Abaddon.

Now. They began to plan how to please their new masters.

  The strange green flame of the brazier swayed, and an invisible force washed over everyone like a sea wave.

   "Abadon." A majestic voice came.

  Everyone felt that Horus with a majestic body appeared in front of them.

  The opponent's body was covered with a thick Terminator armor, which weighed more than several tons, like a terrifying metal monster.

  The armor is covered with various distorted symbols, and a layer of black light is shrouded behind its head.

  Just standing there brought an indescribable sense of oppression.

   "Master." Abaddon respectfully walked in front of the other party, and took the initiative to kneel on one knee to welcome the other party's arrival.

   Not a little rebellious and vowed to take revenge before.

   Gives a sense that Horus has conquered him and won his allegiance,

  Seeing Abaddon behaving like this, Horus couldn't help smiling.

   Mortals who are disobedient really need to be disciplined.

   Now, he is much more honest.

  Whether it is half-hearted, or really surrendered, at least I have learned to kneel.

   Horus was able to see every soul change.

  I can see the fear and fear of everyone present, and even have the ambition to replace themselves.

  No secret escaped his eyes.

  Yog-Sothoth, the all-knowing and all-powerful, does more than shout.

   Horus can tell the past of these guys with just a glance.

   A group of **** who have abandoned all good qualities, leaving only a vicious nature.

  Loyalty is something that doesn't exist for them.

  They are immersed in desire, yearning for more power.

  Of course, Horus doesn't care whether these guys are loyal to him.

   To the eternal chaos of Chaos, loyalty is meaningless, and only mortals desire such useless things.

   He prefers these guys to show their cruel, heartless side.

  Freedom and chaos are the essence of chaos.

"The Fourteenth Dark Crusade has begun." Horus paused, "You need to be the vanguard of the expedition, Abaddon. The cancerous Legion controlled by Marvell will follow behind, sowing true eternity. Fear will invade that little kingdom protected by mortals, and he will finally understand that in the face of absolute power, he will not even have a chance to fight back."

  Hearing what the other party said, Abaddon's complexion changed slightly, and he quickly covered it up.

   "I see, Master. I will be the hammer in your hand, smashing Guilliman's clenched teeth."

   "Very good, I am looking forward to your performance." Horus said: "As a reward, you will get a **** of destruction fortress, which is made of the head of a god, containing their infinite power."

   "Thanks for the gift of my lord," said Abaddon. "The Black Legion will shed the last drop of blood for great Yogg-Sothoth."

  Hon Suo, Huron and others also shouted the same words.

  Seeing this, Horus grinned and showed a mocking smile, "A mortal who dares to declare war on God, how stupid you must be. Soon, you will know how wrong you are."

  Walfe Galaxy.

   Outer orbits of stars.

  Celestial-class battleship-Storm Strategy Room.

The commanders of the four chapters of the Star Knights, the Black Angels, the Golden Sons, and the Covenant Guardians, as well as the Titans, the Knights, the Star Army, and the Navy, all gathered at the meeting. this.

  They are discussing how to launch a war against the space undead entrenched in the Valf galaxy.

  Walf galaxy lost contact some time ago, no matter how the star area government called, there was no response.

  According to the description of a narrowly escaped merchant ship, the Necrons have taken over here.

  After some investigation, the Norwalk Dynasty entered the vision of the Imperial Military Department.

  With the help of allies and special channels, relevant information about the Norwalk Dynasty was also disclosed.

  The Norwalk Dynasty is located on the edge of the Limit Star Field.

  The area they control is far away from the empire's borders.

  Before, the scope of the Astronomical Torch was generally regarded as the territory of the empire.

  Beyond this range, the people of the empire think that those territories belong to the dark realm and are unwilling to go there.

   Only Mechanicus priests eager to find lost relics and Golden Age technology and wandering traders eager to risk their fortune will go to those places.

  The empire launched several expeditions.

  The front is very smooth, but as soon as it gets close to the edge of the Astronomican, the soldiers of the empire will show a very strong sense of resistance and are unwilling to move forward.

