
Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

The era of the decline and fall of the galaxy has arrived, and the power to destroy the world has gathered unprecedentedly. The minions of the four evil gods are wreaking havoc in the real universe. The terrifying monsters and demon legions in the night of old have brought destruction and despair to countless human worlds. In the darkness, a ray of light emerged. Carrying countless human technologies, the soul from another world returned to life with the help of the body of the thirteenth parent and child of the imperial emperor. The battle between humans and evil gods is rekindled. In the name of the Emperor, countless human heroes gather again. Blood and corpses will pave the way for the glory of mankind. “As soon as I opened my eyes, you told me that human beings are about to die??”

Almighty_flex · Book&Literature
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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 247: Crusade against Magnus

 Dorne watched as the Eldar warriors charged into the webway.

  The strange light poured out from the entrance of the webway.

   Exudes a heart-pounding malice.

  The sound of fighting came from it.

  Dawn raised a hand, and everyone became tense.

  Everyone is waiting for his order.

  The shield generator hummed lowly, and the dancing arcs crackled in the air.

  The sound of the engines of war vehicles echoed in the air.

  The Primarch's hand pierced the air.

   "Follow them in."

  The knights, who had already been ready to go, controlled the mechs, took heavy steps, and pushed forward.

  The marble road trembled under the tall mechanical steps, and there was a dull sound.

  The golden double-headed eagle etched on the knight's mech gleamed in the light of the warp.

   "For the great empire, for mankind, for Guilliman." The leading knight roared.

  Accompanied by the roar, there was also a horn that resounded through the sky.

  Thousands of horns echoed the leader of the knights.

  The knights were excited for the upcoming battle, shouting passionate roars.

  Under their will, the heavy metal body was submerged in the light, and the sound of roaring artillery fire shook the webway.

  Amarich entered the Webway with the Black Templars and the Imperial Fists, along with Primaris Space Marines from several other Chapters.

  The mecha skitarii followed, their hornet-like claws, their reinforced feet slapping deadly on the ground.

  These warriors made of Martian technology are never tired and never need to rest.

   After rushing into the webway, the gorgeous light disappeared, and what greeted the eyes was the mist emitting shimmering light.

  The arched webway is very large, with a diameter of ten kilometers, enough to accommodate small warships.

   When the imperial troops moved in it, they looked very small.

   It's like ants walking in the kingdom of giants.

  The material of the webway is very special, possessing some kind of psionic resonance.

  It is a bit like the spiritual bone material of the Eldar, but there is a big difference.

   Just the same characteristics.

  According to the research data of Mechanicum, the material used to construct the webway wall does not belong to any material known to the empire.

   Some mechanical priests speculate that none of these materials may exist in the Milky Way.

  In the webway, there are corpses of demons lying down, fragmented and scattered everywhere.

   Under the suppression of the heart of the fire, the demon's strength was weakened a lot, and it was crushed by the spirit warriors, resulting in a one-sided massacre.

   "Go forward and seize control of the webway." Amariki shouted.

   "For Guilliman, for the Emperor, for Dorne," the warriors chanted.

  Amarich unleashes all his superhuman senses and beware of the demons hiding in the dark.

  The performance of the power armor was turned on by him to the maximum power, and the thinker system processed all the data at a high speed, converting all the received information into a visual picture.

  Eerie readouts throbbed in the armored Thinker processing center.

  The signs of activity flashed through the scanner like ghosts.

   Does not belong to any kind of creature.

   Nor does it follow any laws of physics.

  Like a group of ghosts dancing in the tunnel.

  It seems that the tunnel itself is moving without anyone noticing.

  Sometimes, Amareki could hear someone calling his name loudly.

  The voice sounded very strange, and there was no indication in the communication.

  Only the disturbed crackle stirred the man's voice.

   Several times, he felt the voice whispering in his ear.

  The voice was as soft as smoke, and I couldn't hear what the other party was saying.

  Amarichi tried to activate the filter program, but found that the armor did not have any recordings of that sound.

