
1- A Warframe in MHA


My name is Chroma, and I am curently a baby in a crib. My parents are the Yaoyorozu. Yes, Momo is my syster, I do not know if we are blood related or not and in all honesty I don't care.

*flashback nojutsu*

A Random Omnipotent Beeing (ROB for short) reincarnated me in the world of My Hero Academia.

ROB: "I am giving you the powers from that warframe Chroma, but with some tweeks.

You will have a mostly normal aparence. Your eyes and hair will change color depending on the element that you are using, you will also have that eye glow thingy. You will be crazy handsome, cause I fell generous.

You will have the mobility abilities standart to all warframes, and you will also be able to use your elemental wings to fly. (AUTOR NOTE: mc will not use the movement abilities that much if at all. cause, come on! He can fly!)

You won't have operator abilities.

To describe your abilities, I will consider that you have the fire element selected. To make the explaining easier.

Your 'spectral scream' ability will be massively buffed, as to be the main weapon in your arsenal. In adition to shooting fire out of your mouth (either as a stream, a massive fireball, or however other form you desire), you will have a minor form of pyrokinesis. Your body will emit a lot of heat passively and you will be imune to flames (be them your own or from an outside source).

You won't have 'elemental ward' nor 'vex armor' anymore. Yes, balance is a bi*ch.

You won't have an armored pelt to deploy 'effigy', YOU instead will be the pelt, and the ability will work bakwards. The original ability makes you let go of your pelt and deploy it as a companion, leting go of your armor obviously put a dent on survivability, but now 'effigy' will turn you into Chroma's pelt (prime variant cause it is cooler) so you can become an ally's armor, gaining extra durability and allowing your host to use your abilities. Do note that your fire will be added to theyr natural quirks. Obviously you need someone to use this ability on, you also need phisical contact with your castee.(AUTOR NOTE: employ-er employ-ee, cast-er cast-ee?)

I may or may not send your tenno siblings to visit you every now and then. ;) "

*flashback end*

So now i am here. Bored out of my mind. Staring at the celing of my room. Waiting to grow up enought to even stand up!

Normaly, a reincarnator would use this chance to train theyr powers and plan for the future, but I don't have that option! Quirks aweaken at age 4, and ROB made my powers a quirk! I did not watch that far into the series (cause Deku is Deku!), and even if I did, ROB decided to change things a bit, so I'm in the dark!

So all I can do is sleep, eat, soil myself, cry, and stare at the celing. -_-

This will take forever!

*Timeskip no jutsu*+*flashback no jutsu*

I started talking, walking, etc. whenever Momo did. I made it so I would 'grow up' at a normal pace.

Me and Momo share the same room. Not because we diden't have separate rooms, but because I never had a sister in my past life, so I glued to her. Because of that, she also grown to never live my side.

At age 4, I went missing for a few hours in a crack in space. ROB said it the cue for my lore, so he can send me my visits. I suposedly got to the warframe world before the events of the zariman, and returned to MHA before the apothesis prologue. Me going there, the wonky time dialation and my returning as a 4 year old when I suposedly grew up are going to be blamed on 'the man in the wall', same with my visits that will be of an age that does not match mine (Told ya that the time dialation between here and there was wonky -_-).

This was a godsend (ROBsend?) to me, because now I can act my age XD!

All I explained my parents and Momo is that I went to another dimension, lived some time there, and that I don't want to talk about it furter.

I am a good actor, so my parents picked up very fast that I spend years there and I have seen a lot of death and fought wars head on. They made me go to several psychologists and psychiatrists to treat me for PTSD and what not, but all the doctors said that I am fine and just don't want them to treat me diferently. This made my parents realize that I have spend more time there then they first thought, and may even be older then they are (I am), and I have already goten over whatever it is that I have been through.

After they acepted it, they just asked how do I feel about the loved ones that I left in that dimension, and I said that I still have contact with them through my dreams. In time, they eventualy let go of the incident and went back to treating me like normal.

Momo straight up despaired when I disapered, and when I was finaly back (I say finaly, but again, it was just a couple of hours) she clinged to me koala style and did not let go of me for a hole week (I'm so teasing her for it when she grows up!)! She is even more clingy to me now, not that I mind. Cute Momo is cute ^_^!

