
Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

The era of the decline and fall of the galaxy has arrived, and the power to destroy the world has gathered unprecedentedly. The minions of the four evil gods are wreaking havoc in the real universe. The terrifying monsters and demon legions in the night of old have brought destruction and despair to countless human worlds. In the darkness, a ray of light emerged. Carrying countless human technologies, the soul from another world returned to life with the help of the body of the thirteenth parent and child of the imperial emperor. The battle between humans and evil gods is rekindled. In the name of the Emperor, countless human heroes gather again. Blood and corpses will pave the way for the glory of mankind. “As soon as I opened my eyes, you told me that human beings are about to die??”

Almighty_flex · Book&Literature
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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 241: It's over, it's screwed up again

The Marauder's fleet is extremely large.

   After all, it has been accumulated for ten thousand years.

  The thirteen dark expeditions all plundered a large number of slaves and resources.

   In addition, there are various resources provided by those three-way areas.

  The fleet strength of the Black Legion can also be ranked among the top three in the galaxy.

   Now, there is another red pirate fleet joining.

   And after the demon primarch was captured, he turned to the chaotic war gangs of the Black Legion.

  The current Chaos Fleet can really be said to have gathered all the forces of the Chaos fleet.

  Relying on the huge number, even if the imperial warships have stronger firepower, they can't part with each other for a while.

  The Empire has giants such as the Colossus of God's Retribution and the Wrath of the Emperor sitting on the void battlefield, but the Chaos side also has giant battleships such as the Blackstone Fortress and Planet Killer, plus the assistance of demons.

  Under Huron's order, the massive Blackstone Fortress activated its thrusters and headed for Chidixing.

  Admiral-Merida immediately noticed something was wrong.

   The strange behavior of the Chaos Fleet allowed her to judge the opponent's intentions immediately.

   "Stop Blackstone Fortress, don't let it get close to Chidixing."

  A colossus of divine punishment released a terrifying star-destroying beam, and the bright light illuminated the entire universe.

   Chaos ships along the way were all destroyed.

   An empty path appeared in the void.

  In an instant, everything was destroyed.

  The light beam penetrated the defense of the Blackstone Fortress and hit the main structure of the Blackstone Fortress.

  Then, the Blackstone Fortress is an alien creation from ancient times.

   It is said that it can be traced back to tens of millions of years ago and has a long history.

  The degree of sturdiness is far superior to that of ordinary planets, even if it hits, it is difficult to completely tear it apart.

   Instead, it detonated the energy pile in it.

  Accompanied by a silent explosion, the Blackstone Fortress disintegrated in the void, breaking into countless pieces.

  A large number of Chaos Cultists were thrown out and turned into ice sculptures in space.

  The burning fragments fell to Chidixing, piercing through the thick clouds.

  As the scale of the war continued to expand, more and more blood was shed, soaking the entire world.

  Dirty witchcraft was chanted in the mouths of those evil believers on the other side.

  The shackles that hold reality and the immaterial world are gradually weakening.

  The demons descended on the battlefield unscrupulously.

   Their size is getting bigger and bigger. The battleaxes alone are as big as the sentry mechs. Roaring, biting, howling, thirsting for blood, they can destroy the empire's fortifications with a single blow.

   Crushed heavily armored tanks with their red hooves.

  The empire did not show any weakness. The priests held scepters, and the emperor's chants fought against the weird whispers. The church became the only anchor point for the battle between illusion and reality, so that the imperial troops would not get lost in that weird space.

  The unmanned vehicle whizzed through the air, and the loaded automatic laser cannon easily penetrated the bodies of mutants and beastmen, reaping their lives.

  The projected plasma bomb can harvest the lives of hundreds of soldiers in an instant, and the only hit areas are melted rocks.

  The roaring cannon spewed out tons of explosives, erasing pieces of buildings and turning them into ruins.

  The missile dragged its tail flame, carrying the Emperor's Wrath and landed on the enemy's head, erasing them all in an instant.

  The thick beam of light streaked across the sky, vaporizing the heavy tank in the blink of an eye.

  Wreckage and ruins were everywhere, and billowing black smoke rose up, covering the entire sky.

   "For the Warmaster, for the gods." A warrior let out a roar.

