
Wandering Soul

[Indefinite Hiatus. Now debating with myself about continuing this work or starting a new one.] I rushed a few things and the story became pretty complex for me to write, so I am currently editing the latest chapters. Once I am done with that, I will continue releasing chapters. At least one every three days. "A man who died and traveled to another world. Something went wrong and only his soul remained. This story explores the possibilities of the ability to possess others. Living as others and seeing life from their perspectives are among them." Read more for additional details -> If you're expecting a 'Monster Evolution' novel, you better back off. Evolutions will certainly happen, but there won't be many since the protagonist is not really a 'monster'. This is more of an adventure story in a fantasy world. As for Romance and Harem, if he uses his possession skills on girls but does not establish relationships with them, the characters will be easily forgettable. Also, I tend to describe Gender Bender scenes in great detail, so this novel has a lot of filler ... That's all I had to say. You don't need to read what's below this. (This story is bound to changes.) [Low-leveled Author grinding some mobs to get experience.] I feel very dissatisfied with some of the chapters, so, once I am close to finishing Volume 1, I might heavily change them. The general story won't change, but details will. Some might think that my story is garbage. I think so too. However, I will make sure you enjoy this garbage novel by making it interesting enough for you. How? I don't know. I will just give it my all for now. My Twitter (no one follows me): https://twitter.com/DepravedSeeker

DepravedSeeker · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

What I need

'Well then, Ember, you should enjoy this bath. I will be "sleeping" until you finish.' (Usagi)

'No, Master has been a human before, right? I want Master to show me how to bathe!' (Ember)

She had a shy smile on her face and her cheeks were slightly pink. If she had a tail now, I bet it would be swaying from side to side.

'I was a man though ... not a woman ... ' (Usagi)

'Take care of my body, Master!' (Ember)

'No, you should really-' (Usagi)

<The host wishes to be temporarily controlled by the user!>

<The skill 'Assimilation' has been automatically activated!>

<You have become one with a willing host!>

<The skill 'Assimilation' has leveled up! (Lv. 2 -> Lv. 3)>

'Hey! Ember, wake up!' (Ember?)

<The host refuses to awaken!>

'Hey! Don't ignore me!' (Ember?)

No matter how many times I called her, Ember wouldn't wake up. Even when I obviously wasn't acting like her ...

"Huh? You became one again. How interesting ~ Let me show you something good!" (Sylphy)

Quickly, Sylphy's body was surrounded by a light green aura and began to expand in size.

'Wow ... ' (Ember?)

After a few moments, she stopped growing. She had exactly the same appearance as before, but her wings were gone and her height was nearly the same as "mine".

"How is it? Aren't I cute?" (Sylphy)

Nod! "Yes ... " (Ember?)

She was right. Her looks made me think "This is how a fairy should look like!". It wasn't a fact easily appreciated with her previous size as if a pretty doll suddenly became a person.

The dimensions were simply different. If I didn't know Sylphy's species already, I might think that she was an elf.

"I assume it is you there right now? Little Rabbit. Let's get going!" (Sylphy)

" ... " (Ember?)

Sylphy took my hand, so I followed her reluctantly and we arrived in front of a door in less than a minute by walking through a mostly empty corridor.

The bathroom door had an even smaller door built-in.

"Ignore that tiny door. Using this form consumes quite a bit of mana and I rarely have visitors, so I usually go through it." (Sylphy)

We opened the normal-sized door and what was beyond it was revealed.

Different from the white room we were in before, the bathroom had colorful flowers growing on its sky blue walls while being illuminated by mysterious white flowers.

≪Moonflower (Rare). It blooms at night and can illuminate even the darkest darkness.≫

"Beautiful, right? I decorated it myself." (Sylphy)

Nod. " ... " (Ember?)

Sylphy had a smug slime on her face as if she wanted to show off, but the scenery was still taking most of my attention.

"Come here. We shouldn't waste time. You know that a girl takes longer to bathe than a boy, don't you?" (Sylphy)

Still holding my hand, she dragged me to a corner of the room where two wooden shelves were located. One was bigger and located above the other. We used this one.

It was easy to remove "my" clothes, including both "my" gothic dress and "my" black underwear, as I had previous experience ... After I did, I blushed while looking down at "my" body.

