
Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

The era of the decline and fall of the galaxy has arrived, and the power to destroy the world has gathered unprecedentedly. The minions of the four evil gods are wreaking havoc in the real universe. The terrifying monsters and demon legions in the night of old have brought destruction and despair to countless human worlds. In the darkness, a ray of light emerged. Carrying countless human technologies, the soul from another world returned to life with the help of the body of the thirteenth parent and child of the imperial emperor. The battle between humans and evil gods is rekindled. In the name of the Emperor, countless human heroes gather again. Blood and corpses will pave the way for the glory of mankind. “As soon as I opened my eyes, you told me that human beings are about to die??”

Almighty_flex · Book&Literature
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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 191: Appointment of war apostles

  Valyrian did not get any answers about this mission from the Imperial Regent.

  The other party insisted that he go to Modo first.

  Someone will meet him over there and tell him the details of the mission.

  After thinking about it, Valyrian finally chose to obey the order of the Regent of the Empire.

  The Forbidden Army is the emperor's guard and has a very detached position in the empire.

   During the 10,000-year rise and fall of the empire, the Forbidden Army has maintained its ancient traditions as always.

  Refused to change like the outside world.

   But the situation is different now. What the Khorne Demon Army did in Terra has caused the Forbidden Army to be widely questioned.

  The imperial palace was almost captured by the enemies headed by Angron. If it weren't for the timely arrival of the imperial regent, no one knows what would have happened.

  For this reason, the Forbidden Army had to make changes.

  If they can't protect the emperor, what is the meaning of the existence of the imperial army? ?

  Varerian walked out after saluting, holding the appointment document in his hand.

  There are many officers and officials outside Guilliman's office.

  They were very busy, shuttling through the dense forest formed by holographic projections, viewing data and giving orders.

   These people assisted Guilliman in managing the entire human empire, extending his influence to every world in the empire.

   No one person can manage such a huge empire alone.

  Onerous government affairs are enough to overwhelm any superhuman mind.

  The dictators in the history of the empire had tragic endings.

   Valyrian left along the way he had come.

  The officials made way for him one after another.

  Although the status has been challenged, the prestige of the Forbidden Army is still not something that ordinary people can despise at will.

  Varerian didn't have any arrogance either, he walked towards the door, observing the officials from the corner of his eye.

   They were different from the officials Valyrian had seen before.

  With a smile on their faces, they looked more positive, as if they had endless motivation for them to squander.

  They are full of energy and look motivated.

  Those officials will occasionally look at the imperial guard.

   Whispering to discuss his purpose here, and what he and the regent talked about.

  Varerian's hearing is very keen, even whispers, he can hear very clearly.

  But he wasn't interested in those people's confusion, and he didn't intend to explain anything to them.

   Instead, he walked straight out of the Senate Hall and went to the place where the hover vehicle was parked.

   Robed servants await the Custodians.

  These servants have served the Custodians for generations.

  They were born to learn how to serve the Custodians, making them the best servants.

  Each generation of servants will hand over their responsibilities to their next generation at an appropriate time.

  Using this method, Custodian servants maintain their purity and loyalty.

   "Go back." Valyrian stepped onto the hover vehicle and gave the order.

  The vehicle flew up lightly, and merged into the torrent of speeding cars among the huge forests composed of Terra city buildings.

   At this time, it was almost dusk.

  The setting sun shoots into the city and is cut into countless beams of light by the tall urban forest.

  The beams are almost parallel to the ground, which is beautiful.

  The suspension vehicle passes through the tall buildings in the city in the sunset light.

   Valyrian stood on the edge of the vehicle, overlooking the city.

  Different from the cold steel and concrete cities of the past, the giant buildings in the Terra cities at this time are dotted with green plant parks.

  The arrival of Guilliman changed a lot of things. Many polluting heavy industries in Terra were ordered by him to rectify.