  The Norwalk dynasty, which is far away from the Astronomical Torch, is not regarded as a target that must be attacked by the human empire.

   Until the empire wiped out many small dynasties located in the empire, the Norwalk dynasty began to do things frequently.

  Building a large-scale exorcism death zone, and also wantonly implementing the human three-light policy in the frontier galaxy.

  Such behavior angered many big figures in the army.

   Many armies have called for battle, hoping to go out to destroy the Norwalk Dynasty.

  In fact, not only the Norwalk Dynasty, but the conflict between the Necrons and humans in the entire galaxy has reached the verge of a full-scale outbreak.

  The Necrons headed by the Silent King are unwilling to give up the galaxy.

   Even less willing to succumb to human beings.

  In the eyes of many dynastic overlords, human beings who have only risen for tens of thousands of years are like a little kid.

  The time they fought against the ancient saints was much longer than the history of human starry sky.

  Surrender to human beings, they can't do it.

  More importantly, King Suotai supported by the supreme ruler of mankind-Guilliman also put those powerful dynastic overlords on fire.

  The Sothai Dynasty has grown from a tiny thing to a behemoth.

  The centers left over from the dynasties conquered by the human army were all controlled by King Suotai.

  The heart of Guilliman can be clearly seen by scarabs with low minds.

   is to make the space necromancer his vassal.

   To some extent, they have been cornered.

   Either boil the frog in warm water. With the help of humans, the Sotai Dynasty completed the unification of the Necrons and became a vassal race and thugs of humans.

   Or turn against human beings now, and use various powerful technologies that have not yet been caught up to severely defeat Guilliman's vicious conspiracy.

   Judging from the current situation, the overlords of the dynasty, such as the Silent King, have decisively chosen the latter.

  The strategy room echoed with the sound of mechanical buzzing.

  The hologram is installed in the middle of the ceiling of the strategy room.

  As the device is slowly turned on and stretched, like static electricity, the clear lines of light flicker and gradually take shape.

  The holographic image of the Valf galaxy slowly unfolded in front of many high-ranking imperial military officials.

   There are eleven planets in this galaxy.

   Two icy groups composed of solid ammonia gas, without any signs of life.

  The two planets that entered again are ice and snow planets that are far away from the stars and cannot get enough light and heat.

   Establish industrial mines and pioneer settlements.

  According to the reports from the scouts, life on both planets has been completely wiped out.

  The town is full of traces left by Gaussian lasers, another brutal massacre.

   "The enemy is currently gathering in the fourth world." Admiral Gretus reached out and clicked on the holographic projection, and a lot of data flowed like the waves of the ocean.

  The hologram senses Gretus' movements, and rotates and enlarges according to her will.

  The image is gradually enlarged to reveal more details.

  Finally focused on the fourth planet from the star.

  Through the screen, you can see that it is a planet covered in bruises and black as coal.

  The surface is covered with rock concrete like gray scales and man-made canyons with bottomless cracks.

   This is a colonial world with a long colonial history.

  Before the disaster happened, more than six billion people lived there.

   "What happened to the residents above?" Lothar, the leader of the Star Knights, asked, "Is there still a need for rescue?"

"The situation is not good. It is predicted that more than two-thirds of the residents have been massacred, and the rest have been used as test subjects. The enemy is using humans to test the power of the death zone, trying to use it as a countermeasure against subspace and humans. A sharp weapon." Gretus spoke heavily, introducing the current situation.

"The Norwalk Dynasty must come to an end." The Golden Sons Chapter Commander said: "Dozens of worlds have suffered misfortune, and countless citizens of the Empire have been killed. This is a provocation to the Empire. The only way to reduce their tomb worlds to ashes , to wash away the shame and hatred."

   "We are here for this." The leader of the Black Angel Chapter said: "Let us present the first victory of the new era of the empire."

   "They must not be tolerated."

   "Those who violate the empire will be punished no matter how far away they are."

   "Make them pay."

  Many high-ranking military officials have all spoken out, wanting the Norwalk dynasty to pay for their crimes.

