
Wanted Grim Reaper

Short of money on your way to reincarnation? Don't fret. Look around. Say no more. Hell have the right job offer for you! We accept both part-time and full-time. No diploma needed. Pay is no less than 100 ghost money per hour. Legit and 100% guaranteed. Job description: Grim Reaper Passing qualifications: 1. Must be a human spirit 2. Possess the ability to kill under pressure 3. With good ghost and spirit communication skills 4. Preferably bright, smart, and pleasing to the eyes Interested? Then what are you waiting for? APPLY NOW! EARN BIG! BE A GRIM REAPER! For more information, please contact Mr. Headless of the Grim Reaper Department at No. 4 Agony Street.

Wintermelon · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


Chad escorted Kai to the entrance of the building before leaving.

Stepping outside, Kai was greeted by bustling streets and towering buildings that didn't look much different from the mortal world.

This time seems to be the start of a new day in the city. There were many pedestrians crossing the road and everyone he saw was rushing on their way.

Kai found a quiet corner in a vacant area that appears to be a park.

Public seats didn't seem to be a popular thing in Hell. He walked around the area twice and didn't even see one. It appears he really needs to find a place to live in.

But before that, he first needed to find a job.

Chloe mentioned how the administrative department was lacking people. Maybe he could try going there.

Walking out of the vacant lot, Kai looked at the bustling street and only came to realize a big problem.

That's right. He doesn't even know where the administrative department was located. How the hell is he going to go there?

In the Special Counter's Office

George came back from the boss's office after being told to rewrite his report on Grim Reaper No. 1085's case.

After furiously typing on the keyboard for thirty minutes, he finally discovered something wasn't right.

Usually, this type of report took only about 20 minutes to make. He had estimated that just 15 minutes would be enough for him but thirty minutes had already passed and no matter what he did, the details just won't add up!

What the hell is with these inconsistent words on the file?!

George scratched his head in frustration, having the urge to shout.

At this time, Chad who had just escorted Kai, entered the office.

Seeing him come in, George asked, "How was it?"

Chad sat on his chair, sorting out the files on his desk as he replied. "I just sent him to the entrance."

There were other staff with them in the office. Hearing their conversation, one of them guessed. "Another accidental death?"

Chad gave a nonchalant reply, "You bet."

Loud gasps filled the room. Although they expected it, they still couldn't help thinking it was too much!

The staff beside George couldn't help commenting, "Those grim reapers really need to know to take their jobs properly. How many had it been this month?"

Chad had finished sorting the files and had begun typing on the keyboard. Hearing this, he only replied with sarcasm. "It must be because they were so kind. They felt pity towards their target so they couldn't help giving them another chance to live."

The first person tsked, replying with the same sarcasm. "Kindness by taking another soul's lifespan, you mean?"

Chad laughed, answering back without looking up.

"Otherwise? Whose else's life span can they give? Theirs? Those had already long been spent."

These words made the others nod in agreement.

The small talk ended like this and George pulled his full attention back to his work.

In a certain street at Hell City.

Kai finally decided to ask the pedestrian for directions but half an hour had passed and still no one was willing to talk to him! This unexpected situation caught him off guard. Are people in Hell City this difficult?

Seeing as the street was already slowly becoming empty, Kai gave up in this area and walked to find another place with many people gathering.

The result was— he walked for half a day and finally got lost!

Kai looked at the empty roads and gray buildings, feeling the suffocating silence of his surroundings. He wanted to cry. Where the hell is he?

He thought for a while but couldn't find a solution to his current predicament. Left without a choice, he could only walk again until he finally saw someone.

A woman was walking from a building to something like a booth but larger on the side of the street. Kai hurriedly went after her, shouting as he ran.

Unfortunately, the woman acted like she didn't hear anything at all, not even sparing him a glance.

Kai was some distance away from the building the woman walked out of.

When he got closer, the only thing he was able to catch was the woman's side profile entering the booth-like thing before she disappeared.

Kai was frustrated. Is everyone in Hell City really snobs like this?

Staring at the booth-like thing, he discovered that the other three sides were actually a wall. He was stunned, wondering, 'Did I just see a ghost passing through a wall?'

The thought made him curious. Cautiously stepping his foot inside, Kai decided to check.

His left foot had just entered the threshold when he felt like he stepped on some sort of barrier, his eyes suddenly seeing a completely different sight and his ears suddenly filled with a lot of noise.

Kai looked around and found that the three walls of the booth-like thing were now gone, replaced by a lively street full of street vendors on either side selling weird-looking stuff.

