
Wants to be with his family

Different Gilgamesh that wants to have a normal life and who lives at reclusive area that no one go to. He was alone but always something to be happy about and he was always nice to everyone who is nice to him and respectful. He prayed to have a family and always go to Uruk to to play with kids. And always to the temples and pray that to have a family and have a pieceful life. They granted the wish of Gilgamesh and and gave created Enkidu. And Gilgamesh became best friends with Siduri. And he was happy that He has a friend and Siduri always comes to Gilgamesh house to Play. Sometime later when they were exploring the the whole forest when they came across a green haired person. They helped the the person and The person woke up and saw two person one with blonde hair boy and brown hair girl. But the Green haired boy doesn't have any memory anything A few years later the three of them became best friends and they were inseparable. They always explore the forest and befriends animals. While they were exploring the forest they trained to protect themselves from strangers who tried to abuse or hurt them. He was having a normal life but Fate was a Bitch and........ English is not my first Language and Bad at grammar I don't any of the character or anything.

MrSmileySmiley · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 3

(Gilgamesh Pov)

(An Hour Before)

Him and Siduri was in his home talking while drinking water. And a topic came how I got food so I told her I hunt for my food.

Siduri then ask "Can you show how you hunt, Gil" said while smirking at me

I then Smiled at her and said" I would gladly show you how I hunt." I said with a huge grin in my face and I got all my equipment for hunting.

We got outside of my house then we walk for 50 minutes to go to my favorite spot to hunt. And we saw a boar and I hit the boar in the head and revealing our position. And I turned to Siduri and said "Are you ready to Run Siduri?" I Said with a huge smile on my face.

And we for a while 10 minutes and I was laughing while Siduri was Scared and yelled at because of what I did.

While we were running we saw someone go past through us and I became fully alerted and became serious when I heard blood gushing out so I turned and saw a green haired person with blood stain on his hands, face and clothes.


(Gilgamesh Pov)


"So what do you think of the offer" I said to Enkidu with a smile on my face.

He blankly stared at me and said " Sure, Igot nothing else to do anyway."

I grab the dead boar and turned to Enkidu and Siduri "Well, follow me then to go to my house" I said with happy tone with smile on my face.

Siduri, Enkidu and Gilgamesh walk through the forest to his house. While they were walking we ask question about Enkidu and he ask question about us too.

The Siduri ask many alot of questions while Gilgamesh only ask three questions after, Siduri ask her question but she didn't any answers from Enkidu. The three Questions were, "Why we're you in the forest?? What's your full history?? like who are you and why do you I sense Divinity from you?" The last one were, "Do you have family??"

Then Enkidu replied to those questions without hesitation and said "I have no idea what is a forest and yes, I have no idea about my history but I dont have any memories, the only thing I know is some of my powers like talk to strange and flying creature, and the word Enkidu. And the last question I don't have a family, I think, I have no idea what it is anyway."

"Then you don't know, huh." Gilgamesh said then he apologized "Sorry for asking those questions, How about you ask us some questions then." with a smile on my face.

They continued to talk to each other and Enkidu learned alot of things. And Gilgamesh thought of something 'Wait is this what I wished to have a family.' and he thanked the gods for what they given him.

After walking for 50 minutes Enkidu saw a house and what it was, and Siduri answered it. After that they came through the house and I open the door and Enkidu suprise of what he saw. Enkidu saw was a messy house alot of garbage everywhere.

Then they go to the back of the house and saw alot of wood in a shaded house. And Gilgamesh began to cook food for them from the boar that they haunt.

After of hours Siduri was gone and has go home, while she was gone Gilgamesh offered Enkidu to live with him and Enkidu have some second thought but Enkidu said yes. Then Gilgamesh said that suprise Enkidu was " Do you wanna be friends with me Enkidu??"

"What is friends Gilgamesh?" Said the confused Enkidu.

Then Gilgamesh explained what is a friend is. After that Enkidu then quickly said Yes to the question and Gilgamesh was happy.

And Gilgamesh thought that this is one of his happiest day of his life for what happened today.