
Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

The era of the decline and fall of the galaxy has arrived, and the power to destroy the world has gathered unprecedentedly. The minions of the four evil gods are wreaking havoc in the real universe. The terrifying monsters and demon legions in the night of old have brought destruction and despair to countless human worlds. In the darkness, a ray of light emerged. Carrying countless human technologies, the soul from another world returned to life with the help of the body of the thirteenth parent and child of the imperial emperor. The battle between humans and evil gods is rekindled. In the name of the Emperor, countless human heroes gather again. Blood and corpses will pave the way for the glory of mankind. “As soon as I opened my eyes, you told me that human beings are about to die??”

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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 280: Assassinate the Emperor

 Sanguinius, Leman Russ, Vulcan Vulkan, Ryan El'Jonson, Roger Dorn, and Jaghatai Khan are all names that are regarded as myths by the world.

  These titles represent heroic deeds and fruitful achievements, as well as human courage and wisdom.

   They shaped empires, they shaped history.

  But they have been away from humans for a long, long time.

  So long ago that their real deeds have become stories in mythology.

  In the past, no one could have imagined that one day, they could walk among the stars again, stand side by side with human beings, and jointly fight against the terrible crisis beyond human imagination.

   Now, the myth has once again become a reality.

  The Primarch returns to fight against ancient evils whose names cannot be recorded.

  Just remembering these names in your head is enough to make people feel excited.

  Everyone will feel excited and excited to be in such an era.

   This is the age of mythology.

   This is the age of miracles.

   This is the age of creation.

   And the name at the top of the list is greater than any of them.

   That is the Lord of Ultramar, Regent of the Empire, the ultimate Primarch, the thirteenth son of the Emperor, the great human commander, and the second Emperor of the Empire, Roboute Guilliman.

  A legend that no one can match.

   A miracle bestowed upon humanity by the Emperor.

  A man who is destined to run through the entire history of mankind.

  He is the radiance of the scorching sun in the eternal night era, the guiding lighthouse in the confused era, and the dawn of the dark dawn.

  He is not a god, but he makes the gods tremble.

  His record made the enemy frightened.

  His wisdom made his people live and work in peace.

  His strategy paved the way for the future of mankind.

  His kindness frees everyone who suffers from suffering.

  Kakal used the most pious attitude to record everything about the imperial regency.

  The gods want to suffer human beings to lift up their thrones and submit to their rule forever.

  The gods need human beings, and they use all kinds of sinister and vicious schemes to plan everything about human beings.

   is eager to drag this young race into the kingdom full of endless desires and become their food and slaves.

  The Imperial Regency is just the opposite.

  Humanity needs him far more than he needs human beings.

  Every creature capable of normal thinking is very clear that only Roboute Guilliman can complete the ultimate salvation of mankind.

   When Kakar wrote this, he stopped.

  He pondered whether his next content was suitable for writing.

  The silver-plated memory pen tapped the data board, and the machine slave beside him also stopped printing.

  The half-printed paper was stuck in front of the printer in front of the machine slave, the fresh handwriting was clearly visible, and it smelled like ink.

  Everyone who knows the details of Chaos and the existence of the gods should be clear about one thing, that is, the position of the Lord of Humanity is not a prize for Roboute Guilliman, but a heavy burden.

   is a means by which humans want to tie it down.

  Ascending the position of Lord of Humanity means that Guilliman is pushed to the front line against those ancient evil existences that have destroyed countless civilizations.

  He must face those terrifying creatures that are too terrifying to describe in words, and find a way that can allow mankind to move towards the future amidst many crises.

  Once he fails, he will face heavy siege from the gods.

  At that time, death is probably the lightest redemption.

  As a narrator for so many years, the Natal Corps following General Hawke is active in the front line against demons and traitors.

  Kakal also knows a lot of truths about this universe.

  The wrinkles on his face record the long years he has spent, and the many scars on his body are his medals for being active in the front line these years.

  He has a hideous wound on his chest, and an orc almost cut him open.

   If he hadn't reacted faster, he would have died.

  The former Hawke has become a very important general in the empire, capable of acting alone.

  He also became a famous narrator of the empire.

