
Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

The era of the decline and fall of the galaxy has arrived, and the power to destroy the world has gathered unprecedentedly. The minions of the four evil gods are wreaking havoc in the real universe. The terrifying monsters and demon legions in the night of old have brought destruction and despair to countless human worlds. In the darkness, a ray of light emerged. Carrying countless human technologies, the soul from another world returned to life with the help of the body of the thirteenth parent and child of the imperial emperor. The battle between humans and evil gods is rekindled. In the name of the Emperor, countless human heroes gather again. Blood and corpses will pave the way for the glory of mankind. “As soon as I opened my eyes, you told me that human beings are about to die??”

Almighty_flex · Book&Literature
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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 267: Provocation of Midnight Ghost

  The firelight on the battlefield reflected the golden armor, setting off a perfect silhouette.

  The white wings are extremely majestic, just like the wings of an eagle, and each feather is shining with brilliance.

   Long golden hair fluttering without wind.

  The crystal-cut Eye of Terra sits at the center of the golden breastplate.

  A face that should only be recorded in the book and stored in the data machine appeared in the eyes of everyone on the battlefield. If they saw it with their own eyes, no one would dare to believe that this scene was real.

  It is no longer a cold sculpture, no longer a soulless image, but a living existence.

  Like the sun in the desert, shining in the brilliance of noon, showing fiery power in the light.

  The blood angels, demons and wizards who participated in the battle were all stunned.

  His sense of existence is unparalleled, like a storm that is sweeping over, shaking everyone's hearts.

  The battlefield in the entire hall seemed to have been cast a silent spell.

  The flames of war have burned all over the starry sky.

  The battle between the empire and the traitors has already heated up, and both sides have released star-destroying attacks, trying to kill each other completely.

  The hall was completely silent, except for the echo from the outside world, there was no sound, which was extremely strange.

  Everyone present, no matter friend or foe, expressed awe from the heart.

   They witnessed the arrival of the legend.

   "Sanguinius." Ahriman said the identity of the comer in horror. As a polymath and prophet in the Thousand Sons Legion, he did not foresee that Sanguinius would appear on the battlefield.

  The other party is like a ghost independent of the thread of fate, appearing abruptly and inserting itself into it.

  The two heads of Carlos, the life-weaver who fell on the ground, stared at Sanguinius, also showing astonishment.

  He knew a little more information than Ahriman.

  He knew that the father and son of No. 13 of the Damned had been trying to revive No. 9.

   There was indeed a storm on the planet Devin.

   But, how did No. 9 cross the vast ocean and appear here without anyone noticing it!

   Has the empire already mastered the means of hiding in the subspace!

  This is not good news.

  Sanguinius looked at Ahriman, seeing the former traitor, endless anger emerged in his compassionate eyes.

  During the Battle of Terra, the Thousand Sons Legion led by Ahriman played an irreplaceable role for Horus' army.

   Without their sorcery, Horus would not be able to send the huge fleet directly into the inner solar system, bypassing the safety line.

   "Ariman, long time no see, it's time to settle your sins."

   The light flowed, weaving into a sharp spear in Sanguinius' hands.

  The spear had a cold light, full of killing intent.

  After being separated from Guilliman on Devon, Sanguinius quickly rushed to Prospero on a ship isolated from subspace prying eyes.

  Relying on the current technology of the empire, he easily crossed the vast ocean and caught up with the battle group of the Blood Angels.

   It's just that he hasn't shown himself, but is hiding in the dark, observing the Blood Angels who have been separated for thousands of years.

  I want to see, after such a long time, whether the Blood Angel has forgotten the original intention of the past.

   Fortunately, no.

  The Blood Angels remain loyal to the Empire as always, and are still fighting for humanity.

  After learning of the existence of Death Company, Sanguinius also felt guilty for a while.

   It was his fault that drove so many of the Sons of Baal into rage, turning them into wild beasts, and chained and caged by their brothers.

   Fortunately, there is still a chance to save everything now.

  The light of witchcraft shines, and a beast-like growl sounds.

  The wind blew, and a Tzeentch demon raised the scepter, trying to attack the archangel.

   Sanguinius moved, but no one could see his movement clearly.

  The spear in his hand came out, nailing the demon directly to the wall.

  The arcane light turned into raging flames, making the demon burn up and let out a scream.