"Introduce the situation of Planet Valf 4 in detail. We have to assign tasks well. The exorcism dead zone has a certain restraint effect on us. It is difficult for ordinary people to persist in it for too long. We must first destroy those facilities before we can summon the army. Enter the surface to fight." Lothar said: "Those **** can't run away."

  Gretus nodded, and with the movement of her fingers, the holographic projection changed again.

  shows the black pyramid and those suspended black diamond columns.

   Everyone present is no stranger to this, it is an exclusive building belonging to the Necrons.

  Gretus pointed out the node buildings in the Exorcism Death Zone one by one, and they had to destroy them in order to destroy this special domain that excludes souls.

  The exorcism dead zone on Planet Valf 4 is composed of countless black obelisks.

  The deployment of these minarets follows the principles of non-Euclidean geometry.

  Complicated encrypted logic graphics are enough to drive the wisest mortal mad.

   Paralyzed the empire's divine brain computing core.

  Each minaret is unique, forming a complex special device that can interfere with the warp.

  The principle is similar to the anti-magic field used by the empire, but the effect has been enhanced countless times.

  Under the effect of the Exorcism Death Zone, the subspace to which the Valf galaxy belongs has become a pool of stagnant water.

  According to the entourage of psykers, the raging warp storm is contained by a complex crystalline dome of fractal structure.

  Even if there is no Geller force field, you can travel freely in the subspace without worrying about the attack of demons.

  In the scope of exorcising the dead, even demons dare not touch it.

  The only disadvantage is that the backwater subspace is like an ocean turned into a desert, and it is difficult for the subspace engine to drive a huge ship forward.

  The Mechanicus sages who accompanied the army had to adopt new technology and build a temporary super-light tunnel to allow the imperial fleet to gather here.

  Walf galaxy is just an edge node of the exorcism dead zone.

  The Norwalk dynasty and those space undead overlords are building exorcism dead zones all over the galaxy, intending to exterminate all living creatures with souls and isolate subspace.

  Once, let them succeed, the entire galaxy will be cut off.

  Some weak races may not even be able to sail in subspace.

  Their ships can only fly in the physical plane.

  The speed will be under the speed of light flight by the laws of physics.

  The spirit-expelling death zone and Guilliman's firewall have certain similarities in principle.

   That is to intervene in the subspace through physical means to form a barrier.

   But there is also a big difference. Guilliman's firewall can allow humans to use psionic energy unimpeded, and the soul can also absorb nutrients from the subspace.

   It just divides a human domain.

  Expelling the spirits of the dead zone directly turns the subspace ocean it belongs to into a desert.

  Those demons are like fish in the sea that cannot be active in the desert. They cannot enter the scope of the exorcism dead zone at all, and even if they can enter, they will be severely suppressed.

  Humans have a physical body in the material world, which is better than demons, and they can move within the radiation range of the exorcism death zone.

  However, it is only a little better, and it also hurts.

  After approaching the Exorcism's death zone, even if they stayed on a ship in the void, people were easily tired, drowsy, depressed, and lacked energy for doing anything.

  This is the phenomenon of soul exhaustion because the soul cannot get enough nutrients.

  Exorcism Death Zone repels the power of subspace, creating a desert of nothingness.

  The human beings who enter it, their souls will lose water like those travelers in the desert, and finally die of thirst.

  The closer you get to those weird space undead buildings, the more serious the symptoms will be, and it is not impossible to go crazy later, or even lose your soul and become an idiot.

  A corps composed of ordinary people is bound to be unbearable for this battlefield environment. I am afraid that it will become weak before fighting for a long time, and a large number of soldiers will collapse.

  The only way is to use the four original foundry battle groups to launch the first wave of strikes, and first find a way to destroy the nodes in the exorcism death zone, so that ordinary people can fight normally.

  The Primordial Warriors have been fully upgraded, and the Heart of the Empire has strengthened them not only physically, but also at the soul level.

  Even in the barren Death Zone, you can still absorb enough nutrients to keep your soul from exhausting.

