
Wandering Soul

[Indefinite Hiatus. Now debating with myself about continuing this work or starting a new one.] I rushed a few things and the story became pretty complex for me to write, so I am currently editing the latest chapters. Once I am done with that, I will continue releasing chapters. At least one every three days. "A man who died and traveled to another world. Something went wrong and only his soul remained. This story explores the possibilities of the ability to possess others. Living as others and seeing life from their perspectives are among them." Read more for additional details -> If you're expecting a 'Monster Evolution' novel, you better back off. Evolutions will certainly happen, but there won't be many since the protagonist is not really a 'monster'. This is more of an adventure story in a fantasy world. As for Romance and Harem, if he uses his possession skills on girls but does not establish relationships with them, the characters will be easily forgettable. Also, I tend to describe Gender Bender scenes in great detail, so this novel has a lot of filler ... That's all I had to say. You don't need to read what's below this. (This story is bound to changes.) [Low-leveled Author grinding some mobs to get experience.] I feel very dissatisfied with some of the chapters, so, once I am close to finishing Volume 1, I might heavily change them. The general story won't change, but details will. Some might think that my story is garbage. I think so too. However, I will make sure you enjoy this garbage novel by making it interesting enough for you. How? I don't know. I will just give it my all for now. My Twitter (no one follows me): https://twitter.com/DepravedSeeker

DepravedSeeker · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


Once the sun began to set, we tried to find a cave or natural shelter in our environment, but it was useless ...

We were completely in the middle of a forest and there was not a hill to be seen near our location ...


" ... Little Rabbit, go hunt something. Wolf Girl is hungry, right?" (Sylphy)

"But Sylphy ... " (Ember [Usagi])

We did not buy any meat beforehand and instead, we acquired hunting tools to obtain it ourselves in the wild.

As for Sylphy, she doesn't like meat very much, so drinking some water and eating some fruit should be enough for her.

She probably needs even less food in her true form ...

However ...

"Don't worry about finding a place to spend the night, I'll take care of it." (Sylphy)

" ... Okay, I'll go." (Ember )

I wasn't sure what she would do, but I had an inkling ...

As for trying to know exactly what she will do, prying too much information from her memories would be disrespectful.

Besides, if she was so sure of getting us shelter, I should just leave it to her.

Before going, I asked Sylphy for my sword, her field bag, and her iron knife while I checked that Ember's black steel breastplate was securely attached to her chest.

"Well then, I am going." (Ember [Usagi])

"Yes, be careful ... If you find yourself in danger, get back here as quickly as you can, understood?" (Sylphy)

She nodded her head as she smiled before her expression suddenly turned serious when she warned me.

" ... I know, Sylphy ... In case the same thing happens to you, use our link to tell me. I'll come to your aid as quickly as I can." (Ember [Usagi])

I also looked at her with a solemn expression before activating Soul Link.

'Understood?' (Usagi)

' ... Yes.' (Sylphy)

For some reason, her face was slightly blushed.

After that, I turned around and went hunting.

. . .

'Finding food, huh?' (Usagi)

For now, I was walking in the direction that I thought would have more prey to hunt. The one with the most trees.

Then I stopped and remembered what I learned from both the camp training I had as a child and from my favorite survival TV show.

To locate prey, look for traces. They can be small and difficult to notice.

Also, if you look even closer, you can find out roughly how long it has been since they were made.

My improved senses of sight and smell helped me a lot and I quickly found many of them.

<The passive skill 'Tracking Lv. 1' has been acquired!>

Tiny pieces of fur, half-eaten nuts, and even some blood.

My newfound ability made them more apparent in front of my eyes as if they had become brighter.

The first two appeared to have been made by small animals while the last was next to what appeared to be bear tracks.

' ... A bear? If it was a monster and not a beast, I could get a lot of experience, but ... ' (Usagi)

First, I had no practice using a longsword, so I could die if it is too strong.

Second, this field bag is not big enough to store its corpse.

Lastly, this is not a dungeon so it won't disappear when I kill it, and ending its life just to gain experience would be a waste.

