
Wants to be with his family

Different Gilgamesh that wants to have a normal life and who lives at reclusive area that no one go to. He was alone but always something to be happy about and he was always nice to everyone who is nice to him and respectful. He prayed to have a family and always go to Uruk to to play with kids. And always to the temples and pray that to have a family and have a pieceful life. They granted the wish of Gilgamesh and and gave created Enkidu. And Gilgamesh became best friends with Siduri. And he was happy that He has a friend and Siduri always comes to Gilgamesh house to Play. Sometime later when they were exploring the the whole forest when they came across a green haired person. They helped the the person and The person woke up and saw two person one with blonde hair boy and brown hair girl. But the Green haired boy doesn't have any memory anything A few years later the three of them became best friends and they were inseparable. They always explore the forest and befriends animals. While they were exploring the forest they trained to protect themselves from strangers who tried to abuse or hurt them. He was having a normal life but Fate was a Bitch and........ English is not my first Language and Bad at grammar I don't any of the character or anything.

MrSmileySmiley · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 2

(Unknown Place???????)

"Io, what do you think should we grant his wish??" A mysterious person said in the shade to the other that was hinding in the shades.

"Yup we should do it, that young man always comes to the temples and offer us things." Said with a deep mysterious voice.

"We Should give it his Wish when he turned 18, okay?" Said the mysterious person

"Okay." with a deep voice.

While they were watching the Gilgamesh.


(Gilgamesh Pov)

Him and Siduri was walking through the street of Uruk. they were happy that they have a friend.

Siduri talked about Uruk and the most interesting facts about Uruk. She became like a tour guide and said what good place to go to and which place has a good food.

After a few weeks Siduri and Gilgamesh became good friends and they talked alot. and Siduri came comes once a to the temple and offer and wish something to the gods with Gilgamesh.


(4 years after)

( In unknown place)

"Huh, It's time already to fulfill our deal and the kid a friend" Said the the mysterious person in the shadow.

"Yup, I still can't believe that it has been 4 years" Said the the mysterious person with a deep voice.

"Okay then let's do this" one of the mysterious person created a body with a green hair with a white cloak, and the other one is created a soul and they fused together and utter a word saying "Enkidu."

After that the Green haired person disappeared.

After that the group of people dispersed.


(Enkidu Pov)

I woke up and the only thing I remember was 'Enkidu' and my powers that's all.

I Saw a bird and who was stuck on the hole of the trunk of a tree and helped him out. And the bird said to to Enkidu was Thank you. and Enkidu replied back and said "Your welcome" while he was smiling.

And then he heard stomping noise from afar and yelling. He run through the source of the the noise and saw two people running away from an angry boar who was chasing the both of them. The two person who he saw was a guy with a blonde hair with some normal Uruk clothes. And the young man was laughing and he saw another. And it was young woman who also wear normal Uruk clothes. And he can't see clearly her face because it was hidden by a mask who was shrieking out of fear.

He run past the blonde haired man and the brown haired woman and killed the boar.

The young blonde man then turned and became serious and said "Io!! What did you do that that was our hunt" the blonde said with a deep breath.

Then Enkidu said was "Sorry, I thought that you need some help so I helped you" with an apologetic tone.

The blonde hair man the said suprise Enkidu " Well you didn't mean to do that and you help us to kill that animal, so let's forget about it let's share the animal together." said the young man with blonde while smiling.

Then the Blonde haired man spoke and said " My name is Gilgamesh" and then he pointed his finger at the Brown haired and said "That is Siduri, so what's your name?" Gilgamesh said with a happy tone and Siduri waver at Enkidu.

Then Enkidu thought of his name but he can't remember then it hit him "I think my name is Enkidu" he with a worried tone.

Gilgamesh then replied saying "Well then hello Enkidu do you wanna eat with us?" Ask Gilgamesh with a slightly curious.