
Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

The era of the decline and fall of the galaxy has arrived, and the power to destroy the world has gathered unprecedentedly. The minions of the four evil gods are wreaking havoc in the real universe. The terrifying monsters and demon legions in the night of old have brought destruction and despair to countless human worlds. In the darkness, a ray of light emerged. Carrying countless human technologies, the soul from another world returned to life with the help of the body of the thirteenth parent and child of the imperial emperor. The battle between humans and evil gods is rekindled. In the name of the Emperor, countless human heroes gather again. Blood and corpses will pave the way for the glory of mankind. “As soon as I opened my eyes, you told me that human beings are about to die??”

Almighty_flex · Book&Literature
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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 210: Meet the Primarchs

As the vanguard against the demons.

   After the Gray Knights received the order from the Regent of the Empire, they launched the airborne immediately.

  And Wodaisi, Clovis has the same status as the gray knight's great mentor-Mangago, is the leader of this vanguard.

  As a great mentor, Manjago's strength should not be underestimated.

  His record is also very impressive.

   Have led many battles against warp demons.

  Fighted against the great demon under the command of the evil **** Tzeentch-Thousand-faced Demon Lord-Tullos, and successfully exiled the opponent.

  Aid the Wolves against Magnus in the Fenris system.

   is a very outstanding imperial hero.

  After the Great Rift incident, they have been running around to suppress rebellions everywhere.

   Now, he will add to his legacy.

  They will slay demons for the Regent of the Empire and open a way to reach their destination.

  As the combat order was issued, the flash of transmission instantly transported three hundred prepared gray knights to the surface.

  A large number of troops followed, appearing behind them.

  In order to enter the Eye of Terror battle, Guilliman carried out a comprehensive upgrade of the fleet in his hands, possessing the most advanced weapons and equipment in the empire.

   Enhanced their spiritual defenses, and formulated various tactics against demons.

   Otherwise, fighting in the Eye of Terror, the disadvantage of mortals is too great.

  It is very easy to be corrupted and become the enemy's soldiers.

   Wandering in the wilderness and jungle, the monsters in the ruins of the city were stunned for a moment by the sudden appearance of the imperial troops.

  Afterwards, he quickly reacted.

   They roared and rushed at the imperial army.

   And the artillery fire of the empire fell on them mercilessly.

  Master Manjago held a warhammer and smashed the head of a demon while roaring.

  He led the Gray Knights like spearheads into the wave of monsters, tearing a gap for the Imperial firepower.

   The rumbling artillery fire continued to bombard monsters and demons.

  Accompanied by flashes of light in the sky, the light spears also fell like raindrops, instantly clearing away all enemies within a radius of hundreds of meters.

  The warplanes roared past, strafing and bombing the monsters with wings.

   With the support of nearly infinite firepower, the vanguard led by the Great Master Manjago continued to fight for more than 30 hours.

  The imperial fleet poured countless shells and lasers.

  In the horrible, malicious demon planet, cleared an area controlled by the imperial army.

  Wait until ground troops, stand your ground.

  Master Manjago led the troops to the destination under the guidance of the Elder Prophet Natas.

  The entire planet has been corrupted, full of malicious plants and animals.

  The abnormal phenomenon of the demon planet is very serious.

   A twisted etheric storm sweeps across the entire planet.

   Night and day are flashing fast.

  Often an hour, there will be several days and nights.

  During the daytime, you can see those monsters coming from all directions.

   Unless you have the mental strength of a Space Marine, don't imagine what they are like.

  The soldiers all wore protective helmets, and built-in scanning equipment allowed them to lock those hideous creatures without looking.

   Their appearance is also a kind of poison, which will poison the mind of normal people.

   It is a very correct way not to see their real appearance.

  It was even more terrifying when the night fell, and there were all kinds of horrible cries from around the imperial troops.

   There are also wandering evil spirits.

  The grudges left by those dead Eldar still linger on the planet.

  They howled, trying to kill any creature that invaded their territory.

  Trained clerics prevent these invisible creatures from poisoning human troops.

  They chanted the Emperor's Psalms, using the power of the Holy Emperor to drive out the evil spirits.

   With the cooperation of multiple arms, the imperial forces have been advancing on the ground, looking for the lost Eldar city.