   It was as if he had an auditory hallucination himself.

  The tumbling mist covered the demon's corpse, and faces emerged.

  Those faces include human beings, alien faces, and unknown faces.

  The automatic aiming device of the mechanical infantry on the side made a clicking sound, and the automatic shoulder gun was rotating, aiming at the non-existent enemy.

  The sound of fighting came from the front.

  The Eldar warriors are fighting hard.

  Many imperial soldiers tried their best to ignore those strange phenomena, stepped forward, and threw themselves into the crazy war.

  Their steps disturbed the shimmering mist, causing small vortices to appear.

  The Eldar warriors led by Ifran were also wielding their blades.

   Their battle is like dancers dancing.

  The blade leaps to death, killing those demons in an instant.

   Swift as lightning, sows death and forges destruction.

  The wild samurai turned into a catastrophe of death, rushing against the tide of magic.

  The death roar of the demon echoed in the ancient webway, filling the communication channel of human communication with piercing screams.

  Eveline throws herself into battle.

   Her psionic energy surged as her blade sliced ​​through the bodies, limbs and necks of those half-material enemies.

  The barrier that came with the armor isolated the blood and broken skin of those monsters from himself.

   "This is the power of the spirit race." Ifran felt a little complacent in her heart.

  Even in the face of the crazy tide, the dance of death of the Eldar race can still easily harvest the lifeless.

  In the scope of the dance, it is the realm of death for demons, and there is no possibility of escape.

  Humanity should be apprehensive that they have such a powerful ally.

   Evelyn turned her head to look at the human's position.

  The huge human army made her briefly absent-minded.

  [Execute the annihilation procedure]

  [Lock target]



   The ones rushing to the front are the modified machine slaves injected with a large amount of biochemical agents. Their strong muscles make them swell like giants.

  The limbs were transformed into weapons, the waist was equipped with a movable and rotating piston metal device, the eyes were taken out, and prosthetic eyes with multiple visual modes were installed.

  They hold heavy logging guns or flamethrowers, and attack enemies with loud program prompts.

   No fear, no exhaustion.

   Standing at the front, even if one machine slave fell down, the other machine slaves would go around indifferently and continue to move forward, pouring out their anger on the enemy.

  The evil witchcraft of the demons was blocked by the energy shields on their bodies, and only ripples were stirred up on the shields.

   Ifran was amazed by the barbarity of human beings, but also by their technology.

  Even those machine slaves who have been stripped of their flesh and blood and offline nerves have personal shields.

  The regularized troops have even more astonishing equipment.

  The most common mortals are equipped with sophisticated exoskeletal armor.

  How terrible is the productivity of human beings today, so that the army can be so thoroughly armed!

  The empire glowed with endless vitality in the hands of Guilliman.

  For a while, Evelyn didn't know whether it was right or wrong to assist humans in awakening the Primarch.

  If one day Guilliman turned his butcher knife on them, the Eldar would be destroyed in an instant.

  What power in the galaxy can resist the awakened humans? ?

  The black sword in Amarich's hand has been activated. This ancient battle sword inherited from Sigismund has now become a holy relic, which is a blessing for hunting these demons.

  The electric arc on the black sword crackled, and the cracking force field had been activated, and it could kill a demon in an instant, like a scorching knife cutting butter, without any sense of lag.

Holding the black sword, he leaped over the Eldar warrior, rushed in front of a demon, swung the opponent's sharp claws away with one blow, and then split the opponent's body with a single blow, then turned and used the bolt gun in his hand to smash the other demon His body was smashed to pieces.

  The whole process is smooth and smooth.

   With the aid of the battle armor, Amariqi, who has undergone the second upgrade of the original cast, possesses the strength and speed of a **** of war.

  No demon is his opponent, any attempt to stop him will be destroyed.

  Other human warriors were also roaring, and led by Amariqi, they attacked the demon.

  The tide of magic collapsed under the combined forces of humans and Eldar.

