
Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

The era of the decline and fall of the galaxy has arrived, and the power to destroy the world has gathered unprecedentedly. The minions of the four evil gods are wreaking havoc in the real universe. The terrifying monsters and demon legions in the night of old have brought destruction and despair to countless human worlds. In the darkness, a ray of light emerged. Carrying countless human technologies, the soul from another world returned to life with the help of the body of the thirteenth parent and child of the imperial emperor. The battle between humans and evil gods is rekindled. In the name of the Emperor, countless human heroes gather again. Blood and corpses will pave the way for the glory of mankind. “As soon as I opened my eyes, you told me that human beings are about to die??”

Almighty_flex · Book&Literature
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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 132: The Fear of the Gods

  Fulgrim in the Warp heard Guilliman's words.

  I only felt a sweetness in my throat, and I almost vomited a mouthful of old blood.

   It's been ten thousand years, Guilliman's strength is unknown.

   But the kung fu of this poisonous tongue has definitely surpassed the former Donne.

   "Guilliman!" Fulgrim roared.

  As a Primarch of Demons, his every move has terrible power.

  Accompanied by his roar, the huge sound waves visible to the naked eye shattered the two succubi standing next to him alive, leaving a terrifying blood mist in the air.

  Fulgrim was almost mad with anger.

  Guilliman is so shameless and despicable.

   On Vitria's side, Fulgrim's anger also manifested itself in another way on the corrupted planetary governor-Anna.

  The air became cold, and the eerie whispers became more terrifying.

   "You will never enjoy victory, Guilliman," Fulgrim said aloud through Ana's body.

"Go back, Fulgrim, remember to ask your master to come out next time, I hate talking to lackeys, it does not conform to my noble status." After Guilliman finished speaking, the emperor's sword pierced Anna's In the body, she was burned to ashes.

  Guilliman's thick voice was transmitted to Fulgrim's palace of **** through the medium of Anna.

   Such contempt.

  So ignore him.

  What Guilliman did made the depraved demon primarch roar incomparably.

  He vowed to make Guilliman pay a heavy price.

  The Demon Primarch's rage was so great that it created a storm of great proportions in the Warp.

   It's a pity that his performance can only be regarded as incompetent and furious.

  If you want to interfere with the real universe, you have to do it yourself.

   Shouting alone cannot interfere with the real universe.

  Fulgrim stepped out of his palace of lust.

  He will gather his lost sons and make Guilliman pay the heaviest price.

   This time, Guilliman won't be so lucky.

   Fulgrim swore that this time, he would definitely kill Guilliman.

  The kind that is absolutely dead.

  The emperor came, and he couldn't keep him.

  On the parade square in Vittoria.

  Guilliman looked at the dust scattered by Anna, and was silent for a moment.

  The others didn't speak either.

   On such an important celebration, a corrupt planetary governor ran out.

   This undoubtedly shows that the empire has long been eroded by chaos.

   Everyone looked at Guilliman.

  Wodeis thought the Primarch would be furious.

   Calgar, Sicarius, Phikris, Ventris and others thought that the Primarch would be angry because of this incident.

   Unexpectedly, Guilliman smiled.

   raised his head again and looked at Phikris, "It seems that you have to find a new crown presenter."

   "Understood, my lord." Phikris was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly saluted, then turned to look for a new crown presenter.

   Watching Pheklis turn and leave, Guilliman turned his head to look at the camera and the parade in the square below.

   This is undoubtedly a very embarrassing thing.

  In the last second, Guilliman just wanted to show off his muscles.

   As a result, Chaos slapped him with a snap.

  Shout loudly, Guilliman's horse has rebelled and mixed with me.

   Isn't this a slap in the face?

  If it is not handled well, the effect of the parade may be greatly reduced.

   Guilliman swore secretly that Fulgrim would definitely capture the sky lantern.

   Following Guilliman's movements, the servo skulls, cherubs, and numerous suspended video devices all turn the camera.

"Well, I have to admit that the situation is bad. Many of our officials are corrupted by Chaos, which is why I have to push reforms and slow down. Our enemies are not only aliens, Chaos, but also corrupt bureaucrats, Disgusting nobles, I don't even know if they are my assistants or enemies hiding beside me."

   "They disguised well. Shouting the name of the emperor, one mouthful of loyalty, one mouthful of dedication to the empire, it turns out that they have long been corrupted and become the minions and lackeys of Chaos."

There was a hint of sadness in Guilliman's tone, "They have a clear banner, they use the slogan of the emperor to oppose me, and they pretend to be people around me, trying to approach and corrupt me. I apologize to you, and I also apologize to those who think Apologies to my omnipotent people of the Primarch. I have been shaping this image to give you the confidence to stand firmly against chaos and against darkness."

"But today's events show that I am just an ordinary person. Although I am a powerful Primarch, my soul, my heart, and the blood surging in my body are all ordinary people. I There is no way to achieve all victories, and there is no way to prevent chaos from eroding those ambitious people. I can only find my own way, trying to pull humans out of the darkness little by little."

  Accompanied by Guilliman's voice, the whole world fell into silence.

  Thousands of ordinary people were watching Guilliman's speech.

  The original cast space fighters are arranged according to the battle group they belong to, forming a square formation.

  The war weapons of the Mechanicum also kept running at the lowest power, so as not to make any sounds that would offend the Primarch.

  The mechanical priest and many mechanical servants were also looking at Guilliman.

  The Primarch's voice resounded throughout the world.

   Through electromagnetic signals, it is transmitted to the fleet suspended in low earth orbit.

   Echoes in every city.

  Echoing in every corner.

   People watched his speech from holographic projections and display panels.

  Guilliman blew himself up, which made them also look a little sad.

