
Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

The era of the decline and fall of the galaxy has arrived, and the power to destroy the world has gathered unprecedentedly. The minions of the four evil gods are wreaking havoc in the real universe. The terrifying monsters and demon legions in the night of old have brought destruction and despair to countless human worlds. In the darkness, a ray of light emerged. Carrying countless human technologies, the soul from another world returned to life with the help of the body of the thirteenth parent and child of the imperial emperor. The battle between humans and evil gods is rekindled. In the name of the Emperor, countless human heroes gather again. Blood and corpses will pave the way for the glory of mankind. “As soon as I opened my eyes, you told me that human beings are about to die??”

Almighty_flex · Book&Literature
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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 140: There is conspiracy in the conspiracy

  Calgar knew he shouldn't believe the traitor's words.

   But he was really worried.

   He is so loyal to his genetic father.

  Even if there is only a slight possibility, he is not willing to let it fall into danger.

  In order to avoid provoking the wrath of Gene Father, Calgar thought for a long time.

  Decided to use the excuse of being confused about his strategy to seek enlightenment from Guilliman, and at the same time prepare for the Dark Angel's attack.

   In this way, there may be some opinions, but Guilliman will not be too angry about it.

   He will not be punished for this matter.

  The Victory Laurel entered the warp at the edge of the Evans system.

   Calgar temporarily left the battlefield to protect his lord.

   And on the bottom of the Victory Laurel.

   From the rusty pipes came the murmur of airflow, and the rumble shook the stone wall.

  Intense darkness accumulated in the deepest compartment of the Victory Laurel.

  This place is shrouded in darkness and damp all the year round, and even the humblest slave labor and rough slave labor rarely visit here.

   Only those animals and plants that hide in the dark and smuggle across different planets will live in this place.

  The Victory Laurel is 21 kilometers long and several kilometers high, making it a magnificent mobile city.

  It is so huge that the crew cannot monitor every corner.

   At this time, an ominous thing is happening here.

  The pungent smell of blood wafted in the darkness and mixed with the stench of decay.

  Cybers stood in the darkness, only the faint red light emitted by the pair of electronic prosthetic eyes in the helmet showed his existence.

   In front of him, two crew members were lying in a pool of blood.

   But weird things happened quickly, and the blood was quickly spoiled and became foul-smelling.

  The crew members who had just died for a while also quickly became rotten and extremely disgusting.

   Seeing this scene, Sebos smiled.

  He did this just to test the sword.

   "This is the Sword of Punishing God." Saibos whispered.

  His hand held a strange bloodstained sword blade.

  The body of the sword is undulating like a poisonous snake, as gray as flint, and shining like a diamond.

   This is a delicate thing, a wonderful thing, a thing that shakes the world.

  If there are psykers here, they will definitely exclaim.

  The sword contains unrivaled evil and curse, an entity of pure warp evil.

"Guilliman." Sebos's voice was unusually flat, with a kind of absolute rationality and coldness, "the universe is balanced, and so are subspace and reality, and you are the biggest obstacle to the final plan. So, I'm sorry , you can't go on living."

  He said softly, and then slowly put the long sword back into the delicate box.

   This is a terrifying weapon capable of injuring a Primarch.

  It is more vicious and terrifying than the old enemy blade that almost killed Horus in the past.

   Horus' rebellion is a big problem due to Horus' incomprehension that the emperor despised the war council and ruled the empire with mortals.

  But what really pushed Horus into the abyss was undoubtedly the old enemy blade in the hands of Erebus.

   That weapon has extraordinary power.

   It hit Horus hard.

  The terrible wound could not be healed by relying on the physical strength of the Primarch.

  Finally, the warriors of the Son of Horus were fooled by Erebus and sent Horus to the temple of heresy for a ceremony.

  Blade of the Nemesis is so scary.

  Once suffered a serious injury, even the original body-level self-healing ability cannot heal itself.

  Cybers held the long sword in his hand and showed a slight smile.

  The fall of Horus, along with the emperor's long-cherished wish for peace, was shattered.

  And what will the fall of Guilliman bring? ?

  Bullet Fortress.

  Bloodwing Boris and members of his tactical team hurried back.

  The engine of the transport ship roared.

  Under the operation of the technical priest, the gravity array device operated according to the new parameters, slowly cut into the force field, and entered the interior of the megalithic fortress smoothly.

  The hatch opens.

  Boris walked past the machine slaves who greeted him.

   "Lord Boris," said a mortal servant.

  The Stonehold holds a large number of mortal slaves who serve the warriors of the Dark Angels Chapter.

   They are the treasure of the Chapter.

  Each chapter is served by a sizable mortal population.

  A battle group with a home planet will select a batch of servants from the planet every once in a while to replenish servants and recruit seeds.

   Chapters without a homeworld will collect taxes everywhere.

  For example, space sharks, go to the frontier to fight, and the mortals who serve them are almost dead, and then return to the empire to replenish troops.

  When passing by a certain planet, seeing that there are enough people on that planet and meeting their own requirements, they will recruit servants and recruits from that planet.

  Because there is no parent star to replenish the loss on time, and the combat mission is heavy.

  The taxation of these battle groups is extremely simple and rude, and the whole colony is packed with men, women, old and weak.

   This caused the Ministry of Internal Affairs to first investigate whether any wargroups from the home planet had passed through the place when they discovered that some colonies had been looted. After confirmation, they would think about aliens and chaos.

   It is said that a certain vicious space shark war group will not spare even a 180-year-old grandmother.

  The same thing was caught on board and served as a servant.

