
Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

The era of the decline and fall of the galaxy has arrived, and the power to destroy the world has gathered unprecedentedly. The minions of the four evil gods are wreaking havoc in the real universe. The terrifying monsters and demon legions in the night of old have brought destruction and despair to countless human worlds. In the darkness, a ray of light emerged. Carrying countless human technologies, the soul from another world returned to life with the help of the body of the thirteenth parent and child of the imperial emperor. The battle between humans and evil gods is rekindled. In the name of the Emperor, countless human heroes gather again. Blood and corpses will pave the way for the glory of mankind. “As soon as I opened my eyes, you told me that human beings are about to die??”

Almighty_flex · Book&Literature
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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 207: The Primarch of the Word Bearers Who Was Almost Hacked

 The earth trembled at Angron's fury.

   Raging flames spewed out from the cracks in the ground, engulfing the entire world in flames.

  The blood god's servants twisted their bodies and let out all kinds of sharp and piercing howls.

  Corax, who turned into a black shadow, condensed into a human form again, standing on a huge circular pillar.

   Looking at Angron, who was blazing with flames and dominated by eternal anger, his dark eyes were full of anger.

   "A disgusting beast." Corax's voice pierced the air shrouded in poisonous smoke and resounded on the deserted construction site.

   Angron looked at Corax and let out a roar.

  The battle ax in his hand is burning, rising with a flame that is evil enough to reduce the soul to ashes.

  The copper-bell-like pupils burn with endless anger.

   Eternal agony afflicts this ghost of Nukelia, the eternal gladiator.

  Corax stared at Angron.

  He couldn't see any shadow of his former brother in the opponent's eyes.

   Can only see the killing and war waged by a slave under the command of the blood god.

   Angron could not recall the identity of the creature in front of him.

  His mind is only hunting, fighting, and killing.

  During the Horus Heresy, Lorgar held an ascension ceremony for him in Nukelia.

  He is no longer the Angron he used to be.

   No more tiredness, no more sanity.

   Only the eternal **** for war and the hunger to kill.

  Black steel wings.

   Pale face.

   Messy black hair.

   It all feels so familiar.

  Some lost memories popped up in Angron's mind, but they were quickly suppressed by anger.

  As a follower of the blood god, he only needs to fight.

   He doesn't need to know the identity of the other party.

   Kill, kill, kill forever.

   Angron strode towards Corax and rushed over.

  Every step is so heavy that the earth shakes and burns.

  Under the eerie sky, on the burning land.

  The raven and the gladiator fought together.

  They breathed the air that smelled of killing.

   Metal and iron intersect, and the sound is like thunder.

   On the ground, demons slaughtered slaves and offered sacrifices to the blood god.

  The Word Bearers warriors were thrilled to see all this.

  They came from the other side of the portal one after another, ready to join the battle to hunt down the Primarch.

  Under the sky, the primordial energy of the Supreme Heaven was poured into the bodies of the two Primarchs continuously, catalyzing two brilliant supernovae, radiating majestic energy.

   Fighting on the demon planet of the Eye of Terror, the power that Angron can exert is far stronger than that in the real universe.

  He turned into a tall flame giant, and the eternal anger turned into substance and burned blazingly beside him.

  Huge wings extended from behind him, twined with brass chains and fel fire.

  The battle ax in his hand sprayed out even more terrifying flames, as if forged from the original fire.

  The essential power of the original body was brought into full play.

   With a single roar, the entire hill was shattered, forming a whirlwind of violent flames that tore apart everything within sight.

   This is the true power of the Demon Primarch.

  In the real universe, Angron can only play a small part of it.

   And here, his strength can be fully displayed.

  Corax's body turned into a dark cloud formed by hundreds of millions of ravens, and the hissing of the ravens silenced everything.

   Hundreds of millions of pairs of sharp claws and sharp beaks converged into a storm that touched the sky and touched the ground, spewing out incandescent thunder.

  The aftermath of the battle between the two Primarchs caused the earth to be torn apart, and the unfinished temple also collapsed in flames.

