
Wanted by the devil CEO R18

"I hate my life, why can't I be happy" Natrine Kana is a loving and caring lady who is always challenging and strong in any situation. She lost her father at a very young age and became depressed because life had never been easy for her. She came from a middle class family and as the only daughter and child, her only job was to keep her mom happy. She met Dylan some weeks after her father's death and since then he had became her backbone always showing her love, compassion and care. Dylan was the definition of a perfect boyfriend, whose only job was to see a smile crawl to the lips of Natrine. He was the romantic type who loved Natrine compassionately. Their love kept blossoming for three years till Dylan demanded for a break up. Once again she had to lose a loved one and this time it was her one and only Dylan which made her heart shatter into pieces. She decided to never fall in love again and just concentrate on her work. But all that ended when she had a night stand with a stranger which she later found out to be her boss, the CEO of the top companies in ten different countries. An eligible bachelor, successful tycoon, a sinfully handsome man and also rumoured to be a devil at work. Since then her entire life became a fairy tale. WARNING: Explicit mature content and the book is also a work of fiction. Image by freepik.com Read my other works in order not to miss out of a world of fantasy.

Derin_Asha · LGBT+
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68 Chs

A disrespectful stranger

I decided to get some fresh breeze and nice view from the reserved area.

The view was so refreshing and beautiful that I was lost in my thoughts.

Then suddenly, a limousine splashed mud on my whole body causing my whole clothe to look dreadful.

The car zoomed off and didn't care but luck was on my side. The car stopped suddenly by the side of the road.

I decided to give the driver a piece of my mind.

I got to the beautiful and large limousine and started to speak.

"Heyy are you blind, you stained my whole dress and yet zoomed off. Don't think because you have cars you can shut the pedestrians mouth" I managed to yell in an angry and irritated manner..

The car opened and the driver came out and spoked.

Ma'am I am so sorry for ruining your dress, the boss was in a hurry but he is ready to take responsibilities for the damage.

He opened the car door and brought out something and then stuffed into my hands.

Ma'am there is a hundred dollars so you can take that as compensation for your soiled dress.

I smirked in response to him.

I am a human being who deserves fair judgement and money can't do it all.

Ma'am just accept it, the boss is so magnanimous to allow you to have this cash.

Wooww.....magnanimous, woow,woow I have never seen this much cash,take your money back,I stuffed the whole cash back into his hand.

As I yelled, a man got out of the car.He was so handsome, cute,tall and a lot of perfect features that I couldn't express.

"What's wrong here,Chris just get in,am getting late for the meeting and miss respect yourself and stop acting like a whore,He said with a

The meeting is in seven minutes time,Chris let's go.He collected the money and threw it to me.

"Sir don't you have any shame.

Just accept the money after all your clothes are outdated after that he zoomed off.

But nevertheless, he was somehow right,my clothes are outdated and the interview was in the next two days.

It looked disgraceful to pick the money but I really needed it so I have no choice but to pick it.After getting the job,I would make sure I find and teach the man a great lesson then repay his money tenfold.

After convincing my conscience, I decided go home.

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Poor Natty has to pick the filth money up,if it was you in that situation, what would you have done and kindly support Natty by voting for her.

_To be updated soon.

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