  Those factories need to spend a lot of money to purchase environmental protection equipment to ensure that the exhaust emissions meet the standards before they can continue to operate.

  Many families and businessmen who own factories have great opinions on this. They believe that this ridiculous policy will weaken the industrial production capacity of the empire, and will also push up the price of industrial products, leading to inflation, which will eventually lead to public resentment, and will intensify the riots.

  But after persevering, I found that the effect is very good.

  Environmental protection technology is provided by Regency and Mars, and it is very mature. If it is used on a large scale, the cost can be greatly reduced.

  The change in air quality has allowed the people of the Hive City to avoid a lot of unnecessary expenses, which has actually improved the quality of life.

   Of course, those factory owners and businessmen will always complain.

  No matter what they do, they are always complaining, complaining endlessly.

  The Regent of the Empire proposed a worker protection bill. They complained that it would increase the cost of production, making it impossible for the lower class to afford it, leading to turmoil.

  They hope that the Regent of the Empire can start from the perspective of the bottom and withdraw the Worker Protection Act.

  The Regent of the Empire proposed the Residence Management Act, allowing workers to move freely and allowing them to form their own guild organizations and spokespersons.

  They complained that doing so would make it more difficult for workers to manage and increase the cost of the factory. In the end, the people still paid for it, which made the bottom unable to bear it, and finally rioted.

  Before, when the Imperial Regent hadn't rectified the Imperial Daily, those news broadcasts often said that the empire was about to die, and various experts and scholars joined the battle to demand that the Imperial Regent take back those bills.

   We must continue to maintain the previous low-pay, low-welfare worker system.

  In this way, the cost of living can be effectively reduced and the happiness index of the people can be improved.

   Make the people of the empire more motivated to serve the empire.

  High remuneration and high benefits tend to make the imperial workers lazy, which is not conducive to the revival of the empire, let alone the struggle of the workers.

  Unfortunately, the Regent of the Empire never paid attention to those merchants and factory owners, and implemented his own reforms with an iron fist.

   There are also some people who use various means to resist this kind of reform that they think is unreasonable.

  However, they often end up in punishment camps.

  The effect of the implementation of these bills is also immediate.

  Tara riots and gatherings are at an all-time low.

   You must know that in the past, Terra would experience several disturbances every few months.

   Even the law enforcement officers of the Ministry of Justice are useless.

  All kinds of public executions can only be deterred for a period of time.

   After a few days, people forget those fears, and the riots will become more intense.

   Now, this situation has been greatly improved.

   There may even be a phenomenon where someone here has just started planning a riot, and they have already been reported to the legal department by the public, and then they are taken over by the pot.

  This is different from the past.

  In the past, people would sit back and watch those things happen, if they didn't participate.

   And now, those people have become the eyes of the empire.

  They watch their internal enemies, and when the other party shows their feet, they will assist the Ministry of Justice to arrest them as soon as possible, and suppress all kinds of chaos in the bud.

  The sudden good times made Valyrian feel unreal.

  Since Guilliman returned to Terra, he has been in a dream.

  The change was so great that he couldn't tell whether it was reality or a dream.

   Half an hour later, the hover vehicle landed on an apron in the palace.

  Varerian went down, returned to his residence, prepared to take weapons and some necessary equipment and headed for Modo.

  It was a monk-style room, without any extra decoration, only bookshelves, seats, and stone walls.

  The bookshelves are filled with Valyrian's favorite books.

   Valyrian is a warrior, but he is also a scholar.

   Valyrian turned off the force field and took out his weapon - Wisdom.

   At this time, a footstep came.

   Valyrian looked towards the door, and from the voice, he recognized the other party's identity.

   Sounds incredible.

  But for the forbidden army, this is just a basic ability.

  They have excellent memory and hearing, and can analyze the subtle differences of every sound.

   "Lord Valanor," Valyrian said.

  The one who came was Marshal Valanor of the Forbidden Army.

