
Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

The era of the decline and fall of the galaxy has arrived, and the power to destroy the world has gathered unprecedentedly. The minions of the four evil gods are wreaking havoc in the real universe. The terrifying monsters and demon legions in the night of old have brought destruction and despair to countless human worlds. In the darkness, a ray of light emerged. Carrying countless human technologies, the soul from another world returned to life with the help of the body of the thirteenth parent and child of the imperial emperor. The battle between humans and evil gods is rekindled. In the name of the Emperor, countless human heroes gather again. Blood and corpses will pave the way for the glory of mankind. “As soon as I opened my eyes, you told me that human beings are about to die??”

Almighty_flex · Book&Literature
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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 194: The Vigilante Dilemma

Several streamlined Thunderbird fighters with graceful bodies and blue flames from their engines descended from the sky.

   Under the watchful eyes of everyone, transform into a streamlined Titan.

   The huge rotating wheel multi-tube laser cannon mounted on the left arm rotates at high speed.

  The laser beam shoots out from the muzzle, covering the sky and covering the sky, like raindrops.

   Formed a terrifying firepower net with no dead ends, covering everything.

  The believers of Khorne can only watch those laser beams coming, and there is no time to react.

  Even if they had time to prepare, it was impossible to resist such terrifying firepower.

  With such intensive firepower, it is already very rare to be able to leave a whole body.

  These believers of Khorne were beaten to the ground by the orcs before.

   Was run over once by the opponent with a remodeled chariot, and the original fragile formation has been scattered.

   For this reason, it is even more impossible for them to fight against the Thunderbird who came prepared and combined the new technology of the empire.

  In just a few breaths, the standing believers were beaten to pieces.

  After the laser cannon washed the ground, the missile also roared down, and the ground was instantly covered in flames.

  Countless pieces of soil were lifted up by the huge power of the explosion.

   After a while, it was pulled down by gravity again.

  Mud and gravel fell on the fragmented corpses like rain.

  The boss of the orcs who was driving the locomotive - Ufo looked back and saw the overwhelming lasers, and he was immediately grateful.

   Fortunately, I ran fast, otherwise I would have been surrounded by those good shrimps.

  Those bad shrimps are so stupid, they don't even know how to run, they just wait to die, they're even stupider than a grit.

  However, they don't have their own big motorcycles, and they can't run away.

  So when you go out, you must learn the good morals of the orc boy, and transform a chariot with red paint, a larger engine, and a larger exhaust port.

   This is way better WAAAGH.

   "Boss, why don't we go to fight those shrimps, and run away." An orc boy next to him scratched his head and asked in confusion.

   "What do you know?? Good shrimps have such strong firepower, they will die if they go up, and God Mao Er will not take pity on the unlucky one who died."

  Ufferk kicked the orc boy who asked the question, and said angrily.

"We can't get those good dried shrimps, so we have to go first to hunt other dried shrimps and bean sprouts, and then we will all become big guys, so let's hunt those good dried shrimps." Wufu said loudly Say, "Then we can WAAAGH as much as we want."

   "Then where are we going now? Should we continue to run far away?" Another orc kid asked.

"Then find the bad shrimp and beat him up. We were beaten by the good shrimp, so we went to beat them to vent our anger. They are all shrimp anyway." Uver raised his big gun and thought out a trick with his own head. A plan that can vent your anger.

   "Okay, let's continue to hunt shrimps and let them know how good we are. If we can't beat good shrimps, we will destroy them. Anyway, they can't beat us."

  The locomotive brigade of the orcs let out the rumbling sound of engines, and the whole earth shook.

  The billowing black smoke from the huge exhaust port is blocking out the sky and the sun.

  Ufo led his little brothers to avoid the cities controlled by the empire, and plunged into the cities controlled by chaos.

   Chaos army prefers melee combat, unlike the good shrimps who always like long-range fire strikes, so that even the orc boys can't touch them.

   This battle is too aggrieved.

  Uffer decided to stop fighting with Hao Xiami for the time being.

   Going to fight the bad shrimp, after the fight is over, after becoming a bigger big guy, go to fight the good shrimp.

  Ufer thinks he is simply a genius.

   "WAAAAGH," Uvor yelled.

  The same goes for the other orc boys, all yelling.

  The gas pedals of their locomotives are all on their heads.

  The flames ejected from the engine of the modified chariot were several meters long, and the yellow smoke and black lungs engulfed in it looked as wild as a wilderness heavy metal band.