  The enemies faced by mankind are too powerful, and the empire is facing internal and external troubles.

  Guilliman was alone.

  He is alone.

   Not even knowing who is trustworthy and who can't.

"I need your help and trust. There is nothing more precious than trust. For a long time, the powerful and businessmen have stolen the name of the Emperor and drained the trust of the people in the Empire. I have been trying to restore it and let the Empire once again To regain my father's great dream, to let mankind live a stable and happy life."

"The empire has never been saved by one person alone. It requires thousands of people to work together and make sacrifices together. I once again send out a plea to Vitria, and even to every galaxy and planet in the entire empire that can hear my voice Please stand with me to save the human empire and expel those villains who have done despicable things in my father's name."

"This is a war that I cannot win alone. I need every human being to be brave. Every human being can understand the meaning of fighting the enemy and the horror of chaos. Only in this way can we truly win this war ."

  "During the Great Crusade, that is, 10,000 years ago, when my father reunited with me, he said that he launched the Great Crusade because he had a dream."

"He wants to create a world where human beings are free from disease, fighting, chaos, and conspiracy. In this world, everyone can enjoy a life of incomparable abundance. People will be immersed in learning and spiritual training, not for power and wealth Fighting and calculating."

"My father did a lot for this, and Horus ruined everything, the Chaos gods ruined everything, and those shameful traitors ruined everything. They made my father have to sit on the golden throne and endure the world for a second unbearable torment."

"I failed in a mission and was forced to sleep. When I woke up, I saw your ignorance and ignorance, fell into the quagmire of war, and lived in a dark age. My heart is like a knife, everything that happened in this galaxy , have deviated from my father's original intention, you have entered the terrible abyss hell, countless people have suffered for this, things should not have developed like this."

  "I was trying to change, to reshape this dream. But now, I realize that I can never do it alone."

   "Only every human being who wants to change can unite to create the country my father dreamed of."

   "Today, standing here, I just want to ask if you are willing to make a change, and join me in regaining the Emperor's lost dream and creating his perfect kingdom."

  Guilliman looked at the crowd and issued a final question.

  The whole world fell into silence.

  Everyone looked at Guilliman blankly.

  They don't know how to respond.

  I am so humble and inferior, am I really qualified to walk with the great holy Primarch?

  In the moment of silence, a heavy voice sounded.

Calgar knelt down on one knee and looked at his genetic father, "The Ultramarine Chapter Master, the supreme warlord of Ultramar, Calgar is willing to work with the great Primarch to regain the Emperor's lost dream and create that The perfect country."

  Guilliman looked at Calga, showing a hint of relief.

   Calgar's behavior was like the last drop of water in a flood that broke a dam.

Sicarius also knelt on one knee, "The second company commander of the Ultramarines Chapter, the Lord of Ultramar, Sicarius, is willing to work with the great Primarch to regain the Emperor's lost dream and create the perfect country ."

   "The Great Mentor of the Gray Knight, Wodaisi..."

   "Senior Admiral of the Empire..."

   "Imperial High Commander."


   Following closely behind, Ventris, Vodès, and many high-ranking officers of the empire's expeditionary forces also knelt on one knee, vowing to advance and retreat with the Primarch.

  On the fleet, Captain Breheer of the Glory of Macragge, Captain Iser of the Silver Arrow, and many other imperial captains and many crew members also knelt down one by one and issued their own oaths.

  Casting General - Keren made the highest level Mechanicism etiquette.

  Behind him, many mechanical priests and machine servants have all knelt on one knee.

  Many Knight Titan drivers also manipulated Knight Titan to kneel on one knee.

   This is a courtesy that only the Knight High King will get.

   At this moment, the attitude of the knights is fully revealed.

   They will follow the Thirteen Primarchs to the death.

  Corvo and many other Chapter Masters also knelt on one knee in the Triumph Square. Behind them, many Chapter Brothers also knelt on one knee, showing the most fiery loyalty to the Primarch.

  1 Afterwards, many citizens also knelt down on one knee and performed the Sky Eagle Salute.

  If there is one person in this world who is worthy of their infinite loyalty, it is only Guilliman.

  No rehearsal, no prior notice.

  Everyone who has witnessed the heroic figure of the Primarch and listened to this speech has expressed his loyalty to a supreme human leader in his own way.

  They will follow until the end of their lives.

  Even those nobles who had insulted Guilliman and hated him so much were kneeling on one knee at this moment, tears streaming down their cheeks.

  Guilliman also showed a smile as he witnessed all this. "Even though the dark enemies are all around and the gods are unscrupulous, but the human beings are united, and they will definitely drive out the gods and win the victory."

  The human soul is closely related to the Warp.

  What happened on the planet Vitria also reverberated in the subspace.

  Human will is held together by Guilliman.

  United as one, overcome hardships together.

   This will is weak, but dangerous.

  The gods had to look away from their great game and look to the real universe.

  Lord of Changes - Tzeentch showed a trace of sadness in one eye.

  The threads of fate became chaotic and intertwined into a mess.

  The Vittoria incident heralds an unprecedented crisis that is about to break out.

  Once Guilliman takes charge of the entire human empire, and gathers the will of the entire human race as he does today, the consequences will be disastrous.

   Possibly a greater threat than the Emperor.

  The emperor's plan is only to weaken the gods of the warp, so that mankind can get rid of the interference of the original destroyer and move towards detachment.

   But Guilliman is very different.

  He promised people a future, and people trusted him and attached themselves to him.

   This is a kind of oath contract.

   It will no longer be a game of gods.

  It is a full-scale war between the real universe and the subspace.

  Guilliman must declare war on the gods of the Warp for his oath, to create a world of absolute beauty.