  Those nightmares created from all kinds of weirdness, became incomplete under the cold sharp blade, and became fragmented in the roaring bullets.

  In the webway, there are explosions of gold and iron clashing and heat waves that can burn everything.

   Followed by the smell of the devil's corpse.

   Their stickiness renders both breathing masks and Primaris warrior helmets useless.

  War has its own unique smell, the stench of human corpses mixed with the ablative air and ionized ozone of bombs.

  Amarich has experienced countless battles.

  He knew the smell of war as lecherous men know women's bodies.

   But this time is different, those familiar smells are covered up, covered up by a stronger smell.

  Those smells are full of fetid disease, disgusting witchcraft, disgusting blood, and cloyingly sweet pleasure.

  The combination of humans and Eldar is like a sharp sword piercing the heart, and the demons collapse in front of the overwhelming army.

  The ground is covered with unevolved demon corpses, and the smell is nauseating.

  The knights were running with their mechas, releasing shells and plasma, forming a firepower network like a storm.

   Not a single demon escaped their grasp.

   It was instantly torn apart by the intensive firepower.

  Dorne also entered the webway.

  As the person in charge of the webway project, he naturally also has to be active on the front line, so as to encourage those soldiers who fought bravely.

  After traveling a certain distance, the webway suddenly opened up and became even bigger.

  Those network lanes are hundreds of kilometers in diameter, enough for several battleships to run side by side, or for Celestial-class warships to enter them.

  The network channels are intricate, and the small network channels are connected to the main road like blood vessels.

  The big one is enough to pass through a Celestial-class battleship, and the small one can only accommodate one person to advance.

  The Eldar use these webways to navigate the galaxy without entering the warp.

   It is conceivable that once successful, the influence of the gods on humans will drop to a freezing point.

  [Detected a gap in the network lane]

  The voice of the machine slave echoed in the communication channel dedicated to the human army.

  Dawn walked over to the coordinates according to the prompt.

  The machine slaves are pouring fire around a gap, destroying those demons with physical bodies.

   A strange light flickered, it was malice from the subspace.

  The moment the demon leaped into the webway, it gained a form, and was instantly destroyed by intensive artillery fire.

  The mechanical priest hurried over.

   The blessed machinery was installed on a huge truck and was transported with a roaring sound.

   Accompanied by the rapid flashing of those machine lights.

  Molten metal gleaming with silver light flows out of the machine's pipes.

   These molten metals are extremely expensive, and even if the resources of the entire empire are used, the output is not very large.

   are molecular-level materials.

  Using cutting-edge etching technology, the circuits and prayers are depicted on the expanded two-dimensional molecular level, and then the dimensions are contracted.

  Under the nerve operation of the mechanical priest, when the liquid metal flows to the gap, it condenses quickly, and spreads in the gap like life.

  The electromagnetic lines and the blessed prayer exuded brilliance, and after a few hours, the gap of a few square meters was filled.

  The flowing molten metal appears silver, but after solidification, it becomes black.

   Mechanicism materials are completely different from the original Webway materials.

  The black metal wall is on the netway, like a patch.

  The webway is a multidimensional existence.

  The materials used by Mechanics to repair the network channel are also multi-dimensional, which can guarantee the same performance as the original material of the network channel.

  Evelyn watched the human beings' movements, and she knew that Eldrar had pointed him to the knowledge star that stored the spirit race's technical books.

   From there Guilliman got the knowledge that the Eldar built the webway.

   I just didn't realize that the other party didn't use the material technology of the Spirit Race, but just used it as a reference to develop the most suitable technology for human beings.

  They are becoming more and more powerful, not only in military strength, but also in spiritual and cultural strength.

  They let go of their complacency and start anew, abandoning those useless traditions and codes.

  Ephran also has worries in her heart. Once human beings are so strong that they don't need allies, how should the spirit race deal with themselves.

   Thinking of the power of the gods, she was a little relieved.

  Humanity has made great progress, but the gods are not easy to deal with.

  The most terrifying thing about the gods is not power, but the ability and thought to corrupt all.

