
World War Z (Part 1)

Logan and Akane open their eyes as a car horn blares in their ears. looking around shows them in a car stuck in gridlock. Logan sits as the driver, his zombie gear still on and ready to go as they never took it off during the Cineplex break. Akane checks her AR finding her guns are back where they are supposed to be and grins wide at the comfort they bring. Looking over she sees an older woman gazing at her and the guns in her hand, a phone up and likely calling the police.

She smirks at the women before a scooter blows past and scrapes the paint from the side of their car. Panic hasn't set in yet but the moment is close approaching and both are fucking excited. Logan checks his hand gun before nodding to Akane and tensing for the right moment. they can't move too fast or people will see them as the threat, likely having a cop shoot them before the hoard starts to appear. one minute, two, five, and finally ten minutes pass before they see people running.

In unison the two pop their doors and step out, gazing back the way the people ran from. There are few dead at the moment as they run like Olympic sprinters high on meth. The few dead are rather far back and an explosion hits in the opposite direction. They knew they were in Philadelphia given the buildings and with the explosion they knew they were close to the start of the movie. 

"Right into the shit of it huh?" Akane said as she hoisted her rifle up and they both got moving. their legs were packed with power as they ran at the constant pace of a professional runner. they aimed towards the explosion trying to find the camper the main cast finds to drive away in. they could go and do their own thing but this city was hell and they would get more points being a part of the main plot. when they made it to the end of the street and saw the park they knew they were close. 

Looking left and right they looked for the stand out camper when Akane shouldered her rifle. She sent three shots flying down the road, and killed one undead and knocked a second undead to the ground. Logan followed up with his own rifle, finished the down one and then sent a few more rounds to the dead following behind. The jittery things naturally dodged one or two bullets but luckily we're getting knocked prone, their legs being good targets. people screamed hearing the gunshots but most just started running from the slowly amassing mega hoard. 

"Six o'clock!" Logan called out seeing the camper swerving around before stopping. They had their target and began to move in the right direction. they didn't take pot shots as the hoard was too fast and large to warrant the rounds lost. instead they just ran faster then others allowing them to hold back the growing wave of death behind them. They reached the camper quickly and climbed in and amazingly heard a shout not too far away. looking over Akane aimed her gun and saw a family of four with Brad Pitt as the father. 

"Please, let us come with you" Gerry begged and Akane didn't pause as she lowered her gun and nodded before moving out of the way. The family rushed in as Logan started the camper to the sound of Akane staving off the hoard as best she could. she was a smiling mess as the fear of being eaten thrummed through her mind. The yelling and screaming, the smell of burning cars, and mass panic had her breathing ragged as she sent a few more rounds before closing up the camper. Logan took off when he heard the door and started driving, a few undead ramming into the side. 

The youngest of the family screamed at the attack that cracked the glass of the door and Akane posted up against the wall in the camper. She had a leg pressed to the other side sticking her in place as she reshouldered her rifle and guarded the windows. Gerry ran to the front with Logan and took a seat next to him as the young man drove outside the city. Suddenly an undead shattered the glass next to Logan and the young man held his arm to take the bite of the thing. with a practice motion he drew the bowie knife and sent it deep into the dead's head. Thanks to his added strength he was able to pull the bald out before the dead weight fell into the street. 

"Shit, are you bit?" Gerry asked and Logan shook his head. He showed the man his arm and saw the rubber motorcycle armor. 

"No, we were on our way to do some SBT training when all of this shit happened" he said before swerving to miss a burning car and pressing the gas to beat out the sprinting dead. "Why, is this the rabies they were talking about?" 

"I don't know, but I saw a guy get bit and he got back up as one of those things in twelve seconds" Gerry said breathing heavily to calm down.

"Got it, Akane!" Logan shouted and the woman crouched down near him. "don't get bit, you'll turn" Logan said, keeping up the charade of reacting and not acting with prior knowledge. she nodded and Gerry shifted to go be near his family while Akane took the passenger seat as they pulled out into highway ninety five heading north. While the family in the back were trying to calm down, the couple upfront were smiling like mad men at the thrill this choice was for them.


They drove for another hour when they heard the oldest daughter of the family start to have an asthma attack. The parents were trying to calm her down and looking for her medication but were failing to find it. That was when Gerry got a ring on his phone. 

"Hon, it's Thierry," Karin said before handing him the phone. The couple listened in as Gerry had a heated conversation about current news. 

"where are you?" Gerry asked. "What is this?... face to face" it was a one sided conversation to the two but they knew what the dialog was already. It was at that moment that his little girl pulled out a hunting rifle in the back of the camper. 

"Daddy?" she said holding the gun up and causing the mother to grab it from her. she handed it to Gerry who put it to the side, eyeing the two up front who gazed at him before looking back at the road. 

"Ninety five heading north" Gerry said to the man on the phone. "Do we have a choice...Don't forget us." he said before ending the call. He sighed out before continuing to help his daughter as the mother walked up to the two up front. 

"My daughter has asthma, we need to stop for medication" she said with slight hesitation in her tone. She didn't know these two, and she didn't know what they were capable of or if they were willing to stop for the family. Akane looked at her and then to the girl breathing hard. "Please" the mother begged them and Akane looked at her again. 

"It sounded like your husband has a way out of this mess, a place of safety?"Akane asked and Gerry took charge. 

"I do, and will take you with us" he said and Akane looked at Logan. he eyed the family with the rear view before nodding and taking the next exit to Newark, New Jersey. The family sighed in relief and they all settled down to find the nearest pharmacy.


They pulled up into a raiding of a NJ Mart and everyone got out. The couple lead the family, with Gerry having the rifle hanging off his back, into the mart. 

"Gerry with me," Logan said and made a beeline to the pharmacy in the back. Akane followed Karin as she started to load up on food for tonight. As the two spit up they were watched by a few men seeming to eye the two women closely. Logan made it to the Pharmacy and took up a guarding position for the daughter as Gerry looked for her medicine. The crunch of glass had Logan spinning with his gun up and finding himself facing a man with a Glock. for a moment they watched each other before the man saw the girl having trouble breathing. 

"What does she need?" he asked, lowering the gun. Logan did the same as Gerry answered. The man handed him a couple boxes before giving him something that worked great for his kid. with a nod they started to turn to leave the pharmacy when Gerry's smallest, Connie, screamed out. 

"Connie!" he shouted and ran with Logan following behind. Gerry checked the aisles before finding his wife and daughter safe. Akane was standing over two dead bodies, bloody bowie knife in hand. Gerry ran to his family and hugged them. "Thank you!" he shouted at Akane who nodded while Logan walked up. the next moment a cop walked in and saw the dead men. Everyone paused before he ignored the murder and started looting himself. The group left after that and we're back outside gazing at the night sky and mayhem around them. "No!" Gerry shouted as he noticed the missing camper. 

"That's bad, we need to get off the street" Logan said looking around. 

"There, apartments" Karin said and Gerry nodded before taking the lead with Logan and Akane behind the family to watch their backs.