  For some special reasons, the entire city can no longer be locked.

   Only through ground combat can the Eldar city that Guilliman is looking for be found.

  Every step forward requires a hard fight to do it.

   Imperial forces must cut down those trees and kill every creature in sight to be safe.

  The arrival of human beings is like ice cubes poured into boiling lava.

   caused violent vibrations on this demon planet.

  Countless monsters come from all directions and join in this battle to encircle and suppress human beings.

  Warp rifts are torn everywhere by the evil magic of those wandering wizards and daemons.

  Those rifts exude a hideous, evil light, guiding the lost creatures in the depths of the warp, letting them descend to this physical world in the Eye of Terror.

  Master Manjago can feel extreme darkness and evil from those cracks.

  The existence of those cracks is extremely terrifying and terrifying, leading to the depths of the subspace.

   Only the most terrifying and evil beings will be active in the depths of the warp.

  These rifts make life difficult for Imperial forces.

   There are some cracks that will crawl out monsters, without exception, those monsters exude a disgusting and evil atmosphere.

  They are a collection of pure malice, a manifestation of the destructive nature of Chaos.

  Cunning and insidious are the skills they rely on to survive.

   will launch an attack at the right time, devouring those unlucky ones who failed to escape from the crack in time.

  Some cracks will protrude huge tentacles, slimy and smelly, more than a thousand meters long, huge and heavy like a mountain.

   It was pulled down heavily, even the heavy vehicles were pulled to pieces.

   There are also horrible beings on the other end who want to prop up the rift, make it bigger, to let themselves through.

  Some soldiers even saw some terrifying creatures over ten feet tall howling on the other side of the crack, dominated by endless hunger and thirst, wanting to enter the space where the Eye of Terror was.

  The subspace is so vast that even the gods don't know how big the subspace is.

   It takes countless hours to get from one area to another.

  Unless there is a clear path or exact coordinates.

  Those terrifying existences want to use the channels opened by wizards and demons to enter the Eye of Terror.

   Want to get out of their old place and into a whole new place.

   Unfortunately, the cracks are too small for them.

  Those terrifying existences could only squeeze some limbs through the cracks, venting their anger.

  Like the tentacles of a mountain, it is huge enough to crush the giant red-haired hand of a heavy tank.

  Everything is so horrible.

  The existence of the warp is so terrifying.

  Even if it is just the tip of the iceberg, it is enough to make mortals lose their minds and surrender in front of chaos.

   However, under Guilliman's leadership, the will of the Empire was unstoppable.

  The pioneer troops paid heavy sacrifices and experienced unimaginable **** battles.

  They saw the ruins of a city looming on the horizon.

   Just the city of learning they were looking for.

   There lies the webway knowledge of the Eldar.

  Master Manjago held a warhammer and beat a demon wrapped in thorns and magic fire until its bones were broken, and then its head was crushed with one foot.

  He looked at the Eldar city in the distance and smiled.

   But he also understood that the previous battle was very difficult, but that was just an appetizer.

  The real challenge is in the lost city no longer held by the Eldar allies.

  The Eldar cities are generally very large and well-equipped.

  When the Eldar empire had not yet fallen, these huge cities would often be home to a large number of Eldar.

   This also caused these large cities to become even more terrifying when the Eldar fell.

   Soul-eaten, flesh-corrupted Eldar still roam those cities.

  They have become slaves of Chaos, twisted by terrible evil forces.

   Hungry, waiting to devour everything.

  What humans have done on this planet has touched the scales of some terrible beings.

  The storm gathers dark clouds and darkens the earth.

   Hot and humid blood rained down from oppressive clouds, reeking of brass.

   Scarlet rain covered the broken city, and the remaining spiritual bone buildings were bathed in blood rain.

  Those creeps that look like human blood vessels are breathing rhythmically.

  In the ruins, weird creatures run out of abandoned buildings.

   Emerge in lakes of blood rising from the streets.

   Their bodies staggered, and they ran desperately towards the human troops.

   Some crawl with masses of boneless limbs.

   Some stretched out their curled wings amid howls of wailing.

   There are also some bouncing around, laughing hysterically.

   The monsters formed a magic wave, overwhelming the sky and covering the sky.

   One of the monsters was extremely huge.