  No matter what Guilliman creates, it has to face the corruption of the gods, and this is the most dangerous place.

   Horus betrayed the Emperor?

   So who will betray Guilliman?

  The victory of the gods is as inevitable as the passage of time and the destruction of mortals.

  Humanity needs the Eldar as allies.

  If they left the Eldar, they would go through the Iron Heresy or the Horus Transformation again.

   This is the flaw of their race.

   Ifrane believes that Guilliman, who can lead mankind to glory, will not be so short-sighted.

  Dawn didn't notice the complicated and changeable thoughts of Evelyn who was standing beside him. He looked at the repaired gap in the webway.

  The daemons have been banished back to the Warp.

  The webway is somewhere between fantasy and reality.

  Without a gap, the demon cannot find the entrance.

   Can only roar impotently in the subspace.

  The webway patch doesn't look very good-looking, but Dawn still couldn't hide his excitement.

  He unbuttoned his gauntlet, and stroked the black factor wall with his thick and thick palm, as gentle as stroking a delicate beauty.

  The black metal wall is very smooth, and those flashing electromagnetic lines and prayers seem to exist inside the metal, not on the surface.

  Dawn didn't touch any tiny scratches, it was extremely smooth, as if the molecules were neatly arranged together, as smooth as the surface of an expanding and collapsing neutron star.

   "How is the effect of the repair?" Donne looked at the mechanical priest beside him.

"The strength of this liquid metal is currently the best in the empire. If you use them to make the ram of a battleship, even the crust of the earth will be as fragile as tofu. They also have the ability to repair themselves. Even if there is a small defect, they can Grow quickly and make up for the gap." The mechanical priest replied.

  Evelyn felt like a stormy sea in her heart, and looked at the black wall with uncertain eyes.

  Human technology has developed to this extent.

  The material used to repair the webway also has the property of self-growth!

   "Not bad." Dawn nodded with a smile, then looked up at the battlefield in the distance, the coalition forces were advancing bravely, and the crushing force made the enemy have no fighting spirit.

   All the way, they threw away their helmets and armor, and suffered heavy casualties.

   Soon, humanity will have the first patched webway.

   This is a very meaningful start.

   What the empire got was not only a webway, but also the experience of repairing the webway and fighting against demons, and cultivated a group of technical teams for repairing the webway.

  Those things are rare and valuable.

   Much more precious than a webway.

   "Further ahead is an abandoned spirit city, you have to be prepared, there should still be some weird monsters with their souls sucked out there." Evelyn said.

   "Relax, we are always ready. Nothing can stop humans." Dorn said.

   Baal Galaxy.

  The bottom of Angel Castle.

  A large number of blood coffins are displayed here.

   Those chosen seeds are here waiting to germinate and grow.

   It was a sea of ​​blood and rage.

   Confused souls float in it, looking for the way to the future.

  The red and black spirals intersect to shape the body.

  He glimpsed the ancient past, the first human being was born in a blackened cave, and when he grew up, he carved the image of an angel on the wall.

  The story of angels grows with the growth of human beings.

  Humans firmly believe that angels are the guardians of human beings.

   Their beauty is unmatched, and their wrath burns all.

   And now, he is becoming an angel.

   Shelter mankind and pour out the wrath of destruction on the enemies of mankind.

  New knowledge poured into his brain from the cold intelligence.

  The ways of war are written on the blank pages of his memory.

  The soaked amniotic fluid was slowly drawn away, covering his naked body coldly.

  The turning gears of the machine crushed silence into dust, and the light stimulated his closed eyes.

  The taste of blood flooded into his mouth and nose.

who I am?

  A question appeared in his mind, lingering.

  Remodeling surgery made him forget something.

   "The implanted organs are working perfectly, praising the great regent of the empire. His wisdom has made everything that was difficult before easier." A voice sounded.

"It's really an unimaginable innovation." Another voice said: "We have more angels, bloodthirst and black rage have become controllable abilities, the Emperor, there is better news than this ??"

