
WANGDAO-Pueri Lucis Ac Tenebris

In a realm where angels and demons dwell, A nephilim named Araquiel, torn between both, fell. Born of Lametva's darkness and Anael's light, His powers of Chaos and creation were a fearsome sight. Araquiel's fate was changed by a hero he'd idealize. Through a holographic window, he beheld a grand battle, Lyra, a commander of the interstellar union, making her courageous stand. Against a monstrous spider, devourer of planets and stars, Lyra's bravery shimmered like the brightest of quasars. Her words of wisdom echoed, piercing through the night: "Believe in yourself and all that you are, Know there's a force within you that can take you far. Greater than any obstacle that may lie ahead, Embrace your inner strength, let it guide you instead." With newfound determination, Araquiel's path was clear, To join the Interstellar Union, to conquer his fear. Inspired by Lyra's valor, he'd make a difference, he knew, Defending different galaxy from threats, both old and new. Araquiel's heart now set on a purpose grand and true, To protect the cosmos, a noble cause to pursue. His powers of Chaos and creation, once a curse, now a boon, Ready to shine brightly alongside the stars. Embark on an exhilarating space fantasy odyssey that delves deep into the themes of acceptance, and the eternal battle between light and darkness. Araquiel enthralling journey as a nephilim—born from the celestial union of an angel and a demon—offers an unparalleled perspective on these timeless themes, ensuring a captivating and thrilling literary experience for readers. Navigating the complexities of his dual heritage, Araquiel tale is one of self-discovery, as he grapples with his angelic and demonic origins. The story weaves together the threads of his internal struggles, while simultaneously exploring the broader cosmic landscape, providing an unforgettable reading adventure. ______________________ This is my first story and I will try my best to make it interesting to read. If there's some error, you can say it, I will correct them.

Tenma_Yato · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The Interstellar union

As the guard of the city were taking the prisoner mercenary to the prison, they proceeded with caution. The mercenary was clearly a skilled fighter, and they didn't want to take any chances that he might try to escape or cause trouble.

As they made their way through the streets, the people of Aesir watched with curiosity and concern. Many had heard of the recent attacks by the Umbral Star and were worried about what might happen next. They were grateful to the guard for taking the mercenaries off the streets and keeping them safe.

The guard led the prisoner through the winding streets of Aesir until they reached the prison, a large stone building on the outskirts of the city. The guards at the prison were prepared for their arrival, and quickly took the prisoner into custody.

At the same time in the forest, Araquiel was relieved that his body had healed quickly from the injuries he sustained during his fight. He took a deep breath and looked around the forest, feeling grateful for the peace and quiet. He knew that the threat of the Umbral Star was still looming, but for now, he was safe.

He decided to take a moment to rest and gather his thoughts. He sat down on a fallen log and closed his eyes, letting his mind wander. He thought about the fight he had just been in, and how close it had been. He also thought about the mercenaries he had faced, and wondered what had driven them to work for the Umbral Star.

As he sat there, someone came behind him. It was none other than the city lord, Zhoron Iarmoira who wanted to thank Araquiel for his heroic actions in defending the city from the Umbral Star's attack. Zhoron approached Araquiel and greeted him warmly, expressing his gratitude and admiration for his bravery.

"You saved our forest and I don't really know how to thank you for that." he said

Araquiel opened his eyes and turned to face the city lord, feeling a mix of surprise and gratitude. He had not expected to receive such recognition, and he was touched by Zhoron words.

"I just done what I think was right, there's no need to give me a reward for that " answered Araquiel. "But where were you during that time?" he then asked.

Zhoron went on to explain that he had been watching the battle from a distance, and had been impressed by Araquiel's skill and courage in the face of danger. He also expressed his concern for the safety of his people, and his determination to do whatever it took to protect them from the Umbral Star's threat.

As Araquiel listened to Zhoron explanation, he could see the concern etched on the man's face. The lord went on to describe how the Umbral Star had been causing havoc and destruction across the land, leaving a trail of death and destruction in its wake.

He explained that he had been monitoring the situation closely, and had been searching for a way to stop the threat before it was too late. But despite his efforts, he had been unable to find a way to defeat the Umbral Star.

That was when Araquiel had stepped in. His bravery and skill in battle had helped to turn the tide of the fight, and had given the people of the city hope that they might be able to survive after all.

Araquiel listened intently, feeling a sense of kinship with him. He too had been driven by a desire to protect the innocent and defend the weak, and he respected Zhoron commitment to these same values.

After Zhoron had finished speaking, Araquiel thanked him for his kind words and thinked on how he could help more people by working for the Interstellar union. After all, the mission of the Interstellar union is to protect the live of all the people from dangerous threats, just like the Umbral Star. Araquiel knew that Interstellar union was a powerful organization dedicated to keeping the Universe safe from all kinds of dangers.

As he thought about it more, he realized that joining the Interstellar union would allow him to make an even greater impact in the fight against evil and injustice. He could use his skills and experience to help protect not just one city, but entire planets, star systems and galaxy.

With this in mind, Araquiel was more determined to reach out to the Interstellar union. He knew that the process of joining would be rigorous and challenging, but he was more than willing to take on the challenge.

