
Scout's Guide to the Zombie Apoc (Part 7)

Ben ran into the Bathroom in fear as he looked for any more threats. Seeing a surprisingly clean bathroom for a stripclub, and no dead, he quickly ran to the last stall and locked himself inside it. Then in a clever move he jumped on the toilet and rested in the corner to hide his feet. Though considering the options to choose from it was likely he was going to be found anyway. Of course his thoughts proved right as the bouncer slammed into the room, looking for the last prey he saw.

The dead snarled and growled as he gazed at the bathroom for his meal, yet found only empty space. His intelligence wasn't completely tarnished though as he quickly started to bang open stall after stall in hopes of finding his prey. Ben shook with every slam as door after door was thrown open to show an empty stall after empty stall. This was a game with a clear winner and it wasn't going to be Ben. The only reason the teen wasn't shitting his pants right now was the fact the smell might draw the dead quicker. 


As Ben slowly waited in the bathroom to die, Carter was recovering from throwing himself behind the bar. He groaned and gingerly rose on the broken glass and liquor stained floor. Amazingly he wasn't cut from ass to mouth from the fall and so got to his feet to slowly crane his head out to the bar. 

"What the fuck is going on" he mumbled as he looked left and right not seeing the dead bouncer anywear. taking a second to rub some of the blood off his face he missed the hands of the stripper as she pulled the boy from the bar and back into the dance floor. Carter screamed like a girl as he hit the floor and soon was struggling with the dead as she straddled him. "Fuck! this isn't the lap dance I wanted!" he shouted as he fought off her hands going for his neck. it was a losing battle though as the dead didn't tire, and he was feeling some burn in his arms from her dead strength. 

Looking around for anything, Carter caught the remains of a bottle he knocked off the counter and took a chance. with a grunt he forced the dead stripper to lean back enough for him to go for the broken bottle. Grasping the head of the bottle, Carter drove the jagged and sharpened end into the stripper's head. Without even a grunt the stipper stopped moving as blood flowed like red wine from the bottle into Carter's face, making the boy gasp and spit before any got into his mouth. by the time he pushed the dead off of him his head was soaked in her blood and he was gasping from adrenaline. 

"Carter!" Augie shouted from his right, making the downed scout look over to a flash of a phone. Augie was smiling as he nodded, "Oh yeah, that's a masterpiece alright." Carter gasped but just put his head back down on the ground to catch his breath.

"Fuck Augie! Where's Ben?" he said with a sigh as he looked to the ceiling of the strip club.


Ben was praying sweetly to the lord or anything above to not die as the bouncer banged on the last door before him. The Lord must be giving him the finger though, as, soon enough, the bouncer was now banging on his locked door with strength that told a story of Ben getting ripped in half. One, two, three, four, and finally five bangs sounded out before the cheap stall door tore open. Ben gasped wide eyed as he gazed at the hunger dead, who roared at the scared scout before getting its head blown apart. Behind the dead was the blond he was talking to outside the convenience store. 

"Denise!" he shouted as she racked another slug in her shotgun. She was in nothing more than a tanktop and jean shorts, the waitress attire for the club, as she walked over to the scared teen. 

"Get up!" she shouted as Ben just stared at the woman. "Fucking Get UP!" she shouted as she pulled him off the toilet and ran out into the club again. 

"I said, where's Ben!?" Carter asked as he slowly started to get up from the floor in front of Augie. 

"Oh Denise is saving him, and she's got a shotgun" Augie said as he held his phone up in record. Ben ran over to his friends with Denise quickly behind. 

"Ben!" Carter said, opening his arms as his friend ran over. The boys hugged and cried like lost lovers as Augie focused on something else. "I just wanted to see some Titties man!"

"I know" Ben cried with him. "What the fuck is going on!" he shouted while balling his eyes out. This lasted for a few seconds longer before Denise decided to intervene. 

"Umm?" Denise hummed out, catching Carter's and Bens attention as they stopped crying. Both Boys pushed away from one another and took a breath before looking tough. 

"Good to see your okay man," Carter said with a deeper voice. 

"You know it bro" Ben said in an even deeper voice as both looked at Denise. She raised a brow at the two before shaking her head. 

"Please tell me you have a car or something?" she demanded as started to look around for more threats. Ben nodded as he pulled out his car keys and held them tight. 