  The corpses of countless slaves and traitors who died at the hands of Corax were reduced to ashes.

  The speed of both sides is so fast that it is impossible to see their movements clearly.

   The collision of the battle ax and the sharp claws will make a piercing sound every time.

  Relying on his agility, the Crow King pressed forward step by step, his sharp claws slashed across Angron's body again and again, and the scorching demon blood dripped on the ground, making a sizzling sound.

   Angron roared, angry at his bulkiness.

  He couldn't keep up with Corax's speed.

  At this time, he seemed to be fighting a shadow.

  Every time he wanted to get close to Corax, the other party would always leave one step ahead of time, or turn into a black shadow.

  Every swing of his battle ax would cause the Butcher's Nails to bite his brain more ferociously, causing him more pain.

  After ascending to the devil, Angron no longer has a flesh and blood body.

  There is only a container made of etheric power, containing the ghosts who died in the battle of the gladiator uprising.

   With the disappearance of flesh and blood, Angron's Butcher's Nails did not disappear, but became even more terrifying.

  Every failure will make him suffer unprecedented torture.

  The sublimation in Lorgar's mouth forced Angron to pursue more killings, otherwise he would die of pain.

   Driven by anger, Angron's power grew stronger and stronger.

  Finally, he got a chance.

  The tomahawk swung across the frenzied crows, causing Corax to howl in pain.

  Countless ravens turned into human forms.

  The tall Raven Lord was bloodied and panting.

  There was a huge gap in the pure black armor, and blood flowed out of it, dripping into the icy wilderness.

   Angron was also scarred and dominated by endless rage.

   "It seems that I came just for the good."

   A deep voice came.

  The Word Bearers turned their heads to look over, becoming more agitated and excited.

  The humiliation that lasted ten thousand years will be washed away today.

  The black gold arches were ignited by a huge halo of energy.

  A huge and magnificent church emerged from the other side of the door frame.

  A stalwart figure stands on the side of the portal.

  The Primarch of the Word Bearers, Lorgar, who had been thinking about the profound proposition of what is a **** in the cathedral, walked out of the cathedral.

  He smelled revenge.

   Smelled the death of the Raven Lord.

   Lorgar stepped through the portal, his golden body was covered with a robe depicting burning spells.

  The power of the runes surrounds him.

  Holding a ferocious mace in his hand, the dark power contained in it is as vast as the ocean, as if it will break through the shackles at any time.

  In his other hand he carried an ancient war club.

  The body of the stick is made of an unknown metal, with numerous scars and defects all over it.

  A three-eyed skull is inlaid on the top of the stick, and the bone layer is engraved with layers of overlapping and intertwined golden seals.

   Lorgar watched the battle between Angron and Corax with unique azure blue eyes.

   "I didn't expect that after ten thousand years, we would meet again in this way."

   Lorgar's voice is very magnetic, which is why he can preach so many believers.

  Seeing this guy's appearance, Corax's face became gloomy.

  He stood up and prepared to deal with the two traitors.

   Angron's combat strength is not inferior to him, and Lorgar is added, this is a sure-to-lose situation.

   "Coward, I thought you were dead inside your shell!" Corax sneered.

   Lorgar didn't take it seriously, "I'm just thinking about the achievements of a great cause in the church. Human beings will rise in unity and immortality and become the most favored race in the Pantheon. This is the right path."

"I have no intention of arguing with you about this, you are already mad, Lorgar. I don't want to argue with a madman about anything, I just want to kill you." Corax said angrily, "Even today, I will die here. I'll kill you first too. All because of your stupidity and arrogance that **** up this guy."

"I'm right." Lorgar opened his hands like a pious preacher, "Everything now proves that what I did was correct and far-sighted. Even if Horus didn't rebel, you think everything Will it be different?? Do you think there will be peace in the Empire? No, Corax, never."

