
War Soldier Leon

This is the era of the big universe, and many civilizations compete and coexist in the big universe. On this day, an escape pod drifting in space was discovered. The last soldier Leon walked into the era of the big universe with a mysterious curse. Can he face against time and survive? What is the secret of the universe? _____________________________________________________________________ The book is not mine.

fellowdaoistreader · Sci-fi
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13 Chs

Wake up

"Who am I? Where am I?"

   "My name is Leon, or Lee Ang?"

   In the opened escape pod, a young man in a military uniform slowly opened his eyes, his eyes full of confusion.

   His memory is like being covered by a layer of mist, it is clearly in front of him, but he can't see clearly.

   "What's so good about this dead man, wouldn't it be more convenient to just throw out the spaceship?" A voice sounded not far from the escape capsule.

"What do you know? The boss has seen it. The battle suits on this escape pod and that guy are all antiques. The boss said that the escape pod should be left open for a period of time and wait for the low temperature inside to return to normal before the antique battle suits can be stripped off. That guy will be thrown into space at that time." Another voice replied.

   The young man in the escape pod heard the conversation between the two and was shocked. He was in a very bad state at this time. Although the person had woken up, his body was exposed to extremely high temperatures. This is a symptom of a high fever.

   He wanted to move his body. The extremely weak feeling made him feel that his body was not his own. Even if he was in a state of amnesia, he felt that his life was losing rapidly.

   "I'm going to die! No, I don't want to die!"

   At this moment, a reddish light flashed across his heart, and then the whole heart was covered with mysterious patterns, and a warm energy gushed out of his heart and flowed to his whole body.

   The tissues damaged by forcibly waking up from sleep in various parts of his body are recovering at an extremely fast speed.

The hibernation of    escape capsule adopts low-temperature hibernation. Low-temperature hibernation can put human vital signs at a low critical point. When humans are in low-temperature hibernation, there are few changes in their body, which is equivalent to an alternative to extend life.

   But the release of low-temperature dormancy is not like him. Opening the escape pod does not care. This is not saving people but murder.

   The warm energy lasts only for a few breaths, but the time for counting the breaths made him feel that his body is rejuvenated. He tried to move his fingers, then his palms, and finally he lifted his entire arm.

   There is no problem with both arms. He sat up with his hands propped up. Only then did he observe the surrounding environment.

   Where he is, is a rectangular metal object, underneath him is cold liquid, and he is sitting in the liquid now.

   The movement on his side was heard by the two guarding the escape pod. They arrived at the escape pod and saw the young man sitting in the escape pod.

   "Your life is really hard, but no matter how hard it is, the boss said that he will throw you into space, and it will be useless for you to survive!" The brawny man with a scar on his face said in surprise.

   There is still chaos in the young man's mind, he did not understand the meaning of the scarfaced man's words.

   "Who am I? Am I Leon or Leon?" He only knew what he didn't understand and wanted to ask people, so he asked.

"It seems that this guy's brain is broken, and he doesn't know who he is when he died!" Another gentle-looking guy shook his head and said to the young man: "You have an identity card with Leon written on it. Take a look. How nice I am to let you know your name before you die!"

   "Leave him alone, kill him now, take off his clothes and have a good relationship!" The scarred man said impatiently.

   The scar-faced brawny man took out the self-defense gun from his waist, and was about to step forward, but was stopped by the gentleman.

   "Kill him like this and spill the blood on the combat uniform. Will you or I wash it?" The gentleman shook his head and said.

   "You still think it is thoughtful, then pull him out and use a knife to solve it!" The scar-faced brawny man thought about it, nodded and said yes.

The scar-faced burly man stretched out his hand and pulled Leon out of the escape pod. It seemed that he had been dormant for too long. The weight of Leon in his hand was very light, especially the arm grasped by the hand, which can almost be used with a hand ring. live.

   If this kind of thinness is not the same as Leon's body, it is most likely that dormancy will consume all the fat and water in Leon's body.

The scar-faced man is also very strange in his heart. How Leon's physique can wake up from dormancy and sit up without using resuscitation drugs. Their previous estimate was that Leon would be able to wake up during the awakening process. die.

   But it doesn't matter, it's just a little troublesome.

   The scar-faced strong man threw Leon on the ground. He was about to take out his dagger, only to find a dagger on the outside of Leon's calf. The dagger was inserted in the holster.

   "It seems that this guy is ready for his death dagger capital!" The scar-faced burly man laughed and stretched out his hand to grab the dagger stretched out of Leon's calf.

   Just when the scarred man's hand was about to touch the dagger, his action triggered Leon's instinctive reaction.

   The act of snatching a side weapon, for Leon's instinct, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com is second only to killing him.

Leon's calf was retracted, letting go of the scarfaced brawny's movements, and the other leg threw it out and kicked on the scarfaced brawny's ankle. The scarfaced brawny who had been arched lost his balance and turned towards Leon. Fall down.

  Leon's hand touched his folded calf, and the dagger hidden in the holster appeared in his hand.

   The dagger showed a light blue light and swept towards the neck of the scar-faced burly man.

This speed is not fast, but because the brawny scared man is in a state of imbalance, he can only watch his neck contact with the light blue blade with horror in his eyes. The cold touch and the subsequent loss of life make him short. The life span of a short period of two breaths was put on a stop sign.

   The gentleman saw the scar-faced brawny man being swept down by Leon. He was not anxious, but he laughed.

   In his opinion, the scar-faced brawny has lost his adult this time. It is estimated that the scar-faced brawny will not be able to shut him up if he doesn't ask him to have a good drink.

   Scarfaced brawny man is a face-saving guy, just like the scar on the scarfaced brawny's face. It is not incurable, but he just keeps this scar to show his bravery.

   This kind of person will never let the story of being overthrown by a dying person go out, the gentleman is very clear in his heart.

   Space and aviation are boring. The gentleman only has fun watching the show at the moment, and has no idea of ​​going to help.

   But he soon discovered that something was wrong, he smelled blood, and at the same time, the scar-faced brawny fell to the ground, blood running across the filthy ground.

   The gentleman hurriedly pulled out the self-defense gun around his waist and looked in the direction of Leon, who was blocked by the burly man with the scarred face.

   He discovered that Leon had disappeared sometime, and his scalp was numb. He turned the muzzle of the self-defense gun in his hand, trying to find out where Leon is.