  The materials recording the heroic deeds of those brave soldiers are piled up in his workshop.

   He has published several books.

  These books are well received in the empire, and the sales data is even better.

  Some of these books were also included in Terra's library to supplement historical materials.

   This time, Kakar returned to Terra to prepare for the enthronement ceremony of the second emperor of the Human Empire.

  And I plan to take advantage of this time to sort out what I have recorded, and write a book from the perspective of a mortal narrator to look at the changes brought to the entire empire after the awakening of the imperial regent.

   Kakar was not born in the era after the awakening of the imperial regency, but lived in the era before the awakening.

   That era was the most terrifying dark age.

  Demons hunt in the shadows, traitors roam the galaxy and plunder.

  The aliens continue to launch a series of terrifying wars, trying to completely end human **** of the galaxy.

  Everywhere you look, there is only suffering.

  The revival of the Imperial Regency is the end of that era.

  Fate also took a dramatic turn at that time.

  The regent of the empire led the heroes of the human empire to launch unprecedented grand wars, regaining control of the galaxy for mankind, and protecting people from being harmed by monsters in the night and poisoned by alien wars.

   However, achieving these achievements is not enough to make the empire stable.

   Behind a series of victories, there are still deadly hidden dangers.

  The dreaded Great Rift still stretches across the galaxy.

   It splits the galaxy in two.

   Completely obscures the yolk-shaped dense cluster of stars in the heart of the Milky Way.

  Its light is painful to the observer.

  The Great Rift seems like a law of nature.

   But just stare at it for a while, and people will see things they don't want to see.

  Those terrifying forces spewed out from it, threatening the survival of mankind.

   Traitors within the Empire are still lurking in the shadows, trying to subvert the new order of the Empire, or distort it.

  Kakal learned something about the past from those ancient books and the allies of humans-the Eldar.

  Although those Eldar are not easy to deal with, and they don't like dealing with mortals in their eyes.

   But by virtue of his wisdom and identity as a narrator, Kakar still won the favor of some Eldar.

   They told Kakal something.

   Let him know the whole picture of the war between humans and chaos.

  The 10,000 years that the human empire has experienced is insignificant to the development history of the entire human race, and it can be regarded as a moment of heartbeat.

  For the entire universe, it is even more insignificant.

   But this battle against chaos is the most important battle for mankind.

  If they win, mankind will be able to get rid of the doomed fate of destruction and move towards a new life.

  If it fails, humans will become slaves of the gods.

  Chaos will play with every soul of the human race until the race is completely destroyed or the universe is destroyed.

   Race after race wasted away in this confrontation with the evil that consumed the entire universe.

  Mankind's first star empire also declined because of this.

  The savior of mankind, the Holy Emperor undertook the task of redemption alone in the dark, and finally sat on the golden throne.

   Now, Guilliman will bear the burdens of the Emperor's past.

  The Lord of Humanity represents not only absolute power, but also absolute responsibility.

  The gods will definitely do everything possible to stop Guilliman, and try to drag him into the eternal abyss.

  Once humans no longer have awe of the gods, their influence on the real universe will plummet.

   It's unbearable for those guys.

  Kakar picked up the memory pen again, organic crystals captured the surface thoughts in his frontal lobe, and lines of writing appeared on the flickering screen.

   After modifying the wording of the record.

  He chose to print.

  The sound of printing sounded again, and the smell of ink wafted from the machine beside it.

  Half of the head was transformed into a mechanical slave, using the mechanical tentacles to gather up the printed paper.

  The mechanical prosthetic eye installed in the orbital position emits a red ray, which is scanned on the text for final inspection.

  After the confirmation is completed, the machine slave will gather these papers full of words together and put them into a box.

  The box is full of Kakar's masterpieces.

   Someday, he will compile a memoir.

  Write everything you see in it, and leave a record of this era for future generations.

   Let them know what's going on in this day and age.

   Let them learn from the experience and lessons of history.

   After Kakar finished writing everything he wanted to write, he put down the memory pen.

  A burst of crisp music sounded, this is the prompt sound set by Kakar.

  The originally closed holographic projector was automatically activated, and an information window appeared in front of Kakar.

   Light twisted and formed in the darkness.

  A woman's image appears in the information window.