"Yeah," he said before remembering they were missing someone. "Fuck, Where's Logan!" he shouted while looking around for him in the club. He stopped though as he saw Carter, Denise, and Augie all looking in the same direction. Following their gaze he grew wide eyed as he watched a rather strange performance.

##### A few minutes earlier

~Unholy by sam smith~(Because it's funny) 

Logan had his back to the stipper pole as the six dead rushed at him, not playing fairly in the slightest. The tall man was quick himself though as he struck before he was fully pounced on and snapped out a kick to the dead to his farthest right. the kick connected with the dead's face, sending it back and onto the ground with a growl. Logan took the opportunity with the empty space to grip the pole swing himself around, avoiding the five dead still reaching for him. using the momentum of the spin he swings around to kick the farthest left off the stage next. That, unfortunately, gave the three other dead time to grab at Logans Jacket. 

Seeing the hold they had he quickly flipped his knife into the air, allowing himself to be pulled out of the jacket in an arms back pose, showing off his ripped body that was not at all hidden by his tight compression black shirt. Seeing the knife falling down he opened his mouth and caught the knife like a rose. As he did he ran to the pole again and held on while jumping up into a high upside down grip. gripping his legs just right he let the pole go with his hands as the dead rushed forward. as he did that he also let the knife go from his mouth to fall into his open hand. 

With a twist of his legs and body he slowly spun on the pole downward, flicking his knife out to slice one of the dead's necks nearly in half. The blood spray caused the other two to back up as Logan touched down on the floor with his free hand. Releasing the pole with his legs, Logan then shifted forward to grip the wounded dead's head with them. With ease given his strength he quickly tore the thing off to fly and hit the furthest right dead in the head, sending it back to the floor in a grumble. The force of the execution caused Logan to perform a handstanding spin to keep balance.

Without much effort he shifted his legs to hook the pole again so that he was now spinning back around for another knife attack. Flexing his core he brought himself into a flag hold bringing him perpendicular to the pole, and easily in range to snake out his knife into the head of one of the two center dead. he had to leg go to keep momentum as he used his core to bring himself upright again. he let Gravity spin him to the ground till he was resting on his thighs, and took a moment to drag a hand up his face and through his hair to flick off some of the blood of the dead. Time seemed to slow as he did, the invisible camera zooming in to catch the sweat and blood falling down his face. 

Quickly rising up the pole in an accidental grind he dodged the arm that lunged from the last center dead. Spinning around the pole he used the bolted down object to break the dead's arm completely, leaving a jagged piece of arm bone sticking out from the broken limb. He didn't waste time as he found the furthest left dead rushing towards him, teeth first. Shifting his body he spun both the dead with the broken arm and him till the jagged piece of bone was facing the lunging dead's open mouth. Physics took action as the bone pierced the dead through the mouth and into the brain, killing it instantly. 

With only two dead left Logan shifted back to bring himself behind the broken armed dead. With a swift kick to the back of one of its knees he sent the dead to a kneeling position. Using the pole for the solid surfaces it was, he lifted his leg and sent his booted foot into the dead's head, crushing it completely. Breathing slightly heavy he looked to the final dead, now back on its feet. Logan waited for it to rush him, but instead it clumsily took out a wad of cash and flung it at him. 

The tall scout looked at the ones on the floor before looking back to the dead. With a sigh he walked off the stage and kicked the dead into a chair, then roundhouse kicked the dead hard enough to snap its neck fully. This caused the dead to show an open mouthed expression of release as its head was leaning fully back on the chair while Logan walked away from the stage and the dead. As he did he saw the expressions of wide eyed amazement at the performance from the scouts and Denise. He didn't blink though as he walked to the bar and pulled the fountain gun and used the water option to spray off the blood from his body.

Shaking his head with his eyes closed he missed Augie finishing up his recording and Denise's shiver of lust for him as the world seemed to slow down again as he washed himself. 

"Fuuuck" she whispered out as she accidently pulled the trigger for her shotgun, sending a round into the ceiling. Logan looked over with a raised brow as he dropped the fountain gun, making Denise blush and look away from his gaze.

"Dude..." Carter said as he just kept trying to process that fucking fight scene. Logan didn't really give anyone the time to think though as he spotted the keys in Ben's hands. 

"The place is clear, let's get out of here before more show up" he said while walking away, with Augie being the first to follow him as he sent off the video to a squealing Akane and Leah.