   Lothar assigned the tasks of several battle groups.

  Everyone has no opinion on this.

  The previous achievements of the Star Knights gave Lothar enough reputation to make everyone here obey his arrangements.

  After the military meeting, everyone returned to their ships to prepare for the assault.

   The Necrons must have known about their arrival.

   It may be because of the huge size of the imperial fleet that they did not take the initiative to launch an attack.

   This is also in line with the usual practice of Necrons.

  Their void power is generally hidden in the pocket dimension, and they will suddenly attack when the enemy is close, catching the enemy by surprise.

  Before the official battle, Lothar entered the depths of the Tempest.

  The only Dreadnought of the Star Knight was sleeping there.

  Dreams are sometimes the best place to soothe people's inner pain.

  There, people can get the treatment of good memories of the past, so as to forget a lot of pain.

   Brother Seide was groggy. After upgrading, he had the ability to enter dreams.

  He usually chooses to go back to the period of time in the Obsidian Fortress, where he spends his boring time in sleep.

   Obsidian is a barren world.

  The world of each warband is very barren and primitive.

  Only the tempering of nature can make people stronger.

  Those strong people became recruits of the Star Knights after being selected.

   Training, fighting, drinking, praying.

   The daily life of the Astral Knights is as dull as that of other warbands.

   Brother Seid stood in front of the gate made of logs and bronze.

  Behind the gate is a majestic fortress monastery.

   Walking in, you will see a hall with vaulted ceilings shrouded in shadows.

  Said manipulated the huge mech body to walk on the marble floor, making a heavy sound.

   The quiet lobby didn't last long.

   After walking a few steps, a large number of fighters appeared in front of Brother Said.

  They greeted Seid warmly.

  Shehertz, Phyllisida, Hekilos..

   Seeing those faces, Brother Seide's mind came up with their names.

  The former chapter master Almurad stood in front of the statue of the heroes of the chapter, watching Seid's arrival.

   "You should do your duty, Seid, tell me, why are you here??" asked Almurad.

   "I feel lonely and confused, Chapter Master." Seid saw Amurad through the observation device of the dreadnought.

  The other party's face was covered with scars, and his eyes were as firm and unyielding as ever.

  He is as stubborn as a rock.

  Even if there is an abyss in front of him, he will jump into it without hesitation for what he insists on.

"Loneliness is normal, and it is also one of our enemies. Seid, we have to learn to endure loneliness, so that our hearts can become stronger." Amurad said indifferently: "As a soldier, you Not only must you fight against tangible enemies, but you must also fight against invisible enemies. As for your confusion, you have passed through centuries, what kind of confusion makes you so hesitant, and you must seek inner answers."

"I don't know how to put it, you all left. The old Lords of Terra took everything from us and gave it to another warband. Our serial numbers were stripped and we have nothing left. The new Emperor The Astral Knights were rebuilt, the new Storm, the new monastery, and the new comrades-in-arms, but I felt at a loss. These more powerful Astral Knights were really the same battle group as before, and they really deserved it. On this flag?"

  Amurad stared at Seid, his sharp eyes seemed to be able to see the remnant body inside through the thick mech.

   "What do you think the star knights are? Are they the coats of arms and banners that depict achievements? Is it the illusory glory and praise? Seid, what is the real inheritance of the star knights?"

   "Power? Glory? Courage?" Said said one by one, but Amurad kept shaking his head.

"Power can be taken away. Our bodies are not immortal. Courage can also be lost in the face of invincible enemies. A small misunderstanding may wipe out all our glory. At that time, what are we left with?? "

  Said was lost in thought.

   Become a weak, fearful star knight, what an unimaginable thing.

"Our most precious quality is sacrifice." Amurad said: "When I was selected as a candidate for the Star Knights, my mentor told me that we must make all sacrifices to protect this race. Under the leadership of the Emperor, drive out those enemies. For this reason, only those who are willing to sacrifice can pass the final assessment and become true star knights."