  But in the next second, heavy shells fell beside him.

  Everything in a radius of tens of meters was vaporized and disappeared without a trace.

  The warrior who shouted for the gods could not find a single wreck.

  Hawk withdrew his gaze from the telescope.

  Data flowed in his eyes.

  The light screen in front of him showed him everything on the entire battlefield.

   Tank groups and ranger knights are attacking, crushing all enemies they encounter, leaving wreckage and broken arms everywhere they pass.

   Chaos warriors are powerful. They destroyed some Imperial vehicles and slaughtered the crews.

   Those mechanized infantry were easily knocked down like children in front of them, cut to pieces, and wreckage everywhere.

   But the loyal soldiers of the empire are endless, and Chaos is doomed to defeat.

   The enemy is bleeding.

   crashing in the direction of the empire like a mad pit bull.

again and again.

  They don't realize that such behavior is sending them to death.

  Hawk would not remind them, but instead issued one cold order after another to cleanse those Chaos Warriors.

  Every Chaos warrior who performed brilliantly will be killed by the fire forces.

  There were piles of corpses left on the battlefield.

  The pungent smell of blood almost covered up the smell of the battlefield.

  The warriors of Natal will let Chaos bleed to the last drop.

   Accompanied by the sound of horns.

   Chaos troops dropped a large number of corpses and began to retreat.

  They took several streets and fortifications, but the sacrifices they paid were too great, and the corpses were piled up in trenches and ruins.

  Hawk just wanted to give an order to chase for a distance.

   But a communication interrupted him.

   "The situation has changed, prepare for evacuation. The evacuation transport ship will land in thirty minutes, please prepare for evacuation."

  Communication commands are very brief.

   From the biological seal of the communication, it can be seen that it was the order issued by Admiral Crowder, the old general in charge of the overall defense of the Sterks Hive.

   "What's going on?" Hawke used the communication to ask the Stex Command.

   "The situation has changed, and the enemy has repeated the change of Cadia." A commander responded to Hawke, "The commander-in-chief has ordered the evacuation, and there is no need to keep the lives of the soldiers of the empire here."

  Hawk stared at the evacuated enemies, and could only order all the troops who ran out to come back, and send the wounded, logistics personnel, and mechanical priests to the landing site first, and prepare for evacuation.

   "My lord, look." The adjutant next to him pointed to the sky.

  Hawk also looked up.

   There is a star in the sky, getting brighter and brighter.

   Soon, it was as bright as a second sun.

   It flew towards the surface, and the whole sky screamed, and the dark night sky was set on fire.

  The bright light is blinding.

  The Imperial Fleet tried its best to attack, but it just broke it into countless pieces, and failed to stop this kind of battle.

   Smaller fragments hit Earth like meteors, burning up in high-altitude orbits.

  The main fragment is the size of the moon and burns from the stratosphere, heating the air.

  Accompanied by a huge shock wave, mountains and rivers shattered, and flames rose up, flooding the entire world.

  Most of the imperial troops retreated back into the shield in time.

  And everything outside the shield was destroyed in front of the terrifying shock wave.

   Countless giant pits appear on the surface of Chidixing.

  The ground cracked, and violent shock waves were set off at the point of impact, and hundreds of tons of smoke and ash were thrown into the atmosphere.

  The geological plate was distorted, and volcanoes and earthquakes erupted a few minutes after the Chidi star was hit.

  The troops who failed to escape in time were wiped out.

   Hawke fled with his troops from the temporary landing field.

  A large number of imperial transport ships and stable transmission channels safely evacuated the imperial troops from the surface.

   The priority to evacuate is the soldiers, followed by various weapons and equipment.

  The evacuation process was very orderly and did not cause any casualties.

   Instead, the Chaos army was fragmented.

  The Black Legion and the champions of the gods were the first to escape Chidi.

  Those heretics, mutants, were left on Chidi to fend for themselves.

  They were devoured by those violent natural disasters.

   Waiting until he was back on the troop carrier in low Earth orbit, watching Aquastar from the porthole, seeing the planet's destruction.

  The earth collapsed, the volcano erupted, the sea water flooded back, and the end is coming.

   Terrible ravines appeared on the surface, and the entire Chidi star was shattering.