  Carlos the Destiny Weaver got up, the astonishment on the faces of the two bird-shaped heads had not subsided, and there were countless puzzles in his heart, and no one answered him.

  The direction of fate became fragmented for some reason.

  According to the original trajectory of fate, Sanguinius should not be here.

   It seems that Guilliman's awakening has brought about too many changes.

   Make the future unpredictable and extremely chaotic.

   "You are just a remnant of the past, a testament to your father's defeat. You shouldn't be here, Primarch. There is no place for you in the future." Carlos pondered.

"Fate is not up to your master, devil. You should see if you can get out of here alive today." Sanguinius said indifferently: "You will die here, this is my declaration, and My judgment on your fate."

  Sanguinius took a step forward, and the spear that impaled the demon flew back into his hand, bursting with a glow of arcane light.

   This is a weapon specially designed to target subspace demons.

   Built with the latest technology of the empire, it can be turned into nano-molecules and stored in his armor, and then summoned when needed.

   "After recovering, he became so arrogant." Carlos waved his scepter, drawing cracks that glowed in the air.

  Firefiends and Horrors poured from the cracks, and the smell of brimstone filled the air.

   Whispering evil words filled everyone's ears.

  The **** hound with wolf head, lizard body, tiger claws, and crocodile tail scratched and panted, let out a low roar, and rushed towards the loyalists of the empire with its sharp claws and fangs.

  The arson demon holding a crystal wand and the humanoid creature wearing a witch robe with a dark face muttered strange languages ​​and released fel witchcraft.

  Evil fire shrouded, and thunder suddenly appeared.

  The entire hall was filled with demons, and for a while, the loyalists of the empire seemed weak.

  Sanguinius rushed into the group of demons with a spear in hand, swept past like a storm, and brought death to them without discrimination.

  The arcane spear swings up and down, unstoppable.

  The body that combines the strongest technology is comparable to a god, and the devil is easily torn apart by him.

  Sweeping all directions, no demon is his opponent.

  Facing Sanguinius' wrath, the demon's body exploded like pustules.

  Where the arcane spear passed, corpses littered the field, and demons screamed constantly.

   Burning with raging rage, burning the origin of the demons, so that they have no chance to revive.

   Dante's witchcraft shackles were also broken.

  Seeing that invincible figure, his eyes were pious and fiery, and he didn't realize that tears were streaming down his face.

   The Regent of the Empire did not deceive him.

   Really brought the Archangel back from the void world of death.

   What a miracle this is.

  Dante stood up, and the combat engine implanted in his body was turned on to the craziest state.

  The heavy battle ax swung, and there was a crackling sound in the air.

   Smashed a group of Chaos Horrors.

  Any enemy who tried to stop him was torn apart by his wrath.

   In just a moment, there were wreckage and broken arms under his feet.

   Carlos, the devil, will be dealt with by the Holy Father.

  Dante set his sights on Ahriman.

   It's time for this **** traitor to pay.

   "Ariman, today is your day of death." Dante roared and rushed towards him,

  The two-handed battle ax was waving in his hands, and every blow was done with all his strength, and there was a sonic boom in the air.

  All the marble and mechanical structures along the way were shattered.

  Ariman used witchcraft, and the scepter in his hand was flowing with witch fire.

   Accompanied by arcane incantations, his eyes burned with flames.

  The supreme power of the vast ocean was pried by him, and the flame elves and elemental incarnations whirled and danced in the air.

  The void body leaves a shining trail behind.

   Ahriman's guardian spirit is a giant Seraph, one of the original fears of mankind.

   It was a fleshy ball burning with blue flames, composed of wriggling blood vessels and a huge jaw, with teeth arranged like snakes.

  The wings also carry flames, which are a pair of wings made of black skeletons.

   "Lieyan is my servant." Ahriman gritted his teeth and hissed, "Follow my order, bless me, and everything will be burned."

  The flame elements roared, and were pulled into Ahriman's body by an invisible force.

  Even the huge Seraph was the same, carrying infinite power and sinking into Ahriman's body.

  His body swelled up, turning into a huge Balrog.

  Blue flames blazed, covering his body, and his eyes also spewed out flames.

  Pushing forward with both hands, the flame turned into a shock beam and enveloped the rushing Dante again, but this time he failed to blow the opponent away.

  An invisible shield appeared on Dante's body, distorting all his witchfires.

