
The Encounter

She is not going to like this

The scouting army caught up with them, " Kali, Alias! Called. Daeshee, they ride up to them. " what did you find? Asked. Darshee, " nothing yet is everyone awake? Asked. Alias, " yea, the queen of war sent us to help. She is at the kingdom of peace, said. Darshee, " it could be a random attack by anyone. Said, Kali, so they continue up the Valley. Back at the kingdom of Peace, " it just accused me that you know my name but I do not know yours, said. Seldanna, " so what is your plan what are you going to do? Asked. Sumina, "I am Silliavana, your guards don't believe that we were attacked, said. Silvanna, " no army, all we know that is you could have done this yourself, said. Jastira, " why would we set our wall on fire!? Rally out, said. Jhaan, " week on rest until I get word of the army is in the open and on the move, easy down Jastira, head home and get some rest I stay in wait for Darshee and kali, and Alias to report back, said. Seldanna, "I am tired my Queen of war, you going to be okay? Asked. Alias, " yes, go slumber. They walked out and got up on their horse and left, further up the Valley there was a human on the ground injury. " look there's someone over there, he needs help, said. Hubys, " he died, there is nothing out, if it was the attack was an accident, not meant for the kingdom of peace, he start moaning a little, " dead my foot he alive and injured help me get him into the carriage, " take care of what you do peace Elf, the danger will follow you to your front door by bringing him there, said. Kali, " we are a female kingdom and the war queen do not allow males of any kind in the gates, I am getting tired. said. Alias, " and you will cause your queen of peace to lose protection from ours do you want that to happen, be wise and leave him to his fate, said. Darshee, they turn around and head back to the kingdom of peace, Hubys pick him up and drag him into the carriage andthey head back to, they ride inside of the wall, and got off their horses and walked inside of the castle, she turned around and looked at them, " we didn't see anything my queen of war. said, Kali, " it was accident attack whoever it was were attacking someone else, humans was the target, we find a human male out there, " where is this human why you bring him with you? asked, Sillavana, because I do not allow any males in my kingdom, and they did their queen's order, Kali Alias head back go rest, no Rally of any kind this day, the seven heads are resting, said. Seldanna, " you don't but I don't care if he or she, tell them to go get him. said, Sillavana, " mount your scouts up we are done here Darshee, as they walked out, Hubys carrying him into the castle, " my queen of peace he needs help, they ran over to him. they left the kingdom of peace, " take him to one of the castle rooms, they picked him up and carry him into the room and they take his torian clothes off him and put a peace gallon on him, Sillavana walked in with a bowl of medicine, and rubbed it on his wounds, he flinches in pain, they ride into the gates and Kali and Alias closed and locked the gates, all four guards went to bed, " this is too risky my queen of war, what every attack that human village is still lookingfor blood, andcould followhim right to the wall, said. Darshee, " she drags usinto it, she needs to be cut loose my queen of war, said. Alea, " then she cut, but tonight we go out on a Rally o lay and locate this village and army that attack, I will make it clear to her that I can not be brought into this we need to part away, I suggest that she send a rider to Norwood to the kingdom of protection, said. Seldanna. he finally at ease now, " where am I? asked, the male, " shh, you are in the kingdom of peace, can you tell me your name? asked. Sillavana, " i-i don't remember my head, my head. he said, " okay rest someone will bring you something eat shortly, they walked out of the room and closed the door, night came and the kingdom of warheads on a Rally o lay, they stopped by the wall, Sillavana walked up to them, " I thought you weren't going on Rally tonight? asked. Sillavana, " there is a difference in the Rallies, this Rally o lay which I scout the lands and take out the threat, so the queen of peace Sillavana you save again, this is the last time the kingdom of war will aid you, do you know the kingdom of protection in Norwood? asked. Seldanna, " I have heard of it, why can we talk about this as friends? answered. Sillavana, " when I will return, move out. they gallop up the trail past the kingdom of peace, the winds are starting to blow hard as the kingdom of war army rides through the valley, " Darshee take your scouts out, they gallop past them down the valley, back at the kingdom of peace, one of the people bring him some food, and start to feeding him slowing, far-off there are wild dog footprints in the ground, " wild dogs, said. Sionia Shagwyn, " they lead this way due west, we wait for the queen of war and the knights, said. Darshee, " whois the women in gold and silver? asked. the man, " one is our queen of peace Sillavana, and the other is our friend the queen of war Seldanna, answered, Tephysea Adthyra. They ride up to them, Seldanna take her helmet off, " what you find Darshee? asked. Seldanna, " wild dog tracks something is making them go west, said. Darshee, " there are human kingdoms, prey to our Elf god we do not cross them, move out knights. she put her helmet on, they followed the tracks down the hills,