The desolate and silent street had abruptly become lively, making Kai somewhat dazzled. He had been walking in what seemed like a ghost town— though it really was, for so many hours and the sight of so many people at the same time felt too sudden.

Uncertain, he approached a passerby and once again inquired. After all, the ignoring he received, Kai wasn't expecting much with this question and was just trying out his luck.

Unexpectedly, this time, the other actually answered him!

"This is the second level of hell, the entertainment district of Hell City."

Seeing as someone was finally willing to talk to him, Kai immediately asked the question he had been wanting to be answered. "Do you know where the administrative department is? How do I get there?"

The passerby was an approachable-looking sister. She can tell at a glance that Kai was new to the city and provided him with a simple direction that can be easily memorized.

Kai judged the distance according to the sister's words and asked, "I didn't see any sort of vehicle here. Can I know the reason?"

The sister tried to explain while demonstrating. "There is no form of transportation in Hell City. Spirits like us can control our speed by using our soul force and instantly go anywhere. There is a limit to doing this though. If the distance we need to travel to was less than three kilometers, we won't be able to use it."

Kai listened to the explanation and was beyond grateful, praising the sister for her great kindness and repeating it more than once.

The sister was embarrassed and waved her hand. "It's nothing. We here in the entertainment district were very relaxed. I can tell you've been to the first level. Those on the first level are all in the departments that handle the order and management of the city among other things. They're usually very busy so you naturally cannot hope to learn anything from them."

Kai nodded in understanding. Finally, without further delay, he bid the sister goodbye and followed her direction to the administrative department.

After going to another 'stair'—the booth-like thing, Kai arrived on the first level once more.

He doesn't know how to use the so-called soul force yet so he can only walk.

Following the instruction, he walked a few distance, turn a few corners, passed a few buildings, and finally arrived in front of the administrative department according to the sister's description.

Looking at the white building in front of him, Kai wanted to curse. It was actually one of the buildings he saw when he walked out of the admission building!

In other words, if someone had just bothered to tell him a few words earlier, he would have already arrived inside decades ago and wouldn't have had to walk so much that he even got lost!

Although the walk didn't make him tired, the thought of it now made him feel like his feet were terribly aching!

By this time, the administrative department building was already closed. Without an option, Kai could only wait at the building's entrance for another half a day, watching the pedestrians pass by to pass the time.

The wait was too long and boring. Kai was just about to fall asleep from boredom when a strong wind blew, carrying leaves and dust with it. He instinctively closed his eyes and covered his mouth. A second after following his action, something rough covered his face.

Kai pulled the thing off with his hand, just in time for the wind to stop.

Looking at the object in his hand, he involuntarily raised his eyebrows. It seems even hell uses flyers.

He read the content, his expression becoming one showing surprise followed by doubt.

The flyer contains a recruitment notice and directions to the recruiting department from his position.

Kai would never believe this was a coincidence.

He thought, 'Did someone finally grow tired of watching me run around and decided to offer help, even noting down the route in detail?'

Admission Building

Chloe looked at the handsome man leisurely drinking his coffee with his legs crossed behind the coffee table, finding it hard to believe the same man had been panicking in a mess yesterday when she called.

Shifting her eyes to the screen, she was just in time to see Kai receive the flyer carried by the wind. This scene made her lips involuntarily twitch.

"...You've been in a dilemma for a whole day just to come up with this?"

The man suddenly coughed uncomfortably. Putting down his cup, he wiped his mouth with a tissue, asking, "Why? Was it no good?"

Chloe nodded without reservation, emphasizing her words. "It was very clumsy."

The man didn't respond. Tapping his fingers on the coffee table, he had a look of distress. "I can't think of another way."

This made Chloe puzzled. "What do you mean you can't think of another way? Can't you just let someone come and recruit him directly? Pretend they were passing by and see him? What's up with that flyer?"

The man focused his eyes on the screen, staring at the young man who had a thoughtful expression being shown on it. "He would be too suspicious and wouldn't buy that. Besides, I want him to find the way by himself. "

Chloe wanted to roll her eyes at this response. "So following the direction you put in the paper was him finding the way by himself?"

The man paused, turning to glare at her. "Otherwise? Should I close the administrative department until he leaves then watch him continue getting lost?"

Chloe was stumped. After a while, she was hit by a realization. That's right. If Kai deemed going somewhere he didn't know the direction to was not as efficient as waiting in place, wouldn't the administrative department have to close for a while?!

If the administrative department is closed, wouldn't that mean more work for her?!