Momo also stated that she wanted to be a hero once she grows up. So our parents hired some tutors to train her in stuff like martial arts, and oh boy, they jaws hit the floor when I started giving some tips. Momo took no time at all to put most parkour practitioners to shame, alongside melee fighters and marksmen of all kinds. She also developed her quirk more then on the anime, and can now create stuff over her clothes (like hell I am leting my sister wear the hero suit shown on the anime! >:( ). I also gave her the knowlage to make some of warframe's weapons, both for my use and hers. Most tutors rage quit (er, ops?).

ROB gave me combat experience and stuff, so I could focus on Momo's training instead of my own. I am not the strongest tenno out there, but I beliave myself to be above the norm.

I wanted to get the 'one for all' (OFA) quirk from All Might, but ROB asked me to let Mydoria have it. After a long discution (AUTOR NOTE: read 'trowing a tantrum' XD ), I gave in. The main reason I acepted is that ROB promised me that he changed Mydoria, and he won't be the Deku I hate so much.

I went out every now and then during those years. I mainly looked arround for places where either major or minor events would ocour in canon and places where I could meet someone from the cast. I unfortunatly came out empty handed, as ROB made a good job on his job. I found UA and noting else, I was even unable to meet staff and students I am familiar with, even if I confirmed that they were indeed there! (AUTOR NOTE: stalker much?)

*flashback end*

I think that was everything I did during this time. I am now going with Momo to UA for the first day of school. We both got in through recomendation and did not need to take the exam.

I would normaly use 'effigy' on Momo and we would just fly there, but she was nervous and wanted to take the long rout AKA walking, so we did.

We pass a tree and sudently

???:"Hey kiddo."


We jump and turn arround.

Sneakly next to the tree we just passed is the one who jumpscared us. It was, me? the only diference between myself and the entity is the weird eyes of the entity, it had no cornea, iris nor pupils, it looked as if his orbits wore filled with a molten orangy metal. Other then that, the entity could not be diferentiated from me, we wore even wearing the same clothes.

Chroma:" For ROB's sake! Do you feed off jumpscaring people!?"

The entity in front of me goes by several names, the most well known ones beeing 'the indiference', 'the lidless eye' and 'the man in the wall'.

I was about to ask why he was here, but I blinked and he disapeared.

Momo:" What was that!? Why did she looked like me!?"

Chroma:' He looked like Momo to Momo? Wow, this is confusing.'

Chroma:"*sigh* Just a bored pearson that likes to play pranks. Don't mind it."

Momo still seams a bit nearvous, but nods at my words.

Chroma:'*sigh* nothing like adding witnessing a supernatural event to the first day of college to get someone to relax (sarcasm).'

Chroma:"Come on. We don't want to be late on our first day."

We continue on our way to UA. Momo seems to be straight up scared now and is clinging on to me in an atempt to calm down. I realy don't mind her antics (again, cute Momo is cute ^_^), but I hope she calms down before we reach UA. It would not make a good first impression if she can't let go of my arm on day one.

Don't missunderstand! If the situation calls for it, she can easily leave me aside so we can each do our own thing. But if there is no reason not to be clingy, she does enjoy playing koala.

By the time we arived at UA, Momo had managed to calm down. We asked arround to find our class, and when we arrived there, I felt glad that I was such a good actor.

Why would I feel that?


The urge to look at the sky and scream 'WTF?!' out of the top of my lungs went unnoticed by my classmates, all due to my amazing skills.

Me and Momo took our seats and waited for the teacher to arrive.

A few minutes later, a yellow caterpilar opened the door and wiggled into the classroom.

Caterpilar:"Morning class. My name is Aizawa Shota, and I'll be your homeroom teacher. Now, first things first. This is the hero course, so if you are here to laze arround, you better walk out now."

Chroma:' Says the caterpilar that don't even come out of his sleeping bag.-_-'

Caterpilar-sensei:" Now, put your gym suits on and go to the field. We're doing a quirk avaluation test."

Random student:" But what about the entrance cerimony and orientation?"

Caterpilar-sensei:" We don't have those here at UA. You are training to be heros. We won't waste your time with those things. Now move! chop-chop."

-_- punctuations sure aren't my forte

ferferfer2creators' thoughts