  The followers of Khorne were slaughtered in just a few minutes.

   The special operations team led by Ainiya has no mercy for these traitors.

   Calgar has issued an order that anyone who takes refuge in Chaos is the enemy of mankind, and the ministries do not need any kindness.

   No matter what the reason is, turning to Chaos is an unforgivable thing.

  In the laws of the empire, the crime of blatantly declaring to leave the empire is not as serious as the crime of defecting to chaos.

  Calgar and the others understand what shameless things the nobles of Vigilante have done,

   For this reason, those civilians chose to abandon the empire, which is also a matter of forgiveness.

  But betraying human beings and throwing themselves into chaos, no matter what the reason is, is not worthy of forgiveness.

   There is only one dead end waiting for these chaos traitors.

  The empire will have no mercy.

  Ania manipulated her Thunderbird Titan to stand on the battlefield, like a steel **** of war.

  No power can stand against these gods of war who have incorporated the new technology of the empire.

  Ania looked at the battlefield through the Thunderbird Titan's observation device.

   All followers of Khorne are dead.

  Faced with the Thunderbird Titan, a titan war machine with absolute firepower, their resistance was pitifully weak.

  Just a few breaths, and they were all dead.

  Some Khorne cultists attack Aenea's Thunderbird titan before dying.

  But their attacks couldn't even break through the Titan's shield.

   "Those orcs have all fled and are currently heading towards Dekden Hive Capital. Sir, do we want to chase them?" A companion's voice sounded in the communication.

  Ania looked at the direction where the orcs were fleeing during the data sharing of the team.

"Keep chasing, but control the speed. Those orcs are good tools. They are eager for war, and we can use them. Drive them into the cities controlled by those Chaos cultists, let them kill each other, and then, we are at the end When the time comes, harvest both of them."

   "Let's go, the hunting will continue." Ainiya finished speaking, manipulated the Titan to run, then jumped up, turned into a fighter plane in the air, and roared away again.

  As the integration of man and machine becomes closer, various advanced maneuvering skills have also been developed by many drivers.

  A mature Thunderbird fighter pilot can strike at high speed, seamlessly connect, and then turn around and evacuate.

   Carry out saturation bombing to the empire in the form of a fighter plane, land in the form of a titan, hunt down the enemies, and then transform into the form of a fighter plane.

  The whole process was smooth and smooth, and the dust had already settled before the enemy could react.

  After the Thunderbirds had passed for a long time, a batch of military vehicles arrived late.

  The vehicle bears the insignia of Cadia.

   They are the Cadia 101st Regiment who followed Calgar to Vigilus.

  At this time, Minka, who had been promoted to the head of the regiment, looked at the messy battlefield and immediately felt aggrieved.

   "Ma Dan, we are the main force anyway, and now we are reduced to cleaning."

   "Yeah, we must know that we could at least go to the battlefield before, but now, we follow those guys to do sanitation and collect corpses. What's the use of this big gun!"

  A sergeant next to him looked at the brand new laser gun in his hand. He didn't seem to have fired a few shots so far.

   When the city of Saint Port was recovered, the 101st Regiment of Cadia was sent to the battlefield.

   In the following scattered battles, the 101st Cadia Regiment basically had no chance to perform.

  Thunderbird, which claims to play all over the world in an hour, can only be described in two words, that is horror.

  Can fight and run, and the firepower is insanely fierce.

  The war vehicle that can beat the Thunderbird can't run as fast as it, and it can run faster than it, but it can't beat it.

  Even if there were only five Thunderbirds, the dozen or so Titans in the Chaos Titan formation felt surrounded.

  The main thing is the maneuvering speed, which can't keep up with the Thunderbird at all.

  Once separated, they will be surrounded and beaten by each other.

  Put them together, and they will wreak havoc everywhere.

  The pilots of the Chaos side are all bad.

   is completely led by the nose by the empire, and has no counterattack ability at all.

  The empire is currently trying to conquer those hive cities that have fallen.

  rHowever, not all nests can be brought back.

  The Great Rift has expanded.

  The Vigilante has become a huge booster, and the power of those demons has been enhanced.

   No matter how strong the firepower of the empire is, Calgar still feels a headache in the face of these inanimate people.

  The Nachmond Corridor is weakening, and according to the observations and calculations of the Mechanicus, the corridor that maintains the scale of the star system is closing.

  The big rift is constantly expanding, and in the end, the corridor will be replaced by the big rift.

  The empire will be completely split into two halves.