   The opponent has one eye that has been transformed into a mechanical prosthetic eye.

   Exudes a faint red glow.

   "Reporter, Riemann, Russ and Sanguinius are about to arrive in Terra." The voice came from the speaker placed aside.

   "I see, Director Ashiri, I'll be there right away." Kakar said.

   "Don't be late, or I will deprive you of the right to record the enthronement ceremony. A late narrator cannot be used on such an important occasion."

   "Don't worry, I will never be late."

   "I hope you will do what you say, Narrator."

   Holographic projector off.

  The image and voice of the woman also disappeared.

  The whole room was once again plunged into darkness, only the machine slave's electronic prosthetic eye and the data board in Kakar's hand gave off a faint gleam.

   Prepared everything and tidied up his clothes.

   After confirming that there were no omissions or problems, Kakar stood up, picked up a small recording instrument, and set off for the venue.

  In order to ensure his own inspiration, Kakar always likes to be alone in remote places.

   Returning to Terra this time is no exception. For this reason, he asked his good friend, the general of the empire, Hawke, to write a request letter so that he can get a quiet residence away from the hustle and bustle.

   Walking out of the door, a faint light came in from the distant window.

  With a century-old history, the polished blue marble on the surface reflects a dim light spot that varies in size and size.

  In the long corridor that no one cares about, the original silence is broken by the humming sound of the gravity engine of the servo skull, destroying the silence accumulated over the years.

  The scarlet electronic prosthetic eye of the servo skull locked on Kakar, and a mechanical tentacles carried a lantern etched with a golden double-headed eagle pattern, illuminating the way ahead for Kakar.

  The shadow formed by the double-headed eagle pattern is reflected on the marble floor in the front through the lantern.

  As Kakar advances, the suspended servo skull is always at an optimal distance to provide him with illumination.

  The floor is smoothed for a brief moment as the servos pass by.

  Exudes nebula-like rich colors.

   With the departure of the lantern, it gradually dimmed and returned to darkness.

   Walked out of the corridor, the light of the sky dispelled the darkness.

  Kakal looked up at the sky, and the light of the salute illuminated the entire city of Terra.

  Neon lights make this city a city that never sleeps.

  People's cheers are deafening, and only when the salute is fired, can one or two be suppressed.

  It is already late at night, and many people are still so excited that it is difficult to fall asleep.

  I can only use screaming to relieve my inner excitement.

   Two more Primarchs return.

  The unprecedented grand occasion made them all very excited.

   Kakar showed a slight smile.

  He witnessed the rise of the human empire.

  From the Ultramar sector to Terra, he witnessed the triumph and change of humanity.

  The future of mankind will be bright.

   There is no doubt about this.

  The servo skull adjusted the brightness of the lantern in his hand, suspended behind Kakar, the gravity engine was also adjusted, and the sound was much quieter.

  A gust of wind blew up, and with the dazzling searchlights, a hovering vehicle rushed down from a high altitude and landed firmly in front of Kakar.

  The golden double-headed eagle is particularly eye-catching.

  Accompanied by the sound of mechanical pistons, the hatch slowly opened.

  Two Imperial soldiers stepped out of the open hatch, their uniforms blown by the wind.

   "Master Narrator, we are taking you to the venue under the order of Director Ahiri." A soldier said loudly.

   "Good." Kakar said.

  Another soldier reached out to support Kakar and led him to the hatch.

  The suspension vehicle roared up, heading for the Eternal Airport from the air road dedicated to the military.

  Eternal Airport is the closest airport to the Royal Palace.

   Towering buildings stand on the surface of Terra, connecting the void and the ground.

  Every day, a large amount of materials and personnel are sent to the palace through the Eternal Airport, or transported to other areas.

   At this time, all the lights of Eternal Airport have been turned on, and the whole body is shrouded in light.

   Above the space, there is a huge artificial fusion sun, which reflects soft light and dispels all darkness.

  The port that has stood for thousands of years has witnessed the history of countless empires.

  The Emperor brought many Primarchs to build an empire, Horus fell into the embrace of Chaos, and launched a rebellion that set the entire galaxy on fire.