  It is composed of countless corpses, like a huge mountain of meat.

  Those twisted tentacles dance in the air.

  The countless faces that make up Roshan are screaming, and countless arms are waving on the huge body.

   Madness, confusion.

  Any mortal who saw the true appearance of that monster would probably go crazy with fear.

  Fragile reason will collapse in the face of the blasphemous truth.

   "For the Emperor." The Grand Master Manjago prayed to the Emperor and the Regent in his heart, then raised his weapon and rushed towards the enemy.

  A small group of gray knights activated their propellers, jumped up suddenly, and then smashed into the wave of demons like a bolide.

  The high-pressure incineration-type flamethrowers they are equipped with emit high-heat blue flames.

  Those monsters howled in the flames.

  The other gray knights followed behind Grand Master Manjag with firm and heavy steps. They were all wearing the latest power armor.

  The sound of the servo system running is like light and melodious music.

  The burning monsters were smashed to pieces under their explosive bombs.

  Six Dreadnoughts also joined the Gray Knights' flanks, protecting them from being cut off from the rest of the Imperial forces by the enemy.

  Every shot of the heavy cannon exploded in the demonic tide, and a large number of demons were blown up and shattered in the bright flames.

  The firepower troops of the empire are also firing wildly. Missiles, artillery shells, light spears, etc. are all thrown out to wash the ground. The entire battlefield is shrouded in the strong light caused by the explosion.

  The earth is trembling due to the power of human beings. Mountains and rivers are disintegrating, rivers are shattering, stubborn rocks are melting, and countless ravines and scorched traces appear on the corrupted ground.

   Countless demons and monsters died under the violent attack.

  But the huge monster was mixed in the demonic tide, gradually approaching the humans who were trying to capture the city.

  The gray knight's psychic cannonball landed on the monster's body, but was blocked by the black smoke, unable to hurt the opponent at all.

   So did the artillery of the imperial troops.

  The firepower enough to destroy a city poured on the opponent, but failed to break through the opponent's defense.

   There is some kind of evil force protecting the monster, making human attacks ineffective.

   "He's such a difficult guy." Grandmaster Manjago watched the monster approach, and clenched the hammer in his hand, ready to meet the powerful enemy.

   Just when he thought that a hard battle was about to come.

  Intense flashes of light lit up in the magic tide, extremely bright, overwhelming the strong light caused by those explosions.

  Master Manjago's helmet automatically switches to dark mode to avoid burning eyes by strong light.

  In the light, an Ultramarine wearing azure power armor stepped out of it.

  The Regent of the Empire, the great Lord of Ultramar, the savior of mankind - Guilliman was surrounded by them.

  His whole body is shrouded in light, intensely bright, like a star.

  Master Manjago watched this scene dumbfounded, he had never actually seen Guilliman make a move.

  I only learned about the power of the imperial regent from some chats.

  Since its recovery, the Imperial Regency has never been defeated.

  Any enemy who tries to challenge him is just asking for humiliation.

   Whenever it comes to the battle scenes of the Imperial Regency, it is an exaggeration to say that those people who claim to have seen it with their own eyes are extremely admirable.

   Punching demons, kicking primarchs, descending on the battlefield like the sun.

  These words once made Grand Master Manjago suspect that what these guys said were all lies, a mythical Guilliman.

   But when he witnessed it with his own eyes, he realized that the praise of those guys did not reflect one ten-thousandth of the heroic appearance of the imperial regent.

   Only by seeing it with your own eyes can you understand the terrifying power of the Imperial Regency.

  Under that light, countless demons and monsters were screaming.

  No matter how powerful they are in the mortal world, they are just ants in front of the Regent of the Empire - Guilliman.

  Screaming, breaking down, crying, and running away.

  It was as if the dawn pierced the darkness, and wherever the light touched, the demons screamed and retreated.

  The gigantic monster was roaring, excruciatingly painful.

  The emperor's sword ignited a raging flame in Guilliman's hands, and every time it fell, the surging fire would burst out with stronger brilliance

  Countless demons and monsters turned into pillars of fire in an instant.

   Twisted flesh and blood peeled off from them, and the flames were like gangrene, and they would not be extinguished until they were reduced to fly ash.

   Bright white flames flowed from the blade, purifying all demons and melting every monster.