   "It seems that my footsteps are too loud." Valano's voice came from outside.

   A tall figure covered in golden armor also appeared at the door of Valyrian's room.

   "My lord." Valyrian picked up the unactivated weapon and turned to look at the Marshal of the Imperial Army, "Is there any urgent matter?"

   "Nothing, Captain of the Shield Guard - Valyrian." Varanor said, "The regent must have talked to you. Are you going to Mordo to perform a mission?"

   "Yes," said Valyrian, "he said there would be a party in Mordor."

   "I know, but he didn't tell me the details, did he tell you?"

   "No, he is very cautious. He said that after I arrive in Modo, someone will explain it to me."

  Valanor fell silent. He looked at Valyrian for a while before continuing.

   "He has a lot of secrets, this is not a good sign. You are ready to go to Modo, perhaps, you should listen to our master's thoughts."

   Valyrian looked puzzled, "He hasn't spoken for a long time! How to listen to his opinion"

"After consideration, I decided to let you enter the throne room. Guilliman is too mysterious. He holds a lot of things in his hands, and what he shows us is just the tip of the iceberg. I don't have any hostility towards him, but I don't know those things. Whether the secrecy risks endangering the Empire and the Emperor. For this reason, we must be careful."

   Valyrian agreed with Valano's statement.

  He also agrees with Guilliman.

   The Custodians serve Him.

  The Custodian was not born for the empire.

   They were never part of the Empire, nor of humanity.

  The Forbidden Army was born for a new era, but unfortunately, that era did not come.

  After the Horus Rebellion, the Forbidden Army had another duty, which was to protect their lord.

  In the concept of the Custodian Army, protecting the Emperor is the most important and the highest priority.

  Besides this, other things can be put aside.

  Between protecting humans and protecting the Emperor, the Custodians will choose the latter without hesitation.

"Come with me." Valano said, "Maybe when you are close to the throne, you will get his enlightenment. If not, then we will follow Guilliman's will. If so, then we will follow his instructions." instructed to do."

  Varerian nodded, and he followed Valanor towards the throne.

   Follow those ancient corridors to the Throne Room.

  The inner courtyard is very empty, and it takes a long walk to see those automaton soldiers emitting red light.

  They all wore the golden imperial eagle emblem without exception, and muttered a long-forgotten processing language in their mouths.

  Occasionally, a child-like cherub would fly over the palace gate, waving mechanical wings, holding an incense burner and scriptures, leaving a trace of incense smoke in the sky.

  The two imperial guards walked in the inner court silently, and they walked to the gate of the starry sky.

   On the door is the Emperor's personal lightning mark.

  In front of the gate, stood several imperial guards.

  They held guard spears, motionless like golden sculptures.

   Tribune Heracles stood among them.

  His helmet has been taken off, revealing a stern and straightforward face.

   "Tribune," Valyrian greeted.

  Herac nodded and greeted Valyrian and Valanor, and then he asked about other things.

   "I heard that the Regent of the Empire has found you and has given you a new mission."

   "Yes, unfortunately, this mission is very confidential, so I don't know the details of the mission." Valyrian explained to Heraclian.

   "As long as it doesn't violate His wishes, the details of the mission are irrelevant to us." Herac said, "Let's go this way."

  Behind the Star Gate is a long corridor, shaped into a ridge by piles of steel.

  The small lumen lights inlaid in the corridor flickered, and there were thick coolant pipes on the floor.

  Slender electric sparks danced in the jagged cables.

  The corridor connects the operating core inside the throne, and these things are all part of the throne.

   After walking a certain distance, Valyrian and the others entered a hall.

   It was a hall with a huge hemispherical floor, covered by a transparent energy shield.

  In the transparent cover, scorching energy exchange is happening, and the shining light makes it almost impossible to blink.

  The air was woven by the electric current, and powerful plasma rays were flying above everyone's heads, making this metal device move vividly.

  Here is just one energy node of the complex network of the Golden Throne.