   "Poor creature kneeling at the feet of the evil god, you are not the only one who holds the secret of subspace operation." Mephiston also made a move, blessing Dante and blocking the opponent's witchcraft.

  At the same time, he turned his will into a hammer and slammed into Ahriman's reflection in the warp.


   Ahriman spurted blood.

  Dante got rid of his witchfire, and the battle ax in his hand slammed into the huge Balrog incarnated by Ahriman, causing it to let out a shrill scream.

  Ariman transformed his hands again, trying to slowly lift up the tomahawk that had been cut into his body.

  The flaming hands emitted waves of high temperature air, and the force field of the battle ax was distorted by the power of witchcraft, making a crackling sound.

   "Go to hell, traitor." Dante let out a roar, and slammed down the battle axe.

   Ahriman howled in pain.

   Mephiston is also exerting force, hitting the opponent's mind more violently.

  Under his interference, Ahriman was unable to unleash a strong counterattack at all.

   Dante made a sudden force, and the tomahawk fell down, cutting off Ahriman's arm.

   While he was screaming, he swung his tomahawk violently and chopped off his head.

  Powerful psionic energy dissipates into the air.

  The soul passed through the curtain of reality, was thrown into the warp, and was swept away by the torrent.

  The situation on Carlos' side is also very bad.

  The power of the Archangel is unimaginable, with the spear in his hand sweeping across, it is impossible to defeat all armies.

  The little devil couldn't resist his blow at all, and was beheaded by him at will.

"You don't have to fight me, Sanguinius." Carlos was knocked back by Sanguinius, and realized that he was not an opponent, so he showed off his tongue, "The power of the ever-changing demon is beyond Imagine that chaos is the ultimate end of all things, and human resistance has only slightly delayed the coming of the inevitable."

  "How many civilizations have existed throughout the ages, and how many outstanding sons of heaven have emerged. In the end, everything will return to dust, and even the ruins will no longer exist. No one sings their stories, and no one remembers their sacrifice and bravery."

   "Beast, don't try to shake me with words. Today is your last song." Sanguinius launched another fierce attack, and the spear attack in his hand became more terrifying.

  With a sound like thunder, the metal spear forged by the mighty power of the stars collided with the crystal-polished scepter.

  The impact force was set off, shaking the four directions, sparks and witch lights flickered.

  The demon moves swiftly, and the scepter wields endless power.

  Sanguinius wielded his spear and swung to kill, and he was about to kill the life weaver here.

"Your efforts are useless. Your father has failed. We know it very well. The victory must belong to Chaos. Guilliman can maintain the empire for a hundred years, a thousand years, ten thousand years, but human beings It will eventually repeat the same mistakes, and the fall of the empire is unstoppable."

   "Join us, little angel, the most important thing is to obtain eternal life. You will revel with the gods until the end of the universe."

Sanguinius sneered: "Things like you are always the same, immersed in your own words and unable to extricate yourself. There is no fixed number in the universe, let alone eternity. The empire and mankind may be buried in the long river of time, but The truth will also change, and the gods will also disappear in the long river of ages."

  "Humans will never surrender to monsters, even if all the stars are destroyed and the sky is burnt."

  During the words, Sanguinius launched a more violent offensive.

  The spear swings, heavy like a mountain, violent like thunder.

  Under a series of attacks, Carlos' staff was shattered, and the two bird heads showed terrified expressions.

   "No! You should think about it more."

   Sanguinius didn't talk nonsense with him, and the spear in his hand pierced Carlos' body.

  The power sealed in the spear worked, chopping the demon's soul.

  The strong arm exerted force suddenly, and the demon's body was picked up by the spear.

   "Your horn of doom has already sounded, devil, did you hear it?? The humiliation and injury of the past will be repaid a hundredfold. You once fooled humans, but from now on, you will have no chance."

   Following Sanguinius' words, the arcane spear burst out with a more intense light, and Carlos made a painful sound.

   In the spear lies the power to destroy him.

  Death is not exclusive to humans.

   Demons also die.

   "You can't do this." Carlos said in fear: "I am a member of the Lord of Changes, and you cannot bear his anger."

   Sanguinius didn't answer him, the spear in his hand was violent, and the demon's body was torn in two.

  The flames burned on Carlos' body, burning away his demon essence.

   Carlos' ending was even more tragic than Ahriman's.

  He can no longer be resurrected through the subspace torrent, nor can he return to the world with the mighty power of the Lord of Changes.