"You and I both know how powerful the enemies humans face are. Facing those real enemies, those unimaginable temptations, courage and strength will also deteriorate. Those traitors are the best proof. Only sacrifice will not, if If death can't make you surrender, what else can defeat you?"

"The inheritance of the star knights is not the obsidian star, nor the coats of arms and banners that depict achievements, nor the tomes written by the dead, but sacrifices. Facing the almost unsolvable world engine, the star knights chose to put all their eggs in one basket The reason is this, we use our own sacrifices in exchange for the survival of others, in exchange for victory. Don't doubt those recruits, they will also become excellent and achieve victories that we could not achieve in the past. They have the same will in their bodies as we do. They are true Astral Knights."

   "Chapter Master." Said stared at Amurad, and a hoarse voice came out of the speaker, relieved.

  The battle to destroy the world engine gave the Star Knights unprecedented glory.

   It also put the Star Knights Chapter in a crisis of being banned.

  At that time, there were only 30 star knights who were not involved in the crisis, and there were 20 recruits among them, who were simply unable to rebuild the battle group.

  The Sable Swords Chapter who came to receive their legacy gave them a final chance at honor.

   That is to choose a battleship and carry out the final expedition until every knight dies in the vast starry sky.

  The destruction of the Astral Knights will only happen sooner or later.

   Later, after discussing with Seid and Lothar, they decided to make a pilgrimage.

  Even if the Astral Knights were utterly wiped out, they would travel to Ultramar to meet the resurrected Primarch and take part in the indomitable crusade that might save humanity.

   It was a desperate journey.

  When we arrived in Macragge, there were only the last fifteen star knights left.

  Every one is scarred.

   Traveling through the Warp was no easy task at that time.

   It's a tightrope walk every time, and if you are a little careless, you will be doomed.

   It is fortunate that the Star Knights have not been destroyed.

  Magraag tipped some resources to the Star Knights to assist them in completing the original casting upgrade and reconstruction.

  With the help of the Heart of the Empire, even if they only use the gene seeds of their own battle group, the recovery speed of the star knights is very gratifying.

  Up to now, the star knights already have thousands of people.

  Sid fell into confusion.

  Is the rebuilt Astral Knight still astral knight? ?

   It is still covered with a layer of skin.

   Now Seid is relieved.

  Star Knights will never inherit honor and merit, but will.

  The will to sacrifice for others.


  A voice called Seid's dream shattered.

  The visual device of the mecha made a clicking sound, and in the confusion, Seid saw Lothar.

   One of the few remaining Astral Knight veterans.

  Said's combat career was very long, and he taught countless recruits.

   Even Lothar has followed his study.

   "What are you doing here? Lothar." Seid asked.

   "The landing battle is about to begin, I want to ask if you want to join the battle." Lothar asked.

   With the upgrading of the original casting and the optimization of the knight order, the role of fearlessness in war is getting smaller and smaller.

  Many Dreadnoughts take on the task of teaching recruits.

   "Why do you ask such a question?"

  Lothar was silent for a moment before finally speaking: "This is revenge, revenge against the Necrons. They almost killed us, but now, we are back full of blood."

   "Tell me, Seid, are you going to fight? Are you going to announce the return of the Star Knights on the battlefield?"

  Said fell into silence, and after a while, a hoarse voice came from the sounder.

   "Then throw me into battle."

   Gotham City.

  Booming explosions resounded throughout the city.

   Batman dispatched with the Bat Family and launched a war against Roboute Company.

   After a long period of collection work, the Justice League has obtained definite evidence.

   They discovered the dark side of the conglomerate.

   Conduct human experiments and use human brains to transform supercomputers.

   Created a lot of modified fighters.

   Also trying to control governments and rule the world.

  In order to defend the justice of this world, the five giants of the alliance are preparing to launch a full-scale attack on Robert Company and destroy their headquarters.

  The headquarters of Roboute Corporation is naturally located in Gotham City.

  Here is where they first rose.

  Robot Company controlled all the gangsters by means of dark means, forcing people like the clown to behave with their tails between their legs.

  Many gangsters who tried to fight them met a terrible fate.

