
WANGDAO-Pueri Lucis Ac Tenebris

In a realm where angels and demons dwell, A nephilim named Araquiel, torn between both, fell. Born of Lametva's darkness and Anael's light, His powers of Chaos and creation were a fearsome sight. Araquiel's fate was changed by a hero he'd idealize. Through a holographic window, he beheld a grand battle, Lyra, a commander of the interstellar union, making her courageous stand. Against a monstrous spider, devourer of planets and stars, Lyra's bravery shimmered like the brightest of quasars. Her words of wisdom echoed, piercing through the night: "Believe in yourself and all that you are, Know there's a force within you that can take you far. Greater than any obstacle that may lie ahead, Embrace your inner strength, let it guide you instead." With newfound determination, Araquiel's path was clear, To join the Interstellar Union, to conquer his fear. Inspired by Lyra's valor, he'd make a difference, he knew, Defending different galaxy from threats, both old and new. Araquiel's heart now set on a purpose grand and true, To protect the cosmos, a noble cause to pursue. His powers of Chaos and creation, once a curse, now a boon, Ready to shine brightly alongside the stars. Embark on an exhilarating space fantasy odyssey that delves deep into the themes of acceptance, and the eternal battle between light and darkness. Araquiel enthralling journey as a nephilim—born from the celestial union of an angel and a demon—offers an unparalleled perspective on these timeless themes, ensuring a captivating and thrilling literary experience for readers. Navigating the complexities of his dual heritage, Araquiel tale is one of self-discovery, as he grapples with his angelic and demonic origins. The story weaves together the threads of his internal struggles, while simultaneously exploring the broader cosmic landscape, providing an unforgettable reading adventure. ______________________ This is my first story and I will try my best to make it interesting to read. If there's some error, you can say it, I will correct them.

Tenma_Yato · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

The Umbral Star 2

Back at planet Aesir

As Araquiel engaged in combat with the mercenary group in the forest, he quickly realized that they were a formidable opponent. The group of mercenaries had a level of coordination and strategy that he had not encountered before, and it was clear that they had worked together for some time.

Despite his skill in combat, Araquiel found himself struggling to gain the upper hand. The mercenaries moved quickly and with precision, making it difficult for him to land a strike. He knew that he would need to rely on more than just brute force if he wanted to defeat them.

As he focused on his opponents, Araquiel noticed that the leader of the group was hanging back, seemingly content to let his subordinates do the fighting. It was clear that the leader was biding his time, waiting for an opportunity to strike.

Araquiel knew that he needed to neutralize the group's coordination if he had any hope of winning the fight. He began to use his surroundings to his advantage, using trees and other obstacles to break up the group's formations and force them into one-on-one combat.

He decided to not flight has it will help him to improve again those who can fight in the ground.

As Araquiel continued to fight against the coordinated mercenary group, he knew that he needed to find a way to disrupt their strategy. He quickly assessed his surroundings and realized that the dense forest provided ample cover and obstacles and by covering his body with lightning magic, Araquiel was able to move at incredible speeds, darting in and out of cover and keeping the mercenaries on their toes. He used his ice magic to create slippery patches on the ground, causing the mercenaries to lose their footing and giving him an opening to strike and freeze them.

Araquiel also used the trees to his advantage, using his lightning magic to zip up and down the trunks and branches, confusing the other mercenaries and making it difficult for them to track his movements. He used his ice magic to freeze branches and limbs, causing them to snap and fall on the mercenaries, further disrupting their formation.

With each passing moment, Araquiel gained more and more control over the battle. The mercenaries were no match for his lightning-fast movements and precise strikes. They became increasingly disorganized and began to panic as their leader remained on the sidelines, seemingly unable to come up with a plan to defeat Araquiel.

Finally, with a powerful surge of lightning magic, Araquiel took down the last of the mercenaries. He surveyed the battlefield, breathing heavily but feeling victorious. He knew that his quick thinking and mastery of magic had saved his life and allowed him to emerge victorious against a formidable foe.

But suddenly something moving really fast, almost at light speed was going to hit him but he was fast enough to dodge it.

"You can dodge that, it's impressive for a little boy" said a voice behind him

it was none other than the chef of the mercenary who he had striked with lightning with the other. The beastman was standing without too much damage.

Araquiel turned around to face the chef, surprised that he had survived the lightning strike. He had a smug look on his face, as if he was enjoying the challenge of facing off against Araquiel.

"You're quite skilled with magic," the beastman said, his voice deep and rumbling. "But don't think that just because you took down my subordinates, you can defeat me too."

Araquiel tensed, ready to continue the fight, but then he noticed something odd about the beastman's appearance. There was a glimmer of something around his neck, almost like a necklace. Araquiel squinted, trying to get a better look, when suddenly the chef spoke again.