  The Honor Guard headed by Sicarius roared.

   Build a wall of steel for their master with flesh.

  Accompanied by the waving of sharp blades and the roar of explosive bombs, the living are exiled and harvested one after another.

  The blade tore through the ugly flesh, and the corrosive blood rained down.

  It is no longer the fog of the ether and the storm raised by demons that block the line of sight.

   But flying ashes.

  The air soaked in fly ash, set against the whirling and dancing dots of cold light, witnessed the arrival of a great king.

  In this dark world, all the hating entities and demons gathered together, for the first time, ushered in an irresistible and powerful enemy.

  The great demon composed of countless corpses roared.

  Its power is extremely powerful, and it is countless times more terrifying than the devil king imagined by humans.

  Master Manjago watched the monster run towards Guilliman's position.

  The opponent is like a mountain, full of oppression, every time he takes a step, the ground shakes.

  It relied on its body like that, and directly slammed into Guilliman.

  Master Manjago's heart couldn't help but he ordered the Gray Knights to speed up and rush towards Guilliman with all their strength to protect the Empire's regent.

  Even if the gray knight here fights with the power of the great demon, the probability of winning is very slim.

  Even if the regent of the empire and his honor guard can win, they will probably sacrifice a lot.

   Those demons and monsters like to take advantage of people's danger, and the Master Manjago will never allow Guilliman, who is the regent of the empire, to be in danger.

   But when the Grand Master Manjago hammered down a few demons, he saw a scene that he will never forget.

  Guilliman was glowing all over, and his eyes were burning with flames.

  His face was as noble as a god.

   Accompanied by a roar.

  Guilliman swung his sword violently, and a fiery dragon flew out of the blade, turning the monsters and demons along the way into fly ash.

  Countless demons and monsters were instantly shattered, with flame patterns appearing on their bodies, which turned into pieces of fly ash with embers in the storm, and disappeared without a trace.

  The countless eyes of the big demon showed fear, and those mouths were screaming in horror.

  Black mist filled the air, covering the huge demon body.

   But the flames still covered it.

  Like a super-large torch was lit, the whole world saw a flame rising.

  The fuel for the torch is that terrible demon.

  It was burning blazingly, and the screams were endless.

  The gray knights walking in the front were as dumbfounded as the great mentor who led them.

  Their eyes showed shock and disbelief.

   With just one blow, they killed the demon they thought could only be defeated miserably.

   What a terrifying power this is.

   "Is such an existence really not a god?" An absurd thought arose in the mind of Master Mangago.

  Think of the many times Guilliman publicly refuted those who made himself a god, asking the Empire to treat him as a normal, fallible mortal instead of over-mythologizing him.

  But how to explain the scene of beheading the big devil with one sword? ?

   There is no way for a mortal to kill a terrifying big demon with one blow.

  Master Manjago couldn't calm down. He saw a **** walking in the name of a mortal with his own eyes.

  The great demon composed of countless corpses burned up in the golden flames and turned into fly ash.

  The Emperor's Sword in Guilliman's hand pointed at the ruined city, and said calmly, "Take it for me, warriors of the empire."

  The words echoed through the comm channel, spreading to every Imperial army.

   "For Guilliman." An officer raised his weapon and shouted.

  Others also shouted together.

  Even Grand Master Manjago and many gray knights subconsciously shouted.

  The channel is all the same voice.

   "For Guilliman."

   "For Guilliman."

   "For Guilliman."

   Every soldier, every officer feels his blood boil.

   Some were even moved to tears.

  Even if they are asked to die for the regent of the empire at this moment, they will not hesitate.

   "The time is right, Guilliman has already moved away from his fleet, blocked the entire planet, and cut off his retreat."

  As a Chaos Wizard, Ahriman controls the situation on the battlefield through demons.

  They used the power of the gods to gain insight into Guilliman's destination very early on.

   Now, everything is ready.

  After receiving Ahriman's information, Perturabo, who was sitting on the Iron Blood, showed a smile.

   "Let's get started, I can't help but want to see that idiot Guilliman's shocked expression."

"He will cry for our arrival." Fulgrim, crawling like a snake, stretched out his slender tongue, and licked the silvery white blade with a cold light, "This time, he is not so ten thousand years old." So lucky."