'Mary was clearly still a child, but Ember is different ... She already has some of the qualities of a woman ... ' (Ember?)

"You ready? Let's start. I will first wash your hair and then you will wash mine." (Sylphy)

I nodded slowly while looking at Sylphy. Her looks and figure didn't lose compared to Ember's.

"You should cherish this girl. Never let a single scratch get on her skin ... Sadly, you don't have a way, right?" (Sylphy)

Her expression changed after her first words.

It was true, I have no other companions right now. The only method I have of protecting Ember apart from using her body is to borrow the body of a nearby creature.

I could feel that the level of my Possession skill was high enough to control an adult human, but I shouldn't use it lightly.

Unless I consume their souls, they will have lingering memories of the time I utilized their bodies.

The other way is to forcefully use Assimilation and act like them, but I wouldn't be able to help Ember like that.

I need to find more companions ...

Fondle! Fondle! "Hey, stop thinking about that. Your serious expression is too stiff, you will ruin her good looks." (Sylphy)

Moan, moan. "Nnnnh! Kyaaaa!" (Ember?)

She suddenly grabbed "my" chest ...

What is this?! Stop it! I am a man!

"There there. Hehehe, you were so cute I couldn't help it." (Sylphy)

Pant, pant. "Haaah ... Haaah ... Never do that ... again ... " (Ember?)

Shiver! My identity as a man is at risk when I am near this woman!

After that, there weren't any more "eventualities". Although I still blushed fiercely whenever I saw "myself" and Sylphy in the big mirror beside the wide bathtub.

Also, the water and soap bar I used to bathe made me feel the contour of "my" soft body very clearly ...

I thought that my head might become too hot and start releasing steam at any moment ...

Finally, we finished bathing, put on our clothes, and went back to Sylphy's bedroom. We then sat on her bed.

'This should be enough, right Ember?' (Ember?)

I am exhausted ...

<The skill 'Assimilation' has been automatically deactivated!>

<The host's consciousness is beginning to awaken!>

'Thank you, Master! I learned a lot!' (Ember)

'Don't mention it ... ' (Usagi)

Ember smiled happily, her cheeks like peaches.

I want to get a male body soon ... I would normally shout "My will won't ever be broken!" or something like that, but I don't have enough energy ...

"So you returned, Wolf Girl. I will give you another outfit as a gift. A woman should have different clothes for different occasions, after all." (Sylphy)

Sylphy took a white gothic dress out of a wardrobe. It had a similar style to the one Ember was using.

"These are the only ones I can give you. They should be comfortable enough to be used as nightgowns. Also, Little Rabbit, if you want to give this girl a good life, you should get some money." (Sylphy)

I knew this day would come ... When one lives in the wild as a beast (like we were doing before), there isn't a necessity that requires the use of money.

Mary didn't need it to earn any because her parents had enough.

But I ... I will have to get some by working. Not that Ember has a human form, we should be able to go into human towns and cities.

There, food and lodging will not be free. Staying in the streets or alleys is not an option either.

'Ember, can you lend me your mouth again?' (Usagi)

'Yes!' (Ember)

'Thank you.' (Usagi)

I could feel that her body was now under my full control.

"Do you have any good way for me to earn money?" (Ember [Usagi])

"No. Normally, I could have made you both employees here since I'm pretty lonely, but I don't have any money at the moment. I slowly used the one the king gave me over the last decade and was planning to return to the capital." (Sylphy)

The capital? That's right. My original objective is to enjoy this world by going on an adventure!

Having Ember by my side made me forget it. I was just focused on getting stronger along with her ... It wasn't bad though.

I survived thanks to her and we both became stronger by coming to this dungeon ...

"Wait, were you the one who brought us to this dungeon?" (Ember [Usagi])

"Hmm? You were summoned here? I usually leave this thing in something like "automatic" mode. As for how you came here, it tends to summon beasts and monsters from the nearby forest to become experience points for my lackeys. You can blame me, but I think you were just unlucky." (Sylphy)

"I see ... " (Ember [Usagi])

No use crying over spilled milk. She gave us a place to stay the night and clothes for Ember. Blaming her now would make me a bad guy.