As for getting a bigger bag ...

From what Sylphy told me, high-quality field bags infused with Space Magic are really hard to come by as well as being quite expensive.

Only high-ranking adventurers and nobility can afford them ...

'Damn ... I want to become an adventurer ... ' (Usagi)

If you are strong, it is one of the best jobs you can get besides working for the royal family or a large merchant. As for serving a noble ... it depends a lot on his or her personality.

If your employer is too poor but gentle, they won't pay you enough, and if they do, you'll feel bad about taking their money.

On the other hand, if they are extremely ruthless, you could end up doing things that won't make you happy at all, like forcing others to work using violence.

<The skill 'Increased Intelligence' has leveled up! (Lv. 3 -> Lv. 4)>

' ... ' (Usagi)

Heh. I had forgotten that I had a skill like that ...

Well, if I can become stronger because of it, then everything is fine.


'Focus, Usagi! This is not the time to think about useless things!' (Usagi)

If it weren't for the cute growl of Ember's stomach, I could spend a lot of time idly thinking.

However, Quick Thinking helps me think more in less time by making my thoughts faster, so I was only standing here for a few minutes at most.

Then, I once again concentrated on looking for prey and managed to find one soon enough.

≪ ???

Race: Beast

Species: Black Pronghorn

Gender: Male

Age: 3

Level: 64 ≫

It was a medium-sized deer-like beast with black fur and complex horns of the same color on the top of its head.

If I didn't have Darkvision, it would be harder for me to spot it in the shadows created by the setting sun.

"Om nom nom ... Delicious~" (Black Pronghorn)

He was enjoying some white and yellow flowers with a peaceful expression on his face as I prepared to hunt him.

Beast Language worked correctly even if I didn't want it to.

'You will also become a delicious meal ... to satiate Ember's stomach ... ' (Usagi)

I prayed that he would find happiness in his next life before slowly putting down the field bag I was carrying and unsheathed my longsword carefully to not make any noise.

Then, I looked at my other equipment.

'If plastic and paper exist in this world, this breastplate must also have a stainless steel coating. As for this white dress ... ' (Usagi)

It'll end up drenched in blood no matter what ...

There's no way I'm fighting naked and I also don't want to try using Ember's werewolf form until she wakes up.

' ... Sorry, Ember. I'll wash it later ... ' (Usagi)

I have not practiced using magic enough to deftly control water, but I will still try.

Also, Sylphy bought soap powder, so I should be able to clean this dress somehow.

After making that promise, I recalled the Elite Goblin's swordsmanship with the shortsword.

<The skill 'Shortsword Mastery Lv. 4' is partially incompatible with the currently equipped weapon!>

'I see ... So this is how weapons masteries work ... ' (Usagi)

Shortswords are, as the name implies, shorter and lighter, so faster attacks can be made with them.

On the other hand, longswords focus more on power than speed and are also longer.

If I were fighting in a cave or inside a narrow building, a shortsword would be more practical because a long sword would easily bounce off walls.

The differences between them make me unable to fully use Shortsword Mastery.

However, even if I can't use all the moves that I should be able to, the Elite Goblin's battle experiences still flow through my entire being.

He did not live 5 years in vain. Sometimes he fought fairly and sometimes cowardly.

As for his preferred method of killing, it was the art of assassination. He wasn't the best at it, but goblins are also night hunters.

He led his tribe many times under the orders of his "Master" to ambush his enemies.

'Rest in peace, my friend. I will surely use your powers wisely. As for getting revenge for you ... I'll do it if the opportunity presents itself.' (Usagi)

Both his memories and the words he said before he died made me feel empathy for him ...

Once I was ready to hunt, I activated Stealth plus Shadow Camouflage and tried to stay as hidden as possible as I slowly approached my prey.

The second darkness spell that Ember can use is called Dark Shield. It can only protect me from holy magic, so it is quite useless to me right now ...

Now I was less than ten meters away from him.

'I don't think I can get any closer than this ... ' (Usagi)

If I did, the pronghorn would definitely detect my presence.

