
Wanjie Chat Group: Ten Thousand World Chat Group In Mondaiji!

Here, is the world of Little Garden where millions of gods exist! Ye Luo, who came to Little Garden, was just about to work hard to revitalize the power of the community. But he suddenly received an invitation from Wanjie Chat Group Wakaba Hiiro: "You tell the worst god in the universe that she is not bad?" Narutaki: "I need powerful warriors to help me destroy that abominable decade!" Butterfly Ninja: "By the way, are humans really not the opponents of the ghost king?" Since then, new changes have appeared. Established a cooperation with the world of Food Wars to manufacture spirit soup and medicinal diet. In the world of kiva, he gained the power of the dark kiva and the sword of the demon emperor, and was mistaken for the ancient king by the blood-tooth ghosts, who ruled the world. Build an elite kiva series of knight hunters, bear the name of knights, and rebuild the Little Garden knight army! Plant spiritual plants, and cultivate the Qijera flowers in the Tiga world on a large scale to create gift items - life medicine, Featuring: High quality edit and Top-quality grammar! *** Author: Upsetting Editor: Peinace Pat reon: pat reon.com/peinace

Peinace · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Can You Prostitute For Nothing? Don't Be In Vain!

After all, Wakaba Hiiro is a big guy.

She is still a big boss, if one can accompany her, they can save at least a hundred years of struggle!

However, her black-bellied character is for the time being.

Ye Luo said that one black rabbit is enough for the time being.

And in the face of inquiries from the group.

Of course he answered directly.

[Ye Luo: If Miss Wakaba is willing to give something good, then of course I will receive it.]

Anyway, if there is a problem, it's a big deal to throw it away.

He noticed that there was an identification function on the edge of the chat group, and new group members could use it ten times for free.

After that, you need to use points to start.

I have to say that this function is very hidden. There is only a small identification function in that blank piece.

If you don't look carefully, most people won't notice it.

That stupid Tony definitely wouldn't look at these things, he's a genius but he's always arrogant and prideful.

Contempt is a common problem.

So he didn't even look at it and just got fooled.

Presumably if Wakaba Hiiro was just taking advantage of the newcomers to join the group who were not paying attention, she would play such a show, right?

What a terrible way to have fun.


At present, about these group functions, Ye Luo has basically looked at it, sending items, chatting, identification, etc., are not bad.

You can also earn points with free check-ins every day.

After accumulating points for a period of time, you won't have to worry about using them in the future, and you don't have to worry about encountering treasures that you don't know about.

And the most important point, Ye Luo found out that this group seems to have just been born, or some other reason.

In the function, there are functions of traversing the world and group stores, but they are currently grayed out.

It seems that some conditions need to be met to active those features.

No wonder Narutaki is not in a hurry at all, but finds someone first. Is he also waiting for this function?

This makes Ye Luo a little curious, how to solve it, is it to reach a certain number of people?

The big deal is to round up an integer to know.

For example, when there are 10 people.

As for the gifts that Wakaba Hiiro sent, you should use the appraisal at that time. If the gifts are good, they will be kept, and the bad ones will not be received.

Isn't it planned.

You don't have to be tricked by a prankster beauty every day.

[Wakaba Hiiro (Administrator): Okay, I'm a high school girl with full credit rating, I won't lie to you!]

[Nakiri Erina: I almost believed it, if it wasn't for Tony being turned into a young lady! hahaha!]

[Tony Stark:...]

Tony is a little autistic, and feels like he has become a laughing stock in the group. Don't you think it will become his black history?

Thinking of this, Tony shuddered, thinking about how to develop useful items for all members of the group.

The most important thing is to solve this problem quickly!

Forget it, go offline.

At this moment, Tony's portrait also dimmed.


And when Nakiri Erina thought of this kind of thing, she was amused, and the newcomer was shocked when she joined the group.

Fortunately, she, Butterfly Ninja, and Narutaki didn't have such a thing at that time.