   Of course, being able to live to 180 years old in this dark and chaotic universe is either rich or expensive.

   After all, life extension surgery is very expensive, and ordinary people simply cannot afford it.

  Boris didn't care about those mortal servants saluting him.

  He left the port in a hurry, and went to look for the Grand Mentor-Azrael.

  The Grand Master is in a strategy room in the Stone Fortress.

  As his right-hand man, Ezekiel and Dagonet are also here, discussing the missions of each company and the arrival of Guilliman. .

  The huge holographic table is located in the center of the room, and strategic divination shrines and contemplators are displayed on the walls. It is humming and processing massive amounts of data.

  The room is big enough to accommodate more than twenty dark angels, it is very spacious.

   However, there are only three at this time.

   They are the supreme heads who lead the Dark Angels.

  The three stood around the holographic platform. After hearing the sound, their eyes turned to Boris who came in.

   "Boris?" Azrael said.

   "It's me, Great Teacher." Boris said with a respectful salute.

   "How about the hunt??"

  Azrael looked at Boris with majesty and questioning in his eyes.

"It's not a fallen angel, but a demon, a demon belonging to a changer. They are preparing for something, and it may have something to do with the revived imperial regent." Boris said, "That demon seems to be guiding us all the time, When I was finally expelled, the demon said that Guilliman would destroy the First Legion, and I realized something was wrong, so I hurried back."

   Azrael frowned slightly, a serious expression appeared on his noble face.

   Guilliman is the hope of the Empire.

   This is the consensus of everyone who can see the dark future of the galaxy.

   Only with the help of Guilliman's unimaginable strategy and wisdom, can mankind be helped out of this eternal abyss.

   "You should not listen to any words of demons, they are only lies." Azrael shook his head, "You cannot doubt a noble Emperor's Child just because of the words of a demon."

"But what do you think the Emperor's Children would think if they knew what happened ten thousand years ago, and what happened to Lord Cypher?" said Boris. ? This is the reward for our ten thousand years of loyalty."

"Your words have gone beyond the mark." Ezekiel, who is the chief think tank, said, "Such words are too offensive, don't say any more, Boris. We all understand your concerns, but just a few words from the devil can shake you ?"

"No, I just have some premonitions." Boris said, "A very bad intuition, a storm is happening, but we don't know anything about it. We must take a positive attitude in order to defend the honor of the First Legion and existence."

   "We are loyal to the empire, and we should also trust Guilliman." Ezekiel said.

   "If he wants the First Legion to wait for death, should we also wait to die?" Boris shouted, "The blood of the First Legion will be cut off."

"Get out, Boris. There's no need to talk about this matter." Azrael looked at Boris and slammed his fist on the holographic stage, with anger in his tone, "We swear loyalty, if he wants us to Death, the Dark Angel should also execute it unconditionally. Don't doubt a loyal Primarch just because of the devil's words."

   "He was just too concerned with the fate of the Chapter," Ezekiel said.

"Then don't question it, we fight for loyalty, and we fight for the blood of the Lion King that flows in our hearts. Now, Boris, are you going to target a Primarch? When mankind is about to slide into the abyss Time to step on it again," Azrael said, "Get out now, and you will be grounded until I issue a pardon myself."

  Boris glared back, spat **** the ground, and strode out of the room.

   "You're so excited," Ezekiel said.

   "Don't worry about it." Azrael said, "We will continue to study the next arrangement."

  As the Great Master of the Dark Angel, Azrael holds most of the secrets of the Dark Angel.

   Except Lion King Ryan, no one can know all the secrets of the Dark Angels.

  Thanks to the great wisdom of Lion King Ryan, the father of genes, the structure of the Dark Angel is very complicated.

   On the bright side, they are divided into company commanders, tactical teams, mentors, think tanks, recruits, and veterans.

  The hierarchy is dense and the classes are distinct.

   However, this is only the appearance.

  Below it, there are different religious orders and inner and outer rings, keeping different secrets.

  Even Azrael couldn't know how many secrets the Dark Angels had, and who kept them.

   Nobody knows except Lion Lion.

  Advancing along the dark tomb passage, Azrael walked past the heroes who had long since departed.

  The exploits of those who died were commemorated with inscriptions and sculptures on the stone pillars.

  Azrael wore a robe that covered his whole body, covering everything that represented his identity and status symbol.

  He walked into the depths along the tomb passage.

   In the shadowy light, as he turned a corner.

  An unknown soldier who also covered his body and concealed his identity blocked him.

  The warrior made an intricate half-gesture.

   And Azrael did the other half.

   Subsequently, Azrael was taken into a secret chamber.

  A group of flames burns in the middle of the secret room, providing a faint light, making the secret room look very dark.

  The four warriors, including Azrael, stood in different directions one by one.

  Everyone concealed their identities to ensure the secrecy of this secret meeting.

  Azrael wasn't sure whether the people in front of him were veterans, mentors, or just new recruits.

  In the congregation, no one has a name.

   Outside the Order, the Order does not exist.

   "I'm very glad that you can gather here." Azrael said.

  The other three knights didn't say anything, they just kept silent.

   They were called.

  Need to do some things that cannot be known by the outside world in the secret order.

"The conspirators have emerged, the bait has been cast, and it's time to get ready to draw in the net," Azrael said, "The hunt for demons has resulted in a member of the Deathwing being seeded with confusion by demons. The devil thinks that we will be played and applauded by it, but it does not know that the lasso is already placed around its neck, and we will use it to find the cancer hidden in us."