  He opened his eyes, staring at the nutrition cabin door slowly opening in front of him.

   "The subject is awake, and all physical data is normal." A mechanical priest in a red robe said.

  He could feel an incomparably majestic power waking up in his body, and every cell was being awakened.

   Tried to raise his hand and puncture the tubes of veins and arteries, but stopped him from moving.

   "Don't make too much movement, your nerves haven't fully adapted to the new body." The mechanical priest said.

   "Do you remember your name?" Another mechanical priest asked.

   "My name?" He was lost in thought.

   Who is he now? ?

what name? ?

  He tried hard to go deep in his memory, looking for his own name.

   A sun.

  Gold and blue radiance.

  A hero, a legend, a future.

  He saw clearly the noble face of the sun, and he showed a smile to everyone, just like the warm sun shining on all things, the smile alone is enough to soothe people's terrible psychological trauma.

   That was a memory he could never forget.

  Who is that man with the noble face? ?

  As this confusion surfaced, a name appeared in his mind, Imperial Regent.

   This name seemed to have some kind of magical power, when he remembered that name.

   It was as if a sluice was suddenly blasted in my mind, and countless memories gushed out like a flood.

   War, Zerg, Killing, Death.

   Endless grief overwhelmed him.

  Let him shed tears like an angel.

  He remembered his name.

  The name given to him by his father, Yugi, the water seller.

   "Tiers, my name is Tiers." Tiers said sadly, "We lost everything, lover and friend."

   "Yes, but we also have a future. Tiers." said the mechanical priest.

   "Yes, the future." Tiers said dejectedly.

  At this time, the rhythmic sound of heavy footsteps came.

   Two angels enter, dressed in white robes decorated with spirals and drops of blood.

  Look, they are very similar.

   Like a brother, but a little different.

   One of them was taller and stronger.

  The other is older, with sharp eyes and experience and confusion.

  The mechanical priest handed over the data board in his hand to the two space warriors, and stretched out the mechanical tentacles to release the cables and pipes from Tiers' body.

   "Don't be sad, Tiers. All the souls loyal to the Emperor will return to the Emperor's throne. Even if they are humble and small, the Emperor never cares and accepts them equally." The older angel said.

   "I hope so." Tiers said, looking at the two angels.

"Tiers, you will have a group of blood brothers and a brand new father, and you will devote yourself to an unprecedented career of glory. Forget the past, Tiers, you belong to the future." The old space warrior Said, "The galaxy is burning, those horrors are hurting innocent human beings, and the great imperial regent needs every warrior."

Another angel put his hand on Tiers' shoulder, "Are you ready? As an angel of death under Sanguinius, you are ready to protect others and give your life for them Are you ready? Are you ready to face those horrors and avenge the dead? Tiers."

  Tiers recalled those terrifying creatures.

  The images of his comrades who died on the battlefield flickered in his mind.

  The civilians who died in the massacre reached out to him in despair.

  Those crying children were blown away in the artillery fire, and the rumbling explosion instantly turned those children into wreckage fragments.

   "I don't know, but I'm ready to die." Tiers said.

   "Very good." The older angel turned to look at the mechanical priest, "Arm him, we will have one more warrior."

  Angel Fort stands tall and majestic on the surface of Barr. The momentum is magnificent, and all kinds of tall buildings are very spectacular. The highest place has even pierced the stratosphere. It is the tallest building in the newly established City of Angels.

  All kinds of exquisite buildings surround this fortress and are rising rapidly.

   Mechanical priests and merchants will bring this desolate world back to life.

  Tiers walked out after putting on the armor blessed by the Holy Emperor and the Great Regent.

   What he saw surprised him.

  The ruins and wreckage have disappeared.

   Instead, there are various exquisite buildings and lush plants.

  The suspension vehicle shuttles through the tall city like a school of fish. The sunlight passes through the school of fish and falls on the ground, turning into tiny spots of light.

  Under the glory of the Imperial Regency, the people of Baal are no longer bothered by the harsh environment.