"What the Emperor brings to every world is obedience, not peace. The two are contradictory, and if all the Lord of the Empire wants is obedience, the end is doomed. Whatever enlightenment the Great Crusade brings , it is unimportant, whether it is the truth of the empire or the secrets of the gods. The Legion of the Astartes will never be disarmed and returned to the fields. They will always march towards the battlefield, because this is the meaning of their existence. War will never would cease, even if the Great Crusade could push to the frontiers of the galaxy to wipe out every xenomorph and bring every world to its knees."

"Dissatisfaction will spread, the people will rebel, and the world will ignite flames. Greedy human nature will drive countless men and women to pursue the truth persistently, and the truth will often destroy the tyrant. The emperor tried to use the strongest force to suppress all these things, but he didn't understand Forgot that nothing in this world is the strongest. What he can have, others will have."

"Perhaps you will think that I am the minion of the gods, a stupid believer, then you are wrong. The gods are powerful, but they are also fickle existences, and the time of confrontation with each other is much longer than that of peace. They They will spread lies like mortals in order to gain victory. The future they promise is unreliable, and I have chosen a new and different path for mankind, a path of freedom."

"I have long foreseen that the emperor will become a **** in the worship of mankind. Whether he likes it or not, this is inevitable. It is like the rainwater that falls will eventually gather into the ocean. This is fate and destiny. You and I are a part of it, unable to change. The empire will collapse in chaos, and people will choose different camps according to their beliefs. After that, humans will become the true chosen race, in the endless It will last forever in the war of the gods. No race can match nor replace human beings. This is a new way, and those heroes will live forever in the halls of the gods until the end of the universe."

   Lorgar stared at Corax, his tone impassioned and full of passion.

  What a great path.

  Only people like him who can clearly see the essence of the universe can promote it.

  Others are either lost in their own little worlds or have been fooled out of their minds by the gods.

  Only he is consistent.

   "I said you were crazy." Corax mocked. "You still try to use your crazy tone to encourage me? Like encouraging those stupid believers."

   "I don't want to encourage you, because you will die here." Lorgar smiled. He raised his mace and baton, and rushed towards Corax, preparing to join forces with Angron to kill the Raven Lord.

   After Angron let out a roar, the battle ax in his hand slashed at Lorgar.

  The more violent anger turned into flames, burning on his body.

   Knocking Lorgar flying with a single blow.

  The heavy body of the primarch hit the ground, kicking up a huge cloud of dust.

   This scene came so suddenly.

   All the Word Bearers and Lorgar were stunned.

   Everyone is in the same camp, why attack your own people!

  Corax was also stunned.

  He didn't understand why Angron would attack Lorgar!

   But he did not hesitate, but turned into a black shadow and fled the battlefield.

  He didn't know what contradiction there was between the two, or what animosity there was.

   But he knew that if the two cooperated, he would die here.

  Evacuation is the most reasonable.

  If Angron was alone, he would try to hunt him down.

   But now, Angron is not the only one.

   For this reason, he needs to escape from here and return to his own camp.

  If you stay, there are too many variables, and it is easy to put yourself in danger.

   If Angron slashed twice and then turned around to cooperate with Lorgar, he wouldn't even be able to run away.

   "Why!" Seeing Corax fleeing, and Angron snarling at him, Lorgar got up and asked loudly, full of confusion.

   "Tell me, Lorgar, where are the free spirits of those gladiators in Nukelia?"

   Angron, who was unable to maintain his sanity, was able to speak a complete sentence clearly at this time.

  Unending pain tormented Angron's soul.

  But at this moment, he was miraculously suppressed by his already collapsed rationality.

   Angron walked towards Lorgar step by step.

  His performance shocked both the Word Bearers and Lorgar.

   "Angron!" Lorgar said in horror, "Have you recovered?"

   "Tell me, Lorgar, where are those free souls?" Angron, who looked like a demon, roared again, the terrible flames were burning, and the battle ax in his hand turned into a more advanced form.

   "I don't know what you're talking about?" Lorgar said loudly after seeing Angron's performance, he took two steps back in fright.

   "Nukelia's free gladiator soul." Angron roared like a beast, his sanity was once again crushed by the pain caused by the Butcher's Nail, and endless anger once again controlled him.

   Lorgar wanted to say that he didn't know.

