

Sorry I haven't made a chapter in while I have had school and exams the past few days bugging me out so sorry to you all.


Hatchi took a step back. He was horrified, he saw his leader get killed in seconds right in front of him in mere moments.

What was this monster? How was it so strong? It took out Arlong in seconds.

But he felt some sort of connection with it, It had a slave mark yet it was strong. Was it a bodyguard for the celestial dragons? If so why was it still a child? he was sure even the celestial dragons felt at least a sliver of pity.


Hatchi suddenly froze at those words. Did it mean it considered him a brother? why would it kill his sworn brother and then call him its own brother simply because he is a tentacle Fishman?

This action was simply preposterous! Maybe he could finally... leave pirating? He hadn't gotten used to killing yet and neither did his brothers. Arlong did but he was always Hody Jones's favorite he was always killing whether it was humans or fishmen he killed.

It was finally time to begin peace. Finally, time to go back and see Jinbe.

Hell, maybe even get along with the humans. Maybe, maybe not.

But what about the others? He and his brothers had robbed the village and even took a child simply for her ability to draw maps.

He wanted peace and so did queen Otohime before the celestial dragon took her away yet this made Arlong want to kill humans even more.

What choice did he have really? Peace or death? Before he could think the little monster as black as night spoke the words right out of his mind

"Human...want...peace...with...you..." spoke the inky monster

And so started their journey back to the village with the child and the others.

Once they reached the village all they could see were scowls and glares all while there were confused gazes piercing through the ink-black mini squid child.

"What do you want now you foul beasts?!" spoke one of the villagers

"...We want peace" Said Hatchi in a low tone

Their gazes turned from scared to surprise.

"How will you do that huh? You already killed Belle-mere and took her child. How can you want peace like that?" said the villager in anger

"No Belle-mere is not dead yet you see" spoke the doctor from a crowd gathering around the fishmen as he explained the situation to the villagers.

"The money is yours you can take it and the child well... she is in the carriage... I apologize for our behavior, we have just been cut off from our friend and our leader has gone mad with bloodlust," spoke Hatchi as he lowered his eyes to the ground regretfully.

All the while the inky child rested next to the girl with hair as orange as the tangerines she smelled of.

'Family, maybe family is what I want...Dom Toretto you were right all along' It thought. Though it had no family whether it was in his past life or in his new life he didn't have the kind of family that he could rest with. He only had brotherhood with the soldiers that fought and died with him.

The red-haired woman rushed out of the clinic and ran towards her child, grasping it and embracing the small child. Her figure resembling someone who was close to the child, not a lover but his mother, the very mother that died only months after his birth.

He took a deep breath and tugged at the arm of the woman, though she didn't notice as she was still embracing her daughter but only noticed after the sound of light sobbing. She turned and saw a small humanoid squid made of ink, the weird part that the tears were simply dangling like the last drops of marmalade on a spoon.

But to her it did not matter, she knew who this little chap was, this little child was the one who stole her from the hands of death. And so she embraced the little fellow as well even if letting him go he was stuck on her like glue.

"So you were the little one that saved me huh?" said Belle-mere

"You...Family...Belle-mere...." the little child stuttered

And so the little boy was adopted into the family of tangerines and windmills