   A new life awaits them.

  Education for all has already been rolled out, and schools have been established at the fastest speed.

   Mechanical priests and various professionals also rushed to Baal from all over the galaxy.

  The empire needs more professionals to satisfy that terrifying, ever-hungry scientific behemoth.

  The children were brought out from those factories, from the desolate tribes.

   They were thrown in schools and molded into what the Empire needed.

  Anyone who tries to stop this will be given a death bomb by the judge or law enforcer.

  The empire is as strong as ever.

  The economy also began to develop.

  The interstellar fleets that come and go transport the goods from other galaxies, and transport the goods from Baal, and wealth is generated in a process.

  In the economic system controlled by the empire, the flow of wealth is strictly monitored to ensure that the wealth will fall on those who are useful to the human race, rather than those who are useless and can only rely on system loopholes.

   Don't try to use any illegal means to obtain social wealth that doesn't belong to you.

  The judges of the empire never cared about those useless sophistry, they just put the guns into the mouths of those idiots, and then pulled the trigger.

  Tiers boarded the transport boat, and he was assigned a task to go to the wild to wipe out Tyranid creatures.

  The transport boat roared, and the anti-gravity array supported the heavy cabin to fly in the air.

   They shuttled through the city centered on Fort Angel.

  Barr's change was so great that Tiers felt as if he had watched a magic trick, which was unbelievable.

  If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, who would believe that this bustling city was a ruin destroyed by Tyranid creatures.

"In the past, we fought for the emperor and for the glory of Sanguinius. Now we have one more task, which is to protect these things. The war has never been far away from us." The leader beside Tiers- Surens said, "Before I came to Barr, I fought with the Regent of the Empire."

Surens showed his badge of merit, "Some people think it's a symbol of honor, and some think it's a reward. But we think it's a record of pain. Behind every badge of merit are soldiers who have paid heavy sacrifices and suffered a lot. Suffering people. The blood of Sanguinius flows in our breasts, the blood of mercy and love, and we are destined to die for the innocent, to die for a greater cause, to protect those innocent Fighting to the last moment."

   "This is our mission, Tiers. Remember, we are the sons of Sanguinius. We were born to sacrifice, to protect the beauty and peace of this world."

   "I remember." Tiers said, "I will definitely live up to the blood of Sanguinius."

  The blood slaves wore ivory white masks and walked along the avenue of ceremonies holding an incense burner in their hands. Their figures looked very small compared with the sculptures in the alcove.

  They sang the ancient songs of angels, seeing off the departed warriors, and guiding them back to the arms of the archangels and into the sanctuary of the emperor.

   Walking in the forefront is the legend of the Empire, the Chapter Master of the Blood Angels Chapter-Dante.

  He is wearing a glittering gold ceramic steel armor, and his face is covered with a golden mask depicting the face of Sanguinius.

  The pattern left by the latest casting can be seen on the mask.

  The original mask has been taken away by Guilliman.

  It contains the fragment of Sanguinius, which is the key to resurrecting the archangel.

   Guilliman promised that he would bring back the Archangel the day the fragments were assembled.

   Dante did not have the slightest doubt.

  Guilliman has done many miraculous deeds that others thought were impossible.

  He reorganized the empire, defeated many powerful enemies, and recalled several Primarchs.

  The absurd and impossible-sounding thing of resurrecting Sanguinius, said from Guilliman's mouth, made Dante feel very reliable.

  Dante walks in the team, strong and powerful, with a figure that has been upgraded by the original casting, and moves vigorously, vigorously and vigorously.

   It is completely impossible to see that not long ago, he and the Blood Angels Chapter faced a disaster that could destroy everything.

   This imperial hero is like a sculpture that came out of mythology.

  Holding a weapon cast by the latest technology of the empire-the Ax of Immortality in his hand.

  The heavy ax blade danced with bright arcs and surged with flames.

  Beside him, Mephiston, the chief think tank of the Blood Angels, looked solemn.

  Compared with Dante's holiness and majesty, he has another temperament.