"I see you've noticed my amulet," the beastman said, grinning widely. "It's a powerful artifact that protects me from magic. No matter how strong your spells are, they won't be able to harm me."

Araquiel felt a surge of frustration. He had been so sure that he had defeated the mercenaries, but now it seemed that he was facing an even greater challenge. He took a deep breath, focusing his mind and channeling his magic.

The beastman lunged forward, his claws extended, but Araquiel was ready. He dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the attack, and then countered with a burst of lighting magic. But to his dismay, the beastman simply shrugged off the spell, as if it was nothing.

As Araquiel was facing off against the beastman chef, he suddenly heard a loud crack, like thunder in the distance. He looked up, scanning the nearby hills, trying to identify the source of the sound.

And then he saw it - a glint of light, almost imperceptible, coming from a ridge about sixty miles away. Araquiel's eyes widened in surprise. He couldn't believe that a sniper would be taking shots at him from such a distance.

"So the one who shot that fast bullet was him" though Araquiel

He quickly assessed the situation. He knew that he had to take out the sniper before he could do any more damage. But how could he do it? His magic was useless against such a far-off target, and he didn't have any long-range weapons.

Araquiel ducked behind a nearby boulder, hoping to avoid any further shots. He surveyed the area, trying to come up with a plan. And then he decided to create a crossbow.

He flew rapidly in the air with the crossbow and loading it with a strong and really fast bolt.

As he looked out from the sky, he saw the glint of light again, coming from the same location. He took a deep breath, steadying his aim, and let the bolt fly. It flew through the air, soaring towards the sniper's location at lightning speed.

A few moments later, he heard a distant cry of pain, and then silence. Araquiel breathed a sigh of relief. He had done it - he had taken out the sniper and saved himself from certain death.

But the fight was not finish, the chef was still there and when he looked for him, a voice suddenly appear behind him

"Rule number one in a fight," said the voice "never look away from your opponent"

Araquiel quickly turned around to face the beastman, but as soon as he did, he heard the voice behind him. He realized his mistake too late as he saw the beastman soaring high in the sky above him, preparing to strike.

With lightning-fast reflexes, the beastman delivered a powerful blow to his torso. Araquiel was sent flying backwards, crashing into a nearby tree and destroying a long part of the forest.

As he struggled to get back on his feet, Araquiel realized that he was badly injured but thanks to his body being that of a demon and angel, he had a very good regeneration. The beastman stood over him, a menacing grin on his face.

"Rule number two," the beastman said, "never underestimate your opponent."

Araquiel knew he was in trouble. He had been too cocky, too confident in his own abilities. But now he was facing a powerful adversary who seemed to have the upper hand.

When all his injuries disappeared at fast pace. He stood up rapidly, gritting his teeth as he prepared to face the beastman once again. He knew that he had to be smart, to use his wits and his skills to outmaneuver his opponent.

The two combatants circled each other warily, each looking for an opening. Araquiel feinted left, then right, trying to throw off the beastman's timing.

Suddenly, he saw his chance. The beastman lunged forward, but Araquiel sidestepped him and delivered a swift kick to his back. The beastman stumbled forward, off balance, and he took advantage of the opportunity to deliver a series of quick jabs to his face.

The beastman roared in anger and pain, but Araquiel didn't let up. He continued to attack relentlessly, using his speed and agility to stay one step ahead of his opponent.

Finally, with a final, decisive blow, Araquiel knocked the beastman to the ground. The beastman lay there, he stood over him triumphantly.

"Rule number three," Araquiel said, "never forget that the best way to win a fight is to outsmart your opponent."

"Ahahaha, you're not bad for a kid " said the beastman getting up again."what's your name?"

As he stood up, he noticed the sudden appearance of several warriors from the Aesir, armed with bows and swords. The warriors surrounded the area, forming a protective circle around Araquiel and the beastman.

Araquiel could sense the tension in the air as the warriors' eyes scanned the beastman, sizing him up and assessing the threat he posed. Despite the beastman's defeat, the warriors seemed wary and ready for any sudden movements.

"My name is Araquiel," Araquiel replied calmly, keeping a watchful eye on the beastman. "And who might you be?"

The beastman snarled, his eyes darting around the circle of warriors. "I am Korgath, the sixth executor of the Umbral Star," he growled. "And I will not forget this defeat, Araquiel. We will meet again."

With those words, Korgath turned and leapt away with a very fast movement, disappearing into the shadows. The warriors lowered their weapons, but remained alert, watching for any sign of danger.

Araquiel breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he had faced a formidable opponent but had emerged victorious. He turned to the warriors, and with a nod of thanks, he prepared to continue his journey, knowing that he had may encounter some powerful enemies but also some valuable allies.

"I need to be more strong and next time I will win." Thought Araquiel

End of chapter


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