
Wanjie Fishing System

One piece fan-fiction Traversing in one piece with wanjie fishing system

MD_Nurnabi_Islam · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 23

It is also an endless blue sea and a clear sky with white clouds and blue sky.

It\'s always boring to sail at sea for a long time. At this time, misoga was staring at the distance with a book in his hand.

"Ding, congratulations to the host on completing the hidden task: offer a reward for the first time. Task reward: high quality bait * 1"

Suddenly, Zhang Jun, who was fishing, heard the cold voice of the system in his mind.

"Hidden task? Yes!"

Zhang Jun muttered in surprise.

"Goo Goo!"

At the same time, a communication pigeon flew over the Longteng Wanli, and a stack of newspapers also landed on the ship.

"Boss! Hill! Look! Look! Boss is in the newspaper and there is a reward!"

Misoga was the first to pick up the newspaper and threw all his books aside.

"Oh? Reward? How much?"

Zhang Jun, who was fishing, raised his eyebrows and looked forward to misoga.

Hearing misoga\'s cry, Hill also ran out of the room, wearing a white protective suit and looking forward to misoga.

"Fifty million Bailey!"

Misoga raised his head and said in a loud voice, as if it was himself who was offered a reward.

"Wow, brother Jun is so powerful!"

Hilton jumped with excitement.

"How can it be so high? Show it to me"

Although Zhang Jun is also very happy, he also has some doubts.

Aaron didn\'t contribute much in this battle because he didn\'t have enough strength.

It\'s reasonable to say that there can\'t be such a high reward. After all, in his memory, Luffy\'s reward is only 30 million!

"Oh, it turns out that the matter of gosey island has also been discovered. Is it Lieutenant Colonel Hugh March?"

Zhang Jun said thoughtfully.

For pirates, the level of the reward is undoubtedly the best proof of strength. Almost all pirates want their reward to be high in the sky!

"Ding, this fishing is over. Congratulations to the host:

1. Blue feet of Navy six styles

2. Navy type 6 finger gun

3. One switch game console

4. Combat effectiveness

5. Combat effectiveness 50 "

Suddenly, Zhang Jun felt his hand loose, and the sound of the system sounded in his mind.

This time he used five ordinary bait. Unexpectedly, he caught so many things.

The Navy\'s six styles are finally complete!

"Misoga, hill, come here. I have something interesting for you!"

Zhang Jun took out the game console in the system, took it in his hand and waved it to them.

The two people who were still discussing the reward were attracted by Zhang Jun\'s words and came over.

"Boss, what\'s this? It looks good"

Misoga took over the game console in Zhang Jun\'s hand and studied it over and over.

"I said misoga, what\'s your hurry! Brother Jun hasn\'t spoken yet!"

Hill grabbed it and looked through it with a smile.

"Well, you two are really. This is a game console. Let me teach you how to use it."

As a result, Zhang Jun three people began to play game consoles together, and the feeling of boredom at sea was also reduced a lot.

"Wow, Zhang Jun is so secretive! When I meet him again, I\'ll fight him! Hahaha!"

At the same time, when Luffy saw Zhang Jun\'s reward, he shouted excitedly.

"Well, you play first. I have something else to do."

For a long time, on the Longteng Wanli, Zhang Jun handed the game machine to the two, waved his hand and went to the old position to sit down.

"Hey, misoga, why is brother Jun so obsessed with fishing, and... He hasn\'t caught any!"

Hill looked at Zhang Jun\'s back and whispered to misoga.

"Who knows? Just get used to it. Let\'s play this together!"

Misoga stared at the switch game console and said, which made Hilbert look at him, but they still played happily together.

In fact, several people intentionally or unintentionally did not mention Hill\'s reward.

Yes, hill was offered a reward, too!

Six million Bailey!

But the reason they both knew was that she accidentally poisoned the whole village, and even the poison spread to a large area of the sea.

Such a reward can only be said to be a shame, so they both regarded it as not seeing it.

Hill\'s heart also knows that she is very moved. It is precisely because of this that her sense of belonging to Longjun Pirate Group even exceeds misoga!

"Fishing! High quality bait!"

Zhang Jun thought silently. With a gentle wave of the fishing rod in his hand, the hook in front fell into a mysterious space.

"I hope this high-quality bait can surprise me. My current strength is not enough!"

Zhang Jun has always felt that his strength is not enough since he played Aaron last time, but the combat effectiveness of those ordinary bait is really not much.

Now I\'m looking forward to two high-quality bait to surprise Zhang Jun.

"Ding, congratulations on the host\'s acquisition of martial arts, thunder crazy knife! As long as you have enough strength, you can cut the sea and cut the mountain with the power of thunder!"

I don\'t know how long has passed, the sound of the system suddenly sounded.

"Thunder Sabre? Is it so awesome?! alas, if you say that the combat effectiveness is enough, you can\'t directly improve the combat effectiveness!"

Zhang Jun sighed. Although the knife technique was very strong, he naturally understood it at the moment he caught it.

However, without enough strength, this Sabre technique can\'t give full play to its due strength!

"Now, it\'s up to you! It must be awesome!"

Zhang Jun threw out the last high-quality bait and stared at the sea with his eyes full of expectation.

"Ding! Congratulations on the increase of host fruit ability gear * 1"

Just as Zhang Jun was looking at the sea, the sound of system machinery suddenly came.

Zhang Jun was stunned at first, then ecstatic, because he felt that he was suddenly full of power.

There is a small arc beating on the body, which is so eye-catching in the world that has become night!

"System, view attribute template!"

For a long time, the change was over, and Zhang Jun couldn\'t wait to read it.

"Information template:

Host: Zhang Jun

Combat effectiveness: 725

Skills: Navy six styles (shaving, paper painting, LAN foot, iron block, finger gun, moon step), Lei Dun thousand birds, martial arts, thunder crazy knife.

Fruit: true * lightning fruit (current development level: 2, total gear score: 10. Note: each gear is increased, the combat effectiveness can be permanently increased by 20%)

Item: about 800000 Bailey, one switch cracked version, compass * 1... "

After reading his information template, Zhang Jun was also a little stunned. Unexpectedly, his combat effectiveness soared from more than 500 to more than 700 today.

Not to mention a set of powerful Sabre techniques, as well as the demon fruit up to the second level!

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