  The rise and invasion of the orcs, the conspiracy of the Great Marauder, and Khorne's ambitions for the palace.

  Now, this building carrying the history of the empire will once again witness a historic moment.

  The cornerstone of the palace is ancient and deep.

   This ancient land has been rebuilt thousands of times over eons.

  Before humans set foot in this place, there were already other beings who built their palaces here.

  The latecomers continued to build their own temples on the basis of the former's abandonment.

  Build, scrap, and rebuild.

   is like a circle, repeating over and over again.

  After a long time, human beings rose up and built their own temples.

   No cartographer can fully describe its deep labyrinth.

   Any advanced technology would have trouble detecting those never-ending winding roads.

   This is a place that completely violates the natural laws of reality. It is built using exquisite and complex geometric principles and multi-dimensional knowledge that mortals think only belongs to gods.

  In the darkness without light, a figure walked forward in the passage, looking very lonely.

   What is surprising is that the figure is like a ghost, walking in the narrow and smooth passage, but it doesn't make any sound.

   It seems to be a projection that does not belong to this world, without any interaction with the surrounding things.

  The channel is polished from smooth black rock.

  Perhaps, these rocks are not black, but the color of nothingness.

   It's just that they absorb all the light and devour everything, so they will be regarded as black.

  The tunnel itself is like a living creature, moving and changing all the time.

  The strange knuckles and misaligned proportions show that the builders of the tunnel are fundamentally different from humans.

  From a three-dimensional perspective, the tunnel is extremely weird, extending and twisting in directions that cannot exist.

  If you can examine this tunnel with a higher-dimensional perspective, you will find that the tunnel is flawless.

  The figure in the tunnel never walked a downward path, and even walked upwards for several sections, but his position was getting deeper and deeper.

   Only a very few people can find the right path here.

  Those who broke in by mistake died in the tunnel without exception.

   Also don't try to use brute force to break everything.

   Unless you have the power to crush every atom in this universe, it would be foolish to use brute force in a tunnel.

  Tunnel is not simply a product of the real universe, nor is it a purely three-dimensional product.

   Based on illusion and reality, take shape in a higher dimension.

  It is the intersection of the physical realm and the illusory realm, a thread torn out of the complex web of time, and a raised scar on the skin of space.

   That figure made the most correct choice at every fork in the tunnel.

   represents chaos, change, a maze that drives wise scholars mad, and is an unchallenging toy for them.

  He has insight into the secrets and is familiar with the changes in each tunnel.

  Before the wolf **** returned to his father's arms, he had already regarded this place as his own paradise.

  He paused at the sight of a large, abandoned courtyard.

  The objects inside have been destroyed, and many things are torn apart and in a mess.

  The portraits, sculptures, reliefs and tapestries all show signs of destruction.

  Even the wreckage showed signs of decay, exuding a strong smell.

  Walking into the courtyard, the first thing that catches the eye is the huge man-made underground lake.

   Moisture corrodes the patio, wood becomes slippery, broken furniture is covered in black spots where mold grows.

  The wind that does not belong to the real universe blows this space, causing the lake water to fluctuate, beating the red stones by the lake.

  Looking at the dilapidated courtyard that has been lost for 10,000 years, the movement of the figure is slightly sluggish.

  He knows what's going on here.

   It was here that Malcador was murdered by Magnus.

  The vicious witchcraft tore apart the old man who had grown up with him, and that frail body fell down in the lake.

  If Alivia the Eternal gave her strength, Malcador would truly fall.

   There will be no later things.

  The devastation caused by bombs and witchcraft is still vivid, and those huge craters will not disappear with the passage of time.

  The Emperor sat on the Golden Throne, and the Prime Minister of the Empire, Malcador, sat on the Golden Throne and sacrificed himself.

  Who can still remember this place!

  A place where dreams sprout.

  Twenty courtyards, twenty demigods, one golden dream, one race of redemption.

  It's a pity that he is the only one living and growing up here.

  The other brothers are all far away from Terra, and have experienced painful or happy lives in their world.

   "You're still here, Alpharius."

  A voice sounded, hoarse, with a hint of joy, like an old man seeing a child he had been away from home for many years.

  The voice also revealed the true identity of the figure, which was Alpharius, the Primarch of the Alpha Legion lurking in Terra.