  The brain lobe was removed and transformed into a mechanical and flesh-and-blood servant.

   What a crime.

   Let every hero who sees the relevant photos grit their teeth and vow to eradicate such cancers, and never let them control the world.

   This is a battle to save the whole world.

  After planning, with the help of the Wayne Group channel, many superheroes gathered in Gotham and launched an attack on the Roboute Group. They wanted to cut off this head, kill the man behind the scenes, and let the world know the true face of this company.

  The Roboute Corporation Group Building is the tallest building in Gotham, and even the world.

   Beneath it sits a radiation-free heavy reactor that provides clean energy to the city.

   The superheroes have long planned and attacked from both the outside and the inside.

  A large number of drones were released, and scorching laser beams rained down on the superheroes.

  Armed security guards are also sniping superheroes on every floor.

  James is also a member of the security guards, manipulating the exoskeleton mecha and shooting a superhero crazily.

  The current attack on the base has made the top executives of Roboute aware of the crisis brought by the heroes.

   They increased the power of security guards and accelerated the speed of genetic modification.

   However, superheroes move extremely fast.

  James had time to accept the primary transformation, and was recalled to the headquarters, ready to fight against the heroes who represented justice.

   "Don't be obsessed with it anymore." The superhero code-named Blue Beetle, Ted Cord, avoided the laser shot by James, and persuaded: "Do you want this world to be ruled by a lunatic?"

   "It's better to be ruled by madmen than to be ruled by your justice." James yelled: "Go to hell, bastard."

   "A brainwashed idiot." Ted Kord shook his head.

  Ted Codd can't imagine why the security guards in this company are so stupid.

  It is really incomprehensible to be so stupidly loyal to the Roboute Group.

   Aren't they afraid of the same fate befalling them? ?

  With so much evidence in front of them, why are these guys still obsessed with it!

  Even criminals have human rights.

  Riddler, Poison Ivy, Killer Crocodile, Penguin, these vicious villains have killed many people and created a lot of chaos.

   Some of the gangsters also trafficked people, lent usurious loans, and forced them into prostitution.

  But they are also living people, we should give them human rights and respect.

   They too should be judged by the laws of Gotham City.

   Not the trial of the Roboute group.

   Such bottomless lynching will only plunge the world into darkness.

  Being transformed into a mindless machine slave, transformed into a human brain computer, this punishment is countless times more terrifying than death.

  Wake up, heroes represent justice.

  They are the shields that guard the world.

  A laser hit Ted Kord's blue beetle armor.

  The armor was directly pierced, and the smell of scorched flesh and blood emanated from it.

  Ted Kord's eyes turned cold, and he sighed inwardly.

  He didn't want to cause too many killings, but these people were stubborn.

   After dodging a few times, Ted Kodd shot with all his strength.

  Ted Codd was God's favorite from the moment he was born.

  Everything about him is so dazzling.

   is the heir of the world's top-ranked Kolder Industrial Group.

  Since I was a child, I have never had to worry about food and clothing. As long as I like it, I will spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in pocket money. She is also an outstanding genius, a famous inventor, and a martial artist who is good at various schools.

  James was just a poor man who had become a frequent visitor to the prison at a young age.

  No learning, no skills, nothing.

   Even if you master the fighting skills of street gangsters, it is impossible to defeat a superhero.

  After a few rounds, James was beaten to the ground, the exoskeleton armor was blazing, and the hydraulic pipes and wires came out.

  Ted Corder stepped on James' head and looked down at the guy, "Stubborn guy, spend the rest of your life in prison."

   "he-tui." James stared angrily, which was the only response he could make.

  Ted Kodd broke his legs, making him unable to stand up again, and then wanted to continue rushing towards the core area of ​​the Roboute Group.

  As soon as the opponent's feet left his head, James, who was sweating from the pain, did not admit defeat.

   Hugged the other party's feet, holding the other party tightly.

   "I'm not dead, bastard." James howled, "I won't let you pass."

  James knew he was a sucker.