  This light-filled hall is peculiarly situated, as if on top of a bottomless murky abyss.

  Varerian could feel the heavy and muffled sound of the ground coming from his boots.

  Going forward again, there is another door.

   The contemptuous dreadnoughts stood in front of the gate, they stood silently in the flickering darkness without saying a word.

   When Valyrian and others walked by, they did not move.

  The armored helm keeps an eye on the shadows, eternal vigilance.

   There are many doors and rooms in front of the hallway.

  They are all solemn and magnificent.

   Some are huge, and the plasma within them releases a surge of energy that pulses like a heart, sending blood to other areas.

  Some rooms are very cold, like tombs, and have not been visited for a long time.

  There are no living people in most of the rooms, and in a small number of rooms, mechanical magi wearing red robes are watching attentively, praying to the Omnissian with whispering voices.

   After a period of time, Karelian and others came to the gate of the end.

  The guards in phlogopite armor and black robes perform guard duties here.

  Here is another entrance to the throne room, which is only used by the imperial army.

  The surface of the Gate of the End is mottled black.

   It is cast from ancient ceramic steel.

   In the middle of the two gates, there is a black face, stern and sad.

   Immediately afterwards, the image split into two, the door opened inward, and dusty smoke poured out of it like a flood, filling the ancient floor.

  Varerian followed the opened door and saw the scene inside.

   Rows of pillars are neatly arranged, going deep into the depths shrouded in mist.

  The huge energy feeding pipe is as huge as a Titan, hanging down from the invisible roof. Ordinary people standing in front of such a pipe feel very small.

   Valyrian also saw the lines used to transmit electricity.

  There are a huge number of wires, placed in a mess, bound together, like a greedy giant snake crawling to the depths.

  The air that spills out of the porch is golden, thick as milk, like the morning sun.

  Particles of energy surged in the mist.

  Varerian looked at the energy node itself. Its huge structure runs through the entire underground, and it is very difficult to estimate its size.

   There was a buzzing sound from inside the golden armor, and everything behind the door vibrated due to the heat generated by the high-intensity psionic energy.

  Ancient panels that do not belong to this era are connected to those energy pipes, making sounds like a pipe organ.

  The weird tone rose higher and higher in the mist.

  It is covered with patina and marks of repeated repairs.

   Here the light is broken or distorted.

  The blood circulation mechanism makes a panting sound, making the sweet smell like rotten meat everywhere.

  Among cascading terraces and baroque platforms, among gantry cranes and rulin-like cable lines, Valyrian felt like a pearl lost in a clam shell made of hideous machinery.

  Golden light emanates from the high platform, like a sun imprisoned in this dark throne room.

  The ancient kings were buried here, ruling Terra and all things.

  Those black coffins were placed in the throne room, with extremely painful expressions on their faces.

   Valyrian tried to move forward, but found an unknown force stopping them.

   This force receded quickly, and it seemed to be just a simple test. After passing the test, the pressure would be released.

   Valyrian walked in, and the golden light surrounded him as if alive.

   "You have received His approval." Valano said excitedly, "Go, seek His response, and He will point you to the future path."

   Valyrian walked towards the golden throne, thinking he would see a wounded man.

   But not.

  He could only see a ray of light on the golden throne.

   Then, the golden light overwhelmed him.

  Inside the Imperial Senate.

  Guilliman's voice echoed in the empty room.

   "You should take on this role, I need a brand new war apostle."

   In front of Guilliman is a small and thin follower. He folded his arms and was clad in a plain white robe.

  His name is Mathieu, and he is a devout state church priest.

   Of course, his status is not very high, he does not have his own army and private wealth.

  These conditions allow Guilliman to better control the opponent.

"You want me to be the mouthpiece?" Mathieu looked at Guilliman, "A tool in a monk's robe, I know from other people that you don't regard the Emperor as a god, and you never recognize yourself as one." The savior sent by the emperor, why did you set up such a post of war apostle?"