  As a demigod, he has the same immortality as other brothers.

  Dorne killed him, but didn't completely destroy him.

  After a long time and the efforts of the alpha sons, he returned to the real universe.

   Now, he is ready to complete the final steps.

"It seems that the emergence of the big rift has allowed you to do many things that you could not do in the past. You are getting closer and closer to becoming a god." Alpharius turned to look in the direction of the voice, and took off his helmet , revealing a noble face no less than that of Vulcan and other loyal Primarchs.

  Those deep eyes stared at a corner in the darkness.

  Even in a world without light, his vision was not affected in any way.

  A stooped old man in a black robe stood in front of a broken table.

  Like a ghost wandering in the ancient deep courtyard, fettered by some past events, unwilling to leave.

  The words just now came from the other party's mouth.

   "Isn't that the path you wanted me to take? My son." The old man raised his head, his golden pupils glowed in the darkness, and the irresistible pressure was as heavy as a mountain.

  Alpharius felt unprecedented oppression, and his strong three lungs were unable to absorb enough air from the oppressed air, making it difficult for him to breathe.

  The power of the emperor has never been weakened in these ten thousand years, and it has been continuously strengthened.

  His words possessed extraordinary power, echoing in Alpharius's mind like a bell.

  Those eyes were not just the eyes of the emperor, Alpharius saw the eyes of countless people from them.

  Malcador, Loken, etc., those former heroes are all in those eyes.

   It was a judging gaze, questioning why Alpharius had betrayed their dreams.

   "I was right." Alpharius said: "Only gods can fight against gods. This is the best way to realize your old dreams."

"Gods are hypocritical." The old man said: "Their power comes from deception, and so is my power. When you choose to believe in their power, you have become a **** on the chessboard, and you are destined to be unable to stand objectively. Look at everything in the universe. Only those who are not superstitious about authority and power can see the truth."

"But now everything is as successful as the plan, isn't it! You are becoming a god, as long as the result is good, the evil deeds in the process are worthy of forgiveness. As long as the plan is successful, mankind will have a new redemption, as long as you can completely Replace them, and mankind will be completely saved." Alpharius said: "This is the best way, the way to let mankind go to eternity, but without kneeling in front of evil gods."

"In that case, I will become a new cancer of human civilization, a cancer that is stronger and more indestructible than the gods. The emperor will poison humans like the gods, and he will desire more sacrifices and sufferings to come. Protecting the survival of mankind, in this way, is there any difference from the dark age created by the gods? Chaos still wins. The only difference is that the way of winning is different."

  The old man's voice became more majestic.

  Alpharius felt that the vast ocean of the supreme sky was setting off waves of turmoil.

  The emperor's will is so terrifying, even those powers of chaos, don't think about gaining any benefits in his hands.

   "Humanity can at least survive like this, can't it! This civilization can also continue to be maintained." Alpharius said.

"But they have no chance of redemption, and they will live in the terrible kingdom created by their own suffering. At that time, all indulgence will be cruel and dark, and human beings will never be able to escape. Just because the law-makers of this universe are not ordinary The enemy is not some deranged empire that is inevitably going to be toppled and disintegrated."

"In order to maintain the living dead sitting on the golden throne, they will continue to increase the intensity of sacrifices. One thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, just like gluttony, can never be filled until the entire Races are devoured, burnt to ashes in the flames of consecration."

There was a hint of sadness in the old man's tone, and his voice became hoarse and heavy, "What is the difference between such a country and the kingdom of the gods?? You claim to have seen the truth clearly, but you are walking on a path that pushes mankind to self-destruction. I trust you, even more than Horus, but you never gave me the opportunity to enlighten you. Your betrayal was so sudden that I was defenseless."

  Alpharius fell into silence. He looked at the old man without any trace of regret in his eyes.

  Even if time goes back, he will make the same choice.

   "So you chose Guilliman? Let him become a new variable, entrust everything to him, think that he will help mankind to go to the road of detachment, think that he will help mankind get rid of the control of the gods?"