  However, there are endless possibilities in the subspace. If the cunning **** is willing to pay enough, Carlos may be able to resurrect again.

   It's just such a price, even the gods will feel distressed.

   Carlos died at the hands of the archangel.

   Ahriman was also beheaded.

  An ambush turned into a beheading battle, and Magnus knew that he would probably vomit blood from anger.

  The remaining enemies are not enough.

  Mephiston led the Holy Blood Guards to harvest them efficiently.

  Dante walked up to the archangel and looked at that noble face.

  He knelt on one knee, offering what he considered the most noble courtesy.

   "My lord." Dante's eyes filled with tears.

   "There is no need for so many etiquettes." Sanguinius showed a gentle smile: "You did a good job, Dante."

   "No, my lord, I don't deserve your praise." Dante said shamefully: "I only almost buried Baal, and I only almost killed all the descendants of the Holy Blood on the Zerg battlefield."

"No, Dante, you have maintained the glory of the Blood Angels and continued the ancient spirit. Thousands of years have passed, and the empire has decayed and fallen. I thought that the Sons of the Blood Angels had forgotten their mission, but I am relieved that you did not No." Sanguinius said kindly: "You have remembered my teachings, fought for the empire, fought for mankind, and you have never slackened."

   "The son of Baal never dares to forget the teachings of the archangel." Dante said.

   Sanguinius nodded.

   "Please move to the Holy Blood, my lord." Dante said in a pleading tone: "Every son of Baal is eager for the return of the archangel, and the appearance of your lord will surely make them feel the glory forever."

Sanguinius shook his head, "You are the leader of the battle group, Dante. My return will not change this matter. You were appointed by my brother as the commander of this battle. If I appear in the Holy Blood now No, it will certainly weaken your authority. That would be foolish."

   "No, my lord, it doesn't matter." Compared with his genetic father, Dante didn't care about his power.

   Sanguinius stared at Dante with affirmation and praise in his eyes.

  The archangel puts a hand on the shoulder of the Imperial legend.

   Such behavior made Dante feel extremely at ease.

  His keen senses can feel the surging vitality in it.

   None of this is an illusion.

   Dante was afraid that all of this was false, a dream.

  When I woke up, everything was gone.

   Thankfully, it wasn't a dream.

  Dante's tears are like a flood breaking a bank, and legendary heroes cry like children.

  Their Archangel returns.

  The scene that those lost Death Company warriors longed for was finally realized at this moment.

   Watching the performance of his greatest son, Sanguinius smiled in relief, and explained the reason in a gentle voice.

"This is a new era, Dante. You and I must obey the orders of the new emperor. Guilliman is not yet the real emperor, but he will soon be. This is my father's will. I can do nothing to weaken him authoritative matter, that is wrong and contrary to the way of redemption we seek."

  Dante was incomparably shocked by the words from Sanguinius' mouth.

  As the regent of the empire, Guilliman will be in charge of the supreme power of the empire, and he has also obtained the emperor's permission.

   This news is amazing.

  But after all, this kind of words came from the mouth of his genetic father, and it is impossible to make mistakes.

   "The regent of the empire will ascend the throne? Be the new lord of mankind?" Mephiston, who was also in tears, asked in a shocked tone.

Sanguinius nodded, "Yes, this is the emperor's will. He needs to fight the gods with all his strength. Humans in the real universe need a new leader. They can't make mistakes anymore. An unprecedented crisis has arrived , those evil beings hungry for a feast are trying to consume the entire universe, and we all need to serve a greater cause, sons."

"You are still the leader of the crusade this time, Dante. I will appear when you encounter a crisis or the final battle. Don't disclose my information to avoid causing any unnecessary turmoil. Don't think about anything related to me. Things, earnestly complete this crusade. Promise me, Dante, win this victory, capture Magnus, and present him as a gift to the new emperor of the empire, so that the glory of the Blood Angels will grow stronger Pen."

  Dante nodded, his blood was rushing, he must not embarrass Sanguinius, he must smash Magnus' conspiracy and capture that **** to Terra's prison.

   Sanguinius swiped the spear at will, opening a subspace rift.

   "Prospero, I will fight with you."

  After leaving these words, Sanguinius was submerged in that ray of light and disappeared.

  Dante and Mephiston looked at each other, and both could see the firmness in each other's eyes.

  The strong fire of will is burning, giving them endless motivation.