  But in the next second, Angron jumped up and slashed at him with an axe.

  The power of this blow is so terrifying, it contains Angron's endless anger.

   "Angron, we are free." On the eve of the final battle, the sixteen-year-old Jochuka kissed a flower that bloomed in the cold in the icy snow-capped mountains. "I really hope that one day, we can be as unrestrained as the wind, and no longer be playthings and slaves of nobles."

"You are my child, Angron, I will not hate you, but please don't let it control you, and don't succumb to the fate those nobles have arranged for you." On the night the Butcher's Nail was implanted, the violent When he beat his adoptive father to death, the man who raised him said the last words.

   "You can kill us, but we will not give in. As free souls, we will die without regret." Croma said loudly in front of those high-ranking knights.

   Broken memories surfaced in Angron's heart.

  Those memories tormented him, turning into a never-ending rage.

  The power emitted by the battle ax in his hand became more and more violent.

  The ground was split open by him, and terrifying gullies surfaced on the surface, which was shocking.

   The stick in Lorgar's hand was cut off after only one blow.

  Word Bearers warriors attempt to stop a berserk Angron.

   But no one is his opponent, and the violent power smashes everything.

  The Word Bearers warrior blocking the way was instantly blown to pieces.

   Rage, endless rage, never-ending rage.

   It's burning.

   Burning like never before.

  It crazily increased Angron's power.

   The blood god's laughter resounded throughout the subspace.

   Never before has a kinsman's anger been so pure and intense.

   "Portal!" A Word Bearer warrior yelled in horror, drawing the attention of the others.

  The energy field inside the portal trembled disturbingly.

   Black sparks kept streaking across the plane of the force field, like large ripples on the calm water surface.

  The teleportation channel is collapsing.

   "Withdraw." Lorgar shouted.

   Angron's offensive was so crazy that Lorgar couldn't bear it at all. Every time he confronted, he felt as if the weapon in his hand was hit by a planet.

  The Word Bearers fired subconsciously, and the bombs and various light beams rained down on Angron.

  The terrifying flames burning on Angron's body swallowed up all attacks and had no effect.

   Lorgar limped towards the portal.

  But Angron charged again, jumped up, and slashed towards Lorgar.

That's too late!

   Just when Angron was about to hit Lorgar, a flash of light appeared.

  The light disappears.

   Lorgar disappeared.

   Angron looked around, but couldn't find the other party. He could only look up to the sky and let out a roar that made even the demons fear.

   Lorgar could feel Angron's anger and killing intent.

   He was only a little short of death.

  "Hello, Lorgar, Lord of the Word Bearers."

   Lorgar followed the voice and found a warrior wearing gold and blue armor.

  The opponent holds a scepter and stands on a high platform.

   On the side, the sacrificed slaves were still bleeding.

   Obviously, at the last moment, it was the other party who used witchcraft to save him from Angron's axe.

   Lorgar looked at the other party's face, and memories of the other party emerged in his mind.

   "Magnus' Thousand Sons Legion? I remember that your name seems to be Ahriman."

   "Yes, Lord of the Word Bearers, you have not misremembered. Compared with your Primarch, the term misremembering probably does not exist. You have perfect memory." Ahriman said.

   "How did you happen to appear at the place where I was fighting Angron, and save me by such a coincidence?" Lorgar's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

   As we all know, the Thousand Sons Legion has followed Tzeentch who is known as the God of Change, the Lord of Conspiracy, and the God of Tricks.

"The battle between you and Angron was not my conspiracy. I just happened to be here. Moreover, I didn't arrive by coincidence. Before Angron, when Corax showed up, I appeared." Ahriman explained, "Instigating a battle between you and Angron will not do me any good. If you can live in harmony, it will help me more than fighting each other."

   "Why did you come here?" Lorgar was skeptical of Ahriman's words, and Tzeentch's followers were as untrustworthy as Tzeentch.

  Always be on guard against them, otherwise you won't know how to die.

   "I invited you to join the alliance." Ahriman said.

   "What alliance?"

   "Destroy our common enemy, Guilliman."