"No, humans chose Guilliman." The old man said: "You don't know all the truths, Alpharius. You have got a lot of truths, but those truths are shallow. Your knowledge of the universe, and even the universe They don't understand things outside. The power of human beings to resist chaos is far beyond your imagination, they will never succumb to those evil gods, and Guilliman is one of them."

   "You never said this." Alpharius said: "I just determine what I should do according to the truth you gave."

   "I never thought you would betray." The old man said, "Knowing more truths will only make you cause more damage."

   "Then what are you here for?" Alpharius said: "Judge your rebellious son? Or prevent me from destroying your last body and completing the last link of God's plan."

"Both, or neither." The old man said: "I am angry that you have betrayed my trust, but have no intention of condemning you. Everyone has the opportunity to choose their own path. If I condemn you for this, it is It is meaningless, and it goes against the original intention of redemption. I have no intention of destroying your so-called plan, because all of this is meaningless. When your brother ascends the throne, the operating rules of everything will change fundamentally. You Conspiracies with Magnus will become meaningless, and even become his help."

"It's just that when you enter the throne room, you will have no chance to go out. The day when you and those rebel brothers are imprisoned until the destruction of the universe is your final end. There is still time to stop now and leave Terra , to find an unnamed planet and spend the rest of your life is your best choice."

   Alpharius walked towards the center of the square in the abandoned courtyard.

   Express your choice with actions.

  The old man didn't say much, nor did he stop him.

  He here is just a projection, a remnant of past memories.

  The square is carved with a huge symbol symbolizing the duality of the universe.

   Alpharius pressed the symbols on the square with ease, and with a burst of vibration, an ivory tower as smooth as porcelain rose up, rumbling up, and the red shimmering domes were connected together.

   A moment later, a curved door opens sideways, casting a blue artificial light.

   Inside is a functioning elevator.

   When designing the elevator, the designer-Emperor considered various extreme situations.

   Keep it running for a long time, just need a simple trick about time.

  A secret passage leading to the throne room was formed.

  The old man sat at the table, calmly watching what Alpharius was doing.

   "You are very confident in your guard." Alpharius walked into the elevator, turned to look at the old man and said, "You think they will keep me."

"This is my last advice to you. Your fault is insignificant to me. Even if it shatters my dreams and makes me a rotting corpse suffering both body and soul, I still choose to forgive you. You, because you are my son. But your brothers don't think so, you betrayed them, killed Sanguinius and Ferrus, tortured Vulkan to madness, and almost drove Lu Killing Guilliman. You were their brother, and you committed such a terrible crime. They will not choose to forgive you. Abandon all your plans, flee Terra, and live the rest of your lonely life , is the best ending, and it is also the last advice an old father can give his disobedient son."

"I firmly believe in my own judgment." Alpharius said: "Father, you have lost your foresight and wisdom beyond mortals in the long torment. The glory brought by Guilliman can only last for a while, just like beauty Like the epiphyllum, although it is amazing, it is also short-lived and sad."

  "You must become a god, father, that is the only way for human beings to be free, and the only way to fight against chaos."

  The elevator doors closed, leaving only Alpharius' words echoing in the abandoned courtyard.

  The figure of the old man also gradually dimmed.

   A faint sigh was mixed into the sound of the waves of the lake, and it was drowned out.

   Eternal Airport.

  Chagatai, Ryan, and Vulcan stood behind Guilliman. With the humming of the machine, the transmitted beam of light pierced the sky like a sharp sword, sinking into the eternal void.

  The reminder lights on the machinery flickered continuously, and one after another changed from red to green.

   Sanguinius and Ruth stepped out of it.

   Imperial Chancellor - Penny stands at the forefront of government officials, following the Imperial Regent to meet his brother, those Imperial myths.

  Sanguinius' face was so handsome that even Petunia was momentarily absent-minded.

   Apart from other things, Sanguinius is undoubtedly the best in terms of handsomeness.

   Sanguinius wears noble golden armor, and the wings of **** eagles are ornate and exquisite adorned his shoulder plate, knees and arms.

  He wears an Eye of Terra and the Holy Blood emblem on his chest.

  The pure white wings were gathered behind him, and the golden protective ring and the sun-shaped protective force field device were located in his mind, emitting a faint golden radiance.