  The pale face was full of contempt and coldness, as if warning all the onlookers who dared to look at him.

  The long hair fluttered in the wind behind his head, reflecting an elegant silvery white luster.

  The stern face with a knife and an axe also stands out from the crowd of blood angels.

  His majesty dwarfs mortals, and his open and closed temperament reveals an inhuman handsomeness.

  Hiding a dark secret before those deep, unblinking eyes.

  He is like Sanguinius himself in a brutal nightmare.

  Moffiston held his Yuanwu power sword in his hand. Behind him, the blood-red and luxurious cloak dragged in the dust, and the velvet hissed on the stone bricks.

  The leader and think tank are followed by a hovering cherub.

  The shape of a cherub is the opposite of that of a baby, with a chest cavity made of slender and delicate metal ribs.

  Its face wears the same ivory decorative visor as other blood slaves, covering its half-mechanical, half-flesh appearance.

  There is a pair of weak metal wings on its back.

  Holding a tray in his hand, supporting a large block of polished brass.

  The shiny surface of the brass is engraved with obscure runes and designs.

  Behind the cherub, there are two think tanks following closely behind.

  They were filled with psionic power, the power armor on their bodies hummed, and complex electromagnetic symbols lit up from time to time, regulating the power from the subspace.

"A new order came from the Regent of the Empire. He won the victory over the Black Legion. Abaddon failed and fled like a wild dog. He took the Vengeful Spirit and sent it to the stars. The ship carrying Horu The vicious old warship of Sth is gone, and no trace remains." The reverberation of the cathedral distorted Dante's voice.

"This does not surprise me. I have read his record and there is no possibility of failure." Mephiston said: "He is too good. To say something presumptuous, if he is nominated as the new lord of mankind , I won't be in the slightest surprise."

   "We all think that the emperor has been silent on the golden throne for too long, and mankind needs a brand new monarch to lead." Dante nodded, and he didn't think there was any problem with such a statement.

   For ten thousand years, the emperor ruled in name, but in fact it was just those families giving orders.

  Everyone knows this, it's just that no one is going to tell the truth.

  Those who jump out and say that Guilliman has seized the power of the Emperor are nonsense.

  The Emperor never really ruled the Empire, Horus rebelled before the Great Crusade was complete.

  After the Horus Heresy ended, the Emperor sat on the Golden Throne and never spoke again.

  Guilliman only took back the power of those families, not to mention usurping the power of the emperor.

  Because the Emperor has no power in the first place.

  In the eyes of those nobles, the Emperor is just a mascot who can't speak.

  They just use each other's name to fulfill their ambitions.

  The Beast Wars and the Age of Blood, as well as the fall of Cadia, are all proof that the old rulers of Terra didn't care what the Emperor thought.

   Support a gang of rich nobles or support a primarch who can bring about change in mankind.

  As long as there is no problem with the brain, they will make the same choice.

"The rebuilding of the Blood War Group is about to be completed. With the help of brand-new technology, the recruits quickly form combat effectiveness. Guilliman's heart is too strong. As long as the selected seeds are selected, there is no danger of failure." Mephiston said Another thing.

   "That's exactly what we need." Dante nodded, he was very satisfied with the progress of the recruits. "The situation on the dark side of the empire is terrible, and we have to take the initiative to take our responsibilities. The Scarlet King-Magnus is promoting his evil plot, and we have to hurry up and destroy his psychic empire."

"That damned traitor was severely wounded on Pharos, but he did not give up his evil goal. So far, he has occupied the Prospero galaxy, and even the "Warlock Heart" in the subspace The wizard star was also dragged into the real universe by that lunatic. The demon world, which is severely distorted by the power of psionic energy, can make any nightmare scene in reality pale in comparison. We have to stop his actions, otherwise countless worlds will be swallowed by him ."

   Walking to the gate of a magnificent palace, the blood slaves stopped.

   Dante and several think tanks from Mephiston walked in.

   Inside, several Captains of the Blood Angels Chapter awaited them.

