
War Heaven Celestial

Growing up as a mortal, Lod never actually experienced the cruelty of the world he was living in, until Celestial beings descended upon his village. Taken as a servant, Lod's fate took an unexpected twist, which led him to the path of cultivation. In a world where strong rules, Lod took his first step towards the top. But found that he only had mediocre talent at best. However, with an unyielding spirit and fearless personalty, he refused to let his limitations define him. Watch Lod as he breaks through his lack of talent and walks the path toward becoming a real Celestial! War Heaven Celestial!

ChanduGod · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

First Point

The black-clothed man looked at the teacher standing not too far away and bowed.

"Yes, sir," he said, not giving Lod a second glance as he walked away.

Freed from the pressure, Lod fell on his butt, his eyes fixed on the black-clothed man. He could tell that, even though he wouldn't have died, he would have sustained a severe head injury if someone hadn't intervened.

Even after leaving the area, Lod's eyes remained fixed on the direction the man went. In so much pain, he couldn't even feel his body. Many people surrounded him—kids, college students, and even servants who ran over upon hearing the commotion.

Some laughed, some pitied Lod. Village servants, shocked to see him in such a state, approached. Lod, however, continued staring where the man had gone, not blinking or making a sound. The anger and humiliation for such a small mistake...

"Lod… he already left," Blurd said nervously, uneasy about Lod's bloody face and intense gaze. He had never seen Lod like this before.

Ignoring Blurd, Lod's mind raced with many plans and ways to... kill that person who humiliated him like this in front of everyone.

"Lower your anger; if you get even angrier, you will die," the teacher said, standing beside Lod. He produced a small bottle containing green liquid, poured it into Lod's mouth, and explained, "This is a flawed medicine, but it's enough to heal you. The only side effect is you'll eat non-stop for two days." After administering the medicine, he observed Lod in silence.

Finally, Lod closed his eyes, attempting to calm himself. As a mortal, killing a celestial was impossible. The only way was to become stronger than him and kill him. With that determination, Lod looked at the man who had saved him. The injuries visibly healed within minutes.

"Leave now," the teacher nodded, satisfied that his flawed medicine had worked. Unexpectedly, Lod, still on the ground, kowtowed to him.

"Please accept me as your disciple," Lod said, indifferent to others' opinions. Having been humiliated once, kneeling for someone's help was a small price to pay for obtaining a cultivation technique and becoming stronger.

"Disciple?" the teacher couldn't help but ask; this was not something that happened in the college. Even the people around them were shocked when they heard Lod's words. They never expected things would go this way.

"Servants can't become disciples," the teacher shook his head and was about to wave his hand.

"Then please take me as your servant. I will do any work you say," Lod looked at the teacher with his fearless eyes. He would now do anything, even become a slave if he had to!

The teacher looked at the determination and fearless eyes of Lod and didn't know what to say. He felt this kid was not bad, but…

"Come back tomorrow," the teacher said and waved his head. Everyone flowed back to where they came from. Lod was sent back to the huge gate. He looked around and could see his injuries had stopped healing. There were still some that didn't heal, but they were not a big problem for him. He walked towards his room as everyone looked at him strangely. He suddenly stopped and turned in another direction.

He stopped in front of Fang Robb's cabin. With some knocks, the door opened, and he entered.

"What is it?" the old Fang was writing something in his register and didn't even see Lod. He still didn't know what happened to Lod.

"Why didn't you say there is a rule that servants shouldn't eavesdrop on the lectures in the college?" Lod was angry; if he had known this, it wouldn't have happened.

"Huh? Did something happen?" Old Fang stopped writing and looked at the topless Lod. There was still so much blood on his body, and his pants were wet with blood.

"You…" he was shocked, "you haven't even been here for 24 hours and already got yourself into trouble. Also, that is common sense. You are a servant, not a student to listen to classes," he said and resumed his writing. He had seen many people like Lod before. They didn't listen when someone said it. They had to experience what it would be like to break a rule in the college.

Lod's anger reached the roof. But he walked out without saying anything. "This is my mistake! I should have asked others about it before doing such a thing! Damn, damn it!" he swore he would never make such a mistake in his entire life again.

Ignoring everyone who was looking at him, he walked back to his room and took a bath. Only after a fresh bath did he feel some of his anger subside.

"That guy… sigh" Lod sighed and laid on the bed. "That bastard didn't have to go that far… but I guess, it must be normal for him to do this to a mortal. When I get stronger than him… I will make him experience more pain than I felt today." Whenever he thought about it, he felt his blood was boiling. However, he stopped thinking about it and tried to take some rest. He was exhausted both physically and mentally. And his body was still in pain.

Without knowing, Lod slept for 15 hours. No one tried to wake him up for dinner or anything. He woke up suddenly in the middle of the night and was confused to see that his injuries were all healed.

"Didn't that teacher say there is a side effect or something? I don't feel hungry at all… anyway." He tried to sleep again. This time he looked at his family drawing and he was already missing his mother. Just like that, thinking about his parents, he slept.

After many hours, he slowly woke up. He changed into the new clothes he got from other villagers. He skipped today's work and school class. He ran toward where the teacher told him to come back. He was not late; he even came a few minutes early.

"Good…" he sighed and looked around; he could feel many kids were mocking him… he took a deep breath and waited for that teacher.

Soon, the teacher came walking there slowly. He was not alone; an old man wearing white robes was beside him. The old man's eyes were pitch black! When Lod looked at that man's eyes, a bottomless abyss appeared in his mind. He moved his head and stopped looking at him.

"This is the kid I was talking about."