   Leman Russ standing on the side was completely different from his brother. Apart from that noble face, Petunia couldn't find anything in common between them.

   When facing Ruth, Penny felt that she was being watched by a terrifying beast that she had never seen before.

  Like Sanguinius, Leman Russ also has hair like golden filaments.

   But he did not unravel, but wove into a whip.

  His armor is very simple, without any extra decorations.

   Just those sharp rivets and a giant wolf head adornment.

  When facing Leman Russ, it feels like facing a terrifying monster that will swallow people directly.

   Those sapphire-like eyes are as deep as an abyss, and any arrogant person who tries to pry into the mystery will be swallowed by them.

   "Welcome back, brother." Guilliman stepped forward and hugged Sanguinius.

   Then he hugged Ruth again, "Long time no see, Ruth."

  The same goes for other Primarchs.

  Everyone had a happy smile on their faces.

  The reunion after thousands of years made them cherish each other's friendship even more.

   "I hope we haven't delayed our business." Sanguinius said: "It took some time to capture Angron. Our brother has gone completely crazy."

  Following Sanguinius' words, the cage where Angron was imprisoned was also teleported.

  The demon primarch, who had been burned with rage, was still frantically beating the light wall of the prison with his good hand.

Sanguinius and Russ severely injured Angron, shredded his wings, broke his spine, and suppressed his primordial essence and demonic power with a suppressing force field, so that he could not be recovered and remained Seriously injured posture.

  At this moment, he was lying in the cage, like a wild dog with a broken spine, still growling meaninglessly.

  Guilliman shook his head, smiled and said to Sanguinius: "Everything is just right, and soon, we will be together. Whether it is loyal or those who choose to betray."

  Dorne is in the portal galaxy of the solar star field, the Beta Garmon galaxy.

   Corax and Ferrus should be in different dimensions of Terra.

  Two Primarchs of the Alpha Legion lurk somewhere in Terra.

  Guilliman walked to the side of Angron's cage. Angron was beheaded by him once when he returned to Terra for the first time.

   Angron, who was resurrected now, was sent back as a prisoner.

   Mixed like this, no matter how you say it, it's a bit of a loss.

   "I don't need your pity, Guilliman." Angron, who had regained his telepathic ability, let out a low growl.

"But I just pity you, so what can you do? Angron, what else can you do but be incompetent and furious?? Your comrades-in-arms are treated as playthings, and your former companions are other people's entertainment, and they are considered dead It is also doomed to be someone else's slave, and there will never be a chance to get rid of it."


  Guilliman's words made Angron's eyes burn with anger, and he hit the wall of light with a fist, causing it to tremble.

   "Send him to Lorgar's cage, let him recover his mobility, don't restore his strength." Guilliman showed a playful smile, really looking forward to Angron repaying Lorgar's kindness.

  At the beginning, Lorgar was determined to let Angron become a demon.

   Also in the name of helping Angron get rid of the Butcher's Nail.

   Let this smart man who sees the truth see how Angron will repay this kindness.

  Hope Lorgar won't be beaten to beg for mercy.

  In that case, it would be too shameful to be a Primarch.

   After dealing with Angron's affairs, Guilliman walked up to Sanguinius and Russ.

   "Let's go, don't waste time here. We have many things to discuss." Guilliman said, "I have a big plan, that is."

   Before he could finish speaking, the sound of booming explosions came from the depths of the palace.

   Several Primarchs looked in that direction, all with horrified expressions.

  Guilliman also frowned all of a sudden.

   Panic, crying sounded from Guilliman's communication device.

   "My lord, the throne room has been attacked."

  Guilliman's expression changed instantly.

  If something happens to the Emperor, Terra will have to blow up.

   "How many people attacked? How is the Emperor's situation?"

   "There is only one, I don't know, the imperial army has surrounded the assassin, and there is only one person on the other side, claiming to be Alpharius."

   When Guilliman communicated, he did not hide from other Primarchs.

  The Primarchs were shocked when they heard the name.

"Immediately evacuate all non-combatants in the palace, and I will go there immediately." After finishing speaking, Guilliman raised his head and looked at Sanguinius and Russ, "It seems that your banquet has to be canceled first, we have to deal with it Just a big hassle."