   "For the Archangel." Dante whispered.

   Mephiston also nodded.

   Ahriman died in battle.

   Many traitor warships had no leader, and soon fell into a chaotic state of not obeying each other's command.

  Facing the offensive of the imperial fleet, the traitor fleet that did not cooperate soon suffered heavy casualties.

  The huge crystal fortress was blown to pieces by a planetary destruction bomb, setting off a terrifying subspace scream in the subspace.

  The Blood Angels battle group continued to move forward, and during this period, those sub-groups were also joining the huge battle group, forming an unstoppable terrifying force.

  He is a wandering ghost.

   He is the midnight judgment.

  His blade will slice through your chest and eat your heart before your fearful gaze.

   Don't cry, don't make a sound, for He watches you in the dark.

  Don't scream, don't run, because he's right beside you.

  The emergence of the Great Rift awakened many ancient existences.

  For example, the Ouroboros that was sealed in the megalithic fortress, or a horror long forgotten by the empire, an abandoned son of the emperor.

  He is the embodiment of fear, he is the embodiment of darkness.

  Wherever he went, there was only fear and death.

  He is the Night Haunter, he is the all-consuming terror.

  The Great Rift opened, and the world of Tagusa on the edge of the galaxy ushered in a dark order.

  The planet has lost contact with the Empire.

   The chaotic subspace storm prevented Tagusa from communicating with the outside world.

  They are isolated in the vast starry sky, like duckweed floating in the ocean.

   Thugs and feral psykers soon try to destabilize the local regime and take over the entire planet.

  Chaos, violence, fighting, and the inferiority of human beings are fully exposed.

  Everything is in chaos.

  Death, screams filled every building in the city.

   Crazy thugs intend to turn this planet into a violent one.

   But soon, a whole new fear leaves them regretting and terrified of what they have done.

  First, a few crazy thugs were inexplicably killed, skinned, and hung on the most magnificent building in the city.

   Their faces were distorted to the extreme, as if they had suffered some unimaginable torture before they died.

   Fear breeds in people's hearts, grows little by little, until it takes over their hearts.

  There are brutal vengeance on those who committed the atrocities.

  The killings are slowly expanding, as if someone is using a needle to slowly pierce people's courage.

   Crazy thugs were gutted and dumped on busy streets.

  Pampered social elites are elegantly hung upside down on tall windowsills.

   Those who were once considered guilty but got away with it died one by one.

   The Riot inexplicably disappeared, as if it had never been there.

  The believers of the evil **** are also afraid.

  They didn't even dare to conspire in the sewer at night, and chose to meet in the bustling neighborhood during the day.

  The resurrected Midnight Ghost ruled the entire planet with ease.

  Most of the nobles were killed, their skins were completely peeled off, and they were placed on the most prosperous building, making everyone who saw them tremble with fear.

  The remaining nobles chose to submit. They knelt before the empty throne and pledged their allegiance to the midnight ghost hidden in the darkness.

  Their sole function is to control the people of Tagusa.

   From Tagusa's chronology, Coz knew that he had been asleep for ten thousand years, and the empire his father had built still existed.

  Even though it has been crumbling in the wind blown by the gods, it still exists.

  He seized the rulership of Tagusa, using his normal fear to make the whole world run according to his ideas.

  Koz tried to restrain himself rationally.

  But when he hears voices against him or unfair things, he always hunts down the opponents himself until the prey is exhausted.

   Once the wreckage of the enemy is scattered and the last scream dies down, Curze will feel the pain of his own killing again, and pray twice, hoping that some ghost will forgive his crime.

   Tagusa restored normal social order.

  In a terrifying harmony, people share wealth and fear.

  Under Coz's rule, no one dared to own more than their neighbors.

  The cultists tried to win over Curz, but they often ended badly.

  Their colleagues find nothing but bags of chopped up flesh and the brutal vengeance of the Midnight Ghost.

  The returning Koz didn't know what he should do.

  Before, he wanted to destroy the Emperor's Kingdom of Lies.

   Now, he felt that was meaningless again.

   There will always be another kingdom of lies established.

   Whether the creator is a god, or one of his brothers.

  They will build a new empire, prosper, prosper and destroy, and repeat the cycle again until the race disappears.

  Koz didn't want to get involved in those guys' fights anymore.

   Unfortunately, he is a Primarch.

   is destined to become the center of the vortex.