   Soon, it will disintegrate into pieces.

   The barriers between reality and immateriality are broken down.

  The evil forces of the warp began to flood the corridors of Nachmond like a flood that broke the embankment.

  The battle in Tianyu is over, and the enemy fled the battlefield with the scarred Planet Killer and the remaining ships.

   Hong Suo was also forced to evacuate, fleeing on the subspace road built by the wizards.

   That was Cole Fallon's preparation in advance.

  He had some doubts about the Chidi Star campaign, and after Samukuan finished talking with Hong Suo, he was ready to evacuate.

   Unexpectedly, it became their escape route.

  Huron didn't have any communication with them, and directly let the Blackstone Fortress crash into Chidixing.

  In order to destroy the empire, that guy did not hesitate to let Hong Suo, Cole Fallon and others be buried with him.

   Such an approach is outrageous.

   But it is in line with the characteristics of chaos.

  Hon Suo was furious at Huron's actions.

   Only a little bit, just a little bit could completely crush the empire.

  The other party's approach made him feel very frustrated.

   It was obvious that Chidi Star could be captured, but now Huron directly destroyed it.

   "At least, we have completed our mission. The Red Earth Planet is finished, and the human empire is also finished." Cole Pharon said: "No matter how powerful Guilliman is, he cannot save the divided empire."

  Hong Suo didn't speak. He swore that when he saw Huron, he would definitely ask the other party to give an explanation, otherwise, he would make the other party pay the price.

  The remnants of the troops attacking Chidi fled back to the base camp in the Eye of Terror.

   Abaddon, who was taken from the Spirit of Vengeance, was thrown back here by the ancient evil god.

   Ask him to fulfill his promise to find that perfect container.

  That container will carry the power of the gods and launch an attack on the human empire again.

  In this battle, the accumulated accumulation of the Black Legion for thousands of years was wiped out, and all the money accumulated from the twelve expeditions were also buried on Chidixing.

   Even Erebus and other veterans were captured by Guilliman and became a member of Terra Chaos Prison.

   It can be said that the loss was heavy.

   Knowing from Hong Suo and Cole Pharon who had retreated from the Red Earth Star that the Red Earth Star had been destroyed, Abaddon was still ecstatic and nodded.

"Even though we lost a lot, this is still our victory. Guilliman is very strong, but he underestimated us. What the Empire achieved was only a tactical victory, but what we achieved was a strategic victory. The Empire is far away from its final destruction. Not far away, the dark side of the empire will become a paradise for the gods, and it will also become our back garden, where slaves, weapons, and soldiers will all be replenished."

   "We will eventually counterattack Terra and completely end the corpse emperor's rule."

   Abaddon stared at the many wounded soldiers.

  His words made the somewhat frustrated Chaos Warrior regain his confidence.

  The Nachmond corridor will be closed, the throat of the empire has been cut.

  The corpse of the empire is only one step away from dying.

   Calgar on the Victory Laurel heard the news that the Chaos Fleet smashed the Blackstone Fortress to the Red Earth Star, causing the Red Earth Star to disintegrate in the huge bombardment.

   Suddenly, the whole person felt a little numb.

  After losing the Vigilante Star, he lost the Chidi Star.

  The entire Nachmond corridor was thrown away by him.

   All screwed up.

  Even if it was to capture the Vengeful Spirit, it was his father who repelled Abaddon and Erebus.

  I was almost killed by the opponent.

   Now, the Chidi Star has been lost.

   Calgar once wondered if he should abdicate and let the first company commander Agman or the second company commander Sicarius take his place.

  The battle of Nachmond Corridor was a mess.

  What face does he have as the head of the Extreme Battlegroup.

  Just when Calgar was wondering how to face Guilliman.

  A servant walks in.

   "Lord Calgary, the regent wants to see you."

  Hearing this, Calgar's whole head buzzed, and it went blank all of a sudden.

   Could it be that he has already heard the news about Chidixing and wants to accuse himself? ?

   Taking two deep breaths, Calgar stepped out.

  He is ready.

  Even if he is not in command of Chidixing, it is his responsibility to lose Chidixing.

  He has to resign from Lord Guilliman, and then go on a redemption expedition to make up for his mistakes.