   Calgar tried to stop this by destroying the Black Stone Demon Crown placed on the Leyline.

  It turns out that the effect is not good.

  The ceremony of the Blackstone Demon Crown is just an introduction.

  The real crisis lies in the reality barrier that has been torn, unless he can find a way to repair the destroyed reality barrier.

   Otherwise it will be difficult to prevent the closure of the Mond Corridor.

  In the Planet Governor's Mansion in Saint Port City.

   Calgar and many imperial commanders are gathering here, even the Eldar Prophet Anvil is here.

  They are still discussing about the Nachmond Corridor.

   "We have failed completely, and I have sought help from the Regent of the Empire." Calgar looked around at the crowd with a very heavy tone.

   Originally, he wanted to use this matter to prove his ability.

   It turned out to be what it is now.

   At this time, Calgar doubted whether he was qualified to be the right-hand man of the imperial regent.

   So far, he doesn't seem to have done anything to impress the Primarch.

   During the defense of the Sanctuary in Macragge, the Primarch saw himself knocked to the ground by a group of Chaos traitors.

  If it weren't for the Primarch's recovery in time, I'm afraid he would have died in the hands of those Chaos traitors.

  The same is true for the battle to stop the Zerg in the Charadon sector.

  He also failed. If the Primarch hadn't rescued him in time, I'm afraid he would have been killed by the Zerg now.

   Now, it's still the same when it comes to Vigilus.

   Sometimes, Calgar wondered if he was no longer suitable to be the Chapter Master of the Ultramarines.

  Perhaps it is better to abdicate and let Sigelius or Agman be the chapter master.

  Everything the Regent of the Empire appointed him to do, he failed to do well.

   Fails every time.

   "How long will it take for a reply from Terra?" Anville, who was an Eldar, said.

  The other officers showed a strange look on their faces, but they saw that Calga did not speak, and neither did they.

  The Human Empire has a very low tolerance for aliens.

   It is even more impossible for an alien leader to speak at the military council of the empire.

   Never before in the history of the Empire has anything like this happened.

  After all, the Inquisition is no joke.

   Holding a military meeting with the alien, several heads are not enough to lose.

   Today, Calgar is sitting here, providing guarantees for the members of the Eldar like Anville.

   Otherwise, everyone here will have to go to the Tribunal for review.

"It is estimated that it will take two months to get a reply from Terra. This time is also based on the fact that there are no accidents in the subspace. If there is an accident, the other party's reply may take a longer period of time." Calgar Explained, "So we can't put all our hopes on Terra. The demons and traitors on Vigilante need to be suppressed as soon as possible. Even if every hive city on Vigilante cannot be recovered, those demons must be suppressed." within a controllable range."

  Astronomical messages sent from places that are not taken seriously have been floating in the subspace for several years, decades, or even hundreds of years.

  The Nachmond Corridor is related to the future of the empire, and Terra must be very concerned about it.

   But even if Terra pays more attention, subspace communication will take several months to complete a communication.

"We really can't put all our hopes on Terra. We also need to find a way and work hard. The Blackstone Demon Crown Ceremony reversed the anti-subspace force field of Vigilante. This is the biggest problem. I just want to ask Nobles, your research on psychic energy is so thorough, is there a ritual to reverse this situation." The mechanical sage Proy looked at the Eldar prophet Anvil, "If there is such a ritual, we may be able to regain the Vigilante. "

   "Yes, but the price is unbearable for humans, and you don't have enough psykers to perform this ceremony." Anville said with a look of embarrassment.

   "What kind of ceremony?" asked the mechanical sage Proy.

   "By sacrificing enough psykers, use the tidal power generated by those souls to block the invasion of the subspace, and then use electromagnetic equipment to reset the black stone and reopen the anti-subspace force field."

   "How many psykers need to be sacrificed." Mechanical Sage Proy asked.

"One hundred thousand." Anweier said, "and I don't recommend doing that. This kind of ritual has great disadvantages. Those sacrificed souls have strong unwillingness and resentment. These negative emotions will form terrible things, legacy endless."

   "Let's see if there is another way. This way is too dark. Maybe Terra will have a solution." Calgar said.

   "Then what should we do now?" asked the recovered Space Wolf-Jace.

"Let those demons and traitors pay their debts with blood, and the troops will make arrangements to launch attacks on each hive city in turn, try to prevent the spread of those demons as much as possible, guard the stronghold of humans on Vigilance, and control them within a certain range. "Calgar said, "In this battle, I also allow the use of new weapons that have not been approved by the empire."