  From the visions of the Librarian and the whispers of demons, the Night Lords who roamed the galaxy learned of Curze's return.

  They came from all directions and gathered on the remote planet of Tagusa.

  Hope that the former genetic father can lead them again.

  The hunter has also smelled the breath of the old enemy.

  He is doomed not to stay out of it.

  Tagusa is not only far away from the brilliance of the astronomical torch, but the star is just a yellow dwarf entering old age.

  Weak light and heat can only allow Tagusa to build a very fragile ecosystem.

   Many places are covered with desert.

   Without the help of technology, it would be absolutely impossible for human beings to establish a civilized society here.

  In the desert, the night lords who came from afar fled around like the prey they hunted in the past, fearing the eyes in the darkness.

  It was a pair of eyes full of hatred, and below it was a mouth with almost no lips.

  An old folk song was hummed, like the hymn of death.

  The voice echoed in the darkness.

  When the singing sounds, it is the time of death.

   A Night Lord shoots a couple of shots into those eyes, and the next second the bolter is cut off.

  A pale face appeared in front of that warrior, and those completely black pupils revealed cruelty.

   "I am your son," the warrior cried, "don't do that."

   "Not anymore." Curz stared at the Night Lord warrior, who had bone spurs growing on his body, and various disgusting Chaos runes carved on his armor.

  Kurz felt a little sad.

  The Emperor is a tyrant.

   And the gods are worse tyrants.

   He likes neither the former nor the latter.

  The Night Lords should bring about the fear that is the foundation of sustaining human society, not succumbing to those monsters.

   Curze had hoped that the Night Lords would bring an absolute terror to mankind.

  People don't need to fear anything else but the Night Lords.

   Then the empire will be stable and prosperous forever.

  However, the fall of his home planet, Nastrum, made him understand that everything was a lie. The emperor could not establish his ideal country, and would only bring destruction and disaster.

  Before the emperor came, Nastrom was prosperous, people were equal, and wealth was shared.

   And when the Emperor's glory descended, the planet went corrupt.

  People can no longer restrain the evil in their hearts.

  The chaos of yesteryear is repeated, as recruiters hand over the most heinous criminals to the Night Lords, causing the entire Legion to follow suit.

  Koz witnessed the shattering of his dreams.

   Go crazy in endless illusions.

  He tried to get redemption, but all he got was ridicule and distrust.

  The sharp claws pierced the opponent's body easily, and Curz showed a smile, savoring the opponent's fear.

  His movements were perfect, cutting off blood vessels and nerves bit by bit, while ensuring that the opponent would not die immediately.

   "Don't do that." The night lord soldier caught by Curz stared at the pair of black pupils, and begged again, just like the people he slaughtered before.

  Koz didn't care, the other party's fear excited him.

  Flashback visions appear in his eyes.

  With the help of these illusions, he can see what the other party is doing.

  Senseless slaughter, senseless fear.

   Those midnight lords who have long forgotten the true use of fear cannot destroy his father's kingdom, and can only continue to create massacres on various planets like madmen.

  Koz also obtained a lot of useful information from these phantoms.

   His old brothers have returned and are trying to rebuild his father's great career.

  Perturabo, Fulgrim and those idiots have all been captured back to Terra.

   Clearly, they are taking revenge on their erstwhile renegade brothers.

  Coz knew those guys would find him too, their noses were as sharp as hounds.

   "Who will be the hunter? Who will be the prey?" Curz threw away the prey in his hands, and the superhuman physique of the other party would allow him to survive long enough for serious injuries.

   Live in pain, feel the loss of vitality, but can't do anything.

   It's like watching the sunset and inevitably meeting the darkness.

  Coz likes this approach, pure massacre can only deter those who have not been harmed.

  Let the abused live as painfully as possible for as long as possible. The balance between the two is the essence of torture.

  The Midnight Lord who came down from the air was quickly caught by Curz.

  He no longer needs these offspring.

  The bond between them has long been lost in the poison and madness of Chaos.

   Seeing them, Curz remembered the old lies.

   He once believed that the Emperor could do that great work, only to find out later that it was just a lie.

  The Night Lords were born for the Emperor's Lies.

   Now that the lie has been exposed, there is no need for them to stay.

   Curze took their hearts, peeled off their skins, and made them suffer in the desert until they died.

  The battleship suspended in low earth orbit also fell into his hands.

