
War Heaven Celestial

Growing up as a mortal, Lod never actually experienced the cruelty of the world he was living in, until Celestial beings descended upon his village. Taken as a servant, Lod's fate took an unexpected twist, which led him to the path of cultivation. In a world where strong rules, Lod took his first step towards the top. But found that he only had mediocre talent at best. However, with an unyielding spirit and fearless personalty, he refused to let his limitations define him. Watch Lod as he breaks through his lack of talent and walks the path toward becoming a real Celestial! War Heaven Celestial!

ChanduGod · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


Lod heard the teacher's voice and saluted with cupped hands. He didn't raise his head from the bow, avoiding eye contact with the old man.


Lod heard a deep voice that made him shiver. A chill passed through his whole body from top to bottom. Never in his life had he heard such a voice or experienced something like this. But still, he didn't step back.

"See? I didn't see things. He's got great talent for your technique," the teacher said with a laugh.

Lod's eyes opened wide; he felt something amiss all of a sudden. Could it be…

"What is your name?" the old man's voice was deep and gentle at the same time.

"Lod, sir," Lod answered without any delay.

"I will ask you one question. What is your most favorite food?" he asked with a smile. Even the teacher beside him was surprised by the question.

Lod had a strange expression on his face but answered as fast as he could. "Any chicken dish my mom makes."

The old man smiled and nodded. "Good, my name is Ghost King. Do you want to be my disciple?" he said slowly, word by word without pausing.

Without any hesitation, Lod dropped to his knees and said, "Please accept my kowtow, Master!" He kowtowed three times.

After the kowtows, an invisible energy surrounded Lod. Even though he couldn't see anything, he could feel many hands holding his body and lifting him to his feet.

The teacher had a wide smile on his face and said. "Finally, you accepted a disciple. How many years has it been since you joined the college? Now the chairman doesn't have to hear all those complaints every time there is a meeting."

Ghost King just smiled and didn't say anything back; he just looked at Lod. "Lod, in my years of living in this college, I have created many cultivation techniques for low-level realms. Since they are mine, no one could study them, not even the college. But I will give you some techniques that I created. I won't say they are the best and strongest cultivation techniques. Butthey could be considered Low-High Heaven tier." He said with a proud expression on his face.

Lod didn't know what the Low-High Heaven tier meant, but he still cupped his fist and said. "Thank you, master!"

"I will take my leave now, I am taking him with me," Ghost King said to the teacher, who nodded.

"I am looking forward to your future, kid," the teacher said with a smile and patted Lod's shoulders.

Lod gave him a bow as his body started to float and follow Ghost King. They both flowed for some minutes before reaching a big mountain range. The mountain was huge and covered with mist. From afar, no one could see the mountain; they could only see the mist.

"This is where you will be living from now on; this is my mountain," Ghost King said and waved his hand, and the mist opened up a path that led to the peak of the mountain.

"Master… I didn't bring my things from the room," Lod gasped when he looked at the mountain, but he remembered he left everything in the room. He didn't care much about others, but he would never leave the family drawing behind.

"I already sent someone to bring everything in your room; he should be arriving… look, he is here," he said as an old man walked to them. He was none other than Fang Robb. His face was emotionless as he walked towards them.

Lod was also silent and didn't say anything. Even though he didn't like this old man, he wouldn't say everything was this old man's fault. He even felt things were going in a good way. So what if he had experienced hell? He didn't die and even became a disciple of an instructor in the college. If he had something to say, he should say thanks to this old man Fang…

"Greetings, Elder," Old man Fang said and bowed to Ghost King and gave a salute to Lod.

"Little Fang, you can go tell Miss Hana that I took a disciple," Ghost King said and walked to his home.

"Understood," Old man Fang said and gave Lod's belongings to him and returned without saying anything to Lod.

Lod was a little confused about what happened, but he stopped caring and followed his master after checking that the drawing was safe.

After walking for some time, they reached the top of the mountain where there was a huge tower.

"This is your home now," he said with a smile.

Lod was silent for a moment but nodded without wasting time; both entered the tower. It was huge inside, filled with many strange statues, furniture, and lights. It had five rooms, leaving a huge hall in the middle.

"I live in that room, these three rooms are being used now, so live in that last room."

Lod nodded and walked to his room. His room was very big compared to the room he got as a servant. But there was nothing in the room. No bed, bathroom, table, or anything. It was just a plain big room.


"You can bring anything you want; just wait for a day until your identity token arrives," Ghost King's voice echoed in the empty room.

Thinking about what to do, he pushed his whole stuff to a corner and sat beside them. He felt he was dreaming. Became a disciple of an instructor at Divine Sky College… it was surreal.

"It is not even been 2 days since I came here… well, anyway," Lod thought and shook his head; he stopped thinking about it and took out the book he wrote the notes on. It was in terrible shape. But there were still some pages that he could read and remember everything he heard in that class.

"First, I need a cultivation technique… since master said he made a technique, I don't need to worry about it. But I need knowledge on the realms." He said to himself and walked out of the room and saw his master was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the hall.

"Sit here," He said to Lod.

Lod came and sat in front of him; he was a little nervous.

"I will now teach you about the things you need to know on the path of cultivation. If you want more information about them, go to the Million Books Library after you get the identity token. One would start cultivation at the age of 10, but you are 15, already 5 years behind your peers. But since you are my disciple, I will help you," Ghost King said with a smile. "Now place your hand on the compass in front of you."

Lod was feeling very happy inside when he heard it. He looked at the compass which appeared out of nowhere. Without hesitation, he placed his right hand on top of the compass.

'Hmm?' he felt a needle poke his palm, it was like a mosquito bite but a bit hard.

The compass shook, and many colors came off from it. It was like a rainbow coming from inside the compass. Just after a second, the colors vanished, leaving blue behind.

Ghost King smiled when he saw the color. "Not talented, mediocre."