"I need someone to inspire those people. You can accomplish this task very well. To be honest, I don't hate religion, but I hate religion without scale, which is a terrible thing for anyone. The state religion All kinds of stupid things done in 10,000 years make me always think about whether to ban it. But I have never done that, and I don't plan to do that."

  Guilliman paused for a moment before continuing, "Because I know that not everyone in the empire is strong enough to face problems, and they need some faith to support them to go on."

   "Compared with those gods who don't know the details, the emperor's beliefs are easier to control and can better protect human beings themselves. We are fighting a war that the world cannot understand, and for this I need everyone's strength."

   "You are very straightforward." Mathieu sat in his seat and responded cautiously.

"Lies don't get any results, and I am in a hurry. I will leave Terra soon to continue my mission." Guilliman shrugged, "Before that, I need a less blind, capable People with certain self-will, but enough piousness to act as apostles, tell people in every world that what we do is right, and it is a manifestation of the emperor's divinity."

   "Is this a lie?" Mathieu asked.

"This depends on your point of view. From the point of view of the state religion, this is not a lie, because I am the savior sent by the emperor, his spokesperson, and my words are his will. From the point of view of science and rationality, yes Yes, it's a lie, because the Emperor didn't explicitly instruct me to do so." Guilliman admitted frankly, and he didn't have any taboos about it.

   "You use faith as a tool?" Mathieu whispered.

"Don't be so cynical," Guilliman said. "We all serve the same man, your god, my father. Mathieu, do you think my father liked the old state religion? That stupid, hateful, blindly He likes the state religion, and he likes an enlightened, rational, and beautiful state religion even more."

  "Whether you regard faith as everything or as a useful tool, its essence remains the same. We serve him and fight for his ideals."

   "But your approach is somewhat disrespectful."

   "But it's very effective, isn't it? The people of the empire have been exposed to the Emperor's beliefs since school. They are more devout than their parents, but they also have the ability to think rationally."

Guilliman took out a piece of shiny parchment and handed it to Mathieu, "This is your commission, you will be the war apostle of the Indomitable Crusade to preach the significance of this battle, and inspire people to fight our enemies in the name of the Emperor. struggle."

   Mathieu raised his eyebrows. He stood up and scratched the back of his head.

   "Is that all? There is no ceremony?"

   "The state religion and Prime Minister Petunia are responsible for the ceremony. I can't interfere with everything. Humans must learn to solve problems by themselves. If I need to decide everything, then once I die, everything will return to its original state."

   "Is it inappropriate to say something like this, you are the savior of mankind, the regent of the empire appointed by the emperor, what power can kill you?"

"No one is immortal, and so are the gods. They are also mortal. You see me as a legend, but I know my limits. I can't solve all the problems that the empire encounters, and I can't overcome all of them. Every enemy I can meet. One day, I will fail and die at the hands of the one who defeated me."

Guilliman also stood up, "The enemies we have to fight against are extremely powerful. They possess all kinds of unimaginable powers and abilities. It is not impossible to kill me. Mathieu, you have sincere beliefs, but You also have to beware of going astray because of your beliefs."

"Throughout the ages, countless people waged wars in the name of gods, but in fact they just wanted to satisfy their endless desires. You must always remember why you have such beliefs. The emperor loves mankind deeply, and mankind loves the emperor deeply. Emperor. We need to understand what kind of human beings the Emperor wants, and we walk on the path guided by him, and finally get freedom in the true sense."

   "Beware of those who do evil in the name of the emperor, they are not true believers. A true believer will not distort the will of the people he believes in, let alone use various twisted sacrifices to desecrate what he believes in."

   Mathieu nodded, he chose to take over the appointment.

  Guilliman has a special ability, he can always make others agree with his philosophy and way of doing things

   As for the differences in belief, Mathieu did not argue with the Primarch.

