
Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

The era of the decline and fall of the galaxy has arrived, and the power to destroy the world has gathered unprecedentedly. The minions of the four evil gods are wreaking havoc in the real universe. The terrifying monsters and demon legions in the night of old have brought destruction and despair to countless human worlds. In the darkness, a ray of light emerged. Carrying countless human technologies, the soul from another world returned to life with the help of the body of the thirteenth parent and child of the imperial emperor. The battle between humans and evil gods is rekindled. In the name of the Emperor, countless human heroes gather again. Blood and corpses will pave the way for the glory of mankind. “As soon as I opened my eyes, you told me that human beings are about to die??”

Almighty_flex · Book&Literature
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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 130: The Corrupted Crown

  Guilliman let the two leave.

   Before leaving, he warned the two not to speak casually.

   Nowadays, this information cannot be disclosed at will.

  People are now displeased with demons.

  Any rumors are not good for the current situation of the empire.

   After receiving affirmative answers from the two, Guilliman asked them to go to the deck by themselves, and return to the airport of Vitria's capital by the gunboat.

   At the suggestion of the Primarch, both of them decided to leave after participating in the celebration parade.

   Ventris decided that he would not only participate in the parade, but document it.

  Bring the news of the Primarch's victory and the images of this parade celebration back to the Ultramar sector.

   In this way, it is enough to make those panicked people calm down again.

  Let the many children of Ultramar know that they are not alone, that the Primarch still protects the Empire.

   Preparations for the celebration parade are still in full swing.

  All departments are doing their best to cooperate.

  Governor's Palace.

   "It's so perfect." Anna looked at the flowerbed in front of her with an extremely excited expression.

  Every flower is so coquettish and perfect.

  Her eyes became more and more blurred.

  Looking at those coquettish flowers, he showed a sickly excited smile.

  The machine slave carefully plowed the land according to the established procedures that had been written.

   Make sure that the flowers of this flowerbed can live to the day of the Primarch's celebration procession according to the wishes of their masters.

  The automatic system is detecting the temperature and moisture in the air, and making adjustments in real time to ensure that the air temperature and humidity are in the best condition.

  Anna is very satisfied with her results.

   The entourage and staff officers did not dare to express any opinions on this.

  Those who have opinions have been crushed and turned into flower mud.

  Planet Governor-Anna has become more and more crazy. In order to get the so-called beautiful petals in her mouth, she has not hesitated to use living people as flower fertilizer.

  Everyone can see that Anna has gone crazy.

   In order to gain the praise of the Primarch and pave the way for her future, she has gone to any lengths.

  Perhaps, she has always been an unscrupulous person.

  After gaining power, they became more and more crazy.

  It's a pity that no one dared to report on her.

  The Primarch's own personal appointment of her as the one to present the wreath of glory is an honor in itself.

  In the eyes of the officials, Anna has become a celebrity in front of the Primarch.

  Became a woman who is at your fingertips and has unlimited prospects in the future.

  A rising star in politics.

   Offending her is undoubtedly a very stupid thing.

   Appropriate flattery may yield unimaginable gains in the future.

  The grand parade will begin soon.

   On the huge Triumph Square, many statues of heroes of the empire have been erected.

  These huge statues were built for today's celebration.

   Accompanied by thirteen gunshots.

   A huge horn sounded.

  Like the roar of a wild beast in ancient mythology, it echoed in the hive city, and then slowly disappeared among the tall buildings.

  A magnificent road from the Arc de Triomphe to the Triumph Square has been built.

  Thousands of war engines, millions of warriors arrayed densely.

  Different paint schemes and majestic emperor angels are all ready for battle.

  Vitria was empty of thousands of people, and the citizens came out in full force.

  They gathered at road junctions and squares to watch the ceremony.

  The cheers of thousands of people converged into a hymn to Guilliman.

   Deafening, long-lasting.

   As the bell rang.

  Heavy footsteps sounded, and the first thing that appeared in front of people was the Star Warrior who had been upgraded by Primordial Casting.

  They are the vanguard of this parade.

  In the empire, no matter how remote the world is, the people living on it know the existence of the emperor's angels.

  They are the sharp swords of the human emperor, beheading all human enemies.

   The Empire survived the darkness because of their sacrifices.

  They were wearing thick power armor, in different colors, and arranged in different square formations.

   has the same sincere heart.

   His eyes are firm, and he is ready to sacrifice at any time.

  The Dreadnoughts belonging to each Chapter stand in the center of their phalanx, moving with their Chapter.

   Followed by regiments from various galaxies.

  The onlookers suddenly discovered that these warriors who expedition to the galaxy were not superhuman like the emperor's angels.

  They are the same as themselves, but they are all ordinary people.

  The difference is that they wear military uniforms, but they don't.

  They traveled through the dangerous subspace, entered battlefields like meat grinders, and became the cornerstone of the empire.

  There have never been any natural heroes in this world.

   It's just another group of ordinary people who put on military uniforms and took up weapons to protect another group of innocent people.

  The Astral Army corps walked by with neat steps, holding weapons, each with firm eyes.

   They are unknown.

   Even the name is not known to the world.

  But at this moment, their eyes are full of pride, standing under the banner of hunting and agitation.

   They fought for a great man.

   Fight for a lofty ideal.

   This is enough to make them full of blood and passion.