"I know! How about I repay you by letting you do that "assimilation" thing? You said that you can learn different things from my memory while sleeping, right? But ... if you try doing anything funny, you might not see the sunlight tomorrow ... Hehehe." (Sylphy)

Sylphy had a bright smile on her face, but her words gave me chills.

"I understand ... Thank you ... " (Ember [Usagi])

I left Ember's body and went inside Sylphy.

'Well then, let me adjust my size. I used too much mana by shapeshifting it.' (Sylphy)

Sylphy's body became increasingly smaller and dragonfly wings grew in her back until she returned to her true form. As I wasn't controlling her body, I couldn't feel it clearly, but it was still an incredible experience.

It was similar yet different to when I possess people. Also, I think now I understood what she meant by "magic clothes". They expand and shrink without tearing, so they should be pretty expensive stuff.

'Good night, Little Rabbit. Take care of me.' (Sylphy)

'Good night, Sylphy. I won't do anything strange. I promise.' (Usagi)

<You used 'Assimilation Lv. 3'!>

<You have become one with a willing host!>

The barrier that made us different disappeared and I could perceive her memories being slowly stored inside my head. My mannerisms changed and I already had a hand on my hips, which was part of her usual pose.

As I also controlled her body now, all kinds of different sensations that were difficult to notice before were now clearly felt.

"My" now bare feet and legs, the leaf dress "I" was wearing, and how tiny "I" was compared to half of the things in this room.

Then, I put my other hand on "my" chest, closed "my" eyes, and raised the synchronization level I had with her.

'I am the Wind Pixie, Sylphy. Part of the Fairy Race and Envoy of the Oak Leaf Kingdom.' (Sylphy?)

<Your consciousness has begun to adjust to that of the host!>

<The time before the host's abilities are assimilated has been reduced!>

"We should go to sleep, 'Wolf Girl'." (Sylphy?)

Ember who regained control of her body now looked sadly at me.

"Master will return to my side tomorrow, right? Right?" (Ember)

"'He' will don't worry." (Sylphy?)

I smiled at her to reassure her that "Little Rabbit" will be with her again once the sun rises.

"Ok ... I will be waiting for him!" (Ember)

She had a resolute expression on her face. I nodded, took "my" normal sleeping posture, and beckoned her to do the same.

We slept next to each other in "my" soft, warm bed until morning.

. . .

That night, I had a dream. It was created by the memories I just acquired.

I could see a great forest that stretched to the horizon. In the middle of it was an enormous tree that went beyond the clouds of the sky.

Small and big wooden houses were built attached to the forest trees. Different species of the fairy race were going to and forth different buildings in the ground.

Elves, dwarfs, pixies, leprechauns, gnomes, and many others. Some were tall while others were short, but all had the same characteristic, their ears were pointy.

A few humans and demihumans could also be seen here and there, but they were only a minority. Some looked like tourists and merchants and the others wore weapons and armor like adventurers.

There was a big palace at the foot of the biggest tree. It wasn't made from wood only like most other buildings but of strong-looking white bricks.

Vine covered most of its walls and they moved around as if they had their own will. Guards were everywhere, some in the air and some on the ground.

Some call this country the Forest Kingdom, but its official name has always been the Oak Leaf Kingdom since it was established in the north of this continent.

As for when that happened, I don't know. It isn't in "my" memories.

The gigantic tree in the heart of the kingdom is this world's very first tree. It is the World Tree, Yggdrasil.

There is also some information about a distinct place, but I couldn't see any images or scenes. Only words describing it came to my mind.

It is located in the center of this continent and it's its biggest and most treacherous region.

Different biomes could be found on it. Desserts, snow mountains, volcanoes, and even the biggest lake were just some of them.

It was the place where natural dungeons could still be witnessed.

It is even said that the most powerful beings besides Gods, the Dragons are hidden somewhere in it. Though this tends to be considered a myth, as no one has seen any in recent decades.

The dream ended when I saw the face of a girl with white hair and golden eyes in a cute frilly white dress inside the royal palace located in the capital of this kingdom. As for her identity, there was not enough time to find out.

Sunlight coming from a small hole in the ceiling (since there were no windows here) illuminated the entire room and "my" eyes slowly opened.

... Where is your treasure?

DepravedSeekercreators' thoughts