  Dropped out of school at a young age, messed around with society, and was a scum and trash that a superhero looked down upon.

   is the background board of those glamorous superheroes, and it is the material for them to fight crime.

  He also thought that he was a bad guy.

   In the future, I will find a poor woman like him who has no education and no money, and have a few children who are also trash and scum.

  His life was counted in this way.

  Kolobout Group gave him a chance to be a man, and gave him a chance to enter heaven.

   You can have your own garage after working for only a few hours, and you can go to eat, drink and have fun with your friends after get off work.

  James knows about those cruel experiments, about those genetic modifications, and about the Roboute Group's desire to rule the world.

  But he doesn't care, he just wants to live like a human being.

  Robot Group is the only one who is willing to give these rotten people a chance to live.

  Clean energy, a new social wealth distribution system, cheap food and industrial products.

  Those superheroes have all kinds of technology, but they never cared about people like him.

  They wear all kinds of high-tech equipment and go to the slums to swagger through the streets, attack those criminals in their eyes, and carry out their justice.

  From the beginning to the end, they never thought about why those crimes became more and more serious under their iron fists.

   Never thought about it, maybe the high technology in their hands can change the world.

  What they think about is always fighting crime and satisfying their vanity.

  Look at this Batman, that Robin, that Superman, that Wonder Woman, what a famous name.

  People are all singing their justice, how great it is.

  But what changes did they bring to the world? ?

   Chaos and war as always, ghettos always stink, human trafficking and gangsters who persecute teenage girls are thriving.

  The more superheroes there are, the more chaotic the world is, the more crimes there are, and then there are more superheroes.

  No one knows where the root of the problem is. There are more and more superheroes, but society is becoming more and more chaotic.

  Robot Group did not give birth to a superhero wearing armor, but it brought peace to the world and let Gotham City see the sun.

  Energy technology and the desire to develop the starry sky have made it rare for countries to reach an agreement and move towards true peace.

  The slums have ushered in changes, old and dilapidated buildings have been remodeled, new communities, new schools, and a new security environment.

  They give everyone a chance, a chance to embrace change.

   Only those who are stubborn, who think about chaos and resist change, and even try to destroy the guys are punished.

  James is afraid that without the Roboute Group, the world will become chaotic again, and it will once again become a battlefield for heroes and criminals.

  Countries will fight because of the uneven distribution of benefits.

  Several drones roared over, and the laser beams kept shooting at the shield made by Ted Kord.

"Stubborn." Feeling the pressure, Ted Codd activated the weapon in the leg armor, and the strong electric current knocked James into the air. Afterwards, he fired a palm cannon and hit the opponent. The whole process was smooth, like It was like defeating those little guys before, finishing off the opponent, and then rushed to the depths of Roboute Building, ready to find the mastermind behind the scenes and solve BOOS.

   James, wearing a damaged exoskeleton armor, shattered the glass with great force, and fell to the ground freely, like a sinner falling into a lightless abyss.

  He reached out and tried to touch the sky, the heaven he had longed for.

  James recalled his life in a flash.

  He also had a dream to become a musician who heals others.

  Unfortunately, he eventually became a gangster, a scumbag.

  He also loved this world and had a beautiful ideal.

  However, living in a chaotic community, without a good education, a good living environment, and a good brain, what else can he become besides being a scum like his father and brother? ?

  A bright light lit up.

  Superman in tights is suspended in the sky, his cape fluttering, like a god.

  James saw the morning sun rising behind the opponent, and the golden light reflected on Superman's body. Those rays of light were like a halo of a god, so dazzling.

  He fired laser beams from both eyes and began to destroy the protective shield on the top floor of the Roboute Group building.

   "Fuck you superhero." Recalling his tragic life, James, with tears in his eyes, uttered his final roar.

   Then the whole person fell to the ground, and with a bang, the whole person fell apart along with the mechanical exoskeleton.

  The superheroes didn't care about such an unknown person. After bypassing the fragmented corpse, they rushed into the Roboute Group building.

   All the three views in this article only represent the three views of individual characters, so don't take them for granted.