  The crew members died screaming, even the soldiers guarding the ship. Only those whom Curz considered valuable survived.

  He needs to find someone to steer the boat.

  Koz knew very well that his hunters would come soon.

  Koz wandered in his **** palace, which used to be the place where Tagusa nobles handled government affairs.

   It's Curz's now.

  Those who committed crimes or refused to obey have been stripped of their skin and hung on iron hooks.

   Some unlucky ones are still alive. Their blood flows from the wound, flows down the body to the tip of the toe, and then drips down.

  The nobles who succumbed to Curz's rule looked pale every time they came here.

   They don't know if they're going to be a part of it.

  These aristocrats who are good at deceiving and playing tricks have become more well-behaved than ever, any words are true, and they are doing things with unprecedented dedication.

  Coz's philosophy is not wrong.

  Tame them best with fear.

  The deepest part of the palace is dark, and thermal imaging and supernatural vision make it difficult to see what is inside.

   Only those with extraordinary senses can see the terrifying scene clearly.

  Everyone who saw those things in the deepest part went crazy.

  That is definitely not something that normal people can create.

   There are flesh and blood sculptures inside.

   That is a work of art carefully shaped by Koz.

   Manifestation is His Creator and Brother.

  Curz and his brothers are shaped by a wild careerist.

  Each one has extraordinary wisdom, strategy, and talent.

   "It's so perfect that we're sitting together again."

  Walking in the darkness, Curz said while staring at the flesh and blood sculptures.

  He used his sharp claws to pick out the bones from the human body.

  Each one was taken out while the other was alive.

  These bones form the skeleton of the sculpture.

  Koz is using flesh and blood to fill the gaps, shaping their faces and bodies.

  Use the retrieved human skin to sew to complete the final step of the sculpture.

  Curz walked slowly to the innermost one, in front of the flesh and blood sculpture belonging to his father, the Emperor, laughed wildly, and then became gloomy again.

  His eyes stared straight at the blood-weeping eyes in the darkness, and tears flowed from the dark pupils.

"Father, father, father." Coz repeated those words with madness, "Perhaps I shouldn't have walked out of Nastrom back then, you brought destruction to that planet, and you brought destruction to me. This The galaxy should only have one Night Haunter, not Conrad Curze."

  The alarm sounded, and the defense system of Planet Tagusa was triggered.

  Koz was in a trance for a moment, and scarlet visions surged in his mind.

  He saw the cold black wings and the golden double-headed eagle that belonged to the Empire.

   This is the emblem belonging to the First Legion.

  The illusion flows like a river, and the water is full of reflections.

  Koz has been teased by fate, but he has mastered the further usage of these illusions.

  He can give these illusions a little trust and extract the information he needs from them.

  Koz saw a figure sitting on the throne.

very familiar.

  He settled down to dig more, saw the true face of that figure, and made his body tremble imperceptibly.

   is Lion Lion.

   This is not a good thing.

  Koz didn't think that his force could defeat the opponent.

   After a moment, Curz laughed.

  Pure fighting can't win Ryan.

   But this is his territory, maybe before leaving, he can teach the other party a profound lesson.

   "This guy, as always, is a lunatic."

  Looking at the scene in front of him, Ryan frowned slightly.

  Two dark angel teams who followed him went deep into the ships suspended in the low-earth orbit of the planet Tagusa with him.

  The midnight lord's emblem on it made Ryan think that Curz summoned his son.

   When he entered the cabin and took a look, he knew that he was completely overthinking.

  The inside is densely packed with skinned corpses.

   were hoisted in every corner of the cabin.

  Whether it was a mortal who betrayed the empire or a Night Lords warrior, they were all hung there.

  That tragic appearance, even the experienced imperial soldiers could not stop it.

  Koz has gone crazy, he can even kill his heir who came to look for him.

  He loathes both Empire and Chaos.

  Lian wanted to check all the remaining ships, but Curz took the initiative to send a message to the imperial ships.

  The ghostly pupil, as pale as snow and with pitch-black eyes, stuck to the screen, provoking him.

   "I know you're here, Ryan, I'll be right here waiting for you."

  Ryan learned from the technicians that this message came from the ground, and he was even able to trace the exact address, which was the palace in the Hive City on the surface.

  Koz didn't have any hidden thoughts.

   Obviously, Curz wants to 1v1 with Ryan.

   "What are we going to do? My lord? Teleportation operation?" A dark angel warrior asked.