
Wanjie Chat Group: Ten Thousand World Chat Group In Mondaiji!

Here, is the world of Little Garden where millions of gods exist! Ye Luo, who came to Little Garden, was just about to work hard to revitalize the power of the community. But he suddenly received an invitation from Wanjie Chat Group Wakaba Hiiro: "You tell the worst god in the universe that she is not bad?" Narutaki: "I need powerful warriors to help me destroy that abominable decade!" Butterfly Ninja: "By the way, are humans really not the opponents of the ghost king?" Since then, new changes have appeared. Established a cooperation with the world of Food Wars to manufacture spirit soup and medicinal diet. In the world of kiva, he gained the power of the dark kiva and the sword of the demon emperor, and was mistaken for the ancient king by the blood-tooth ghosts, who ruled the world. Build an elite kiva series of knight hunters, bear the name of knights, and rebuild the Little Garden knight army! Plant spiritual plants, and cultivate the Qijera flowers in the Tiga world on a large scale to create gift items - life medicine, Featuring: High quality edit and Top-quality grammar! *** Author: Upsetting Editor: Peinace Pat reon: pat reon.com/peinace

Peinace · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Promoted To Administrator, Group Function Lifted

The current "NoName", the main combat power is too short, all are some children.

According to Ye Luo's idea, the troops must be rebuilt in the future.

Let's see when there are good options.


After thanking Miss Wakaba Hiiro, Ye Luo also greeted Butterfly Ninja and Narutaki by the way.

According to the communication, the timelines of the two are at a relatively advanced stage.

In the world of Butterfly Ninja, the adopted daughter she accepted, Kanao Tsuyuri, just passed the Ghost Killing Team's entry test, which means that Tanjiro has just passed the test at the moment.

Joined the Ghost Slayer.

As for Narutaki, the decadent transformation Kadoya has just left Sora's world and headed to the next world.

Well, it looks like everyone is having the plot at the beginning.

On Little Garden's side, he will also rebuild "NoName" to make the environment of the community a little better.

Thinking of this, Ye Luo is about to start today's affairs.

That is to go to the forest to catch some animals and give them to the girl, Nakiri Erina.

Matters related to cooperation have been decided.

Ye Luo provided the ingredients every once in a while, while Nakiri Erina was responsible for supplying the daily food supply for "NoName", and Nakiri Erina didn't have to work anyway.

She formed a team of chefs to handle the ingredients.

So both sides are completely happy.

Children can also eat delicious food, and Black Rabbit will be very happy too.


And this time, Ye Luo planned to go deeper into another forest, if only he could catch a few better quality animals.

As for ordinary animals, it is really easy to catch.

Anyway, it was the way to send items through red envelopes, and Ye Luo didn't need to take it by himself, just send it all to the world of Food Wars.

Looking at this natural forest full of life breath, Ye Luo's face also showed a smile, and his body was also absorbing these elements, which made him feel very comfortable.

"This kind of environment is really good."

"Let's go hunting!"

For a time, Ye Luo sensed all aspects of the forest, the distribution of animals, the location of medicinal herbs, and the maturity of plant fruits.

As having the power to absorb and control nature, he can also sense the turbulence in this large area through these plants.

Don't worry about being followed by someone.

Every time it appears, it is very safe.

After all, no one would eat well at this time, so let's pay attention to the "NoName" that has decayed into this.

Even the station of "NoName", most of the place was directly turned into ruins.

In those ruins, the scars left by the biggest natural disaster of Little Garden, the "Demon King" are still clearly visible, and I am afraid that even those who take advantage of the crisis will not be interested in coming.

In the residential area that has been destroyed over a long period of time, all that remains are the houses buried in the dust; and the white and dry street trees that look like stone tablets.

As long as something big doesn't happen, no one will pay attention to Ye Luo and "NoName".

After a series of advancements, Ye Luo received a lot of goods, and animals of all sizes were directly restrained by him and caught.

Many herbs with good growth were also picked directly by Ye Luo and collected.

In the past, he would occasionally pick some herbs to avoid whoever was injured without medical treatment.

And now, herbs can also be used to make fresh soups and make supplements like medicated meals.

Although it is said that the cooking process is very complicated, it is not his cooking anyway.

These things were also passed on to Nakiri Erina by Ye Luo, making her unbearable.

She claimed that she would do better in the future, to replenish Ye Luo's body.

This made Ye Luo quite confused, he was alright.

This trip is really good exercise for him, because his ability is more suitable for this natural environment and can speed up growth.

Anything like catching prey, digging herbs, etc., are all incidental.

Just a side job.

By the way, he also picked a lot of fruits and ate them while walking.


Ye Luo suddenly felt a throbbing when he went to the depths of the forest.

This feeling came from the chat group obtained before.

As if something was attracting it in the depths, this feeling was also conveyed to Ye Luo, making Ye Luo feel it clearly.

That calling and longing.

And suddenly detected that thing, right in front.

After sensing the situation around the forest again, Ye Luo moved and disappeared directly here, moving towards the depths of the forest at an extremely high speed.

Only one figure can be seen constantly shuttling here, and disappear in the blink of an eye.

Ye Luo's speed is not bad, he is someone who can't be caught by the moon rabbits of the Little Garden nobles.

You can imagine how fast he is.

It didn't take long for Ye Luo to arrive at that spot, but it was still at the bottom of the lake.

Immediately plunged into the water, Ye Luo swam straight down, and kept getting closer to the depths of the water, where he finally found the thing that attracted the chat group.

It turned out to be the same stone as when the chat group was found!

How can that be? !

Why is there a second piece?

This result was beyond Ye Luo's expectations, and directly surprised him.

As a result, the stone also sensed Ye Luo, and immediately turned into a streak of golden light, which penetrated into Ye Luo's body.

Immediately, Ye Luo heard the constant announcement from the chat group,

[Ding~ One of the missing parts of the chat group is recovered, the group function begins to recover, the group store function, the world shuttle function, and the uploading item conversion point function are unlocked. ]

[In view of the contribution made by member Ye Luo, the chat group has been restored to some functions, and it is now rewarded to promote him to an administrator and enjoy a series of administrator privileges. ]

[The group administrator's mute function starts, the administrator's luxury check-in function is enabled, unlocks and writes announcements, and enjoys discounts in the group store, and points are used for each function. ]

Good guy!

This pile of news not only made Ye Luo look stupid.

The members of the group are also stunned.

What did Ye Luo do to make the group change so much and unlock so many functions?

[Nakiri Erina: Surprise! What happened, what happened?!]

[Butterfly Ninja: It's so lively, it's the first time I've seen such a change in the group.]

[Tony Stark: ???]

[Tony Stark: Did everyone come to the chat group together, why are you so active!!!]

[Narutaki: No way! I thought it would take ten people to unlock the world shuttle function, but I didn't expect it to open?]

[Narutaki: Hahahaha, decade, now your doom is here!]

Although Narutaki has the function of a dimensional wall, he can travel to different worlds.

But facing the world of the group members, he can't find it at all.

So even if Ye Luo agreed to help, he wouldn't be able to come over for a while.

But this time, Narutaki was so happy!