That is, the rookie Tony is too annoying.

However, as for Wakaba Hiiro who said that she was a high school girl every day, she actually didn't believe it.

High school students can be so fierce?

Unlikely, too unlikely.

[Wakaba Hiiro: Hey, sister, believe me, it's not unusual for a female high school student with some special abilities.]

[Nakiri Erina: Wait, is it that kind of world with some special power? Envy!]

[Nakiri Erina: I want to live in that kind of world too, and live a life where adventurers go everywhere looking for precious ingredients!]

Looking at these words, Wakaba Hiiro said nothing.

Ye Luo's eyelids twitched, this person is so foolish.

However, the kind of world-wide search for high-quality ingredients, constant exploration and discovery.

It seems that there is such a world.

{E/N: And it is none other than Toriko. Erina will like it there. Or more like, entire Food Wars crew will love to transmigrate there.}

[Wakaba Hiiro: Okay, I've looked for it, Ye Luo little big brother, I'll give this to you.]

[Wakaba Hiiro: As long as you have this, you can experience the feeling of not being human!]

[Wakaba Hiiro: Even, you can develop your downline!]

[Ding! The administrator Wakaba Hiiro sent an exclusive red envelope.]

"Oh, it's already here?"

"Let me open it!"

Looking at this moment, Ye Luo clicked to receive it, and found that it was a water drop, about the size of his thumb?

The only thing that is a bit special is that the color of this water droplet is burgundy, which is relatively deep and full of mysterious colors.

The next moment, Ye Luo activated the identification function of the chat group.

All the information about this wine-red water drop was revealed.

[Blood Holy Crystal]

[Effect: It can give the user the strength, resilience, agility, and physical fitness of the blood family, which is not afraid of the sun, holy water, and crosses. And gain the power to control blood energy, the more blood energy, the stronger. ]

[Core ability: You can use this as a superior and continuously develop the inferior blood family, but at the same time, the effect will be weakened layer by layer. ]

"This thing, if Leticia is still there, I'm afraid she'd be envious."

Seeing these introductions, Ye Luo couldn't help but sigh.

Although this thing doesn't seem to be very powerful, it is a thing that turns you into a vampire.

But just not being afraid of the sun is enough to make the Little Garden vampires jealous.

The sunlight that is not filtered by the Little Garden Curtain is a big killer for them.

Sunlight is the worst enemy of vampires.

However, what is the downside of this thing?

Vampires don't have any flaws, Ye Luo suspected that Wakaba Hiiro might have changed people, and in the information below, corresponding information also appeared.

[Disadvantages: After becoming a blood clan, there is a strong impulse to suck blood and become bloodthirsty, and the tyranny will gradually increase.]

This blood clan is not elegant at all!

"Tsk tsk, sure enough, but this is a common problem with vampires. Wakaba Hiiro really didn't bother me much this time."

"Thanks to Tony for stepping on the pit."

Overall, this is something that has both pros and cons.

It's up to you to use it or not.

It is suitable for getting out of trouble in a short time. If you lack strength, you can use it to organize a vampire army that completely obeys orders.

Under normal circumstances, Ye Luo felt that,

"I feel like this thing is of no use to me."

"Is it possible to cultivate a death squad? Leave it outside and keep wandering?"

As Ye Luo, who has the ability to continuously absorb natural elements, his comprehensive ability and physical fitness have been steadily improving.

There is no need to superimpose such a buff on yourself, and what are the side effects of blood-sucking and tyranny.

Not worth the loss.

Forget it, let's throw it aside first, it's something someone else gave anyway.

It is also a kind of happiness to prostitute things for nothing.

Just like the game is given away for free, it is one thing to play it or not, but it is still very interesting to receive the lost warehouse.

Maybe in the future, he can find a loyal subordinate and let him form a vampire subordinate himself.

It is enough that Ye Luo is in charge of directing him.