   This is a magnificent temple of anti-psychic power.

  The roaring and turbulent air emitted by the huge plasma generator is like the engine room of a battleship.

  The static electricity caused by the suspension force field is dissociated in the air.

  Thousands of books written with forbidden knowledge are suspended in the air and are closely guarded.

   They sat down at a brass table.

  A suspended holographic projection appeared in front of them, and a detailed star map jumped into everyone's eyes.

   Savage purple scars divide the galaxy.

  Chaplain Aldameier of the Blood Angels pointed to a planet on the edge of the Great Rift.

"Unprecedented waves of psychic energy emanate from here. Prospero galaxy, this galaxy has always been occupied by traitors and aliens, the Scarlet King-Magnus is trying to do something terrible, whatever it is , we all have to stop them, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

"It's far away from us." A company commander said: "In contrast, the threat of orcs is the most critical. The astronomical information on the battlefield of Armageddon has been solved, and the orcs are evolving crazily. If If we don't take measures in time, they will have an emperor in a few years. Imagine an orc emperor, what a terrible nightmare that would be, just an orc warlord almost made mankind suffer. "

"It's not easy for the orcs to want an emperor. The empire has never seen a so-called orc emperor in 10,000 years. At most, there are only those crazy warlords." Another company commander retorted: "We should pay attention to Mag Nus's threat, his psychic empire is likely to bring terrible disasters to mankind."

   "The power of the ether is increasing. If we can't take measures in time, once Magnus' plot succeeds, human beings are very likely to go to the road of eternal doom, which is too dangerous." Mephiston said.

"Magnus failed once. He was entered into an ambush by the imperial regency and almost died. I don't think Magnus poses much threat to the situation in front of us at all. The most important thing now is We must defeat the orcs and prevent the emergence of the orc emperor, otherwise, I am afraid that the old beast war will repeat itself."

  The cherub who followed Dante and Mephiston put the tray on the table.

  Several think tanks and company commanders stared at the complex and obscure runes on the brass surface.

   "The Book of Prophecy?"

  The book of prophecy is the product of traveling to the highest heaven.

  Murphyston has completed many such works in his fugue.

  When people embrace the Warp wholeheartedly.

  Will get some enlightenment in a state of madness.

  If you can successfully parse those characters, you can get a glimpse of the tip of the iceberg in the future.

   The runes on the brass were written by Mephiston.

  He vaguely remembered how he bent his fingers and carved those obscure and complicated words on the brass surface when he was in a state of madness. He wrote on it insanely, unable to stop.

"I have received a lot of revelations. All the dreams and interpretations of divination are warning me that we cannot ignore what Magnus has done, otherwise we will pay a heavy price. I suspect that the Lord of Change is trying to use Magnus , to build a permanent foothold to enhance your own influence."

"Once it succeeds, the consequences will be unimaginable. The Lord of Change will try to move the realm of disorder and tyranny to reality, corrupting the entire physical universe. We have known for a long time that demonic creatures try to enslave us. If we don't deal with it in time, we will only Fearing that the crisis is approaching step by step, when the time comes, there is really nothing to do."

"It is wise to deal with the orcs first. Even if there is a big rift, it is impossible for the gods to come to this universe. The law of reality restricts those evil gods. The orc emperor does not have such constraints. Once born, the orcs in the entire galaxy will Those who swear allegiance, when the time comes, the empire will have to face the orcs with the orc emperor." A company commander firmly defended his proposal.

  Both sides insist on their own opinions, and they will not back down from each other.

  In the end, they set their sights on Dante, hoping that he could make a verdict as Chapter Master.

   Dante stared at the projected data, thinking about two things, whose priority should be higher.

  If the orcs on the battlefield of Armageddon do not interfere, an orc emperor who is more terrifying than the orc warlord is very likely to be born.

  Magnus, who is hiding in the Prospero galaxy, is planning his psychic empire, intending to allow human beings to complete psychic evolution and provide a foothold for the Lord of Change.