On the next days, Araquiel made some preparations for his journey to the Interstellar union's headquarters with some gift that the Aesir gave him for saving them. He packed them, put them in his dimensional storage, said his goodbyes to the people he had met in the city, and set out on his way.

As he flew out, he thought about all that he had learned and experienced in his adventures so far. He knew that there would be many more challenges ahead, but he was ready to face them head-on, knowing that he was fighting for a noble cause and a better future for all.

Flying at full speed in the void of space Araquiel could not see the planet Aesir anymore and was ready for the journey that was ahead of him. As he soared through the stars, Araquiel reflected on the many challenges he had faced in his adventures so far. He knew that his journey was far from over, and that there would be many more obstacles and dangers to overcome.

But despite the challenges, Araquiel was determined to press on. He knew that he was fighting for a noble cause, and that his efforts were helping to create a better future for all. He was fueled by the knowledge that he was making a difference in the world, and that every moment of his journey was bringing him closer to his ultimate goal.

As he flew through the void of space, Araquiel felt again that sense of freedom and exhilaration that he had experienced when he flew out of his home planet by himself for the first time. He was free to explore the universe, to discover new worlds and civilizations, and to fight for justice and righteousness wherever he went.

With a determined spirit and a resolute heart, Araquiel flew on, ready for the challenges and adventures that awaited him in the vast expanse of space.

After 2 hours of flight, Araquiel could see headquarters planet of the interstellar union, after flight over 6 different star system.

As Araquiel approached the headquarters planet of the interstellar union, he could see it looming large in the distance. The planet was a massive sphere, covered in a swirling mass of clouds that obscured much of its surface. As he drew closer, he could see that the planet was heavily populated, with sprawling cities and vast industrial complexes visible from space.

As he descended towards the planet's surface, Araquiel could see that it was a bustling hub of interstellar commerce and diplomacy. Huge spacecraft of all shapes and sizes dotted the sky, shuttling back and forth between the planet and the countless other worlds of the union. The planet was also home to a vast array of alien species, each going about their business in their own unique way.

"It's probably better to land in a part where nobody will remark me" he thinked

As Araquiel landed in a spot were no one would remark him since he was not in a space ship like everyone else. he could feel a sense of excitement and anticipation building within him. He knew that he was about to embark on a journey that would take him to the very limits of the universe, and he was ready for whatever challenges and adventures lay ahead.


At the same time, on a unknown planet

Korgath was kneeling in front of his superior who was in a black throne with a high backrest, adorned with intricate carvings and glowing symbols. The room was dimly lit, with torches casting flickering shadows on the walls.

His superior, a towering figure with a face obscured by a hood, spoke in a deep, menacing voice. "Korgath, what happened to the planet Aesir ? Did you encounter a strange anomaly during your mission?"

Korgarh heart sank at the mention of Aesir. He was the leader of a team that was sent to retrieve something on the planet, but things had gone horribly wrong. "Yes, my lord," he replied, his voice heavy with regret. "We encountered a young nephilim who blocked our path and he defeated all of the team with ease. He was incredibly powerful, and we had never encountered anything like him before but I can assure you that he's not dangerous to be considered a menace for the sacred mission."

His superior's hooded face remained impassive, but Korgath could sense the anger and frustration in his voice. "A young nephilim? That's strange."

His superior's hooded face remained impassive, but Korgath could sense the anger and disappointment in his voice. "You made the right decision by leaving the planet and you are fortunate that I am giving you another chance. Do not fail me again."

Korgath bowed his head, his fists clenched with determination. "I will not fail you, my lord. I swear it on my honor as a warrior."

"Good be ready for the other mission that awaits you," his superior continued, his voice stern. "You are to travel to the planet of Zephyr and retrieve a powerful artifact that has been stolen from us. This artefact is important since it will help us in the sacred mission. We cannot allow it to fall into the hands of the interstellar union."

Korgath nodded, his mind already racing with plans and strategies. "Consider it done, my lord. I will not fail you."

"See that you don't," the hooded figure warned. "The artifact must be recovered at all costs. Failure is not an option."

Korgath stood up, his heart pounding with a mix of excitement and apprehension. He knew that the planet of Zephyr was a dangerous place, full of treacherous terrain and hostile creatures. But he also knew that he was the best warrior for the job, and that he had the skills and determination to succeed.

"I will not fail you, my lord," he said, his voice steady. "I will retrieve the artifact and bring it back to you safely."

"Good," his superior replied, his hooded face unreadable. "Remember, this mission is of utmost importance. The artifact is key to our sacred mission, and we cannot afford to let it slip away."

Korgath nodded, his mind already racing with plans and contingencies. He would need to assemble a team of skilled warriors and prepare for any eventuality.

"I understand, my lord," he said, his voice firm. "I will not let you down."

With that, he turned and strode purposefully out of the room. He was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead on the planet of Zephyr, and he was determined to complete his mission at all costs.

"Find any information concerning that nephilim who fought against korgarh" said the superior to the shadow in the room.

"Yes, sixth Judge" responded the shadow before disappearing

End of chapter
