
"this is not going to work out"

In the same Castle

after a week of the war, and a bond ship between Peace and war, they are at the table inside of the caste of peace. " here is to another successful Rally to Glacia, and a week of slumber, they toast and drink from their glasses, after they eat and drink they went into their rooms to slumber for a week. four small Elevn kids ran inside of the castle, " my queen of peace are they ready here!? asked. Qildor Yescyne, " yes, they are sleeping so let's keep it down, please. Said, Sillavana, " why are they sleeping it's still mid-day, said. Rania Fenqen, " they just got back from a week Rally, so our guests are very tired and need their rest, answered. sillavsns, " especially our queen of war Seldanna, and our chief of war, and knights, so how about you go see your parents, said Lixiss, " you must be one of her minds? " one of her seven heads of war, we all concerned about our beloved war queen, that you are using her and the war knights so you can still stand and be save, we got our eyes on you. She walked past her, the queen of peace is doing a celebration that woke Seldanna up, she got off the bed and walked out of the room,". you can not be serious! again my queen of war we need to sleep, cried. Darshee, " my chief of war gathering up the knights, and my seven heads we are going home, I can protect her from my Castle, they walked out of the castle and got on their horse and ride out of the wall and up the trail, Jashira and Kali saw them head up to the gates, they unlocked the gates to let them in the gates, as they ride inside of the gates they close the gates behind them, they got off their horse and went into their rooms and slumber in war, back at the kingdom of Peace, Sillavsna hand food send to their rooms, what to their discovered that they are gone, they dropped the trays on the floor, and they ran up to the queen of peace, " my queen of peace they are gone, she is gone. the whole Castle went postal, " calm down everyone please, they just got back from a Rally, maybe they went riding with her, it a loving, day for a evening ride, she got up from the table and Allyuna, Jhaan, Sumina and Hubys following her into the room of peace, she cut the screen on in scan the lands, " if she just got back my queen, she not going to be outside, said. Hubys, " she probably went home my queen of peace, said. Allyuna, " maybe we were considered of them, said. Jhaan, " what we supposed to do stop. celebrate because they want to sleep? said. Sumina. " no, but keep the noise down so that they can, said. Sillavana. the sun went down, and the days slowly go by as they Slumber at home, as the kingdom of peace is about to call it a night, fire arrows. caught half of the wall on fire, people are going crazy, they walked out of the castle," ride to her quite, she told him, he got on his horse and ride, Kali saw him coming, they walked up and fire warning arrows, " we being attacked, I need your queen and army now! " By what? and they in slumber. said, Jathira, " our wall is on fire! they are here to protect us. said the message, " no they are here to Rally, not protect you, I go check it out. we do not wake her until it matters, said. Kali," I go to, said Alias, they jumped down and land on their horse, he takes them to the kingdom of peace. they ride in the gates, as they try to put out the fires, " where are they, " anyone could set that on fire, or you to get her to come back. said, Kali," you think we did this!? said. Hubys, " it's not a matter of what we think it's a matter of fact what we report, in she would want us to investigate further on, so I head out to see what I see, her armor appeared on her, her blade appeared on her back, " I would like to know what to, I want Jhaan to go with you. said, Sillavana, " say what, said. the guard, " see we her eyes and ears we cover a lot of ground, he doesn't know how to ride or use a blade, we do not answer to you, said. kali, " he will take the carriage, he is more than my mind. " can not believe she agreed to help her, let's get a more on. said, Alias, he got in the carriage and left, after their week of slumber they are refreshed, but resting from going on rallies, Seldanna walked out of the wall in taking a breath of air. " evening my queen of war how was your rest? asked, Jashira, " good, we dine tonight and rest awhile, where are Kali and Alias? asked. Seldanna. " a message came from the kingdom of peace saying that they being an attack my queen of war. said, Ceada, " can let them go alone, get to your horse girls, Darshee take your army out, in find Kali and Alias, I head to the kingdom of peace, said.seldanna, " what about the chiefs and army my queen of war? asked. Darshee, " they stay, they are not up yet, do not attack without reporting to me, " yes my queen of war, they got up on their horse and ride out the gates, she put her helmet on and they got on their horse and left. they ride into the wall, Sillavans walked up to them, " you call this protecting me!? " again we, not a kingdom of protection, I am a kingdom of war, grasp of the meaning of the two, she pick up an arrowhead, " that's a docka arrow, my queen of war, " yes it also could be a misfire or hunting party, said. Seldanna, " what is that? asked, Sillavana, " there are dark elf arms, there are wild dogs, and there are Dockas wild people, it pays to know your enemies, this is an arrowhead of a hunting party, war party, or a single person. said, Seldanna, " no single person with one arrow could have done this! said. Allyuna, " don't be so Ninevah, she saying that could happen, not that it happened. said, Jastira, " we all got shattered nervous, how about we go in have some tea, said. Silliavana, " what are you going to do about this, asked. Sumina, " my guards and scouts are already out looking, and I do not prey on the hungry, weak, or animals. said, Seldanna,