  Behind the phalanx of the Astral Army Corps, there are war weapons from the Mechanic Cult.

   came along with the sound of heavy footsteps.

  The noble knights drove their mechs and walked across the parade avenue, neatly, as if they were one.

  Mechanical priests with incense in hand lead the way.

  The levitating servo-skull roars out the hymn of the Almighty God.

   Halfway through.

  The knights all raised their melta cannons and giant chainswords neatly.

  It is used to express the meaning of unyielding war.

  In the name of knights, they will uphold Guilliman's great will, protect mankind forever, and protect the empire forever, until death.

   Behind the knight titan phalanx are giant titans of the Order of Titans.

  Every imperial civilian who saw the Titans on stage subconsciously covered their mouths.

  What they saw was so shocking.

  Three tall steel figures first appeared on Triumph Avenue.

   Walked in, only to find that it was three emperor-level Titans.

   They are like noble gods of war.

  Even if they kept silent, it was difficult to conceal their terrifying aura.

  They moved in unison and became the leader of the procession of the Order of Titans.

  The sequence of appearances has been carefully arranged, trying to give people the greatest psychological shock, let them understand the power of the empire, and let them feel at ease.

   Followed by Warlord-level Titans, God-Punishment-level Titans, Alpha Titans, Hound-level Titans, etc., many war engines appeared one by one, demonstrating the mighty power of human beings.

  These terrifying gods of war walked past the crowd.

  Everyone who witnessed them had to admit it.

   No enemy can stand against these fearsome war beasts.

  Any enemy that tries to stand in the way of the titan will be doomed.

   Followed by the Skitarii of the Mechanicum.

   Walking in the front is the steel walker.

   This kind of biped walking machine with a strange appearance has unimaginable flexibility and mobility, and it is the main mobile force of the Mechanicum.

  The machine servant wearing a red robe has been fixed on top of the steel walker.

  They remained silent, manipulating the steel walkers to form a phalanx, and walked past the crowd of onlookers.

   Behind the Iron Walker phalanx is the omnic legion.

  The omnic mech is completely made of steel body, and its combat power is powerful.

  These omnics have nothing but cold rationality.

   They have no soul and desire, and exist only for the killing orders of the Mechanicum.

   Followed by heavy artillery, missile vehicles, tank arrays, super heavy tanks and more.

   A uniform formation of Imperial fighter planes flew out of the sky.

  Flying at super high speed, white air waves appeared in the sky.

  But all the troops of the empire entered the Triumph Square from the Triumph Avenue.

  On the highest triumphal platform, many high-level expedition officials of the empire appeared one by one.

   Even Calgar, who was seriously injured before, stood among the many high-level people on stage, enjoying the cheers and admiration of the world.

   Afterwards, the sound of music and roar was gradually reduced, and the voices of the people were also gradually reduced.

  Everyone turned their eyes to the high platform.

  Servo skulls and cherubs all aimed their video equipment at the high platform.

  Cities all over the world, and on every battleship, are simultaneously broadcasting images.

  In the eyes of everyone's anticipation.

  Emperor's son, the Lord of Ultramar slowly appeared.

  In an instant, it seemed that the whole world was quiet.

   That stalwart blue figure attracted everyone's attention.

  People a few kilometers away from the parade center stared at the towering display screen connected to the servo skull.

  The Primarch stepped onto the high platform, entered people's field of vision, and walked in front of many heroes of the empire.

  Many people burst into tears at this scene.

   What a glorious and memorable scene this is.

  "Mankind will surely win, any enemy of mankind will be completely wiped out, and mankind will usher in a new era, a bright and hopeful era."

   Guilliman said to the people.

  His voice is sonorous and powerful, and is transmitted to all parts of the world through the servo skull.

  People cheered and shouted for this, and wherever there were people, the name of Guilliman echoed.

  Those who once held dissent against the Primarch cried bitterly.

   They feel guilty and disturbed for desecrating a noble person.

   That would be an irreparable mistake for them even with their lives.

  The parade ceremony was proceeding in an orderly manner.

  Under the much-anticipated eyes, the planetary governor Anna held a beautiful wreath of glory with pure gold as the base, and it was backed by delicate flowers, and walked up.

  According to the procedure of the ceremony, she will personally wear this crown of glory for the Primarch, representing the blessing of the people of Vitria.

   "It is my honor to do such a thing for you." Anna said.

  The other party's voice had a sweet and greasy feeling.

  Guilliman vaguely sensed that something was wrong.

  But he hadn't met the governor before, and he didn't know whether the other party spoke like this.

  He is too busy, dealing with expeditionary affairs every day.

   He only paid a little attention to the reconstruction work of Vittoria.

  Maybe, this woman's voice is like this.

  Guilliman was confused, but he still thought it was because he was too sensitive.

   "It's really a blessing to have such a beautiful and noble lady wear a wreath for me." Guilliman said with a smile.

  He leaned over slightly, and with the assistance of others, Anna walked up to a temporary high platform step by step, and put this glorious wreath on the Primarch.

  Wodeis on the side frowned, and he could feel something was wrong.

  Has the breath of the devil.

  He looked at the noble lady who laid a wreath for the Primarch.

  The other party is dignified and polite, the clothes are luxurious, and the behavior is very decent, and there is no problem.

  The moment Guilliman put on the garland, Guilliman's eyes were suddenly blurred.