It would be a shame if he escaped ...

Because I even did my best to prevent all the twigs I found on the ground from snapping ...

I don't think he can outrun me, but I didn't want to take any chances.

After waiting a few moments and knowing that he still hadn't noticed me, I accelerated while using Ambush and quickly pierced through his side to hold him in place.

Pierce! Slash! "Hyaaa! Die!" (Ember [Usagi])

My sword tore through him without any resistance and before he could make a sound, I slashed his neck as well.

Thump! ... Gush!

<You have leveled up! (Lv. 71 -> Lv. 72)>

<'Ember' has leveled up! (Lv. 1 -> Lv. 3)>

His head fell to the ground with a stupid expression still on it as blood gushed out in large amounts from his neck.

As for the experience points we received, they were very few so we barely managed to level up.

Sigh. 'As expected ... Ember's dress is now soaked in blood ... ' (Usagi)

I managed to avoid most of it, but small stains still managed to appear.

'It would be nice if I could use wind magic ... Once Ember wakes up, I should ask Sylphy to let me assimilate her wind magic attribute ... ' (Usagi)

If I could quickly cover myself with a Wind Shield, things like this wouldn't happen ...

Looking at my longsword, I made a quick motion with my hand to remove the blood and marveled at its sharpness.

It cut the neck of the pronghorn like butter. However, Ember is too short in stature to use it properly.

'If it didn't have a seal on it, I wouldn't be so disappointed ... ' (Usagi)

Its sealed form is already that strong ...

I wonder how amazing it would be if I could unseal it ...

Regarding its length, even Sylphy cannot use this longsword properly as her height is almost the same as Ember's even when she changes her appearance to that of a human ...

'Man, I want a taller companion ... ' (Usagi)

I shook my head to forget these useless thoughts and proceeded to dismantle my prey.

First, I managed to somehow skin it off and then slice only the most delicious looking meat I could see.

As for the rest, I'll let nature take care of it.

The skinning process would have been more difficult to do if I didn't have a knife, as doing it with a longsword would be awkward.

In addition, Increased Physical Prowess also helped me not to look like an idiot while doing this as it was my first time.

<The passive skill 'Dismantling Lv. 1' has been acquired!>

Then, I wrapped the meat with the fleshy side of its skin and put it in my field bag along with its horns.

The latter seemed expensive, after all.

As for my longsword, I sheathed it back in its scabbard.

'Yay! Mission complete! ... Although it was easier than I thought ... ' (Usagi)

Once I had the field bag hanging from one of my shoulders and my sword in my left hand, I raised my right fist to the sky with satisfaction.

Then, I went back to where I came from.

The link I had with Sylphy not only allowed me to communicate with her like before but now, I could also feel the general direction I should go to find her.

'Sylphy, I'm going back now. (Usagi)

'Excellent. I'm almost done with the preparations on my side.' (Sylphy)

She told me earlier that she tried to contact me when I went to save Ember. However, I did not hear her voice even once.

I managed to think of three possibilities as to why this happened.

First, I was really weakened at the time.

Second, I cannot talk to others while inside my inner world, as time passes more slowly there.

As for the last possibility ... The "System" could have blocked my communication with her for some reason.

However, these are just my theories.

I'll know the truth the next time I visit Ember.

. . .

Once I was close to her location, I saw Sylphy talking to some wisps of light of different colors. Half of them were brown, while the rest were red, light blue, and dark green.

"Spirits of the earth, make some holes to serve as door and window frames!" (Sylphy)

She looked cute when she gave them orders.

"Nature spirits, put some leaves on top to serve as a roof! As for the fire spirits, light that fireplace!" (Sylphy)

I didn't want to interrupt her, so I only watched from a distance with a marveled expression.

The wisps of light that she called Spirits floated in the air and went here and there with enthusiasm as if they were not working but dancing and playing.

The earth mixed with water to form mud and rose to form walls.

Then, vines grew from the soil around them and covered the top of the walls with leaves from side to side to slowly make a roof.