  He wasn't sure he really knew the Faith better than the Primarch.

  The only thing Mathieu can be sure of is that those people's slander against the Primarch is wrong.

  The Primarch is not as unfaithful as they rumored, but his belief is rather special.

   Foolish people simply cannot understand this belief.

  Those ordinary people think that worshiping a **** should consecrate all their belongings.

  Build sculptures and churches for that god, so that more people believe in the god.

  If others are unwilling, then use a sword to threaten the other party.

  Use all kinds of cruel means to torture the other party, and use doomsday arguments to intimidate the other party until the other party surrenders and believes in their religion.

   Such a **** is pitiful, and such believers are also pitiful.

   Guilliman changed the stupid practice of the previous state religion.

  Faith should come from the pursuit of good things, not from fear and fear.

   Mathieu chose to take over the appointment of the apostle of war. As the Primarch said, everyone needs to work hard for what they cherish, otherwise don't complain about losing those things.

  Those who don't know how to fight for their rights can only sit back and watch others take away their rights.

   Mathieu left.

  Guilliman is about to summon the last person.

   Having received the man, he is ready to continue his expedition.

   Things are over here on Terra.

  He has to go into the void, drive those enemies away, and then return to Terra to continue the next thing.

  The scientific work of going to the worlds of different universes and Mars will be handed over to Kaur.

  Guilliman didn't expect much from the Master Sage.

  Exploring other universes can only be done step by step.

  After all, the strategic transfer is just a backup plan, which will be used after the human empire cannot win.

  At this stage, the empire will still focus most of its energy on fighting chaos and conquering those human planets.

  Guilliman still had to find a way to go to the Eye of Terror, to find the lost world where the Eldar's knowledge of the Webway was stored, and vigorously launch the Human Webway Project to attract the attention of the gods.

  The current plan is going well, Terra has been successfully conquered, and the empire's politics, economy, and military have also been integrated.

  The opposition was killed by him batch after batch, and now, it is completely out of control.

  The current situation can be described as smooth sailing.

  Steady without waves, the probability of overturning is extremely low.

   If you defend the empire, your own life is safe.

   Promote the lighthouse project quietly, and it will be useless for the gods to play the subspace storm card when the time comes.

  Even if Vigilante falls, the empire can still sit on Diaoyutai.

  Recently, Vigilus has been sending battle reports, and the fight is very intense.

   Calgar fought from day to night, and took back Vigilus from the hands of the minions of the gods. However, the effect is not very good.

   Abaddon has escaped, and now Calgar is fighting with the minions of the four gods.

  Played very hard and desperately.

  Guilliman is also very pleased about this. Calgar's performance really made Chaos feel that the Nachmond Corridor is the throat of life and death for the empire.

  Once lost, the empire will definitely be divided.

   Just fight there, as long as possible.

  As long as the Lighthouse Project is promoted, Guilliman will show Chaos what is called a surprise.

  Of course, there is no way to avoid the loyalists who were killed or injured in the Vigilante fraud plan.

  If you want to deceive the enemy, you must first deceive your own people.

   If the fraudulent scheme leaks, it doesn't have that effect.

   That is to say, Guilliman deceived Chaos with the loyalty of those loyalists to the Emperor, to humans, and to himself.

  The Loyalists have no idea that Vigilus is of no importance to the Empire.

  They risked their lives to fight just for the advancement of a deceptive plan.

  Guilliman knew that doing so would be unfair to those loyalists who died, but he could only say sorry in his heart, and then proceeded with the plan.

  War cannot be about right or wrong and fairness, only victory or defeat.

   Sitting on a chair, Guilliman reviewed his plans and achievements, and filled in the details to ensure that it was foolproof.

  At this time, Sicarius' voice came.

   "Sir, she is here, do you want to meet her now?"

   "Let her in, we don't have much time, let's finish talking as soon as possible."

   Guilliman withdrew his mind and said to Sicarius in the communication.