Finally, sparks ignited the twigs that Sylphy collected in the middle of some stones with wind magic to make a small bonfire.

Those little guys were more skilled compared to their looks.

As for what they were building, it was a cozy little mud hut with a fireplace.

'This reminds me of the dirt houses I used to build in a certain open-world video game ... They weren't that fancy though. ' (Usagi)

Sylphy noticed my presence and came flying to my side.

"Little Rabbit, this is Spirt Magic! Amazing, right?" (Sylphy)

" ... Yeah." (Ember [Usagi])

It was indeed extraordinary. Being able to receive help from the spirits that inhabit every inch of this world is no small feat.

"How was your hunt?" (Sylphy)

"Pretty neat. Although I want to ask you for some soap ... " (Ember [Usagi])

I grabbed the hem of Ember's dress so she could see the bloodstains properly.

Her face went pale for a moment and she quickly spun around me.

Sigh. " ... Sorry. I thought for a moment that it was your blood ... " (Sylphy)

"Haha! Don't worry, there is no way I can lose to a mere beast! Both Ember and I are really strong!" (Ember [Usagi])

I posed to show her the "mighty" muscles of my "manly" arms, but then I blushed in shame.

They were the slender white female arms of a young woman and did not even possess a hint of being powerful ...

" ... " (Ember [Usagi])

Giggle! " ... Hehe! You always know how to make me laugh, Little Rabbit!" (Sylphy)

I looked away in embarrassment, but then looked back at her once I calmed down.

Gasp. (Ember [Usagi])

She was much closer now, standing in front of my face ...

" ... Thank you, Little Rabbit." (Sylphy)

She gave me a beautiful smile and then kissed one of my cheeks with her little lips ...

<The host has acquired the passive skill 'Fairy Blessing of Friendship Lv. 1'!>

<The passive skill 'Fairy Blessing of Love Lv. 1' has been acquired!>

Friendship? ... Love?

" ... Fairies only kiss those who are truly important to us. Please don't forget that ... " (Sylphy)

She twirled her hair with one of her hands when she said that while her entire face was flushed.

' ... Cute.' (Usagi)

When she saw me staring at her, she blushed even more and hurried to fly over to where the spirits were working.

Her words made me feel warm inside and I couldn't stop smiling like an idiot ...

As for my new skill, I had already forgotten about it ...

'Shoot! I forgot to ask her for soap powder again!' (Usagi)

Well ... we're companions now, so I don't think she'll be mad at me for taking some without permission.

Before I did, I got naked and grabbed one of the bars of soap we recently bought.

Afterward, I meticulously cleaned Ember's body using water magic.

'I don't want my girlfriend to smell like blood after all ... I'm not a pervert. I swear.' (Usagi)

My blushing face betrayed my thoughts ...

Once she was spotlessly clean, I slipped on Ember's black gothic dress and underwear before starting to wash her stained clothes.

'Slowly ... Carefully ... ' (Usagi)

If I didn't focus enough, I could end up ruining them.

I created a large ball of water floating in front of me and threw her clothes there along with some soap powder.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Then, I simulated the spinning movements of a washing machine as best I could until they were sparkling clean.

Whirl! Whirl!

Finally, I removed most of the moisture they had and ironed them with the coolest fire I could use.

Swish! Swish!

The final part of the process was the most difficult since I did the first two in the air and the last one I had to do with my own hands.

'Done!' (Usagi)

I did a pretty good job if I say so myself.

<The skill 'Mana Flow Control' has leveled up! (Lv. 2 -> Lv. 3)>

<The skill 'Chantless Casting' has leveled up! (Lv. 2 -> Lv. 3)>

The messages the system showed me did not betray my expectations.

Just in time, Sylphy came back to my side once I put Ember's clean clothes inside her magic bag.

" ... Come with me, Little Rabbit ... Our sleeping place is now complete." (Sylphy)

She was still a little flushed, but not as pink as before.

I didn't say anything and just grabbed our bags before following her with a smile on my face.

Let's pray for the fallen Pronghorn ...

DepravedSeekercreators' thoughts